use super::*;

use helix_view::editor::{Action, ConfigEvent};
use ui::completers::{self, Completer};

pub struct TypableCommand {
    pub name: &'static str,
    pub aliases: &'static [&'static str],
    pub doc: &'static str,
    // params, flags, helper, completer
    pub fun: fn(&mut compositor::Context, &[Cow<str>], PromptEvent) -> anyhow::Result<()>,
    pub completer: Option<Completer>,

fn quit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // last view and we have unsaved changes
    if cx.editor.tree.views().count() == 1 {



fn force_quit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {


fn open(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    ensure!(!args.is_empty(), "wrong argument count");
    for arg in args {
        let (path, pos) = args::parse_file(arg);
        let _ =, Action::Replace)?;
        let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
        let pos = Selection::point(pos_at_coords(doc.text().slice(..), pos, true));
        doc.set_selection(, pos);
        // does not affect opening a buffer without pos
        align_view(doc, view, Align::Center);

fn buffer_close_by_ids_impl(
    editor: &mut Editor,
    doc_ids: &[DocumentId],
    force: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    for &doc_id in doc_ids {
        editor.close_document(doc_id, force)?;


fn buffer_gather_paths_impl(editor: &mut Editor, args: &[Cow<str>]) -> Vec<DocumentId> {
    // No arguments implies current document
    if args.is_empty() {
        let doc_id = view!(editor).doc;
        return vec![doc_id];

    let mut nonexistent_buffers = vec![];
    let mut document_ids = vec![];
    for arg in args {
        let doc_id = editor.documents().find_map(|doc| {
            let arg_path = Some(Path::new(arg.as_ref()));
            if doc.path().map(|p| p.as_path()) == arg_path
                || doc.relative_path().as_deref() == arg_path
            } else {

        match doc_id {
            Some(doc_id) => document_ids.push(doc_id),
            None => nonexistent_buffers.push(format!("'{}'", arg)),

    if !nonexistent_buffers.is_empty() {
            "cannot close non-existent buffers: {}",
            nonexistent_buffers.join(", ")


fn buffer_close(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let document_ids = buffer_gather_paths_impl(cx.editor, args);
    buffer_close_by_ids_impl(cx.editor, &document_ids, false)

fn force_buffer_close(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let document_ids = buffer_gather_paths_impl(cx.editor, args);
    buffer_close_by_ids_impl(cx.editor, &document_ids, true)

fn buffer_gather_others_impl(editor: &mut Editor) -> Vec<DocumentId> {
    let current_document = &doc!(editor).id();
        .filter(|doc_id| doc_id != current_document)

fn buffer_close_others(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let document_ids = buffer_gather_others_impl(cx.editor);
    buffer_close_by_ids_impl(cx.editor, &document_ids, false)

fn force_buffer_close_others(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let document_ids = buffer_gather_others_impl(cx.editor);
    buffer_close_by_ids_impl(cx.editor, &document_ids, true)

fn buffer_gather_all_impl(editor: &mut Editor) -> Vec<DocumentId> {

fn buffer_close_all(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let document_ids = buffer_gather_all_impl(cx.editor);
    buffer_close_by_ids_impl(cx.editor, &document_ids, false)

fn force_buffer_close_all(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let document_ids = buffer_gather_all_impl(cx.editor);
    buffer_close_by_ids_impl(cx.editor, &document_ids, true)

fn buffer_next(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    goto_buffer(cx.editor, Direction::Forward);

fn buffer_previous(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    goto_buffer(cx.editor, Direction::Backward);

fn write_impl(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    path: Option<&Cow<str>>,
    force: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let jobs = &mut;
    let doc = doc_mut!(cx.editor);

    if let Some(ref path) = path {
            .context("invalid filepath")?;
    if doc.path().is_none() {
        bail!("cannot write a buffer without a filename");
    let fmt = doc.auto_format().map(|fmt| {
        let shared = fmt.shared();
        let callback = make_format_callback(
    let future = doc.format_and_save(fmt, force);;

    if path.is_some() {
        let id =;
        let _ = cx.editor.refresh_language_server(id);

fn write(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    write_impl(cx, args.first(), false)

fn force_write(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    write_impl(cx, args.first(), true)

fn new_file(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {


fn format(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
    if let Some(format) = doc.format() {
        let callback =
            make_format_callback(, doc.version(), Modified::LeaveModified, format);;

fn set_indent_style(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    use IndentStyle::*;

