use helix_core::{ indent::{indent_level_for_line, treesitter_indent_for_pos, IndentStyle}, syntax::{Configuration, Loader}, Syntax, }; use ropey::Rope; use std::{ops::Range, path::PathBuf, process::Command}; #[test] fn test_treesitter_indent_rust() { standard_treesitter_test("", "source.rust"); } #[test] fn test_treesitter_indent_cpp() { standard_treesitter_test("cpp.cpp", "source.cpp"); } #[test] fn test_treesitter_indent_rust_helix() { // We pin a specific git revision to prevent unrelated changes from causing the indent tests to fail. // Ideally, someone updates this once in a while and fixes any errors that occur. let rev = "af382768cdaf89ff547dbd8f644a1bddd90e7c8f"; let files = Command::new("git") .args([ "ls-tree", "-r", "--name-only", "--full-tree", rev, "helix-term/src", ]) .output() .unwrap(); let files = String::from_utf8(files.stdout).unwrap(); let ignored_files = vec![ // Contains many macros that tree-sitter does not parse in a meaningful way and is otherwise not very interesting "helix-term/src/", ]; for file in files.split_whitespace() { if ignored_files.contains(&file) { continue; } let ignored_lines: Vec<Range<usize>> = match file { "helix-term/src/" => vec![ // We can't handle complicated indent rules inside macros (`json!` in this case) since // the tree-sitter grammar only parses them as `token_tree` and `identifier` nodes. 1045..1051, ], "helix-term/src/" => vec![ // This is broken because of the current handling of `call_expression` // (i.e. having an indent query for it but outdenting again in specific cases). // The indent query is needed to correctly handle multi-line arguments in function calls // inside indented `field_expression` nodes (which occurs fairly often). // // Once we have the `@indent.always` capture type, it might be possible to just have an indent // capture for the `arguments` field of a call expression. That could enable us to correctly // handle this. 2226..2230, ], "helix-term/src/commands/" => vec![ // Complex `format!` macro 46..52, ], "helix-term/src/commands/" => vec![ // Macro 624..627, // Return type declaration of a closure. `cargo fmt` adds an additional space here, // which we cannot (yet) model with our indent queries. 878..879, // Same as in `helix-term/src/` 1335..1343, ], "helix-term/src/" => vec![ // Multiline string 146..152, ], "helix-term/src/" => vec![ // Complex macro (see above) 456..470, // Multiline string without indent 563..567, ], "helix-term/src/" => vec![ // Multiline string 44..70, ], "helix-term/src/ui/" => vec![ // Macro 218..232, ], "helix-term/src/ui/" => vec![ // The chained function calls here are not indented, probably because of the comment // in between. Since `cargo fmt` doesn't even attempt to format it, there's probably // no point in trying to indent this correctly. 342..350, ], "helix-term/src/ui/" => vec![ // Macro 56..61, ], "helix-term/src/ui/" => vec![ // Same as in `helix-term/src/` 436..442, 450..456, ], _ => Vec::new(), }; let git_object = rev.to_string() + ":" + file; let content = Command::new("git") .args(["cat-file", "blob", &git_object]) .output() .unwrap(); let doc = Rope::from_reader(&mut content.stdout.as_slice()).unwrap(); test_treesitter_indent(file, doc, "source.rust", ignored_lines); } } #[test] fn test_indent_level_for_line_with_spaces() { let tab_width: usize = 4; let indent_width: usize = 4; let line = ropey::Rope::from_str(" Indented with 8 spaces"); let indent_level = indent_level_for_line(line.slice(0..), tab_width, indent_width); assert_eq!(indent_level, 2) } #[test] fn test_indent_level_for_line_with_tabs() { let tab_width: usize = 4; let indent_width: usize = 4; let line = ropey::Rope::from_str("\t\tIndented with 2 tabs"); let indent_level = indent_level_for_line(line.slice(0..), tab_width, indent_width); assert_eq!(indent_level, 2) } #[test] fn test_indent_level_for_line_with_spaces_and_tabs() { let tab_width: usize = 4; let indent_width: usize = 4; let line = ropey::Rope::from_str(" \t \tIndented with mix of spaces and tabs"); let indent_level = indent_level_for_line(line.slice(0..), tab_width, indent_width); assert_eq!(indent_level, 2) } fn indent_tests_dir() -> PathBuf { let mut test_dir = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); test_dir.push("tests/data/indent"); test_dir } fn indent_test_path(name: &str) -> PathBuf { let mut path = indent_tests_dir(); path.push(name); path } fn indent_tests_config() -> Configuration { let mut config_path = indent_tests_dir(); config_path.push("languages.toml"); let config = std::fs::read_to_string(config_path).unwrap(); toml::from_str(&config).unwrap() } fn standard_treesitter_test(file_name: &str, lang_scope: &str) { let test_path = indent_test_path(file_name); let test_file = std::fs::File::open(test_path).unwrap(); let doc = ropey::Rope::from_reader(test_file).unwrap(); test_treesitter_indent(file_name, doc, lang_scope, Vec::new()) } /// Test that all the lines in the given file are indented as expected. /// ignored_lines is a list of (1-indexed) line ranges that are excluded from this test. fn test_treesitter_indent( test_name: &str, doc: Rope, lang_scope: &str, ignored_lines: Vec<std::ops::Range<usize>>, ) { let loader = Loader::new(indent_tests_config()); // set runtime path so we can find the queries let mut runtime = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); runtime.push("../runtime"); std::env::set_var("HELIX_RUNTIME", runtime.to_str().unwrap()); let language_config = loader.language_config_for_scope(lang_scope).unwrap(); let indent_style = IndentStyle::from_str(&language_config.indent.as_ref().unwrap().unit); let highlight_config = language_config.highlight_config(&[]).unwrap(); let text = doc.slice(..); let syntax = Syntax::new(text, highlight_config, std::sync::Arc::new(loader)).unwrap(); let indent_query = language_config.indent_query().unwrap(); for i in 0..doc.len_lines() { let line = text.line(i); if ignored_lines.iter().any(|range| range.contains(&(i + 1))) { continue; } if let Some(pos) = helix_core::find_first_non_whitespace_char(line) { let tab_width: usize = 4; let suggested_indent = treesitter_indent_for_pos( indent_query, &syntax, tab_width, indent_style.indent_width(tab_width), text, i, text.line_to_char(i) + pos, false, ) .unwrap() .to_string(&indent_style, tab_width); assert!( line.get_slice(..pos).map_or(false, |s| s == suggested_indent), "Wrong indentation for file {:?} on line {}:\n\"{}\" (original line)\n\"{}\" (suggested indentation)\n", test_name, i+1, line.slice(..line.len_chars()-1), suggested_indent, ); } } }