use arc_swap::{access::Map, ArcSwap}; use futures_util::Stream; use helix_core::{ config::{default_syntax_loader, user_syntax_loader}, diagnostic::NumberOrString, pos_at_coords, syntax, Selection, }; use helix_lsp::{lsp, util::lsp_pos_to_pos, LspProgressMap}; use helix_view::{align_view, editor::ConfigEvent, theme, tree::Layout, Align, Editor}; use serde_json::json; use crate::{ args::Args, commands::apply_workspace_edit, compositor::Compositor, config::Config, job::Jobs, keymap::Keymaps, ui::{self, overlay::overlayed}, }; use log::{error, warn}; use std::{ io::{stdin, stdout, Write}, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use anyhow::{Context, Error}; use crossterm::{ event::{DisableMouseCapture, EnableMouseCapture, Event}, execute, terminal, tty::IsTty, }; #[cfg(not(windows))] use { signal_hook::{consts::signal, low_level}, signal_hook_tokio::Signals, }; #[cfg(windows)] type Signals = futures_util::stream::Empty<()>; const LSP_DEADLINE: Duration = Duration::from_millis(16); pub struct Application { compositor: Compositor, pub editor: Editor, config: Arc<ArcSwap<Config>>, #[allow(dead_code)] theme_loader: Arc<theme::Loader>, #[allow(dead_code)] syn_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>, signals: Signals, jobs: Jobs, lsp_progress: LspProgressMap, last_render: Instant, } #[cfg(feature = "integration")] fn setup_integration_logging() { let level = std::env::var("HELIX_LOG_LEVEL") .map(|lvl| lvl.parse().unwrap()) .unwrap_or(log::LevelFilter::Info); // Separate file config so we can include year, month and day in file logs let _ = fern::Dispatch::new() .format(|out, message, record| { out.finish(format_args!( "{} {} [{}] {}", chrono::Local::now().format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%.3f"),, record.level(), message )) }) .level(level) .chain(std::io::stdout()) .apply(); } impl Application { pub fn new(args: Args, config: Config) -> Result<Self, Error> { #[cfg(feature = "integration")] setup_integration_logging(); use helix_view::editor::Action; let config_dir = helix_loader::config_dir(); let theme_loader = std::sync::Arc::new(theme::Loader::new( &config_dir, &helix_loader::runtime_dir(), )); let true_color = config.editor.true_color || crate::true_color(); let theme = config .theme .as_ref() .and_then(|theme| { theme_loader .load(theme) .map_err(|e| { log::warn!("failed to load theme `{}` - {}", theme, e); e }) .ok() .filter(|theme| (true_color || theme.is_16_color())) }) .unwrap_or_else(|| theme_loader.default_theme(true_color)); let syn_loader_conf = user_syntax_loader().unwrap_or_else(|err| { eprintln!("Bad language config: {}", err); eprintln!("Press <ENTER> to continue with default language config"); use std::io::Read; // This waits for an enter press. let _ = std::io::stdin().read(&mut []); default_syntax_loader() }); let syn_loader = std::sync::Arc::new(syntax::Loader::new(syn_loader_conf)); let mut compositor = Compositor::new().context("build compositor")?; let config = Arc::new(ArcSwap::from_pointee(config)); let mut editor = Editor::new( compositor.size(), theme_loader.clone(), syn_loader.clone(), Box::new(Map::new(Arc::clone(&config), |config: &Config| { &config.editor })), ); let keys = Box::new(Map::new(Arc::clone(&config), |config: &Config| { &config.keys })); let editor_view = Box::new(ui::EditorView::new(Keymaps::new(keys))); compositor.push(editor_view); if args.load_tutor { let path = helix_loader::runtime_dir().join("tutor.txt");, Action::VerticalSplit)?; // Unset path to prevent accidentally saving to the original tutor file. doc_mut!(editor).set_path(None)?; } else if !args.files.is_empty() { let first = &args.files[0].0; // we know it's not empty if first.is_dir() { std::env::set_current_dir(&first).context("set current dir")?; editor.new_file(Action::VerticalSplit); let picker = ui::file_picker(".".into(), &config.load().editor); compositor.push(Box::new(overlayed(picker))); } else { let nr_of_files = args.files.len(); for (i, (file, pos)) in args.files.into_iter().enumerate() { if file.is_dir() { return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( "expected a path to file, found a directory. (to open a directory pass it as first argument)" )); } else { // If the user passes in either `--vsplit` or // `--hsplit` as a command line argument, all the given // files will be opened according to the selected // option. If neither of those two arguments are passed // in, just load the files normally. let action = match args.split { _ if i == 0 => Action::VerticalSplit, Some(Layout::Vertical) => Action::VerticalSplit, Some(Layout::Horizontal) => Action::HorizontalSplit, None => Action::Load, }; let doc_id = editor .open(&file, action) .context(format!