use clap::ArgMatches as Args; use helix_view::{document::Mode, Document, Editor, Theme, View}; use crate::{compositor::Compositor, ui}; use log::{error, info}; use std::{ future::Future, io::{self, stdout, Stdout, Write}, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc, time::Duration, }; use anyhow::Error; use crossterm::{ event::{Event, EventStream}, execute, terminal, }; use tui::layout::Rect; use futures_util::stream::FuturesUnordered; use std::pin::Pin; type BoxFuture<T> = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = T> + Send>>; pub type LspCallback = BoxFuture<Result<Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Editor, &mut Compositor) + Send>, anyhow::Error>>; pub type LspCallbacks = FuturesUnordered<LspCallback>; pub type LspCallbackWrapper = Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Editor, &mut Compositor) + Send>; pub struct Application { compositor: Compositor, editor: Editor, callbacks: LspCallbacks, } impl Application { pub fn new(mut args: Args) -> Result<Self, Error> { use helix_view::editor::Action; let mut compositor = Compositor::new()?; let size = compositor.size(); let mut editor = Editor::new(size); if let Ok(files) = args.values_of_t::<PathBuf>("files") { for file in files {, Action::VerticalSplit)?; } } else { editor.new_file(Action::VerticalSplit); } compositor.push(Box::new(ui::EditorView::new())); let mut app = Self { compositor, editor, callbacks: FuturesUnordered::new(), }; Ok(app) } fn render(&mut self) { let editor = &mut self.editor; let compositor = &mut self.compositor; let callbacks = &mut self.callbacks; let mut cx = crate::compositor::Context { editor, callbacks, scroll: None, }; compositor.render(&mut cx); } pub async fn event_loop(&mut self) { let mut reader = EventStream::new(); self.render(); loop { if self.editor.should_close() { break; } use futures_util::StreamExt; tokio::select! { event = => { self.handle_terminal_events(event) } Some(call) = => { self.handle_language_server_message(call).await } Some(callback) = &mut => { self.handle_language_server_callback(callback) } } } } pub fn handle_language_server_callback( &mut self, callback: Result<LspCallbackWrapper, anyhow::Error>, ) { if let Ok(callback) = callback { // TODO: handle Err() callback(&mut self.editor, &mut self.compositor); self.render(); } } pub fn handle_terminal_events(&mut self, event: Option<Result<Event, crossterm::ErrorKind>>) { let mut cx = crate::compositor::Context { editor: &mut self.editor, callbacks: &mut self.callbacks, scroll: None, }; // Handle key events let should_redraw = match event { Some(Ok(Event::Resize(width, height))) => { self.compositor.resize(width, height); self.compositor .handle_event(Event::Resize(width, height), &mut cx) } Some(Ok(event)) => self.compositor.handle_event(event, &mut cx), Some(Err(x)) => panic!("{}", x), None => panic!(), }; if should_redraw && !self.editor.should_close() { self.render(); } } pub async fn handle_language_server_message(&mut self, call: helix_lsp::Call) { use helix_lsp::{Call, Notification}; match call { Call::Notification(helix_lsp::jsonrpc::Notification { method, params, .. }) => { let notification = match Notification::parse(&method, params) { Some(notification) => notification, None => return, }; // TODO: parse should return Result/Option match notification { Notification::PublishDiagnostics(params) => { let path = Some(params.uri.to_file_path().unwrap()); let doc = self .editor .documents .iter_mut() .find(|(_, doc)| doc.path() == path.as_ref()); if let Some((_, doc)) = doc { let text = doc.text(); let diagnostics = params .diagnostics .into_iter() .map(|diagnostic| { use helix_core::{ diagnostic::{Range, Severity, Severity::*}, Diagnostic, }; use helix_lsp::{lsp, util::lsp_pos_to_pos}; use lsp::DiagnosticSeverity; let language_server = doc.language_server().unwrap(); // TODO: convert inside server let start = lsp_pos_to_pos( text, diagnostic.range.start, language_server.offset_encoding(), ); let end = lsp_pos_to_pos( text, diagnostic.range.end, language_server.offset_encoding(), ); Diagnostic { range: Range { start, end }, line: diagnostic.range.start.line as usize, message: diagnostic.message, severity: |severity| match severity { DiagnosticSeverity::Error => Error, DiagnosticSeverity::Warning => Warning, DiagnosticSeverity::Information => Info, DiagnosticSeverity::Hint => Hint, }, ), // code // source } }) .collect(); doc.diagnostics = diagnostics; // TODO: we want to process all the events in queue, then render. publishDiagnostic tends to send a whole bunch of events self.render(); } } Notification::ShowMessage(params) => { log::warn!("unhandled window/showMessage: {:?}", params); } Notification::LogMessage(params) => { log::warn!("unhandled window/logMessage: {:?}", params); } _ => unreachable!(), } } Call::MethodCall(call) => { error!("Method not found {}", call.method); // self.language_server.reply( //, // // TODO: make a Into trait that can cast to Err(jsonrpc::Error) // Err(helix_lsp::jsonrpc::Error { // code: helix_lsp::jsonrpc::ErrorCode::MethodNotFound, // message: "Method not found".to_string(), // data: None, // }), // ); } e => unreachable!("{:?}", e), } } pub async fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> { terminal::enable_raw_mode()?; let mut stdout = stdout(); execute!(stdout, terminal::EnterAlternateScreen)?; // Exit the alternate screen and disable raw mode before panicking let hook = std::panic::take_hook(); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |info| { execute!(std::io::stdout(), terminal::LeaveAlternateScreen); terminal::disable_raw_mode(); hook(info); })); self.event_loop().await; // reset cursor shape write!(stdout, "\x1B[2 q"); execute!(stdout, terminal::LeaveAlternateScreen)?; terminal::disable_raw_mode()?; Ok(()) } }