use crate::{ transport::{Payload, Request, Response, Transport}, types::*, Error, Result, ThreadId, }; use helix_core::syntax::DebuggerQuirks; use serde_json::Value; use anyhow::anyhow; pub use log::{error, info}; use std::{ collections::HashMap, future::Future, net::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, SocketAddr}, path::PathBuf, process::Stdio, sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering}, }; use tokio::{ io::{AsyncBufRead, AsyncWrite, BufReader, BufWriter}, net::TcpStream, process::{Child, Command}, sync::mpsc::{channel, unbounded_channel, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender}, time, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Client { id: usize, _process: Option<Child>, server_tx: UnboundedSender<Payload>, request_counter: AtomicU64, pub caps: Option<DebuggerCapabilities>, // thread_id -> frames pub stack_frames: HashMap<ThreadId, Vec<StackFrame>>, pub thread_states: HashMap<ThreadId, String>, pub thread_id: Option<ThreadId>, /// Currently active frame for the current thread. pub active_frame: Option<usize>, pub quirks: DebuggerQuirks, } impl Client { // Spawn a process and communicate with it by either TCP or stdio pub async fn process( transport: &str, command: &str, args: Vec<&str>, port_arg: Option<&str>, id: usize, ) -> Result<(Self, UnboundedReceiver<Payload>)> { if command.is_empty() { return Result::Err(Error::Other(anyhow!("Command not provided"))); } if transport == "tcp" && port_arg.is_some() { Self::tcp_process(command, args, port_arg.unwrap(), id).await } else if transport == "stdio" { Self::stdio(command, args, id) } else { Result::Err(Error::Other(anyhow!("Incorrect transport {}", transport))) } } pub fn streams( rx: Box<dyn AsyncBufRead + Unpin + Send>, tx: Box<dyn AsyncWrite + Unpin + Send>, err: Option<Box<dyn AsyncBufRead + Unpin + Send>>, id: usize, process: Option<Child>, ) -> Result<(Self, UnboundedReceiver<Payload>)> { let (server_rx, server_tx) = Transport::start(rx, tx, err, id); let (client_rx, client_tx) = unbounded_channel(); let client = Self { id, _process: process, server_tx, request_counter: AtomicU64::new(0), caps: None, // stack_frames: HashMap::new(), thread_states: HashMap::new(), thread_id: None, active_frame: None, quirks: DebuggerQuirks::default(), }; tokio::spawn(Self::recv(server_rx, client_rx)); Ok((client, client_tx)) } pub async fn tcp( addr: std::net::SocketAddr, id: usize, ) -> Result<(Self, UnboundedReceiver<Payload>)> { let stream = TcpStream::connect(addr).await?; let (rx, tx) = stream.into_split(); Self::streams(Box::new(BufReader::new(rx)), Box::new(tx), None, id, None) } pub fn stdio( cmd: &str, args: Vec<&str>, id: usize, ) -> Result<(Self, UnboundedReceiver<Payload>)> { let process = Command::new(cmd) .args(args) .stdin(Stdio::piped()) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) // make sure the process is reaped on drop .kill_on_drop(true) .spawn(); let mut process = process?; // TODO: do we need bufreader/writer here? or do we use async wrappers on unblock? let writer = BufWriter::new(process.stdin.take().expect("Failed to open stdin")); let reader = BufReader::new(process.stdout.take().expect("Failed to open stdout")); let errors = process.stderr.take().map(BufReader::new); Self::streams( Box::new(BufReader::new(reader)), Box::new(writer), //|errors| Box::new(BufReader::new(errors))), match errors { Some(errors) => Some(Box::new(BufReader::new(errors))), None => None, }, id, Some(process), ) } async fn get_port() -> Option<u16> { Some( tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(SocketAddr::new( IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), 0, )) .await .ok()? .local_addr() .ok()? .port(), ) } pub async fn tcp_process( cmd: &str, args: Vec<&str>, port_format: &str, id: usize, ) -> Result<(Self, UnboundedReceiver<Payload>)> { let port = Self::get_port().await.unwrap(); let process = Command::new(cmd) .args(args) .args(port_format.replace("{}", &port.to_string()).split(' ')) // silence messages .stdin(Stdio::null()) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) // Do not kill debug adapter when leaving, it should exit automatically .spawn()?; // Wait for adapter to become ready for connection time::sleep(time::Duration::from_millis(500)).await; let stream = TcpStream::connect(SocketAddr::new( IpAddr::V4(Ipv4Addr::new(127, 0, 0, 1)), port, )) .await?; let (rx, tx) = stream.into_split(); Self::streams( Box::new(BufReader::new(rx)), Box::new(tx), None, id, Some(process), ) } async fn recv(mut server_rx: UnboundedReceiver<Payload>, client_tx: UnboundedSender<Payload>) { while let Some(msg) = server_rx.recv().await { match msg { Payload::Event(ev) => { client_tx.send(Payload::Event(ev)).expect("Failed to send"); } Payload::Response(_) => unreachable!