("open '{}'", file.to_string_lossy()))?; // with Action::Load all documents have the same view // NOTE: this isn't necessarily true anymore. If // `--vsplit` or `--hsplit` are used, the file which is // opened last is focused on. let view_id = editor.tree.focus; let doc = editor.document_mut(doc_id).unwrap(); let pos = Selection::point(pos_at_coords(doc.text().slice(..), pos, true)); doc.set_selection(view_id, pos); } } editor.set_status(format!("Loaded {} files.", nr_of_files)); // align the view to center after all files are loaded, // does not affect views without pos since it is at the top let (view, doc) = current!(editor); align_view(doc, view, Align::Center); } } else if stdin().is_tty() || cfg!(feature = "integration") { editor.new_file(Action::VerticalSplit); } else if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { // On Linux and Windows, we allow the output of a command to be piped into the new buffer. // This doesn't currently work on macOS because of the following issue: // anyhow::bail!("Piping into helix-term is currently not supported on macOS"); } else { editor .new_file_from_stdin(Action::VerticalSplit) .unwrap_or_else(|_| editor.new_file(Action::VerticalSplit)); } editor.set_theme(theme); #[cfg(windows)] let signals = futures_util::stream::empty(); #[cfg(not(windows))] let signals = Signals::new(&[signal::SIGTSTP, signal::SIGCONT]).context("build signal handler")?; let app = Self { compositor, editor, config, theme_loader, syn_loader, signals, jobs: Jobs::new(), lsp_progress: LspProgressMap::new(), last_render: Instant::now(), }; Ok(app) } fn render(&mut self) { let compositor = &mut self.compositor; let mut cx = crate::compositor::Context { editor: &mut self.editor, jobs: &mut, scroll: None, }; compositor.render(&mut cx); } pub async fn event_loop<S>(&mut self, input_stream: &mut S) where S: Stream<Item = crossterm::Result<crossterm::event::Event>> + Unpin, { self.render(); self.last_render = Instant::now(); loop { if !self.event_loop_until_idle(input_stream).await { break; } } } pub async fn event_loop_until_idle<S>(&mut self, input_stream: &mut S) -> bool where S: Stream<Item = crossterm::Result<crossterm::event::Event>> + Unpin, { #[cfg(feature = "integration")] let mut idle_handled = false; loop { if self.editor.should_close() { return false; } use futures_util::StreamExt; tokio::select! { biased; Some(event) = => { self.handle_terminal_events(event); } Some(signal) = => { self.handle_signals(signal).await; } Some((id, call)) = => { self.handle_language_server_message(call, id).await; // limit render calls for fast language server messages let last = self.editor.language_servers.incoming.is_empty(); if last || self.last_render.elapsed() > LSP_DEADLINE { self.render(); self.last_render = Instant::now(); } } Some(payload) = => { let needs_render = self.editor.handle_debugger_message(payload).await; if needs_render { self.render(); } } Some(config_event) = self.editor.config_events.1.recv() => { self.handle_config_events(config_event); self.render(); } Some(callback) = => { self.editor, &mut self.compositor, callback); self.render(); } Some(callback) = => { self.editor, &mut self.compositor, callback); self.render(); } _ = &mut self.editor.idle_timer => { // idle timeout self.editor.clear_idle_timer(); self.handle_idle_timeout(); #[cfg(feature = "integration")] { idle_handled = true; } } } // for integration tests only, reset the idle timer after every // event to make a signal when test events are done processing #[cfg(feature = "integration")] { if idle_handled { return true; } self.editor.reset_idle_timer(); } } } pub fn handle_config_events(&mut self, config_event: ConfigEvent) { match