pub use crate::commands::Command; use crate::config::Config; use helix_core::hashmap; use helix_view::{document::Mode, info::Info, input::KeyEvent}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::{ collections::HashMap, ops::{Deref, DerefMut}, }; #[macro_export] macro_rules! key { ($key:ident) => { KeyEvent { code: ::helix_view::keyboard::KeyCode::$key, modifiers: ::helix_view::keyboard::KeyModifiers::NONE, } }; ($($ch:tt)*) => { KeyEvent { code: ::helix_view::keyboard::KeyCode::Char($($ch)*), modifiers: ::helix_view::keyboard::KeyModifiers::NONE, } }; } /// Macro for defining the root of a `Keymap` object. Example: /// /// ``` /// # use helix_core::hashmap; /// # use helix_term::keymap; /// # use helix_term::keymap::Keymap; /// let normal_mode = keymap!({ "Normal mode" /// "i" => insert_mode, /// "g" => { "Goto" /// "g" => goto_file_start, /// "e" => goto_file_end, /// }, /// "j" | "down" => move_line_down, /// }); /// let keymap = Keymap::new(normal_mode); /// ``` #[macro_export] macro_rules! keymap { (@trie $cmd:ident) => { $crate::keymap::KeyTrie::Leaf($crate::commands::Command::$cmd) }; (@trie { $label:literal $($($key:literal)|+ => $value:tt,)+ } ) => { keymap!({ $label $($($key)|+ => $value,)+ }) }; ( { $label:literal $($($key:literal)|+ => $value:tt,)+ } ) => { // modified from the hashmap! macro { let _cap = hashmap!(@count $($($key),+),*); let mut _map = ::std::collections::HashMap::with_capacity(_cap); let mut _order = ::std::vec::Vec::with_capacity(_cap); $( $( let _key = $key.parse::<::helix_view::input::KeyEvent>().unwrap(); _map.insert( _key, keymap!(@trie $value) ); _order.push(_key); )+ )* $crate::keymap::KeyTrie::Node($crate::keymap::KeyTrieNode::new($label, _map, _order)) } }; } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct KeyTrieNode { /// A label for keys coming under this node, like "Goto mode" #[serde(skip)] name: String, #[serde(flatten)] map: HashMap<KeyEvent, KeyTrie>, #[serde(skip)] order: Vec<KeyEvent>, } impl KeyTrieNode { pub fn new(name: &str, map: HashMap<KeyEvent, KeyTrie>, order: Vec<KeyEvent>) -> Self { Self { name: name.to_string(), map, order, } } pub fn name(&self) -> &str { & } /// Merge another Node in. Leaves and subnodes from the other node replace /// corresponding keyevent in self, except when both other and self have /// subnodes for same key. In that case the merge is recursive. pub fn merge(&mut self, mut other: Self) { for (key, trie) in std::mem::take(&mut { if let Some(KeyTrie::Node(node)) = { if let KeyTrie::Node(other_node) = trie { node.merge(other_node); continue; } }, trie); } for &key in { if !self.order.contains(&key) { self.order.push(key); } } } } impl From<KeyTrieNode> for Info { fn from(node: KeyTrieNode) -> Self { let mut body: Vec<(&str, Vec<KeyEvent>)> = Vec::with_capacity(node.len()); for (&key, trie) in node.iter() { let desc = match trie { KeyTrie::Leaf(cmd) => cmd.doc(), KeyTrie::Node(n) =>, }; match body.iter().position(|(d, _)| d == &desc) { // FIXME: multiple keys are ordered randomly (use BTreeSet) Some(pos) => body[pos].1.push(key), None => body.push((desc, vec![key])), } } body.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_, keys)| { node.order.iter().position(|&k| k == keys[0]).unwrap() }); let prefix = format!