use chrono::{Duration, NaiveDate, NaiveDateTime, NaiveTime}; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use regex::Regex; use std::fmt::Write; /// Increment a Date or DateTime /// /// If just a Date is selected the day will be incremented. /// If a DateTime is selected the second will be incremented. pub fn increment(selected_text: &str, amount: i64) -> Option<String> { if selected_text.is_empty() { return None; } FORMATS.iter().find_map(|format| { let captures = format.regex.captures(selected_text)?; if captures.len() - 1 != format.fields.len() { return None; } let date_time = captures.get(0)?; let has_date = format.fields.iter().any(|f| f.unit.is_date()); let has_time = format.fields.iter().any(|f| f.unit.is_time()); let date_time = &selected_text[date_time.start()..date_time.end()]; match (has_date, has_time) { (true, true) => { let date_time = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(date_time, format.fmt).ok()?; Some( date_time .checked_add_signed(Duration::try_minutes(amount)?)? .format(format.fmt) .to_string(), ) } (true, false) => { let date = NaiveDate::parse_from_str(date_time, format.fmt).ok()?; Some( date.checked_add_signed(Duration::try_days(amount)?)? .format(format.fmt) .to_string(), ) } (false, true) => { let time = NaiveTime::parse_from_str(date_time, format.fmt).ok()?; let (adjusted_time, _) = time.overflowing_add_signed(Duration::try_minutes(amount)?); Some(adjusted_time.format(format.fmt).to_string()) } (false, false) => None, } }) } static FORMATS: Lazy<Vec<Format>> = Lazy::new(|| { vec![ Format::new("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), // 2021-11-24 07:12:23 Format::new("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"), // 2021/11/24 07:12:23 Format::new("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), // 2021-11-24 07:12 Format::new("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"), // 2021/11/24 07:12 Format::new("%Y-%m-%d"), // 2021-11-24 Format::new("%Y/%m/%d"), // 2021/11/24 Format::new("%a %b %d %Y"), // Wed Nov 24 2021 Format::new("%d-%b-%Y"), // 24-Nov-2021 Format::new("%Y %b %d"), // 2021 Nov 24 Format::new("%b %d, %Y"), // Nov 24, 2021 Format::new("%-I:%M:%S %P"), // 7:21:53 am Format::new("%-I:%M %P"), // 7:21 am Format::new("%-I:%M:%S %p"), // 7:21:53 AM Format::new("%-I:%M %p"), // 7:21 AM Format::new("%H:%M:%S"), // 23:24:23 Format::new("%H:%M"), // 23:24 ] }); #[derive(Debug)] struct Format { fmt: &'static str, fields: Vec<DateField>, regex: Regex, max_len: usize, } impl Format { fn new(fmt: &'static str) -> Self { let mut remaining = fmt; let mut fields = Vec::new(); let mut regex = "^".to_string(); let mut max_len = 0; while let Some(i) = remaining.find('%') { let after = &remaining[i + 1..]; let mut chars = after.chars(); let c =; let spec_len = if c == '-' { 1 + } else { c.len_utf8() }; let specifier = &after[..spec_len]; let field = DateField::from_specifier(specifier).unwrap(); fields.push(field); max_len += field.max_len + remaining[..i].len(); regex += &remaining[..i]; write!(regex, "({})", field.regex).unwrap(); remaining = &after[spec_len..]; } regex += "$"; let regex = Regex::new(®ex).unwrap(); Self { fmt, fields, regex, max_len, } } } impl PartialEq for Format { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.fmt == other.fmt && self.fields == other.fields && self.max_len == other.max_len } } impl Eq for Format {} #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct DateField { regex: &'static str, unit: DateUnit, max_len: usize, } impl DateField { fn from_specifier(specifier: &str) -> Option<Self> { match specifier { "Y" => Some(Self { regex: r"\d{4}", unit: DateUnit::Years, max_len: 5, }), "y" => Some(Self { regex: r"\d\d", unit: DateUnit::Years, max_len: 2, }), "m" => Some(Self { regex: r"[0-1]\d", unit: DateUnit::Months, max_len: 2, }), "d" => Some(Self { regex: r"[0-3]\d", unit: DateUnit::Days, max_len: 2, }), "-d" => Some(Self { regex: r"[1-3]?