pub use etcetera::home_dir; use std::{ borrow::Cow, ffi::OsString, path::{Component, Path, PathBuf}, }; use crate::env::current_working_dir; /// Replaces users home directory from `path` with tilde `~` if the directory /// is available, otherwise returns the path unchanged. pub fn fold_home_dir<'a, P>(path: P) -> Cow<'a, Path> where P: Into<Cow<'a, Path>>, { let path = path.into(); if let Ok(home) = home_dir() { if let Ok(stripped) = path.strip_prefix(&home) { let mut path = OsString::with_capacity(2 + stripped.as_os_str().len()); path.push("~/"); path.push(stripped); return Cow::Owned(PathBuf::from(path)); } } path } /// Expands tilde `~` into users home directory if available, otherwise returns the path /// unchanged. The tilde will only be expanded when present as the first component of the path /// and only slash follows it. pub fn expand_tilde<'a, P>(path: P) -> Cow<'a, Path> where P: Into<Cow<'a, Path>>, { let path = path.into(); let mut components = path.components(); if let Some(Component::Normal(c)) = { if c == "~" { if let Ok(mut buf) = home_dir() { buf.push(components); return Cow::Owned(buf); } } } path } /// Normalize a path without resolving symlinks. // Strategy: start from the first component and move up. Cannonicalize previous path, // join component, cannonicalize new path, strip prefix and join to the final result. pub fn normalize(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> PathBuf { let mut components = path.as_ref().components().peekable(); let mut ret = if let Some(c @ Component::Prefix(..)) = components.peek().cloned() {; PathBuf::from(c.as_os_str()) } else { PathBuf::new() }; for component in components { match component { Component::Prefix(..) => unreachable!(), Component::RootDir => { ret.push(component.as_os_str()); } Component::CurDir => {} #[cfg(not(windows))] Component::ParentDir => { ret.pop(); } #[cfg(windows)] Component::ParentDir => { if let Some(head) = ret.components().next_back() { match head { Component::Prefix(_) | Component::RootDir => {} Component::CurDir => unreachable!(), // If we left previous component as ".." it means we met a symlink before and we can't pop path. Component::ParentDir => { ret.push(".."); } Component::Normal(_) => { if ret.is_symlink() { ret.push(".."); } else { ret.pop(); } } } } } #[cfg(not(windows))] Component::Normal(c) => { ret.push(c); } #[cfg(windows)] Component::Normal(c) => 'normal: { use std::fs::canonicalize; let new_path = ret.join(c); if new_path.is_symlink() { ret = new_path; break 'normal; } let (can_new, can_old) = (canonicalize(&new_path), canonicalize(&ret)); match (can_new, can_old) { (Ok(can_new), Ok(can_old)) => { let striped = can_new.strip_prefix(can_old); ret.push(striped.unwrap_or_else(|_| c.as_ref())); } _ => ret.push(c), } } } } dunce::simplified(&ret).to_path_buf() } /// Returns the canonical, absolute form of a path with all intermediate components normalized. /// /// This function is used instead of [`std::fs::canonicalize`] because we don't want to verify /// here if the path exists, just normalize it's components. pub fn canonicalize(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> PathBuf { let path = expand_tilde(path.as_ref()); let path = if path.is_relative() { Cow::Owned(current_working_dir().join(path)) } else { path }; normalize(path) } pub fn get_relative_path<'a, P>(path: P) -> Cow<'a, Path> where P: Into<Cow<'a, Path>>, { let path = path.into(); if path.is_absolute() { let cwdir = normalize(current_working_dir()); if let Ok(stripped) = normalize(&path).strip_prefix(cwdir) { return Cow::Owned(PathBuf::from(stripped)); } return fold_home_dir(path); } path } /// Returns a truncated filepath where the basepart of the path is reduced to the first /// char of the folder and the whole filename appended. /// /// Also strip the current working directory from the beginning of the path. /// Note that this function does not check if the truncated path is unambiguous. /// /// ``` /// use helix_stdx::path::get_truncated_path; /// use std::path::Path; /// /// assert_eq!( /// get_truncated_path("/home/cnorris/documents/jokes.txt").as_path(), /// Path::new("/h/c/d/jokes.txt") /// ); /// assert_eq!( /// get_truncated_path("jokes.txt").as_path(), /// Path::new("jokes.txt") /// ); /// assert_eq!( /// get_truncated_path("/jokes.txt").as_path(), /// Path::new("/jokes.txt") /// ); /// assert_eq!( /// get_truncated_path("/h/c/d/jokes.txt").as_path(), /// Path::new("/h/c/d/jokes.txt") /// ); /// assert_eq!(get_truncated_path("").as_path(), Path::new("")); /// ``` /// pub fn get_truncated_path(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> PathBuf { let cwd = current_working_dir(); let path = path.as_ref(); let path = path.strip_prefix(cwd).unwrap_or(path); let file = path.file_name().unwrap_or_default(); let base = path.parent().unwrap_or_else(|| Path::new("")); let mut ret = PathBuf::with_capacity(file.len()); // A char can't be directly pushed to a PathBuf let mut first_char_buffer = String::new(); for d in base { let Some(first_char) = d.to_string_lossy().chars().next() else { break; }; first_char_buffer.push(first_char); ret.push(&first_char_buffer); first_char_buffer.clear(); } ret.push(file); ret } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::{ ffi::OsStr, path::{Component, Path}, }; use crate::path; #[test] fn expand_tilde() { for path in ["~", "~/foo"] { let expanded = path::expand_tilde(Path::new(path)); let tilde = Component::Normal(OsStr::new("~")); let mut component_count = 0; for component in expanded.components() { // No tilde left. assert_ne!(component, tilde); component_count += 1; } // The path was at least expanded to something. assert_ne!(component_count, 0); } } }