    // If no argument, report current indent style.
    if args.is_empty() {
        let style = doc!(cx.editor).indent_style;
        cx.editor.set_status(match style {
            Tabs => "tabs".to_owned(),
            Spaces(1) => "1 space".to_owned(),
            Spaces(n) if (2..=8).contains(&n) => format!("{} spaces", n),
            _ => unreachable!(), // Shouldn't happen.
        return Ok(());

    // Attempt to parse argument as an indent style.
    let style = match args.get(0) {
        Some(arg) if "tabs".starts_with(&arg.to_lowercase()) => Some(Tabs),
        Some(Cow::Borrowed("0")) => Some(Tabs),
        Some(arg) => arg
            .filter(|n| (1..=8).contains(n))
        _ => None,

    let style = style.context("invalid indent style")?;
    let doc = doc_mut!(cx.editor);
    doc.indent_style = style;


/// Sets or reports the current document's line ending setting.
fn set_line_ending(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    use LineEnding::*;

    // If no argument, report current line ending setting.
    if args.is_empty() {
        let line_ending = doc!(cx.editor).line_ending;
        cx.editor.set_status(match line_ending {
            Crlf => "crlf",
            LF => "line feed",
            #[cfg(feature = "unicode-lines")]
            FF => "form feed",
            #[cfg(feature = "unicode-lines")]
            CR => "carriage return",
            #[cfg(feature = "unicode-lines")]
            Nel => "next line",

            // These should never be a document's default line ending.
            #[cfg(feature = "unicode-lines")]
            VT | LS | PS => "error",

        return Ok(());

    let arg = args
        .context("argument missing")?

    // Attempt to parse argument as a line ending.
    let line_ending = match arg {
        // We check for CR first because it shares a common prefix with CRLF.
        #[cfg(feature = "unicode-lines")]
        arg if arg.starts_with("cr") => CR,
        arg if arg.starts_with("crlf") => Crlf,
        arg if arg.starts_with("lf") => LF,
        #[cfg(feature = "unicode-lines")]
        arg if arg.starts_with("ff") => FF,
        #[cfg(feature = "unicode-lines")]
        arg if arg.starts_with("nel") => Nel,
        _ => bail!("invalid line ending"),
    let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
    doc.line_ending = line_ending;

    let mut pos = 0;
    let transaction = Transaction::change(
        doc.text().lines().filter_map(|line| {
            pos += line.len_chars();
            match helix_core::line_ending::get_line_ending(&line) {
                Some(ending) if ending != line_ending => {
                    let start = pos - ending.len_chars();
                    let end = pos;
                    Some((start, end, Some(line_ending.as_str().into())))
                _ => None,


fn earlier(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let uk = args.join(" ").parse::<UndoKind>().map_err(|s| anyhow!(s))?;

    let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
    let success = doc.earlier(, uk);
    if !success {
        cx.editor.set_status("Already at oldest change");


fn later(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let uk = args.join(" ").parse::<UndoKind>().map_err(|s| anyhow!(s))?;
    let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
    let success = doc.later(, uk);
    if !success {
        cx.editor.set_status("Already at newest change");


fn write_quit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    write_impl(cx, args.first(), false)?;
    quit(cx, &[], event)

fn force_write_quit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    write_impl(cx, args.first(), true)?;
    force_quit(cx, &[], event)

/// Results an error if there are modified buffers remaining and sets editor error,
/// otherwise returns `Ok(())`
pub(super) fn buffers_remaining_impl(editor: &mut Editor) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let modified: Vec<_> = editor
        .filter(|doc| doc.is_modified())
        .map(|doc| {
                .map(|path| path.to_string_lossy().to_string())
                .unwrap_or_else(|| SCRATCH_BUFFER_NAME.into())
    if !modified.is_empty() {
            "{} unsaved buffer(s) remaining: {:?}",

fn write_all_impl(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
    quit: bool,
    force: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut errors = String::new();
    let jobs = &mut;
    // save all documents
    for doc in &mut cx.editor.documents.values_mut() {
        if doc.path().is_none() {
            errors.push_str("cannot write a buffer without a filename\n");

        if !doc.is_modified() {

        let fmt = doc.auto_format().map(|fmt| {
            let shared = fmt.shared();
            let callback = make_format_callback(
        let future = doc.format_and_save(fmt, force);

    if quit {
        if !force {

        // close all views
        let views: Vec<_> = cx.editor.tree.views().map(|(view, _)|;
        for view_id in views {


fn write_all(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    write_all_impl(cx, args, event, false, false)

fn write_all_quit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    write_all_impl(cx, args, event, true, false)

fn force_write_all_quit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    write_all_impl(cx, args, event, true, true)

fn quit_all_impl(editor: &mut Editor, force: bool) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    if !force {

