const readline = require('readline'); const random = (lo, hi) => lo + Math.floor(Math.random() * (hi - lo)); const sleep = (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); const rsleep = (lo, hi) => sleep(random(lo, hi)); const interface = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); const prompt = (question) => new Promise((resolve) => interface.question(`${blue(question)}\n> `, resolve)); const coloured = (colour) => (str) => `${colour}${reset(str)}`; const yellow = coloured("\x1b[33m"); const blue = coloured("\x1b[34m"); const green = coloured("\x1b[32m"); const reset = (str) => `${str}\x1b[0m`; const add = (a, b) => compute(a, b, "+"); const hedges = [ "um. okay. so,", "right. next. uh,", "hmm", "okay. so,", "um. okay.", "uh okay..", "so..", ]; const confirmations = [ "o right. ofc.", "nice.", "thank u.", "thanks.", "um right. yes.", "right.", ]; const innumerables = [ "yeah i don't think we can do that one", "that's not great for fib", "um no sorry i can't help with that one", "um????? no my b i can't help with that one", "oh no my bad no i can't help u with that", "sorry not that one", "yaaa not that one though", ]; const dones = [ "we're done aren't we?", "oh! that's it..?", "all ... done??????", "i think it's over", "no more computation?", "oh!", "wait you did it all.", "oh that's it?", ]; const thinkings = [ "let me just think a second..", "hold on..", "i just need a moment", "uh wait", "just looking at the data", "sorry - looking over things", "got everything just one sec", "let me look at things", "let me think a moment", "just thinking ...", ]; const rarray = (array) => array[random(0, array.length)]; const hedge = () => rarray(hedges); const confirmation = () => rarray(confirmations); const innumerable = () => rarray(innumerables); const done = () => rarray(dones); const thinking = () => rarray(thinkings); const rentries = (map) => rarray(Array.from(map.entries())); const say = (msg, before, after) => sleep(before) .then(() => console.log(...msg)) .then(() => sleep(after)); const fast = (...msg) => say(msg, random(30, 100), random(30, 100)); const slow = (...msg) => say(msg, random(400, 2000), random(200, 1000)); const compute = (a, b, op) => slow(hedge()) .then(() => prompt(`what is ${a} ${op} ${b}?`)) .then((value) => slow(confirmation()).then(() => value)); const build = (n, map) => { if (n <= 0) { const zero = () => Promise.resolve(); map.set(zero, 0); return zero; } else if (n === 1) { const one = () => Promise.resolve(); map.set(one, 1); return one; } else { const sub1 = build(n - 1, map); const sub2 = build(n - 2, map); const nth = () => (map.get(nth) === null && (map.get(sub1) !== null && map.get(sub2) !== null)) ? add(map.get(sub2), map.get(sub1)) .then((value) => Promise.resolve(map.set(nth, value)).then(() => value)) : Promise.resolve(); map.set(nth, null); return nth; }; }; const fill = (map, top) => map.get(top) === null ? rentries(map)[0]().then(() => fill(map, top)) : Promise.resolve(map.get(top)); const hitlfib = (n) => Promise.resolve(new Map()) .then((map) => Promise.resolve(build(n, map)) .then((top) => fill(map, top))); const hitlfibiter = (n, a = 0, b = 1) => n === 0 ? Promise.resolve(a) : n === 1 ? Promise.resolve(b) : add(a, b).then((result) => hitlfibiter(n - 1, b, result)); const number = () => prompt("give me a number") .then((str) => str.trim()) .then((trimmed) => Promise.resolve(Number(trimmed)) .then((n) => (trimmed !== "" && n !== null && isFinite(n)) ? n : slow(hedge()).then(() => slow(innumerable())).then(number))); const choose = () => prompt("would you like to use my iteration optimization??? yes????") .then((response) => ["y", "yes"].includes(response.trim().toLowerCase())) .then((should) => should ? fast("yes!").then(() => hitlfibiter) : fast("oh.").then(() => slow("okay.")).then(() => slow("we can take it slow.")).then(() => hitlfib)); const flow = () => slow("\nwhat's the fib you'd like to compute? i can help u out") .then(number) .then((n) => slow(confirmation()) .then(() => fast(hedge())) .then(() => slow(`i will help u compute ${green(`fib ${n}`)}`)) .then(choose) .then((fib) => fib(n)) .then((fibn) => slow(hedge()) .then(() => fast(done())) .then(() => fast(thinking())) .then(() => rsleep(Math.min(1000, n * 100), Math.max(n * 500, 1000))) .then(() => slow(green(`fib ${n} is ${fibn}`))))) .then(() => rsleep(1000, 4000)); const loop = () => flow().then(loop); loop();