use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; use std::cmp; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::rc::{Rc, Weak}; struct Directory { id: String, size: Cell, // mmm i'd rather have a plain Directory instead of Rc // but i get "cannot move out of x which is behind a shared reference" children: RefCell>>, parent: Option> } fn main() { let args = env::args().nth(1).expect("missing input"); let input = fs::read_to_string(args).unwrap(); let history: Vec<&str> = input.trim().split("\n").collect(); let root = Rc::new(Directory { id: String::from("/"), size: Cell::from(0), children: RefCell::from(Vec::new()), parent: None }); let mut current = root.clone(); for line in &history[1..] { let output = line.split(" "); match output.collect::>()[..] { ["$", "ls"] => { // println!("$ ls") }, ["$", "cd", ".."] => { current = current.parent.clone().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap(); // lmao // println!("$ cd .."); }, ["$", "cd", id] => { let mut next: Option> = None; for i in &*current.children.borrow() { if == id { next = Option::from(i.clone()); break; } } current = next.unwrap(); // println!("$ cd {}", id); }, ["dir", id] => { (current.children.borrow_mut()).push(Rc::from(Directory { id: String::from(id), size: Cell::from(0), children: RefCell::from(Vec::new()), parent: Option::from(Rc::downgrade(¤t)) })); // println!("dir {}", id) }, [size, id] => { current.size.replace(current.size.get() + size.parse::().unwrap()); // println!("{} {}", size, id) }, _ => panic!("crash and burn"), } } // Corrects directory sizes by adding the size of nested directories to the directory fn populate_size(a: &Rc) { for i in &*a.children.borrow() { populate_size(&i); a.size.set(a.size.get() + i.size.get()); } } populate_size(&root); const maximum_space: i32 = 100000; fn calc_size(a: &Rc) -> i32 { let mut sum = 0; for i in &*a.children.borrow() { sum += calc_size(&i); } if a.size.get() <= maximum_space { sum += a.size.get(); } return sum; } println!("{}", calc_size(&root)); const total_space: i32 = 70000000; const update_space: i32 = 30000000; // no global variables?? O_O let needed_space = update_space - (total_space - root.size.get()); fn calc_min(a: &Rc, min: i32, need: i32) -> i32 { let mut min = min; if a.size.get() >= need { min = cmp::min(a.size.get(), min); } for i in &*a.children.borrow() { min = cmp::min(calc_min(&i, min, need), min); } return min; } println!("{}", calc_min(&root, update_space, needed_space)); }