    // close all views
    let views: Vec<_> = editor.tree.views().map(|(view, _)|;
    for view_id in views {


fn quit_all(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    quit_all_impl(cx.editor, false)

fn force_quit_all(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    quit_all_impl(cx.editor, true)

fn cquit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let exit_code = args
        .and_then(|code| code.parse::<i32>().ok())
    cx.editor.exit_code = exit_code;

    quit_all_impl(cx.editor, false)

fn force_cquit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let exit_code = args
        .and_then(|code| code.parse::<i32>().ok())
    cx.editor.exit_code = exit_code;

    quit_all_impl(cx.editor, true)

fn theme(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let theme = args.first().context("Theme not provided")?;
    let theme = cx
        .with_context(|| format!("Failed setting theme {}", theme))?;
    let true_color = cx.editor.config().true_color || crate::true_color();
    if !(true_color || theme.is_16_color()) {
        bail!("Unsupported theme: theme requires true color support");

fn yank_main_selection_to_clipboard(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    yank_main_selection_to_clipboard_impl(cx.editor, ClipboardType::Clipboard)

fn yank_joined_to_clipboard(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
    let default_sep = Cow::Borrowed(doc.line_ending.as_str());
    let separator = args.first().unwrap_or(&default_sep);
    yank_joined_to_clipboard_impl(cx.editor, separator, ClipboardType::Clipboard)

fn yank_main_selection_to_primary_clipboard(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    yank_main_selection_to_clipboard_impl(cx.editor, ClipboardType::Selection)

fn yank_joined_to_primary_clipboard(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
    let default_sep = Cow::Borrowed(doc.line_ending.as_str());
    let separator = args.first().unwrap_or(&default_sep);
    yank_joined_to_clipboard_impl(cx.editor, separator, ClipboardType::Selection)

fn paste_clipboard_after(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    paste_clipboard_impl(cx.editor, Paste::After, ClipboardType::Clipboard, 1)

fn paste_clipboard_before(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    paste_clipboard_impl(cx.editor, Paste::Before, ClipboardType::Clipboard, 1)

fn paste_primary_clipboard_after(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    paste_clipboard_impl(cx.editor, Paste::After, ClipboardType::Selection, 1)

fn paste_primary_clipboard_before(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    paste_clipboard_impl(cx.editor, Paste::Before, ClipboardType::Selection, 1)

fn replace_selections_with_clipboard_impl(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    clipboard_type: ClipboardType,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);

    match cx.editor.clipboard_provider.get_contents(clipboard_type) {
        Ok(contents) => {
            let selection = doc.selection(;
            let transaction = Transaction::change_by_selection(doc.text(), selection, |range| {
                (range.from(),, Some(contents.as_str().into()))

        Err(e) => Err(e.context("Couldn't get system clipboard contents")),

fn replace_selections_with_clipboard(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    replace_selections_with_clipboard_impl(cx, ClipboardType::Clipboard)

fn replace_selections_with_primary_clipboard(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    replace_selections_with_clipboard_impl(cx, ClipboardType::Selection)

fn show_clipboard_provider(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {

fn change_current_directory(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let dir = helix_core::path::expand_tilde(
            .context("target directory not provided")?

    if let Err(e) = std::env::set_current_dir(dir) {
        bail!("Couldn't change the current working directory: {}", e);

    let cwd = std::env::current_dir().context("Couldn't get the new working directory")?;
        "Current working directory is now {}",

fn show_current_directory(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let cwd = std::env::current_dir().context("Couldn't get the new working directory")?;
        .set_status(format!("Current working directory is {}", cwd.display()));

/// Sets the [`Document`]'s encoding..
fn set_encoding(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let doc = doc_mut!(cx.editor);
    if let Some(label) = args.first() {
    } else {
        let encoding = doc.encoding().name().to_owned();

