package model.css; import org.javatuples.*; import java.util.*; /* * RULES ::= (RULE)+ * RULE ::= SELECTORS '{' (PROPERTY | (PROPERTY ';')*) '}' * SELECTORS ::= SELECTOR (COMBINATOR SELECTOR)* * SELECTOR ::= TAG | '#' WORD | '.' WORD * COMBINATOR ::= '<' | '*' | '~' | ' ' | ... * PROPERTY ::= ATTRIBUTE ':' VALUE * ATTRIBUTE ::= 'color' | 'text' | ... * VALUE ::= ??? idk lol */ public class CssParser { /** * CSS is nice to parse, and so we have a relatively small number of parser states. */ private enum ParserState { SELECTORS, MEDIA_SELECTORS, ATTRIBUTE, VALUE, // PROPERTIES::PROPERTY::ATTRIBUTE, PROPRETIES::PROPERTY::VALUE SINGLE_QUOTES, DOUBLE_QUOTES, // VALUE::SINGLE_QUOTES, VALUE::DOUBLE_QUOTES } // essentially the csstree type, only we don't need it to be a tree private ArrayList>>> result; // a bunch of useful buffers: optimizations in the future could likely come from tweaking these // note that i know nothing about data structure performance: but i'm pretty sure that Strings // are _not_ the right tool for the job here, lol private String currentSelector; private ArrayList> currentRule; private String currentProperty; private String currentValue; // important for quote escapes private char previousChar; private ParserState state; /// Initialize all buffers to default values public CssParser() { result = new ArrayList<>(); currentSelector = ""; currentRule = new ArrayList<>(); currentProperty = ""; currentValue = ""; previousChar = '\0'; // We safely assume to start by reading a selector. state = ParserState.SELECTORS; } /** * Parses a (valid) CSS file in a left-to-right, leftmost-derivation style. No additional lookup is needed, * however we do keep a previousChar value for dealing with (annoying) escaped quotes. * It should be fast - I'd say something about time complexity if I knew anything about time complexity. * No guarantees are made about invalid CSS files. Also, no guarantees are made about valid CSS files, lol. *
* REQUIRES: A valid CSS file, as a raw String. * MODIFIES: this * EFFECTS: Returns a parsed CSS representation as several nested ArrayLists and Pairs of Strings. */ public ArrayList>>> parseCSS(String input) { for (char c : input.toCharArray()) { // System.out.print(state); // System.out.println(" " + c); switch (state) { case SELECTORS: caseSelectors(c); break; case MEDIA_SELECTORS: caseMediaSelectors(c); break; case ATTRIBUTE: caseAttribute(c); break; case VALUE: caseValue(c); break; case SINGLE_QUOTES: caseSingleQuotes(c); break; case DOUBLE_QUOTES: caseDoubleQuotes(c); break; } } return result; } /** * EFFECTS: Handles and updates parser state/buffers for a single character while in the SELECTORS state. * See also: the (slightly wrong) context-free grammar commented at the start of this file. * MODIFIES: this */ private void caseSelectors(char c) { switch (c) { case '@': if (currentSelector.equals("")) { state = ParserState.MEDIA_SELECTORS; } else { currentSelector += c; } break; case '{': state = ParserState.ATTRIBUTE; break; case ' ': case '\n': break; // todo: do better than blindly create a string; pattern match on css selectors default: currentSelector += c; break; } } /** * EFFECTS: Handles and updates parser state/buffers for a single character while in the MEDIA_SELECTORS state. * MODIFIES: this */ private void caseMediaSelectors(char c) { switch (c) { // todo: don't entirely disregard media queries, also split between @media/@... case '{': state = ParserState.SELECTORS; // discard currentSelector currentSelector = ""; break; default: currentSelector += c; break; } } /** * EFFECTS: Handles and updates parser state/buffers for a single character while in the ATTRIBUTE state. * MODIFIES: this */ private void caseAttribute(char c) { switch (c) { case ':': state = ParserState.VALUE; break; case '}': state = ParserState.SELECTORS; if (!currentValue.equals("") || !currentProperty.equals("")) { // System.out.println("something's wrong"); currentProperty = ""; currentValue = ""; } result.add(new Pair<>(currentSelector, currentRule)); currentSelector = ""; currentRule = new ArrayList<>(); break; case ' ': case '\n': break; default: currentProperty += c; break; } } /** * EFFECTS: Handles and updates parser state/buffers for a single character while in the VALUE state. * MODIFIES: this */ private void caseValue(char c) { switch (c) { case ';': state = ParserState.ATTRIBUTE; updateCurrentRule(); break; case '}': state = ParserState.SELECTORS; if (!currentValue.equals("") || !currentProperty.equals("")) { updateCurrentRule(); } result.add(new Pair<>(currentSelector, currentRule)); currentSelector = ""; currentRule = new ArrayList<>(); break; // todo: handle spaces better: they're actually important inside values case ' ': case '\n': break; // believe me, i think this is ugly too but it passes checkstyle case '\'': state = ParserState.SINGLE_QUOTES; currentValue += c; break; // intentional use of TERRIBLE SMOKING FOOTGUN behavior to check boxes case '\"': state = ParserState.DOUBLE_QUOTES; default: currentValue += c; break; } } /** * Helper function to check method length boxes. * EFFECTS: Adds a new property to the current rule. * MODIFIES: this */ private void updateCurrentRule() { currentRule.add(new Pair<>(currentProperty, currentValue)); currentProperty = ""; currentValue = ""; } // todo: handle additional escaped characters, though what we have right now isn't bad /** * EFFECTS: Handles and updates parser state/buffers for a single character while in the SINGLE_QUOTES state. * MODIFIES: this */ private void caseSingleQuotes(char c) { switch (c) { case '\'': if (previousChar != '\\') { state = ParserState.VALUE; // quotes in css are exclusively? for paths: so we want to include the quotes themselves currentValue += c; previousChar = '\0'; } else { // possibly not the best way to handle this, may be better to keep the backslash currentValue = currentValue.substring(0, currentValue.length() - 2); currentValue += c; previousChar = c; } break; default: currentValue += c; break; } } /** * EFFECTS: Handles and updates parser state/buffers for a single character while in the DOUBLE_QUOTES state. * MODIFIES: this */ private void caseDoubleQuotes(char c) { switch (c) { case '\"': if (previousChar != '\\') { state = ParserState.VALUE; currentValue += c; previousChar = '\0'; } else { currentValue = currentValue.substring(0, currentValue.length() - 2); currentValue += c; previousChar = c; } break; default: currentValue += c; break; } } /** * Takes an input string with units and returns out the value in pixels. This is a fault-tolerant system. * When given an invalid string (i.e. "12p53x"), it will produce an invalid result instead of throwing. * However, it should parse every valid string correctly. *
* REQUIRES: A string of the form [NUMBER][VALIDUNIT] * EFFECTS: Returns a number, in pixels, that has been converted appropriately */ private static double parseUnits(String input) { String numbers = ""; String units = ""; // imagine making a language without iterable strings, fml for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { char c = input.charAt(i); if (Character.isDigit(c) || c == '.' || c == '-') { numbers += c; } else { units += c; } } double value; try { value = Float.parseFloat(numbers); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // System.out.printf("Did not parse a float from %s, proceeding with value 0.0...%n", numbers); value = 0.0; } return convertUnits(units, value); } /** * REQUIRES: a String that is a unit, otherwise defaults to pixels * EFFECTS: converts a value in some units to a value in pixels */ private static double convertUnits(String units, double value) { // god case/break is such a fault-provoking design i hate it // good thing we avoid breaks entirely here lmao switch (units) { // absolute units case "px": return value; case "pc": return value * 16; case "pt": return value * (4.0 / 3.0); case "cm": return value * 37.8; case "mm": return value * 378; case "Q": return value * 1512; case "in": return value * 96; // not handled: % em ex ch rem lh rlh vw vh vmin vmax vb vi svw svh lvw lvh dvw dvh default: // System.out.printf("Unit %s not implemented, defaulting to %s in pixels...%n", units, value); return value; } } } /* * body { * background-color: #f0f0f2; * margin: 0; * padding: 0; * font-family: -apple-system, system-ui, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", * "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; * * } * div { * width: 600px; * margin: 5em auto; * padding: 2em; * background-color: #fdfdff; * border-radius: 0.5em; * box-shadow: 2px 3px 7px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.02); * } * a:link, a:visited { * color: #38488f; * text-decoration: none; * } * @media (max - width : 700px) { * div { * margin: 0 auto; * width: auto; * } * } */