config_event { ConfigEvent::Refresh => self.refresh_config(), // Since only the Application can make changes to Editor's config, // the Editor must send up a new copy of a modified config so that // the Application can apply it. ConfigEvent::Update(editor_config) => { let mut app_config = (*self.config.load().clone()).clone(); app_config.editor = *editor_config;; } } // Update all the relevant members in the editor after updating // the configuration. self.editor.refresh_config(); } fn refresh_config(&mut self) { let config = Config::load_default().unwrap_or_else(|err| { self.editor.set_error(err.to_string()); Config::default() }); // Refresh theme if let Some(theme) = config.theme.clone() { let true_color = self.true_color(); self.editor.set_theme( self.theme_loader .load(&theme) .map_err(|e| { log::warn!("failed to load theme `{}` - {}", theme, e); e }) .ok() .filter(|theme| (true_color || theme.is_16_color())) .unwrap_or_else(|| self.theme_loader.default_theme(true_color)), ); }; } fn true_color(&self) -> bool { self.config.load().editor.true_color || crate::true_color() } #[cfg(windows)] // no signal handling available on windows pub async fn handle_signals(&mut self, _signal: ()) {} #[cfg(not(windows))] pub async fn handle_signals(&mut self, signal: i32) { use helix_view::graphics::Rect; match signal { signal::SIGTSTP => { self.compositor.save_cursor(); self.restore_term().unwrap(); low_level::emulate_default_handler(signal::SIGTSTP).unwrap(); } signal::SIGCONT => { self.claim_term().await.unwrap(); // redraw the terminal let Rect { width, height, .. } = self.compositor.size(); self.compositor.resize(width, height); self.compositor.load_cursor(); self.render(); } _ => unreachable!(), } } pub fn handle_idle_timeout(&mut self) { use crate::compositor::EventResult; let editor_view = self .compositor .find::<ui::EditorView>() .expect("expected at least one EditorView"); let mut cx = crate::compositor::Context { editor: &mut self.editor, jobs: &mut, scroll: None, }; if let EventResult::Consumed(_) = editor_view.handle_idle_timeout(&mut cx) { self.render(); } } pub fn handle_terminal_events(&mut self, event: Result<Event, crossterm::ErrorKind>) { let mut cx = crate::compositor::Context { editor: &mut self.editor, jobs: &mut, scroll: None, }; // Handle key events let should_redraw = match event { Ok(Event::Resize(width, height)) => { self.compositor.resize(width, height); self.compositor .handle_event(Event::Resize(width, height), &mut cx) } Ok(event) => self.compositor.handle_event(event, &mut cx), Err(x) => panic!("{}", x), }; if should_redraw && !self.editor.should_close() { self.render(); } } pub async fn handle_language_server_message( &mut self, call: helix_lsp::Call, server_id: usize, ) { use helix_lsp::{Call, MethodCall, Notification}; match call { Call::Notification(helix_lsp::jsonrpc::Notification { method, params, .. }) => { let notification = match Notification::parse(&method, params) { Ok(notification) => notification, Err(err) => { log::error!( "received malformed notification from Language Server: {}", err ); return; } }; match notification { Notification::Initialized => { let language_server = match self.editor.language_servers.get_by_id(server_id) { Some(language_server) => language_server, None => { warn!("can't find language server with id `{}`", server_id); return; } }; // Trigger a workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification after initialization. // This might not be required by the spec but Neovim does this as well, so it's // probably a good idea for compatibility. if let Some(config) = language_server.config() { tokio::spawn(language_server.did_change_configuration(config.clone())); } let docs = self.editor.documents().filter(|doc| { doc.language_server().map(|server| == Some(server_id) }); // trigger textDocument/didOpen for docs that are already open for doc in docs { let language_id = doc.language_id().map(ToOwned::to_owned).unwrap_or_default(); tokio::spawn(language_server.text_document_did_open( doc.url().unwrap(), doc.version(), doc.text(), language_id, )); } } Notification::PublishDiagnostics(mut params) => { let path = params.uri.to_file_path().unwrap(); let doc = self.editor.document_by_path_mut(&path); if let Some(doc) = doc { let lang_conf = doc.language_config(); let text = doc.text(); let diagnostics = params .diagnostics .iter() .filter_map(|diagnostic| { use helix_core::diagnostic::{Diagnostic, Range, Severity::*}; use lsp::DiagnosticSeverity; let language_server = doc.language_server().unwrap(); // TODO: convert inside server let start = if let Some(start) = lsp_pos_to_pos( text, diagnostic.range.start, language_server.offset_encoding(), ) { start } else { log::warn!