/// Reload the [`Document`] from its source file.
fn reload(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);

fn tree_sitter_scopes(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
    let text = doc.text().slice(..);

    let pos = doc.selection(;
    let scopes = indent::get_scopes(doc.syntax(), text, pos);
    cx.editor.set_status(format!("scopes: {:?}", &scopes));

fn vsplit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let id = view!(cx.editor).doc;

    if args.is_empty() {
        cx.editor.switch(id, Action::VerticalSplit);
    } else {
        for arg in args {
                .open(PathBuf::from(arg.as_ref()), Action::VerticalSplit)?;


fn hsplit(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let id = view!(cx.editor).doc;

    if args.is_empty() {
        cx.editor.switch(id, Action::HorizontalSplit);
    } else {
        for arg in args {
                .open(PathBuf::from(arg.as_ref()), Action::HorizontalSplit)?;


fn vsplit_new(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {


fn hsplit_new(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {


fn debug_eval(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    if let Some(debugger) = cx.editor.debugger.as_mut() {
        let (frame, thread_id) = match (debugger.active_frame, debugger.thread_id) {
            (Some(frame), Some(thread_id)) => (frame, thread_id),
            _ => {
                bail!("Cannot find current stack frame to access variables")

        // TODO: support no frame_id

        let frame_id = debugger.stack_frames[&thread_id][frame].id;
        let response = helix_lsp::block_on(debugger.eval(args.join(" "), Some(frame_id)))?;

fn debug_start(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut args = args.to_owned();
    let name = match args.len() {
        0 => None,
        _ => Some(args.remove(0)),
    dap_start_impl(cx, name.as_deref(), None, Some(args))

fn debug_remote(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut args = args.to_owned();
    let address = match args.len() {
        0 => None,
        _ => Some(args.remove(0).parse()?),
    let name = match args.len() {
        0 => None,
        _ => Some(args.remove(0)),
    dap_start_impl(cx, name.as_deref(), address, Some(args))

fn tutor(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let path = helix_loader::runtime_dir().join("tutor.txt");, Action::Replace)?;
    // Unset path to prevent accidentally saving to the original tutor file.

pub(super) fn goto_line_number(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    ensure!(!args.is_empty(), "Line number required");

    let line = args[0].parse::<usize>()?;

    goto_line_impl(cx.editor, NonZeroUsize::new(line));

    let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);

    view.ensure_cursor_in_view(doc, line);

// Fetch the current value of a config option and output as status.
fn get_option(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    if args.len() != 1 {
        anyhow::bail!("Bad arguments. Usage: `:get key`");

    let key = &args[0].to_lowercase();
    let key_error = || anyhow::anyhow!("Unknown key `{}`", key);

    let config = serde_json::to_value(&cx.editor.config().clone()).unwrap();
    let pointer = format!("/{}", key.replace('.', "/"));
    let value = config.pointer(&pointer).ok_or_else(key_error)?;


/// Change config at runtime. Access nested values by dot syntax, for
/// example to disable smart case search, use `:set false`.
fn set_option(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    if args.len() != 2 {
        anyhow::bail!("Bad arguments. Usage: `:set key field`");
    let (key, arg) = (&args[0].to_lowercase(), &args[1]);

    let key_error = || anyhow::anyhow!("Unknown key `{}`", key);
    let field_error = |_| anyhow::anyhow!("Could not parse field `{}`", arg);

    let mut config = serde_json::to_value(&cx.editor.config().clone()).unwrap();
    let pointer = format!("/{}", key.replace('.', "/"));
    let value = config.pointer_mut(&pointer).ok_or_else(key_error)?;

    *value = if value.is_string() {
        // JSON strings require quotes, so we can't .parse() directly
    } else {
    let config = serde_json::from_value(config).map_err(field_error)?;


/// Change the language of the current buffer at runtime.
fn language(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    if args.len() != 1 {
        anyhow::bail!("Bad arguments. Usage: `:set-language language`");

    let doc = doc_mut!(cx.editor);
    doc.set_language_by_language_id(&args[0], cx.editor.syn_loader.clone());

    let id =;

fn sort(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    sort_impl(cx, args, false)

fn sort_reverse(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    sort_impl(cx, args, true)

fn sort_impl(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    reverse: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
    let text = doc.text().slice(..);

    let selection = doc.selection(;

    let mut fragments: Vec<_> = selection
        .map(|fragment| Tendril::from(fragment.as_ref()))

    fragments.sort_by(match reverse {
        true => |a: &Tendril, b: &Tendril| b.cmp(a),
        false => |a: &Tendril, b: &Tendril| a.cmp(b),