\d", unit: DateUnit::Days, max_len: 2, }), "a" => Some(Self { regex: r"Sun|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat", unit: DateUnit::Days, max_len: 3, }), "A" => Some(Self { regex: r"Sunday|Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday", unit: DateUnit::Days, max_len: 9, }), "b" | "h" => Some(Self { regex: r"Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec", unit: DateUnit::Months, max_len: 3, }), "B" => Some(Self { regex: r"January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December", unit: DateUnit::Months, max_len: 9, }), "H" => Some(Self { regex: r"[0-2]\d", unit: DateUnit::Hours, max_len: 2, }), "M" => Some(Self { regex: r"[0-5]\d", unit: DateUnit::Minutes, max_len: 2, }), "S" => Some(Self { regex: r"[0-5]\d", unit: DateUnit::Seconds, max_len: 2, }), "I" => Some(Self { regex: r"[0-1]\d", unit: DateUnit::Hours, max_len: 2, }), "-I" => Some(Self { regex: r"1?\d", unit: DateUnit::Hours, max_len: 2, }), "P" => Some(Self { regex: r"am|pm", unit: DateUnit::AmPm, max_len: 2, }), "p" => Some(Self { regex: r"AM|PM", unit: DateUnit::AmPm, max_len: 2, }), _ => None, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum DateUnit { Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, AmPm, } impl DateUnit { fn is_date(self) -> bool { matches!(self, DateUnit::Years | DateUnit::Months | DateUnit::Days) } fn is_time(self) -> bool { matches!( self, DateUnit::Hours | DateUnit::Minutes | DateUnit::Seconds ) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; #[test] fn test_increment_date_times() { let tests = [ // (original, cursor, amount, expected) ("2020-02-28", 1, "2020-02-29"), ("2020-02-29", 1, "2020-03-01"), ("2020-01-31", 1, "2020-02-01"), ("2020-01-20", 1, "2020-01-21"), ("2021-01-01", -1, "2020-12-31"), ("2021-01-31", -2, "2021-01-29"), ("2020-02-28", 1, "2020-02-29"), ("2021-02-28", 1, "2021-03-01"), ("2021-03-01", -1, "2021-02-28"), ("2020-02-29", -1, "2020-02-28"), ("2020-02-20", -1, "2020-02-19"), ("2021-03-01", -1, "2021-02-28"), ("1980/12/21", 100, "1981/03/31"), ("1980/12/21", -100, "1980/09/12"), ("1980/12/21", 1000, "1983/09/17"), ("1980/12/21", -1000, "1978/03/27"), ("2021-11-24 07:12:23", 1, "2021-11-24 07:13:23"), ("2021-11-24 07:12", 1, "2021-11-24 07:13"), ("Wed Nov 24 2021", 1, "Thu Nov 25 2021"), ("24-Nov-2021", 1, "25-Nov-2021"), ("2021 Nov 24", 1, "2021 Nov 25"), ("Nov 24, 2021", 1, "Nov 25, 2021"), ("7:21:53 am", 1, "7:22:53 am"), ("7:21:53 AM", 1, "7:22:53 AM"), ("7:21 am", 1, "7:22 am"), ("23:24:23", 1, "23:25:23"), ("23:24", 1, "23:25"), ("23:59", 1, "00:00"), ("23:59:59", 1, "00:00:59"), ]; for (original, amount, expected) in tests { assert_eq!(increment(original, amount).unwrap(), expected); } } #[test] fn test_invalid_date_times() { let tests = [ "0000-00-00", "1980-2-21", "1980-12-1", "12345", "2020-02-30", "1999-12-32", "19-12-32", "1-2-3", "0000/00/00", "1980/2/21", "1980/12/1", "12345", "2020/02/30", "1999/12/32", "19/12/32", "1/2/3", "123:456:789", "11:61", "2021-55-12 08:12:54", ]; for invalid in tests { assert_eq!(increment(invalid, 1), None) } } }