//! Signals that control when/if the editor redraws

use std::future::Future;

use parking_lot::{RwLock, RwLockReadGuard};
use tokio::sync::Notify;

/// A `Notify` instance that can be used to (asynchronously) request
/// the editor the render a new frame.
static REDRAW_NOTIFY: Notify = Notify::const_new();

/// A `RwLock` that prevents the next frame from being
/// drawn until an exclusive (write) lock can be acquired.
/// This allows asynchsonous tasks to acquire `non-exclusive`
/// locks (read) to prevent the next frame from being drawn
/// until a certain computation has finished.
static RENDER_LOCK: RwLock<()> = RwLock::new(());

pub type RenderLockGuard = RwLockReadGuard<'static, ()>;

/// Requests that the editor is redrawn. The redraws are debounced (currently to
/// 30FPS) so this can be called many times without causing a ton of frames to
/// be rendered.
pub fn request_redraw() {

/// Returns a future that will yield once a redraw has been asynchronously
/// requested using [`request_redraw`].
pub fn redraw_requested() -> impl Future<Output = ()> {

/// Wait until all locks acquired with [`lock_frame`] have been released.
/// This function is called before rendering and is intended to allow the frame
/// to wait for async computations that should be included in the current frame.
pub fn start_frame() {
    // exhaust any leftover redraw notifications
    let notify = REDRAW_NOTIFY.notified();

/// Acquires the render lock which will prevent the next frame from being drawn
/// until the returned guard is dropped.
pub fn lock_frame() -> RenderLockGuard {