    let transaction = Transaction::change(
            .map(|(s, fragment)| (s.from(),, Some(fragment))),



fn tree_sitter_subtree(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);

    if let Some(syntax) = doc.syntax() {
        let primary_selection = doc.selection(;
        let text = doc.text();
        let from = text.char_to_byte(primary_selection.from());
        let to = text.char_to_byte(;
        if let Some(selected_node) = syntax
            .descendant_for_byte_range(from, to)
            let contents = format!("```tsq\n{}\n```", selected_node.to_sexp());

            let callback = async move {
                let call: job::Callback =
                    Box::new(move |editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
                        let contents = ui::Markdown::new(contents, editor.syn_loader.clone());
                        let popup = Popup::new("hover", contents).auto_close(true);
                        compositor.replace_or_push("hover", popup);



fn open_config(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
        .open(helix_loader::config_file(), Action::Replace)?;

fn refresh_config(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    _args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {

fn pipe(
    cx: &mut compositor::Context,
    args: &[Cow<str>],
    _event: PromptEvent,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    ensure!(!args.is_empty(), "Shell command required");
    shell(cx, &args.join(" "), &ShellBehavior::Replace);

pub const TYPABLE_COMMAND_LIST: &[TypableCommand] = &[
        TypableCommand {
            name: "quit",
            aliases: &["q"],
            doc: "Close the current view.",
            fun: quit,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "quit!",
            aliases: &["q!"],
            doc: "Close the current view forcefully (ignoring unsaved changes).",
            fun: force_quit,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "open",
            aliases: &["o"],
            doc: "Open a file from disk into the current view.",
            fun: open,
            completer: Some(completers::filename),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "buffer-close",
            aliases: &["bc", "bclose"],
            doc: "Close the current buffer.",
            fun: buffer_close,
          completer: Some(completers::buffer),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "buffer-close!",
            aliases: &["bc!", "bclose!"],
            doc: "Close the current buffer forcefully (ignoring unsaved changes).",
            fun: force_buffer_close,
          completer: Some(completers::buffer),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "buffer-close-others",
            aliases: &["bco", "bcloseother"],
            doc: "Close all buffers but the currently focused one.",
            fun: buffer_close_others,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "buffer-close-others!",
            aliases: &["bco!", "bcloseother!"],
            doc: "Close all buffers but the currently focused one.",
            fun: force_buffer_close_others,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "buffer-close-all",
            aliases: &["bca", "bcloseall"],
            doc: "Close all buffers, without quitting.",
            fun: buffer_close_all,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "buffer-close-all!",
            aliases: &["bca!", "bcloseall!"],
            doc: "Close all buffers forcefully (ignoring unsaved changes), without quitting.",
            fun: force_buffer_close_all,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "buffer-next",
            aliases: &["bn", "bnext"],
            doc: "Go to next buffer.",
            fun: buffer_next,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "buffer-previous",
            aliases: &["bp", "bprev"],
            doc: "Go to previous buffer.",
            fun: buffer_previous,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "write",
            aliases: &["w"],
            doc: "Write changes to disk. Accepts an optional path (:write some/path.txt)",
            fun: write,
            completer: Some(completers::filename),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "write!",
            aliases: &["w!"],
            doc: "Write changes to disk forcefully (creating necessary subdirectories). Accepts an optional path (:write some/path.txt)",
            fun: force_write,
            completer: Some(completers::filename),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "new",
            aliases: &["n"],
            doc: "Create a new scratch buffer.",
            fun: new_file,
            completer: Some(completers::filename),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "format",
            aliases: &["fmt"],
            doc: "Format the file using the LSP formatter.",
            fun: format,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "indent-style",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Set the indentation style for editing. ('t' for tabs or 1-8 for number of spaces.)",
            fun: set_indent_style,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "line-ending",
            aliases: &[],
            #[cfg(not(feature = "unicode-lines"))]
            doc: "Set the document's default line ending. Options: crlf, lf.",
            #[cfg(feature = "unicode-lines")]
            doc: "Set the document's default line ending. Options: crlf, lf, cr, ff, nel.",
            fun: set_line_ending,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "earlier",
            aliases: &["ear"],
            doc: "Jump back to an earlier point in edit history. Accepts a number of steps or a time span.",
            fun: earlier,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "later",
            aliases: &["lat"],
            doc: "Jump to a later point in edit history. Accepts a number of steps or a time span.",
            fun: later,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "write-quit",
            aliases: &["wq", "x"],
            doc: "Write changes to disk and close the current view. Accepts an optional path (:wq some/path.txt)",
            fun: write_quit,
            completer: Some(completers::filename),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "write-quit!",
            aliases: &["wq!", "x!"],
            doc: "Write changes to disk and close the current view forcefully. Accepts an optional path (:wq! some/path.txt)",
            fun: force_write_quit,
            completer: Some(completers::filename),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "write-all",
            aliases: &["wa"],
            doc: "Write changes from all views to disk.",
            fun: write_all,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "write-quit-all",
            aliases: &["wqa", "xa"],
            doc: "Write changes from all views to disk and close all views.",
            fun: write_all_quit,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "write-quit-all!",
            aliases: &["wqa!", "xa!"],
            doc: "Write changes from all views to disk and close all views forcefully (ignoring unsaved changes).",
            fun: force_write_all_quit,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "quit-all",
            aliases: &["qa"],
            doc: "Close all views.",
            fun: quit_all,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "quit-all!",
            aliases: &["qa!"],
            doc: "Close all views forcefully (ignoring unsaved changes).",
            fun: force_quit_all,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "cquit",
            aliases: &["cq"],
            doc: "Quit with exit code (default 1). Accepts an optional integer exit code (:cq 2).",
            fun: cquit,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "cquit!",
