/* * This file is part of caronte (https://github.com/eciavatta/caronte). * Copyright (c) 2020 Emiliano Ciavatta. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import React, {Component} from "react"; import Table from "react-bootstrap/Table"; import backend from "../../backend"; import dispatcher from "../../dispatcher"; import {formatSize} from "../../utils"; import ButtonField from "../fields/ButtonField"; import CopyLinkPopover from "../objects/CopyLinkPopover"; import LinkPopover from "../objects/LinkPopover"; import "./common.scss"; import "./StatsPane.scss"; class StatsPane extends Component { state = { rules: [] }; componentDidMount() { this.loadStats(); this.loadResourcesStats(); this.loadRules(); dispatcher.register("notifications", this.handleNotifications); document.title = "caronte:~/stats$"; this.intervalToken = setInterval(() => this.loadResourcesStats(), 3000); } componentWillUnmount() { dispatcher.unregister(this.handleNotifications); clearInterval(this.intervalToken); } handleNotifications = (payload) => { if (payload.event.startsWith("pcap")) { this.loadStats(); } else if (payload.event.startsWith("rules")) { this.loadRules(); } }; loadStats = () => { backend.get("/api/statistics/totals") .then((res) => this.setState({stats: res.json, statsStatusCode: res.status})) .catch((res) => this.setState({ stats: res.json, statsStatusCode: res.status, statsResponse: JSON.stringify(res.json) })); }; loadResourcesStats = () => { backend.get("/api/resources/system") .then((res) => this.setState({resourcesStats: res.json, resourcesStatsStatusCode: res.status})) .catch((res) => this.setState({ resourcesStats: res.json, resourcesStatsStatusCode: res.status, resourcesStatsResponse: JSON.stringify(res.json) })); }; loadRules = () => { backend.get("/api/rules").then((res) => this.setState({rules: res.json})); }; render() { const s = this.state.stats; const rs = this.state.resourcesStats; const ports = s && s["connections_per_service"] ? Object.keys(s["connections_per_service"]) : []; let connections = 0, clientBytes = 0, serverBytes = 0, totalBytes = 0, duration = 0; let servicesStats = ports.map((port) => { connections += s["connections_per_service"][port]; clientBytes += s["client_bytes_per_service"][port]; serverBytes += s["server_bytes_per_service"][port]; totalBytes += s["total_bytes_per_service"][port]; duration += s["duration_per_service"][port]; return {port} {formatSize(s["connections_per_service"][port])} {formatSize(s["client_bytes_per_service"][port])}B {formatSize(s["server_bytes_per_service"][port])}B {formatSize(s["total_bytes_per_service"][port])}B {formatSize(s["duration_per_service"][port] / 1000)}s ; }); servicesStats.push( totals {formatSize(connections)} {formatSize(clientBytes)}B {formatSize(serverBytes)}B {formatSize(totalBytes)}B {formatSize(duration / 1000)}s ); const rulesStats = this.state.rules.map((r) => {r["name"]} {formatSize(s && s["matched_rules"] && s["matched_rules"][r.id] ? s["matched_rules"][r.id] : 0)} ); const cpuStats = (rs ? rs["cpu_times"] : []).map((cpu, index) => {cpu["cpu"]} {cpu["user"]} {cpu["system"]} {cpu["idle"]} {cpu["nice"]} {cpu["iowait"]} {rs["cpu_percents"][index].toFixed(2)} % ); return (
GET /api/statistics/totals
service connections client_bytes server_bytes total_bytes duration
rule_id rule_name rule_color occurrences
GET /api/resources/system
type total used free shared buff/cache available
mem {rs && formatSize(rs["virtual_memory"]["total"])} {rs && formatSize(rs["virtual_memory"]["used"])} {rs && formatSize(rs["virtual_memory"]["free"])} {rs && formatSize(rs["virtual_memory"]["shared"])} {rs && formatSize(rs["virtual_memory"]["cached"])} {rs && formatSize(rs["virtual_memory"]["available"])}
swap {rs && formatSize(rs["virtual_memory"]["swaptotal"])} {rs && formatSize(rs["virtual_memory"]["swaptotal"])} {rs && formatSize(rs["virtual_memory"]["swapfree"])} - - -
cpu user system idle nice iowait used_percent
disk_path fs_type total free used used_percent
{rs && rs["disk_usage"]["path"]} {rs && rs["disk_usage"]["fstype"]} {rs && formatSize(rs["disk_usage"]["total"])} {rs && formatSize(rs["disk_usage"]["free"])} {rs && formatSize(rs["disk_usage"]["used"])} {rs && rs["disk_usage"]["usedPercent"].toFixed(2)} %
); } } export default StatsPane;