use anyhow::{anyhow, Context, Result}; use libloading::{Library, Symbol}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::fs; use std::time::SystemTime; use std::{ collections::HashSet, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Command, sync::mpsc::channel, }; use tree_sitter::Language; #[cfg(unix)] const DYLIB_EXTENSION: &str = "so"; #[cfg(windows)] const DYLIB_EXTENSION: &str = "dll"; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Configuration { #[serde(rename = "use-grammars")] pub grammar_selection: Option<GrammarSelection>, pub grammar: Vec<GrammarConfiguration>, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase", untagged)] pub enum GrammarSelection { Only { only: HashSet<String> }, Except { except: HashSet<String> }, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct GrammarConfiguration { #[serde(rename = "name")] pub grammar_id: String, pub source: GrammarSource, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "lowercase", untagged)] pub enum GrammarSource { Local { path: String, }, Git { #[serde(rename = "git")] remote: String, #[serde(rename = "rev")] revision: String, subpath: Option<String>, }, } const BUILD_TARGET: &str = env!("BUILD_TARGET"); const REMOTE_NAME: &str = "origin"; pub fn get_language(name: &str) -> Result<Language> { let name = name.to_ascii_lowercase(); let mut library_path = crate::runtime_dir().join("grammars").join(&name); library_path.set_extension(DYLIB_EXTENSION); let library = unsafe { Library::new(&library_path) } .with_context(|| format!("Error opening dynamic library {library_path:?}"))?; let language_fn_name = format!("tree_sitter_{}", name.replace('-', "_")); let language = unsafe { let language_fn: Symbol<unsafe extern "C" fn() -> Language> = library .get(language_fn_name.as_bytes()) .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load symbol {language_fn_name}"))?; language_fn() }; std::mem::forget(library); Ok(language) } pub fn fetch_grammars() -> Result<()> { // We do not need to fetch local grammars. let mut grammars = get_grammar_configs()?; grammars.retain(|grammar| !matches!(grammar.source, GrammarSource::Local { .. })); run_parallel(grammars, fetch_grammar, "fetch") } pub fn build_grammars() -> Result<()> { run_parallel(get_grammar_configs()?, build_grammar, "build") } // Returns the set of grammar configurations the user requests. // Grammars are configured in the default and user `languages.toml` and are // merged. The `grammar_selection` key of the config is then used to filter // down all grammars into a subset of the user's choosing. fn get_grammar_configs() -> Result<Vec<GrammarConfiguration>> { let config: Configuration = crate::user_lang_config() .context("Could not parse languages.toml")? .try_into()?; let grammars = match config.grammar_selection { Some(GrammarSelection::Only { only: selections }) => config .grammar .into_iter() .filter(|grammar| selections.contains(&grammar.grammar_id)) .collect(), Some(GrammarSelection::Except { except: rejections }) => config .grammar .into_iter() .filter(|grammar| !rejections.contains(&grammar.grammar_id)) .collect(), None => config.grammar, }; Ok(grammars) } fn run_parallel<F>(grammars: Vec<GrammarConfiguration>, job: F, action: &'static str) -> Result<()> where F: Fn(GrammarConfiguration) -> Result<()> + std::marker::Send + 'static + Copy, { let pool = threadpool::Builder::new().build(); let (tx, rx) = channel(); for grammar in grammars { let tx = tx.clone(); pool.execute(move || { tx.send(job(grammar)).unwrap(); }); } drop(tx); // TODO: print all failures instead of the first one found. rx.iter() .find(|result| result.is_err()) .map(|err| err.with_context(|| format!("Failed to {action} some grammar(s)"))) .unwrap_or(Ok(())) } fn fetch_grammar(grammar: GrammarConfiguration) -> Result<()> { if let GrammarSource::Git { remote, revision, .. } = grammar.source { let grammar_dir = crate::runtime_dir() .join("grammars/sources") .join(&grammar.grammar_id); fs::create_dir_all(&grammar_dir).context(format!( "Could not create grammar directory {:?}", grammar_dir ))?; // create the grammar dir contains a git directory if !grammar_dir.join(".git").is_dir() { git(&grammar_dir, ["init"])?; } // ensure the remote matches the configured remote if get_remote_url(&grammar_dir).map_or(true, |s| s != remote) { set_remote(&grammar_dir, &remote)?; } // ensure the revision matches the configured revision if get_revision(&grammar_dir).map_or(true, |s| s != revision) { // Fetch the exact revision from the remote. // Supported by server-side git since v2.5.0 (July 2015), // enabled by default on major git hosts. git( &grammar_dir, ["fetch", "--depth", "1", REMOTE_NAME, &revision], )?; git(&grammar_dir, ["checkout", &revision])?; println!( "Grammar '{}' checked out at '{}'.", grammar.grammar_id, revision ); } else { println!