use crate::{jsonrpc, Error, Result}; use anyhow::Context; use log::{error, info}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::Value; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::{ io::{AsyncBufRead, AsyncBufReadExt, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt, BufReader, BufWriter}, process::{ChildStderr, ChildStdin, ChildStdout}, sync::{ mpsc::{unbounded_channel, Sender, UnboundedReceiver, UnboundedSender}, Mutex, Notify, }, }; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Payload { Request { chan: Sender<Result<Value>>, value: jsonrpc::MethodCall, }, Notification(jsonrpc::Notification), Response(jsonrpc::Output), } /// A type representing all possible values sent from the server to the client. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)] #[serde(untagged)] enum ServerMessage { /// A regular JSON-RPC request output (single response). Output(jsonrpc::Output), /// A JSON-RPC request or notification. Call(jsonrpc::Call), } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Transport { id: usize, pending_requests: Mutex<HashMap<jsonrpc::Id, Sender<Result<Value>>>>, } impl Transport { pub fn start( server_stdout: BufReader<ChildStdout>, server_stdin: BufWriter<ChildStdin>, server_stderr: BufReader<ChildStderr>, id: usize, ) -> ( UnboundedReceiver<(usize, jsonrpc::Call)>, UnboundedSender<Payload>, Arc<Notify>, ) { let (client_tx, rx) = unbounded_channel(); let (tx, client_rx) = unbounded_channel(); let notify = Arc::new(Notify::new()); let transport = Self { id, pending_requests: Mutex::new(HashMap::default()), }; let transport = Arc::new(transport); tokio::spawn(Self::recv( transport.clone(), server_stdout, client_tx.clone(), )); tokio::spawn(Self::err(transport.clone(), server_stderr)); tokio::spawn(Self::send( transport, server_stdin, client_tx, client_rx, notify.clone(), )); (rx, tx, notify) } async fn recv_server_message( reader: &mut (impl AsyncBufRead + Unpin + Send), buffer: &mut String, ) -> Result<ServerMessage> { let mut content_length = None; loop { buffer.truncate(0); if reader.read_line(buffer).await? == 0 { return Err(Error::StreamClosed); }; // debug!("<- header {:?}", buffer); if buffer == "\r\n" { // look for an empty CRLF line break; } let header = buffer.trim(); let parts = header.split_once(": "); match parts { Some(("Content-Length", value)) => { content_length = Some(value.parse().context("invalid content length")?); } Some((_, _)) => {} None => { // Workaround: Some non-conformant language servers will output logging and other garbage // into the same stream as JSON-RPC messages. This can also happen from shell scripts that spawn // the server. Skip such lines and log a warning. // warn!("Failed to parse header: {:?}", header); } } } let content_length = content_length.context("missing content length")?; //TODO: reuse vector let mut content = vec![0; content_length]; reader.read_exact(&mut content).await?; let msg = std::str::from_utf8(&content).context("invalid utf8 from server")?; info!("<- {}", msg); // try parsing as output (server response) or call (server request) let output: serde_json::Result<ServerMessage> = serde_json::from_str(msg); Ok(output?) } async fn recv_server_error( err: &mut (impl AsyncBufRead + Unpin + Send), buffer: &mut String, ) -> Result<()> { buffer.truncate(0); if err.read_line(buffer).await? == 0 { return Err(Error::StreamClosed); }; error!("err <- {:?}", buffer); Ok(()) } async fn send_payload_to_server( &self, server_stdin: &mut BufWriter<ChildStdin>, payload: Payload, ) -> Result<()> { //TODO: reuse string let json = match payload { Payload::Request { chan, value } => { self.pending_requests .lock() .await .insert(, chan); serde_json::to_string(&value)? } Payload::Notification(value) => serde_json::to_string(&value)?, Payload::Response(error) => serde_json::to_string(&error)?, }; self.send_string_to_server(server_stdin, json).await } async fn send_string_to_server( &self, server_stdin: &mut BufWriter<ChildStdin>, request: String, ) -> Result<()> { info!("-> {}", request); // send the headers server_stdin .write_all(format!