/* * This file is part of caronte (https://github.com/eciavatta/caronte). * Copyright (c) 2020 Emiliano Ciavatta. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package main import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "github.com/eciavatta/caronte/parsers" log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "strings" "time" ) const ( initialMessagesSize = 1024 initialRegexSlicesCount = 8 pwntoolsMaxServerBytes = 20 ) type ConnectionStream struct { ID RowID `bson:"_id"` ConnectionID RowID `bson:"connection_id"` FromClient bool `bson:"from_client"` DocumentIndex int `bson:"document_index"` Payload []byte `bson:"payload"` BlocksIndexes []int `bson:"blocks_indexes"` BlocksTimestamps []time.Time `bson:"blocks_timestamps"` BlocksLoss []bool `bson:"blocks_loss"` PatternMatches map[uint][]PatternSlice `bson:"pattern_matches"` } type PatternSlice [2]uint64 type Message struct { FromClient bool `json:"from_client"` Content string `json:"content"` Metadata parsers.Metadata `json:"metadata"` IsMetadataContinuation bool `json:"is_metadata_continuation"` Index int `json:"index"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` IsRetransmitted bool `json:"is_retransmitted"` RegexMatches []RegexSlice `json:"regex_matches"` } type RegexSlice struct { From uint64 `json:"from"` To uint64 `json:"to"` } type GetMessageFormat struct { Format string `form:"format"` } type DownloadMessageFormat struct { Format string `form:"format"` Type string `form:"type"` } type ConnectionStreamsController struct { storage Storage } func NewConnectionStreamsController(storage Storage) ConnectionStreamsController { return ConnectionStreamsController{ storage: storage, } } func (csc ConnectionStreamsController) GetConnectionMessages(c context.Context, connectionID RowID, format GetMessageFormat) ([]*Message, bool) { connection := csc.getConnection(c, connectionID) if connection.ID.IsZero() { return nil, false } messages := make([]*Message, 0, initialMessagesSize) var clientIndex, serverIndex uint64 var clientBlocksIndex, serverBlocksIndex int var clientDocumentIndex, serverDocumentIndex int clientStream := csc.getConnectionStream(c, connectionID, true, clientDocumentIndex) serverStream := csc.getConnectionStream(c, connectionID, false, serverDocumentIndex) hasClientBlocks := func() bool { return clientBlocksIndex < len(clientStream.BlocksIndexes) } hasServerBlocks := func() bool { return serverBlocksIndex < len(serverStream.BlocksIndexes) } var message *Message messagesBuffer := make([]*Message, 0, 16) contentChunkBuffer := new(bytes.Buffer) var lastContentSlice []byte var sideChanged, lastClient, lastServer bool for !clientStream.ID.IsZero() || !serverStream.ID.IsZero() { if hasClientBlocks() && (!hasServerBlocks() || // next payload is from client clientStream.BlocksTimestamps[clientBlocksIndex].UnixNano() <= serverStream.BlocksTimestamps[serverBlocksIndex].UnixNano()) { start := clientStream.BlocksIndexes[clientBlocksIndex] end := 0 if clientBlocksIndex < len(clientStream.BlocksIndexes)-1 { end = clientStream.BlocksIndexes[clientBlocksIndex+1] } else { end = len(clientStream.Payload) } size := uint64(end - start) message = &Message{ FromClient: true, Content: DecodeBytes(clientStream.Payload[start:end], format.Format), Index: start, Timestamp: clientStream.BlocksTimestamps[clientBlocksIndex], IsRetransmitted: clientStream.BlocksLoss[clientBlocksIndex], RegexMatches: findMatchesBetween(clientStream.PatternMatches, clientIndex, clientIndex+size), } clientIndex += size clientBlocksIndex++ lastContentSlice = clientStream.Payload[start:end] sideChanged, lastClient, lastServer = lastServer, true, false } else { // next payload is from server start := serverStream.BlocksIndexes[serverBlocksIndex] end := 0 if serverBlocksIndex < len(serverStream.BlocksIndexes)-1 { end = serverStream.BlocksIndexes[serverBlocksIndex+1] } else { end = len(serverStream.Payload) } size := uint64(end - start) message = &Message{ FromClient: false, Content: DecodeBytes(serverStream.Payload[start:end], format.Format), Index: start, Timestamp: serverStream.BlocksTimestamps[serverBlocksIndex], IsRetransmitted: serverStream.BlocksLoss[serverBlocksIndex], RegexMatches: findMatchesBetween(serverStream.PatternMatches, serverIndex, serverIndex+size), } serverIndex += size serverBlocksIndex++ lastContentSlice = serverStream.Payload[start:end] sideChanged, lastClient, lastServer = lastClient, false, true } if !hasClientBlocks() { clientDocumentIndex++ clientBlocksIndex = 0 clientIndex = 0 clientStream = csc.getConnectionStream(c, connectionID, true, clientDocumentIndex) } if !hasServerBlocks() { serverDocumentIndex++ serverBlocksIndex = 0 serverIndex = 0 serverStream = csc.getConnectionStream(c, connectionID, false, serverDocumentIndex) } updateMetadata := func() { metadata := parsers.Parse(contentChunkBuffer.Bytes()) var isMetadataContinuation bool for _, elem := range messagesBuffer { elem.Metadata = metadata elem.IsMetadataContinuation = isMetadataContinuation isMetadataContinuation = true } messagesBuffer = messagesBuffer[:0] contentChunkBuffer.Reset() } if sideChanged { updateMetadata() } messagesBuffer = append(messagesBuffer, message) contentChunkBuffer.Write(lastContentSlice) if