("lsp position out of bounds - {:?}", diagnostic); return None; }; let end = if let Some(end) = lsp_pos_to_pos( text, diagnostic.range.end, language_server.offset_encoding(), ) { end } else { log::warn!("lsp position out of bounds - {:?}", diagnostic); return None; }; let severity =|severity| match severity { DiagnosticSeverity::ERROR => Error, DiagnosticSeverity::WARNING => Warning, DiagnosticSeverity::INFORMATION => Info, DiagnosticSeverity::HINT => Hint, severity => unreachable!( "unrecognized diagnostic severity: {:?}", severity ), }); if let Some(lang_conf) = lang_conf { if let Some(severity) = severity { if severity < lang_conf.diagnostic_severity { return None; } } }; let code = match diagnostic.code.clone() { Some(x) => match x { lsp::NumberOrString::Number(x) => { Some(NumberOrString::Number(x)) } lsp::NumberOrString::String(x) => { Some(NumberOrString::String(x)) } }, None => None, }; Some(Diagnostic { range: Range { start, end }, line: diagnostic.range.start.line as usize, message: diagnostic.message.clone(), severity, code, // source }) }) .collect(); doc.set_diagnostics(diagnostics); } // Sort diagnostics first by severity and then by line numbers. // Note: The `lsp::DiagnosticSeverity` enum is already defined in decreasing order params .diagnostics .sort_unstable_by_key(|d| (d.severity, d.range.start)); // Insert the original lsp::Diagnostics here because we may have no open document // for diagnosic message and so we can't calculate the exact position. // When using them later in the diagnostics picker, we calculate them on-demand. self.editor .diagnostics .insert(params.uri, params.diagnostics); } Notification::ShowMessage(params) => { log::warn!("unhandled window/showMessage: {:?}", params); } Notification::LogMessage(params) => { log::info!("window/logMessage: {:?}", params); } Notification::ProgressMessage(params) if !self .compositor .has_component(std::any::type_name::<ui::Prompt>()) => { let editor_view = self .compositor .find::<ui::EditorView>() .expect("expected at least one EditorView"); let lsp::ProgressParams { token, value } = params; let lsp::ProgressParamsValue::WorkDone(work) = value; let parts = match &work { lsp::WorkDoneProgress::Begin(lsp::WorkDoneProgressBegin { title, message, percentage, .. }) => (Some(title), message, percentage), lsp::WorkDoneProgress::Report(lsp::WorkDoneProgressReport { message, percentage, .. }) => (None, message, percentage), lsp::WorkDoneProgress::End(lsp::WorkDoneProgressEnd { message }) => { if message.is_some() { (None, message, &None) } else { self.lsp_progress.end_progress(server_id, &token); if !self.lsp_progress.is_progressing(server_id) { editor_view.spinners_mut().get_or_create(server_id).stop(); } self.editor.clear_status(); // we want to render to clear any leftover spinners or messages return; } } }; let token_d: &dyn std::fmt::Display = match &token { lsp::NumberOrString::Number(n) => n, lsp::NumberOrString::String(s) => s, }; let status = match parts { (Some(title), Some(message), Some(percentage)) => { format!("[{}] {}% {} - {}", token_d, percentage, title, message) } (Some(title), None, Some(percentage)) => { format!("[{}] {}% {}", token_d, percentage, title) } (Some(title), Some(message), None) => { format!("[{}] {} - {}", token_d, title, message) } (None, Some(message), Some(percentage)) => { format!("[{}] {}% {}", token_d, percentage, message) } (Some(title), None, None) => { format!("[{}] {}", token_d, title) } (None, Some(message), None) => { format!("[{}] {}", token_d, message) } (None, None, Some(percentage)) => { format!("[{}] {}%", token_d, percentage) } (None, None, None) => format!