("{} ",; if body.iter().all(|(desc, _)| desc.starts_with(&prefix)) { body = body .into_iter() .map(|(desc, keys)| (desc.strip_prefix(&prefix).unwrap(), keys)) .collect(); } Info::key(, body) } } impl Default for KeyTrieNode { fn default() -> Self { Self::new("", HashMap::new(), Vec::new()) } } impl PartialEq for KeyTrieNode { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { == } } impl Deref for KeyTrieNode { type Target = HashMap<KeyEvent, KeyTrie>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { & } } impl DerefMut for KeyTrieNode { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize)] #[serde(untagged)] pub enum KeyTrie { Leaf(Command), Node(KeyTrieNode), } impl KeyTrie { pub fn node(&self) -> Option<&KeyTrieNode> { match *self { KeyTrie::Node(ref node) => Some(node), KeyTrie::Leaf(_) => None, } } pub fn node_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut KeyTrieNode> { match *self { KeyTrie::Node(ref mut node) => Some(node), KeyTrie::Leaf(_) => None, } } /// Merge another KeyTrie in, assuming that this KeyTrie and the other /// are both Nodes. Panics otherwise. pub fn merge_nodes(&mut self, mut other: Self) { let node = std::mem::take(other.node_mut().unwrap()); self.node_mut().unwrap().merge(node); } pub fn search(&self, keys: &[KeyEvent]) -> Option<&KeyTrie> { let mut trie = self; for key in keys { trie = match trie { KeyTrie::Node(map) => map.get(key), // leaf encountered while keys left to process KeyTrie::Leaf(_) => None, }? } Some(trie) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum KeymapResult { /// Needs more keys to execute a command. Contains valid keys for next keystroke. Pending(KeyTrieNode), Matched(Command), /// Key was not found in the root keymap NotFound, /// Key is invalid in combination with previous keys. Contains keys leading upto /// and including current (invalid) key. Cancelled(Vec<KeyEvent>), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize)] pub struct Keymap { /// Always a Node #[serde(flatten)] root: KeyTrie, /// Stores pending keys waiting for the next key #[serde(skip)] state: Vec<KeyEvent>, } impl Keymap { pub fn new(root: KeyTrie) -> Self { Keymap { root, state: Vec::new(), } } pub fn root(&self) -> &KeyTrie { &self.root } /// Returns list of keys waiting to be disambiguated. pub fn pending(&self) -> &[KeyEvent] { &self.state } /// Lookup `key` in the keymap to try and find a command to execute pub fn get(&mut self, key: KeyEvent) -> KeymapResult { let &first = self.state.get(0).unwrap_or(&key); let trie = match[first]) { Some(&KeyTrie::Leaf(cmd)) => return KeymapResult::Matched(cmd), None => return KeymapResult::NotFound, Some(t) => t, }; self.state.push(key); match[1..]) { Some(&KeyTrie::Node(ref map)) => KeymapResult::Pending(map.clone()), Some(&KeyTrie::Leaf(command)) => { self.state.clear(); KeymapResult::Matched(command) } None => KeymapResult::Cancelled(self.state.drain(..).collect()), } } pub fn merge(&mut self, other: Self) { self.root.merge_nodes(other.root); } } impl Deref for Keymap { type Target = KeyTrieNode; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { self.root.node().unwrap() } } impl Default for Keymap { fn default() -> Self { Self::new(KeyTrie::Node(KeyTrieNode::default())) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Deserialize)] #[serde(transparent)] pub struct Keymaps(pub HashMap<Mode, Keymap>); impl Keymaps { /// Returns list of keys waiting to be disambiguated in current mode. pub fn pending(&self) -> &[KeyEvent] { self.0 .values() .find_map(|keymap| match keymap.pending().is_empty() { true => None, false => Some(keymap.pending()), }) .unwrap_or_default() } } impl Deref for Keymaps { type Target = HashMap<Mode, Keymap>; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } impl DerefMut for Keymaps { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.0 } } impl Default for Keymaps { fn default() -> Keymaps { let normal = keymap!