            aliases: &["cq!"],
            doc: "Quit with exit code (default 1) forcefully (ignoring unsaved changes). Accepts an optional integer exit code (:cq! 2).",
            fun: force_cquit,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "theme",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Change the editor theme.",
            fun: theme,
            completer: Some(completers::theme),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "clipboard-yank",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Yank main selection into system clipboard.",
            fun: yank_main_selection_to_clipboard,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "clipboard-yank-join",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Yank joined selections into system clipboard. A separator can be provided as first argument. Default value is newline.", // FIXME: current UI can't display long doc.
            fun: yank_joined_to_clipboard,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "primary-clipboard-yank",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Yank main selection into system primary clipboard.",
            fun: yank_main_selection_to_primary_clipboard,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "primary-clipboard-yank-join",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Yank joined selections into system primary clipboard. A separator can be provided as first argument. Default value is newline.", // FIXME: current UI can't display long doc.
            fun: yank_joined_to_primary_clipboard,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "clipboard-paste-after",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Paste system clipboard after selections.",
            fun: paste_clipboard_after,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "clipboard-paste-before",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Paste system clipboard before selections.",
            fun: paste_clipboard_before,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "clipboard-paste-replace",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Replace selections with content of system clipboard.",
            fun: replace_selections_with_clipboard,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "primary-clipboard-paste-after",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Paste primary clipboard after selections.",
            fun: paste_primary_clipboard_after,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "primary-clipboard-paste-before",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Paste primary clipboard before selections.",
            fun: paste_primary_clipboard_before,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "primary-clipboard-paste-replace",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Replace selections with content of system primary clipboard.",
            fun: replace_selections_with_primary_clipboard,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "show-clipboard-provider",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Show clipboard provider name in status bar.",
            fun: show_clipboard_provider,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "change-current-directory",
            aliases: &["cd"],
            doc: "Change the current working directory.",
            fun: change_current_directory,
            completer: Some(completers::directory),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "show-directory",
            aliases: &["pwd"],
            doc: "Show the current working directory.",
            fun: show_current_directory,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "encoding",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Set encoding based on ``",
            fun: set_encoding,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "reload",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Discard changes and reload from the source file.",
            fun: reload,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "tree-sitter-scopes",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Display tree sitter scopes, primarily for theming and development.",
            fun: tree_sitter_scopes,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "debug-start",
            aliases: &["dbg"],
            doc: "Start a debug session from a given template with given parameters.",
            fun: debug_start,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "debug-remote",
            aliases: &["dbg-tcp"],
            doc: "Connect to a debug adapter by TCP address and start a debugging session from a given template with given parameters.",
            fun: debug_remote,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "debug-eval",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Evaluate expression in current debug context.",
            fun: debug_eval,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "vsplit",
            aliases: &["vs"],
            doc: "Open the file in a vertical split.",
            fun: vsplit,
            completer: Some(completers::filename),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "vsplit-new",
            aliases: &["vnew"],
            doc: "Open a scratch buffer in a vertical split.",
            fun: vsplit_new,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "hsplit",
            aliases: &["hs", "sp"],
            doc: "Open the file in a horizontal split.",
            fun: hsplit,
            completer: Some(completers::filename),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "hsplit-new",
            aliases: &["hnew"],
            doc: "Open a scratch buffer in a horizontal split.",
            fun: hsplit_new,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "tutor",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Open the tutorial.",
            fun: tutor,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "goto",
            aliases: &["g"],
            doc: "Go to line number.",
            fun: goto_line_number,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "set-language",
            aliases: &["lang"],
            doc: "Set the language of current buffer.",
            fun: language,
            completer: Some(completers::language),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "set-option",
            aliases: &["set"],
            doc: "Set a config option at runtime.",
            fun: set_option,
            completer: Some(completers::setting),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "get-option",
            aliases: &["get"],
            doc: "Get the current value of a config option.",
            fun: get_option,
            completer: Some(completers::setting),
        TypableCommand {
            name: "sort",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Sort ranges in selection.",
            fun: sort,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "rsort",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Sort ranges in selection in reverse order.",
            fun: sort_reverse,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "tree-sitter-subtree",
            aliases: &["ts-subtree"],
            doc: "Display tree sitter subtree under cursor, primarily for debugging queries.",
            fun: tree_sitter_subtree,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "config-reload",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Refreshes helix's config.",
            fun: refresh_config,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "config-open",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Open the helix config.toml file.",
            fun: open_config,
            completer: None,
        TypableCommand {
            name: "pipe",
            aliases: &[],
            doc: "Pipe each selection to the shell command.",
            fun: pipe,
            completer: None,