("[{}]", token_d), }; if let lsp::WorkDoneProgress::End(_) = work { self.lsp_progress.end_progress(server_id, &token); if !self.lsp_progress.is_progressing(server_id) { editor_view.spinners_mut().get_or_create(server_id).stop(); } } else { self.lsp_progress.update(server_id, token, work); } if self.config.load().editor.lsp.display_messages { self.editor.set_status(status); } } Notification::ProgressMessage(_params) => { // do nothing } } } Call::MethodCall(helix_lsp::jsonrpc::MethodCall { method, params, id, .. }) => { let call = match MethodCall::parse(&method, params) { Ok(call) => call, Err(helix_lsp::Error::Unhandled) => { error!("Language Server: Method not found {}", method); return; } Err(err) => { log::error!( "received malformed method call from Language Server: {}: {}", method, err ); return; } }; let reply = match call { MethodCall::WorkDoneProgressCreate(params) => { self.lsp_progress.create(server_id, params.token); let editor_view = self .compositor .find::<ui::EditorView>() .expect("expected at least one EditorView"); let spinner = editor_view.spinners_mut().get_or_create(server_id); if spinner.is_stopped() { spinner.start(); } Ok(serde_json::Value::Null) } MethodCall::ApplyWorkspaceEdit(params) => { apply_workspace_edit( &mut self.editor, helix_lsp::OffsetEncoding::Utf8, ¶ms.edit, ); Ok(json!(lsp::ApplyWorkspaceEditResponse { applied: true, failure_reason: None, failed_change: None, })) } MethodCall::WorkspaceFolders => { let language_server = self.editor.language_servers.get_by_id(server_id).unwrap(); Ok(json!(language_server.workspace_folders())) } MethodCall::WorkspaceConfiguration(params) => { let result: Vec<_> = params .items .iter() .map(|item| { let mut config = match &item.scope_uri { Some(scope) => { let path = scope.to_file_path().ok()?; let doc = self.editor.document_by_path(path)?; doc.language_config()?.config.as_ref()? } None => self .editor .language_servers .get_by_id(server_id) .unwrap() .config()?, }; if let Some(section) = item.section.as_ref() { for part in section.split('.') { config = config.get(part)?; } } Some(config) }) .collect(); Ok(json!(result)) } }; let language_server = match self.editor.language_servers.get_by_id(server_id) { Some(language_server) => language_server, None => { warn!("can't find language server with id `{}`", server_id); return; } }; tokio::spawn(language_server.reply(id, reply)); } Call::Invalid { id } => log::error!("LSP invalid method call id={:?}", id), } } async fn claim_term(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { terminal::enable_raw_mode()?; let mut stdout = stdout(); execute!(stdout, terminal::EnterAlternateScreen)?; execute!(stdout, terminal::Clear(terminal::ClearType::All))?; if self.config.load().editor.mouse { execute!(stdout, EnableMouseCapture)?; } Ok(()) } fn restore_term(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { let mut stdout = stdout(); // reset cursor shape write!(stdout, "\x1B[2 q")?; // Ignore errors on disabling, this might trigger on windows if we call // disable without calling enable previously let _ = execute!(stdout, DisableMouseCapture); execute!(stdout, terminal::LeaveAlternateScreen)?; terminal::disable_raw_mode()?; Ok(()) } pub async fn run<S>(&mut self, input_stream: &mut S) -> Result<i32, Error> where S: Stream<Item = crossterm::Result<crossterm::event::Event>> + Unpin, { self.claim_term().await?; // Exit the alternate screen and disable raw mode before panicking let hook = std::panic::take_hook(); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |info| { // We can't handle errors properly inside this closure. And it's // probably not a good idea to `unwrap()` inside a panic handler. // So we just ignore the `Result`s. let _ = execute!(std::io::stdout(), DisableMouseCapture); let _ = execute!(std::io::stdout(), terminal::LeaveAlternateScreen); let _ = terminal::disable_raw_mode(); hook(info); })); self.event_loop(input_stream).await; self.close().await?; self.restore_term()?; Ok(self.editor.exit_code) } pub async fn close(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {; if self.editor.close_language_servers(None).await.is_err() { log::error!("Timed out waiting for language servers to shutdown"); }; Ok(()) } }