/* * This file is part of caronte (https://github.com/eciavatta/caronte). * Copyright (c) 2020 Emiliano Ciavatta. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import React, {Component} from 'react'; import './ConnectionsPane.scss'; import Connection from "../objects/Connection"; import Table from 'react-bootstrap/Table'; import {withRouter} from "react-router-dom"; import backend from "../../backend"; import ConnectionMatchedRules from "../objects/ConnectionMatchedRules"; import log from "../../log"; import ButtonField from "../fields/ButtonField"; import dispatcher from "../../dispatcher"; import {Redirect} from "react-router"; import {updateParams} from "../../utils"; const classNames = require('classnames'); class ConnectionsPane extends Component { state = { loading: false, connections: [], firstConnection: null, lastConnection: null, }; constructor(props) { super(props); this.scrollTopThreashold = 0.00001; this.scrollBottomThreashold = 0.99999; this.maxConnections = 200; this.queryLimit = 50; this.connectionsListRef = React.createRef(); this.lastScrollPosition = 0; } componentDidMount() { let urlParams = new URLSearchParams(this.props.location.search); this.setState({urlParams}); const additionalParams = {limit: this.queryLimit}; const match = this.props.location.pathname.match(/^\/connections\/([a-f0-9]{24})$/); if (match != null) { const id = match[1]; additionalParams.from = id; backend.get(`/api/connections/${id}`) .then(res => this.connectionSelected(res.json)) .catch(error => log.error("Error loading initial connection", error)); } this.loadConnections(additionalParams, urlParams, true).then(() => log.debug("Connections loaded")); this.connectionsFiltersCallback = payload => { const newParams = updateParams(this.state.urlParams, payload); if (this.state.urlParams.toString() === newParams.toString()) { return; } log.debug("Update following url params:", payload); this.queryStringRedirect = true; this.setState({urlParams: newParams}); this.loadConnections({limit: this.queryLimit}, newParams) .then(() => log.info("ConnectionsPane reloaded after query string update")); }; dispatcher.register("connections_filters", this.connectionsFiltersCallback); this.timelineUpdatesCallback = payload => { this.connectionsListRef.current.scrollTop = 0; this.loadConnections({ started_after: Math.round(payload.from.getTime() / 1000), started_before: Math.round(payload.to.getTime() / 1000), limit: this.maxConnections }).then(() => log.info(`Loading connections between ${payload.from} and ${payload.to}`)); }; dispatcher.register("timeline_updates", this.timelineUpdatesCallback); this.notificationsCallback = payload => { if (payload.event === "rules.new" || payload.event === "rules.edit") { this.loadRules().then(() => log.debug("Loaded connection rules after notification update")); } if (payload.event === "services.edit") { this.loadServices().then(() => log.debug("Services reloaded after notification update")); } }; dispatcher.register("notifications", this.notificationsCallback); this.pulseConnectionsViewCallback = payload => { this.setState({pulseConnectionsView: true}); setTimeout(() => this.setState({pulseConnectionsView: false}), payload.duration); }; dispatcher.register("pulse_connections_view", this.pulseConnectionsViewCallback); } componentWillUnmount() { dispatcher.unregister(this.timelineUpdatesCallback); dispatcher.unregister(this.notificationsCallback); dispatcher.unregister(this.pulseConnectionsViewCallback); dispatcher.unregister(this.connectionsFiltersCallback); } connectionSelected = (c) => { this.connectionSelectedRedirect = true; this.setState({selected: c.id}); this.props.onSelected(c); log.debug(`Connection ${c.id} selected`); }; handleScroll = (e) => { if (this.disableScrollHandler) { this.lastScrollPosition = e.currentTarget.scrollTop; return; } let relativeScroll = e.currentTarget.scrollTop / (e.currentTarget.scrollHeight - e.currentTarget.clientHeight); if (!this.state.loading && relativeScroll > this.scrollBottomThreashold) { this.loadConnections({from: this.state.lastConnection.id, limit: this.queryLimit,}) .then(() => log.info("Following connections loaded")); } if (!this.state.loading && relativeScroll < this.scrollTopThreashold) { this.loadConnections({to: this.state.firstConnection.id, limit: this.queryLimit,}) .then(() => log.info("Previous connections loaded")); if (this.state.showMoreRecentButton) { this.setState({showMoreRecentButton: false}); } } else { if (this.lastScrollPosition > e.currentTarget.scrollTop) { if (!this.state.showMoreRecentButton) { this.setState({showMoreRecentButton: true}); } } else { if (this.state.showMoreRecentButton) { this.setState({showMoreRecentButton: false}); } } } this.lastScrollPosition = e.currentTarget.scrollTop; }; async loadConnections(additionalParams, initialParams = null, isInitial = false) { if (!initialParams) { initialParams = this.state.urlParams; } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(initialParams.toString()); for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(additionalParams)) { urlParams.set(name, value); } this.setState({loading: true}); if (!this.state.rules) { await this.loadRules(); } if (!this.state.services) { await this.loadServices(); } let res = (await backend.get(`/api/connections?${urlParams}`)).json; let connections = this.state.connections; let firstConnection = this.state.firstConnection; let lastConnection = this.state.lastConnection; if (additionalParams !== undefined && additionalParams.from !== undefined && additionalParams.to === undefined) { if (res.length > 0) { if (!isInitial) { res = res.slice(1); } connections = this.state.connections.concat(res); lastConnection = connections[connections.length - 1]; if (isInitial) { firstConnection = connections[0]; } if (connections.length > this.maxConnections) { connections = connections.slice(connections.length - this.maxConnections, connections.length - 1); firstConnection = connections[0]; } } } else if (additionalParams !== undefined && additionalParams.to !== undefined && additionalParams.from === undefined) { if (res.length > 0) { connections = res.slice(0, res.length - 1).concat(this.state.connections); firstConnection = connections[0]; if (connections.length > this.maxConnections) { connections = connections.slice(0, this.maxConnections); lastConnection = connections[this.maxConnections - 1]; } } } else { if (res.length > 0) { connections = res; firstConnection = connections[0]; lastConnection = connections[connections.length - 1]; } else { connections = []; firstConnection = null; lastConnection = null; } } this.setState({ loading: false, connections: connections, firstConnection: firstConnection, lastConnection: lastConnection }); if (firstConnection != null && lastConnection != null) { dispatcher.dispatch("connection_updates", { from: new Date(lastConnection["started_at"]), to: new Date(firstConnection["started_at"]) }); } } loadRules = async () => { return backend.get("/api/rules").then(res => this.setState({rules: res.json})); }; loadServices = async () => { return backend.get("/api/services").then(res => this.setState({services: res.json})); }; render() { let redirect; if (this.connectionSelectedRedirect) { redirect = ; this.connectionSelectedRedirect = false; } else if (this.queryStringRedirect) { redirect = ; this.queryStringRedirect = false; } let loading = null; if (this.state.loading) { loading = Loading... ; } return (
{this.state.showMoreRecentButton &&
{ this.disableScrollHandler = true; this.connectionsListRef.current.scrollTop = 0; this.loadConnections({limit: this.queryLimit}) .then(() => { this.disableScrollHandler = false; log.info("Most recent connections loaded"); }); }}/>
{ this.state.connections.flatMap(c => { return [ this.connectionSelected(c)} selected={this.state.selected === c.id} onMarked={marked => c.marked = marked} onEnabled={enabled => c.hidden = !enabled} services={this.state.services}/>, c.matched_rules.length > 0 && ]; }) } {loading}
service srcip srcport dstip dstport started_at duration up down actions
); } } export default withRouter(ConnectionsPane);