({ "Normal mode" "h" | "left" => move_char_left, "j" | "down" => move_line_down, "k" | "up" => move_line_up, "l" | "right" => move_char_right, "t" => find_till_char, "f" => find_next_char, "T" => till_prev_char, "F" => find_prev_char, "r" => replace, "R" => replace_with_yanked, "~" => switch_case, "`" => switch_to_lowercase, "A-`" => switch_to_uppercase, "home" => goto_line_start, "end" => goto_line_end, "w" => move_next_word_start, "b" => move_prev_word_start, "e" => move_next_word_end, "W" => move_next_long_word_start, "B" => move_prev_long_word_start, "E" => move_next_long_word_end, "v" => select_mode, "G" => goto_line, "g" => { "Goto" "g" => goto_file_start, "e" => goto_last_line, "h" => goto_line_start, "l" => goto_line_end, "s" => goto_first_nonwhitespace, "d" => goto_definition, "y" => goto_type_definition, "r" => goto_reference, "i" => goto_implementation, "t" => goto_window_top, "m" => goto_window_middle, "b" => goto_window_bottom, "a" => goto_last_accessed_file, }, ":" => command_mode, "i" => insert_mode, "I" => prepend_to_line, "a" => append_mode, "A" => append_to_line, "o" => open_below, "O" => open_above, // [<space> ]<space> equivalents too (add blank new line, no edit) "d" => delete_selection, // TODO: also delete without yanking "c" => change_selection, // TODO: also change delete without yanking "C" => copy_selection_on_next_line, "A-C" => copy_selection_on_prev_line, "s" => select_regex, "A-s" => split_selection_on_newline, "S" => split_selection, ";" => collapse_selection, "A-;" => flip_selections, "%" => select_all, "x" => extend_line, "X" => extend_to_line_bounds, // crop_to_whole_line "m" => { "Match" "m" => match_brackets, "s" => surround_add, "r" => surround_replace, "d" => surround_delete, "a" => select_textobject_around, "i" => select_textobject_inner, }, "[" => { "Left bracket" "d" => goto_prev_diag, "D" => goto_first_diag, }, "]" => { "Right bracket" "d" => goto_next_diag, "D" => goto_last_diag, }, "/" => search, // ? for search_reverse "n" => search_next, "N" => extend_search_next, // N for search_prev "*" => search_selection, "u" => undo, "U" => redo, "y" => yank, // yank_all "p" => paste_after, // paste_all "P" => paste_before, ">" => indent, "<" => unindent, "=" => format_selections, "J" => join_selections, // TODO: conflicts hover/doc "K" => keep_selections, // TODO: and another method for inverse // TODO: clashes with space mode "space" => keep_primary_selection, // "q" => record_macro, // "Q" => replay_macro, // & align selections // _ trim selections "(" => rotate_selections_backward, ")" => rotate_selections_forward, "A-(" => rotate_selection_contents_backward, "A-)" => rotate_selection_contents_forward, "esc" => normal_mode, "C-b" | "pageup" => page_up, "C-f" | "pagedown" => page_down, "C-u" => half_page_up, "C-d" => half_page_down, "C-w" => { "Window" "C-w" | "w" => rotate_view, "C-h" | "h" => hsplit, "C-v" | "v" => vsplit, "C-q" | "q" => wclose, }, // move under <space>c "C-c" => toggle_comments, "K" => hover, // z family for save/restore/combine from/to sels from register // supposedly "C-i" but did not work "tab" => jump_forward, "C-o" => jump_backward, // "C-s" => save_selection, "space" => { "Space" "f" => file_picker, "b" => buffer_picker, "s" => symbol_picker, "a" => code_action, "'" => last_picker, "w" => { "Window" "C-w" | "w" => rotate_view, "C-h" | "h" => hsplit, "C-v" | "v" => vsplit, "C-q" | "q" => wclose, }, "y" => yank_joined_to_clipboard, "Y" => yank_main_selection_to_clipboard, "p" => paste_clipboard_after, "P" => paste_clipboard_before, "R" => replace_selections_with_clipboard, "space" => keep_primary_selection, }, "z" => { "View" "z" | "c" => align_view_center, "t" => align_view_top, "b" => align_view_bottom, "m" => align_view_middle, "k" => scroll_up, "j" => scroll_down, }, "\"" => select_register, "C-z" => suspend, }); let mut select = normal.clone(); select.merge_nodes(keymap!({ "Select mode" "h" | "left" => extend_char_left, "j" | "down" => extend_line_down, "k" | "up" => extend_line_up, "l" | "right" => extend_char_right, "w" => extend_next_word_start, "b" => extend_prev_word_start, "e" => extend_next_word_end, "t" => extend_till_char, "f" => extend_next_char, "T" => extend_till_prev_char, "F" => extend_prev_char, "home" => goto_line_start, "end" => goto_line_end, "esc" => exit_select_mode, })); let insert = keymap!({ "Insert mode" "esc" => normal_mode, "backspace" => delete_char_backward, "del" => delete_char_forward, "ret" => insert_newline, "tab" => insert_tab, "C-w" => delete_word_backward, "left" => move_char_left, "down" => move_line_down, "up" => move_line_up, "right" => move_char_right, "pageup" => page_up, "pagedown" => page_down, "home" => goto_line_start, "end" => goto_line_end_newline, "C-x" => completion, }); Keymaps(hashmap!( Mode::Normal => Keymap::new(normal), Mode::Select => Keymap::new(select), Mode::Insert => Keymap::new(insert), )) } } /// Merge default config keys with user overwritten keys for custom user config. pub fn merge_keys(mut config: Config) -> Config { let mut delta = std::mem::take(&mut config.keys); for (mode, keys) in &mut *config.keys { keys.merge(delta.remove(mode).unwrap_or_default()) } config } #[test] fn merge_partial_keys() { let config = Config { keys: Keymaps(hashmap! { Mode::Normal => Keymap::new( keymap!({ "Normal mode" "i" => normal_mode, "无" => insert_mode, "z" => jump_backward, "g" => { "Merge into goto mode" "$" => goto_line_end, "g" => delete_char_forward, }, }) ) }), ..Default::default() }; let mut merged_config = merge_keys(config.clone()); assert_ne!(config, merged_config); let keymap = merged_config.keys.0.get_mut(&Mode::Normal).unwrap(); assert_eq!( keymap.get(key!('i')), KeymapResult::Matched(Command::normal_mode), "Leaf should replace leaf" ); assert_eq!( keymap.get(key!('无')), KeymapResult::Matched(Command::insert_mode), "New leaf should be present in merged keymap" ); // Assumes that z is a node in the default keymap assert_eq!( keymap.get(key!('z')), KeymapResult::Matched(Command::jump_backward), "Leaf should replace node" ); // Assumes that `g` is a node in default keymap assert_eq!( keymap.root().search(&[key!('g'), key!('$')]).unwrap(), &KeyTrie::Leaf(Command::goto_line_end), "Leaf should be present in merged subnode" ); // Assumes that `gg` is in default keymap assert_eq!( keymap.root().search(&[key!('g'), key!('g')]).unwrap(), &KeyTrie::Leaf(Command::delete_char_forward), "Leaf should replace old leaf in merged subnode" ); // Assumes that `ge` is in default keymap assert_eq!( keymap.root().search(&[key!('g'), key!('e')]).unwrap(), &KeyTrie::Leaf(Command::goto_last_line), "Old leaves in subnode should be present in merged node" ); assert!(merged_config.keys.0.get(&Mode::Normal).unwrap().len() > 1); assert!(merged_config.keys.0.get(&Mode::Insert).unwrap().len() > 0); }