pub static TYPABLE_COMMAND_MAP: Lazy<HashMap<&'static str, &'static TypableCommand>> =
    Lazy::new(|| {
            .flat_map(|cmd| {
                std::iter::once((, cmd))
                    .chain(cmd.aliases.iter().map(move |&alias| (alias, cmd)))

pub fn command_mode(cx: &mut Context) {
    let mut prompt = Prompt::new(
        |editor: &Editor, input: &str| {
            static FUZZY_MATCHER: Lazy<fuzzy_matcher::skim::SkimMatcherV2> =

            // we use .this over split_whitespace() because we care about empty segments
            let parts = input.split(' ').collect::<Vec<&str>>();

            // simple heuristic: if there's no just one part, complete command name.
            // if there's a space, per command completion kicks in.
            if parts.len() <= 1 {
                let mut matches: Vec<_> = typed::TYPABLE_COMMAND_LIST
                    .filter_map(|command| {
                            .fuzzy_match(, input)
                            .map(|score| (, score))

                matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_file, score)| std::cmp::Reverse(*score));
                    .map(|(name, _)| (0.., name.into()))
            } else {
                let part = parts.last().unwrap();

                if let Some(typed::TypableCommand {
                    completer: Some(completer),
                }) = typed::TYPABLE_COMMAND_MAP.get(parts[0])
                    completer(editor, part)
                        .map(|(range, file)| {
                            // offset ranges to input
                            let offset = input.len() - part.len();
                            let range = (range.start + offset)..;
                            (range, file)
                } else {
        }, // completion
        move |cx: &mut compositor::Context, input: &str, event: PromptEvent| {
            if event != PromptEvent::Validate {

            let parts = input.split_whitespace().collect::<Vec<&str>>();
            if parts.is_empty() {

            // If command is numeric, interpret as line number and go there.
            if parts.len() == 1 && parts[0].parse::<usize>().ok().is_some() {
                if let Err(e) = typed::goto_line_number(cx, &[Cow::from(parts[0])], event) {
                    cx.editor.set_error(format!("{}", e));

            // Handle typable commands
            if let Some(cmd) = typed::TYPABLE_COMMAND_MAP.get(parts[0]) {
                let args = if cfg!(unix) {
                } else {
                    // Windows doesn't support POSIX, so fallback for now
                        .map(|part| part.into())

                if let Err(e) = (, &args[1..], event) {
                    cx.editor.set_error(format!("{}", e));
            } else {
                    .set_error(format!("no such command: '{}'", parts[0]));
    prompt.doc_fn = Box::new(|input: &str| {
        let part = input.split(' ').next().unwrap_or_default();

        if let Some(typed::TypableCommand { doc, aliases, .. }) =
            if aliases.is_empty() {
                return Some((*doc).into());
            return Some(format!("{}\nAliases: {}", doc, aliases.join(", ")).into());


    // Calculate initial completion