(), Payload::Request(req) => { client_tx .send(Payload::Request(req)) .expect("Failed to send"); } } } } pub fn id(&self) -> usize { } fn next_request_id(&self) -> u64 { self.request_counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed) } /// Execute a RPC request on the debugger. pub fn call<R: crate::types::Request>( &self, arguments: R::Arguments, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Value>> where R::Arguments: serde::Serialize, { let server_tx = self.server_tx.clone(); let id = self.next_request_id(); async move { use std::time::Duration; use tokio::time::timeout; let arguments = Some(serde_json::to_value(arguments)?); let (callback_tx, mut callback_rx) = channel(1); let req = Request { back_ch: Some(callback_tx), seq: id, command: R::COMMAND.to_string(), arguments, }; server_tx .send(Payload::Request(req)) .map_err(|e| Error::Other(e.into()))?; // TODO: specifiable timeout, delay other calls until initialize success timeout(Duration::from_secs(20), callback_rx.recv()) .await .map_err(|_| Error::Timeout)? // return Timeout .ok_or(Error::StreamClosed)? .map(|response| response.body.unwrap_or_default()) // TODO: check response.success } } pub async fn request<R: crate::types::Request>(&self, params: R::Arguments) -> Result<R::Result> where R::Arguments: serde::Serialize, R::Result: core::fmt::Debug, // TODO: temporary { // a future that resolves into the response let json =<R>(params).await?; let response = serde_json::from_value(json)?; Ok(response) } pub fn reply( &self, request_seq: u64, command: &str, result: core::result::Result<Value, Error>, ) -> impl Future<Output = Result<()>> { let server_tx = self.server_tx.clone(); let command = command.to_string(); async move { let response = match result { Ok(result) => Response { request_seq, command, success: true, message: None, body: Some(result), }, Err(error) => Response { request_seq, command, success: false, message: Some(error.to_string()), body: None, }, }; server_tx .send(Payload::Response(response)) .map_err(|e| Error::Other(e.into()))?; Ok(()) } } pub fn capabilities(&self) -> &DebuggerCapabilities { self.caps.as_ref().expect("debugger not yet initialized!") } pub async fn initialize(&mut self, adapter_id: String) -> Result<()> { let args = requests::InitializeArguments { client_id: Some("hx".to_owned()), client_name: Some("helix".to_owned()), adapter_id, locale: Some("en-us".to_owned()), lines_start_at_one: Some(true), columns_start_at_one: Some(true), path_format: Some("path".to_owned()), supports_variable_type: Some(true), supports_variable_paging: Some(false), supports_run_in_terminal_request: Some(true), supports_memory_references: Some(false), supports_progress_reporting: Some(false), supports_invalidated_event: Some(false), }; let response = self.request::<requests::Initialize>(args).await?; self.caps = Some(response); Ok(()) } pub async fn disconnect(&self) -> Result<()> { self.request::<requests::Disconnect>(()).await } pub fn launch(&self, args: serde_json::Value) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Value>> {<requests::Launch>(args) } pub fn attach(&self, args: serde_json::Value) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Value>> {<requests::Attach>(args) } pub async fn set_breakpoints( &self, file: PathBuf, breakpoints: Vec<SourceBreakpoint>, ) -> Result<Option<Vec<Breakpoint>>> { let args = requests::SetBreakpointsArguments { source: Source { path: Some(file), name: None, source_reference: None, presentation_hint: None, origin: None, sources: None, adapter_data: None, checksums: None, }, breakpoints: Some(breakpoints), source_modified: Some(false), }; let response = self.request::<requests::SetBreakpoints>(args).await?; Ok(response.breakpoints) } pub async fn configuration_done(&self) -> Result<()> { self.request::<requests::ConfigurationDone>(()).await } pub async fn continue_thread(&self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> Result<Option<bool>> { let args = requests::ContinueArguments { thread_id }; let response = self.request::<requests::Continue>(args).await?; Ok(response.all_threads_continued) } pub async fn stack_trace( &self, thread_id: ThreadId, ) -> Result<(Vec<StackFrame>, Option<usize>)> { let args = requests::StackTraceArguments { thread_id, start_frame: None, levels: None, format: None, }; let response = self.request::<requests::StackTrace>(args).await?; Ok((response.stack_frames, response.total_frames)) } pub fn threads(&self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Value>> {<requests::Threads>(()) } pub async fn scopes(&self, frame_id: usize) -> Result<Vec<Scope>> { let args = requests::ScopesArguments { frame_id }; let response = self.request::<requests::Scopes>(args).await?; Ok(response.scopes) } pub async fn variables(&self, variables_reference: usize) -> Result<Vec<Variable>> { let args = requests::VariablesArguments { variables_reference, filter: None, start: None, count: None, format: None, }; let response = self.request::<requests::Variables>(args).await?; Ok(response.variables) } pub async fn step_in(&self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> Result<()> { let args = requests::StepInArguments { thread_id, target_id: None, granularity: None, }; self.request::<requests::StepIn>(args).await } pub async fn step_out(&self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> Result<()> { let args = requests::StepOutArguments { thread_id, granularity: None, }; self.request::<requests::StepOut>(args).await } pub async fn next(&self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> Result<()> { let args = requests::NextArguments { thread_id, granularity: None, }; self.request::<requests::Next>(args).await } pub async fn pause(&self, thread_id: ThreadId) -> Result<()> { let args = requests::PauseArguments { thread_id }; self.request::<requests::Pause>(args).await } pub async fn eval( &self, expression: String, frame_id: Option<usize>, ) -> Result<requests::EvaluateResponse> { let args = requests::EvaluateArguments { expression, frame_id, context: None, format: None, }; self.request::<requests::Evaluate>(args).await } pub async fn set_exception_breakpoints( &self, filters: Vec<String>, ) -> Result<Option<Vec<Breakpoint>>> { let args = requests::SetExceptionBreakpointsArguments { filters }; let response = self .request::<requests::SetExceptionBreakpoints>(args) .await; Ok(response.ok().map(|r| r.breakpoints).unwrap_or_default()) } }