clientStream.ID.IsZero() && serverStream.ID.IsZero() { updateMetadata() } messages = append(messages, message) } return messages, true } func (csc ConnectionStreamsController) DownloadConnectionMessages(c context.Context, connectionID RowID, format DownloadMessageFormat) (string, bool) { connection := csc.getConnection(c, connectionID) if connection.ID.IsZero() { return "", false } var sb strings.Builder includeClient, includeServer := format.Type != "only_server", format.Type != "only_client" isPwntools := format.Type == "pwntools" var clientBlocksIndex, serverBlocksIndex int var clientDocumentIndex, serverDocumentIndex int var clientStream ConnectionStream if includeClient { clientStream = csc.getConnectionStream(c, connectionID, true, clientDocumentIndex) } var serverStream ConnectionStream if includeServer { serverStream = csc.getConnectionStream(c, connectionID, false, serverDocumentIndex) } hasClientBlocks := func() bool { return clientBlocksIndex < len(clientStream.BlocksIndexes) } hasServerBlocks := func() bool { return serverBlocksIndex < len(serverStream.BlocksIndexes) } if isPwntools { if format.Format == "base32" || format.Format == "base64" { sb.WriteString("import base64\n") } sb.WriteString("from pwn import *\n\n") sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("p = remote('%s', %d)\n", connection.DestinationIP, connection.DestinationPort)) } lastIsClient, lastIsServer := true, true for !clientStream.ID.IsZero() || !serverStream.ID.IsZero() { if hasClientBlocks() && (!hasServerBlocks() || // next payload is from client clientStream.BlocksTimestamps[clientBlocksIndex].UnixNano() <= serverStream.BlocksTimestamps[serverBlocksIndex].UnixNano()) { start := clientStream.BlocksIndexes[clientBlocksIndex] end := 0 if clientBlocksIndex < len(clientStream.BlocksIndexes)-1 { end = clientStream.BlocksIndexes[clientBlocksIndex+1] } else { end = len(clientStream.Payload) } if !lastIsClient { sb.WriteString("\n") } lastIsClient = true lastIsServer = false if isPwntools { sb.WriteString(decodePwntools(clientStream.Payload[start:end], true, format.Format)) } else { sb.WriteString(DecodeBytes(clientStream.Payload[start:end], format.Format)) } clientBlocksIndex++ } else { // next payload is from server start := serverStream.BlocksIndexes[serverBlocksIndex] end := 0 if serverBlocksIndex < len(serverStream.BlocksIndexes)-1 { end = serverStream.BlocksIndexes[serverBlocksIndex+1] } else { end = len(serverStream.Payload) } if !lastIsServer { sb.WriteString("\n") } lastIsClient = false lastIsServer = true if isPwntools { sb.WriteString(decodePwntools(serverStream.Payload[start:end], false, format.Format)) } else { sb.WriteString(DecodeBytes(serverStream.Payload[start:end], format.Format)) } serverBlocksIndex++ } if includeClient && !hasClientBlocks() { clientDocumentIndex++ clientBlocksIndex = 0 clientStream = csc.getConnectionStream(c, connectionID, true, clientDocumentIndex) } if includeServer && !hasServerBlocks() { serverDocumentIndex++ serverBlocksIndex = 0 serverStream = csc.getConnectionStream(c, connectionID, false, serverDocumentIndex) } } return sb.String(), true } func (csc ConnectionStreamsController) getConnection(c context.Context, connectionID RowID) Connection { var connection Connection if err := csc.storage.Find(Connections).Context(c).Filter(OrderedDocument{{"_id", connectionID}}). First(&connection); err != nil { log.WithError(err).WithField("id", connectionID).Panic("failed to get connection") } return connection } func (csc ConnectionStreamsController) getConnectionStream(c context.Context, connectionID RowID, fromClient bool, documentIndex int) ConnectionStream { var result ConnectionStream if err := csc.storage.Find(ConnectionStreams).Filter(OrderedDocument{ {"connection_id", connectionID}, {"from_client", fromClient}, {"document_index", documentIndex}, }).Context(c).First(&result); err != nil { log.WithError(err).WithField("connection_id", connectionID).Panic("failed to get a ConnectionStream") } return result } func findMatchesBetween(patternMatches map[uint][]PatternSlice, from, to uint64) []RegexSlice { regexSlices := make([]RegexSlice, 0, initialRegexSlicesCount) for _, slices := range patternMatches { for _, slice := range slices { if from > slice[1] || to <= slice[0] { continue } var start, end uint64 if from > slice[0] { start = 0 } else { start = slice[0] - from } if to <= slice[1] { end = to - from } else { end = slice[1] - from } regexSlices = append(regexSlices, RegexSlice{From: start, To: end}) } } return regexSlices } func decodePwntools(payload []byte, isClient bool, format string) string { if !isClient && len(payload) > pwntoolsMaxServerBytes { payload = payload[len(payload)-pwntoolsMaxServerBytes:] } var content string switch format { case "hex": content = fmt.Sprintf("bytes.fromhex('%s')", DecodeBytes(payload, format)) case "base32": content = fmt.Sprintf("base64.b32decode('%s')", DecodeBytes(payload, format)) case "base64": content = fmt.Sprintf("base64.b64decode('%s')", DecodeBytes(payload, format)) default: content = fmt.Sprintf("'%s'", strings.Replace(DecodeBytes(payload, "ascii"), "'", "\\'", -1)) } if isClient { return fmt.Sprintf("p.send(%s)\n", content) } else { return fmt.Sprintf("p.recvuntil(%s)\n", content) } }