("Grammar '{}' is already up to date.", grammar.grammar_id); } } Ok(()) } // Sets the remote for a repository to the given URL, creating the remote if // it does not yet exist. fn set_remote(repository_dir: &Path, remote_url: &str) -> Result<String> { git( repository_dir, ["remote", "set-url", REMOTE_NAME, remote_url], ) .or_else(|_| git(repository_dir, ["remote", "add", REMOTE_NAME, remote_url])) } fn get_remote_url(repository_dir: &Path) -> Option<String> { git(repository_dir, ["remote", "get-url", REMOTE_NAME]).ok() } fn get_revision(repository_dir: &Path) -> Option<String> { git(repository_dir, ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]).ok() } // A wrapper around 'git' commands which returns stdout in success and a // helpful error message showing the command, stdout, and stderr in error. fn git<I, S>(repository_dir: &Path, args: I) -> Result<String> where I: IntoIterator<Item = S>, S: AsRef<std::ffi::OsStr>, { let output = Command::new("git") .args(args) .current_dir(repository_dir) .output()?; if output.status.success() { Ok(String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout) .trim_end() .to_owned()) } else { // TODO: figure out how to display the git command using `args` Err(anyhow!( "Git command failed.\nStdout: {}\nStderr: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr), )) } } fn build_grammar(grammar: GrammarConfiguration) -> Result<()> { let grammar_dir = if let GrammarSource::Local { path } = &grammar.source { PathBuf::from(&path) } else { crate::runtime_dir() .join("grammars/sources") .join(&grammar.grammar_id) }; let grammar_dir_entries = grammar_dir.read_dir().with_context(|| { format!("Failed to read directory {grammar_dir:?}. Did you use 'hx --grammar fetch'?") })?; if grammar_dir_entries.count() == 0 { return Err(anyhow!( "Directory {grammar_dir:?} is empty. Did you use 'hx --grammar fetch'?" )); }; let path = match &grammar.source { GrammarSource::Git { subpath: Some(subpath), .. } => grammar_dir.join(subpath), _ => grammar_dir, } .join("src"); build_tree_sitter_library(&path, grammar) } fn build_tree_sitter_library(src_path: &Path, grammar: GrammarConfiguration) -> Result<()> { let header_path = src_path; let parser_path = src_path.join("parser.c"); let mut scanner_path = src_path.join("scanner.c"); let scanner_path = if scanner_path.exists() { Some(scanner_path) } else { scanner_path.set_extension("cc"); if scanner_path.exists() { Some(scanner_path) } else { None } }; let parser_lib_path = crate::runtime_dir().join("grammars"); let mut library_path = parser_lib_path.join(&grammar.grammar_id); library_path.set_extension(DYLIB_EXTENSION); let recompile = needs_recompile(&library_path, &parser_path, &scanner_path) .context("Failed to compare source and binary timestamps")?; if !recompile { println!("Grammar '{}' is already built.", grammar.grammar_id); return Ok(()); } println!("Building grammar '{}'", grammar.grammar_id); let mut config = cc::Build::new(); config .cpp(true) .opt_level(3) .cargo_metadata(false) .host(BUILD_TARGET) .target(BUILD_TARGET); let compiler = config.get_compiler(); let mut command = Command::new(compiler.path()); command.current_dir(src_path); for (key, value) in compiler.env() { command.env(key, value); } if cfg!(windows) { command .args(&["/nologo", "/LD", "/I"]) .arg(header_path) .arg("/Od") .arg("/utf-8"); if let Some(scanner_path) = scanner_path.as_ref() { command.arg(scanner_path); } command .arg(parser_path) .arg("/link") .arg(format!("/out:{}", library_path.to_str().unwrap())); } else { command .arg("-shared") .arg("-fPIC") .arg("-fno-exceptions") .arg("-g") .arg("-I") .arg(header_path) .arg("-o") .arg(&library_path) .arg("-O3"); if let Some(scanner_path) = scanner_path.as_ref() { if scanner_path.extension() == Some("c".as_ref()) { command.arg("-xc").arg("-std=c99").arg(scanner_path); } else { command.arg(scanner_path); } } command.arg("-xc").arg(parser_path); if cfg!(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos"))) { command.arg("-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now"); } } let output = command.output().context("Failed to execute C compiler")?; if !output.status.success() { return Err(anyhow!( "Parser compilation failed.\nStdout: {}\nStderr: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr) )); } Ok(()) } fn needs_recompile( lib_path: &Path, parser_c_path: &Path, scanner_path: &Option<PathBuf>, ) -> Result<bool> { if !lib_path.exists() { return Ok(true); } let lib_mtime = mtime(lib_path)?; if mtime(parser_c_path)? > lib_mtime { return Ok(true); } if let Some(scanner_path) = scanner_path { if mtime(scanner_path)? > lib_mtime { return Ok(true); } } Ok(false) } fn mtime(path: &Path) -> Result<SystemTime> { Ok(fs::metadata(path)?.modified()?) } /// Gives the contents of a file from a language's `runtime/queries/<lang>` /// directory pub fn load_runtime_file(language: &str, filename: &str) -> Result<String, std::io::Error> { let path = crate::RUNTIME_DIR .join("queries") .join(language) .join(filename); std::fs::read_to_string(&path) }