("Content-Length: {}\r\n\r\n", request.len()).as_bytes()) .await?; // send the body server_stdin.write_all(request.as_bytes()).await?; server_stdin.flush().await?; Ok(()) } async fn process_server_message( &self, client_tx: &UnboundedSender<(usize, jsonrpc::Call)>, msg: ServerMessage, ) -> Result<()> { match msg { ServerMessage::Output(output) => self.process_request_response(output).await?, ServerMessage::Call(call) => { client_tx .send((, call)) .context("failed to send a message to server")?; // let notification = Notification::parse(&method, params); } }; Ok(()) } async fn process_request_response(&self, output: jsonrpc::Output) -> Result<()> { let (id, result) = match output { jsonrpc::Output::Success(jsonrpc::Success { id, result, .. }) => { info!("<- {}", result); (id, Ok(result)) } jsonrpc::Output::Failure(jsonrpc::Failure { id, error, .. }) => { error!("<- {}", error); (id, Err(error.into())) } }; if let Some(tx) = self.pending_requests.lock().await.remove(&id) { match tx.send(result).await { Ok(_) => (), Err(_) => error!( "Tried sending response into a closed channel (id={:?}), original request likely timed out", id ), }; } else { log::error!( "Discarding Language Server response without a request (id={:?}) {:?}", id, result ); } Ok(()) } async fn recv( transport: Arc<Self>, mut server_stdout: BufReader<ChildStdout>, client_tx: UnboundedSender<(usize, jsonrpc::Call)>, ) { let mut recv_buffer = String::new(); loop { match Self::recv_server_message(&mut server_stdout, &mut recv_buffer).await { Ok(msg) => { match transport.process_server_message(&client_tx, msg).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!("err: <- {:?}", err); break; } }; } Err(Error::StreamClosed) => { // Hack: inject a terminated notification so we trigger code that needs to happen after exit use lsp_types::notification::Notification as _; let notification = ServerMessage::Call(jsonrpc::Call::Notification(jsonrpc::Notification { jsonrpc: None, method: lsp_types::notification::Exit::METHOD.to_string(), params: jsonrpc::Params::None, })); match transport .process_server_message(&client_tx, notification) .await { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!("err: <- {:?}", err); } } break; } Err(err) => { error!("err: <- {:?}", err); break; } } } } async fn err(_transport: Arc<Self>, mut server_stderr: BufReader<ChildStderr>) { let mut recv_buffer = String::new(); loop { match Self::recv_server_error(&mut server_stderr, &mut recv_buffer).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!("err: <- {:?}", err); break; } } } } async fn send( transport: Arc<Self>, mut server_stdin: BufWriter<ChildStdin>, client_tx: UnboundedSender<(usize, jsonrpc::Call)>, mut client_rx: UnboundedReceiver<Payload>, initialize_notify: Arc<Notify>, ) { let mut pending_messages: Vec<Payload> = Vec::new(); let mut is_pending = true; // Determine if a message is allowed to be sent early fn is_initialize(payload: &Payload) -> bool { use lsp_types::{ notification::{Initialized, Notification}, request::{Initialize, Request}, }; match payload { Payload::Request { value: jsonrpc::MethodCall { method, .. }, .. } if method == Initialize::METHOD => true, Payload::Notification(jsonrpc::Notification { method, .. }) if method == Initialized::METHOD => { true } _ => false, } } // TODO: events that use capabilities need to do the right thing loop { tokio::select! { biased; _ = initialize_notify.notified() => { // TODO: notified is technically not cancellation safe // server successfully initialized is_pending = false; use lsp_types::notification::Notification; // Hack: inject an initialized notification so we trigger code that needs to happen after init let notification = ServerMessage::Call(jsonrpc::Call::Notification(jsonrpc::Notification { jsonrpc: None, method: lsp_types::notification::Initialized::METHOD.to_string(), params: jsonrpc::Params::None, })); match transport.process_server_message(&client_tx, notification).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!("err: <- {:?}", err); } } // drain the pending queue and send payloads to server for msg in pending_messages.drain(..) { log::info!("Draining pending message {:?}", msg); match transport.send_payload_to_server(&mut server_stdin, msg).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!("err: <- {:?}", err); } } } } msg = client_rx.recv() => { if let Some(msg) = msg { if is_pending && !is_initialize(&msg) { // ignore notifications if let Payload::Notification(_) = msg { continue; } log::info!("Language server not initialized, delaying request"); pending_messages.push(msg); } else { match transport.send_payload_to_server(&mut server_stdin, msg).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!("err: <- {:?}", err); } } } } else { // channel closed break; } } } } } }