use crate::{ commands::{self, OnKeyCallback}, compositor::{Component, Context, Event, EventResult}, job::{self, Callback}, key, keymap::{KeymapResult, Keymaps}, ui::{ document::{render_document, LinePos, TextRenderer, TranslatedPosition}, Completion, ProgressSpinners, }, }; use helix_core::{ graphemes::{ ensure_grapheme_boundary_next_byte, next_grapheme_boundary, prev_grapheme_boundary, }, movement::Direction, syntax::{self, HighlightEvent}, text_annotations::TextAnnotations, unicode::width::UnicodeWidthStr, visual_offset_from_block, Position, Range, Selection, Transaction, }; use helix_view::{ document::{Mode, SavePoint, SCRATCH_BUFFER_NAME}, editor::{CompleteAction, CursorShapeConfig}, graphics::{Color, CursorKind, Modifier, Rect, Style}, input::{KeyEvent, MouseButton, MouseEvent, MouseEventKind}, keyboard::{KeyCode, KeyModifiers}, Document, Editor, Theme, View, }; use std::{mem::take, num::NonZeroUsize, path::PathBuf, rc::Rc, sync::Arc}; use tui::buffer::Buffer as Surface; use super::statusline; use super::{document::LineDecoration, lsp::SignatureHelp}; pub struct EditorView { pub keymaps: Keymaps, on_next_key: Option<OnKeyCallback>, pseudo_pending: Vec<KeyEvent>, pub(crate) last_insert: (commands::MappableCommand, Vec<InsertEvent>), pub(crate) completion: Option<Completion>, spinners: ProgressSpinners, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum InsertEvent { Key(KeyEvent), CompletionApply(CompleteAction), TriggerCompletion, RequestCompletion, } impl Default for EditorView { fn default() -> Self { Self::new(Keymaps::default()) } } impl EditorView { pub fn new(keymaps: Keymaps) -> Self { Self { keymaps, on_next_key: None, pseudo_pending: Vec::new(), last_insert: (commands::MappableCommand::normal_mode, Vec::new()), completion: None, spinners: ProgressSpinners::default(), } } pub fn spinners_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ProgressSpinners { &mut self.spinners } pub fn render_view( &self, editor: &Editor, doc: &Document, view: &View, viewport: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, is_focused: bool, ) { let inner = view.inner_area(doc); let area = view.area; let theme = &editor.theme; let config = editor.config(); let text_annotations = view.text_annotations(doc, Some(theme)); let mut line_decorations: Vec<Box<dyn LineDecoration>> = Vec::new(); let mut translated_positions: Vec<TranslatedPosition> = Vec::new(); // DAP: Highlight current stack frame position let stack_frame = editor.debugger.as_ref().and_then(|debugger| { if let (Some(frame), Some(thread_id)) = (debugger.active_frame, debugger.thread_id) { debugger .stack_frames .get(&thread_id) .and_then(|bt| bt.get(frame)) } else { None } }); if let Some(frame) = stack_frame { if doc.path().is_some() && frame .source .as_ref() .and_then(|source| source.path.as_ref()) == doc.path() { let line = frame.line - 1; // convert to 0-indexing let style = theme.get("ui.highlight"); let line_decoration = move |renderer: &mut TextRenderer, pos: LinePos| { if pos.doc_line != line { return; } renderer .surface .set_style(Rect::new(area.x, pos.visual_line, area.width, 1), style); }; line_decorations.push(Box::new(line_decoration)); } } if is_focused && config.cursorline { line_decorations.push(Self::cursorline_decorator(doc, view, theme)) } if is_focused && config.cursorcolumn { Self::highlight_cursorcolumn(doc, view, surface, theme, inner, &text_annotations); } let mut highlights = Self::doc_syntax_highlights(doc, view.offset.anchor, inner.height, theme); let overlay_highlights = Self::overlay_syntax_highlights( doc, view.offset.anchor, inner.height, &text_annotations, ); if !overlay_highlights.is_empty() { highlights = Box::new(syntax::merge(highlights, overlay_highlights)); } for diagnostic in Self::doc_diagnostics_highlights(doc, theme) { // Most of the `diagnostic` Vecs are empty most of the time. Skipping // a merge for any empty Vec saves a significant amount of work. if diagnostic.is_empty() { continue; } highlights = Box::new(syntax::merge(highlights, diagnostic)); } let highlights: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = HighlightEvent>> = if is_focused { let highlights = syntax::merge( highlights, Self::doc_selection_highlights( editor.mode(), doc, view, theme, &config.cursor_shape, ), ); let focused_view_elements = Self::highlight_focused_view_elements(view, doc, theme); if focused_view_elements.is_empty() { Box::new(highlights) } else { Box::new(syntax::merge(highlights, focused_view_elements)) } } else { Box::new(highlights) }; Self::render_gutter( editor, doc, view, view.area, theme, is_focused, &mut line_decorations, ); if is_focused { let cursor = doc .selection( .primary() .cursor(doc.text().slice(..)); // set the cursor_cache to out of view in case the position is not found editor.cursor_cache.set(Some(None)); let update_cursor_cache = |_: &mut TextRenderer, pos| editor.cursor_cache.set(Some(Some(pos))); translated_positions.push((cursor, Box::new(update_cursor_cache))); } render_document( surface, inner, doc, view.offset, &text_annotations, highlights, theme, &mut line_decorations, &mut translated_positions, ); Self::render_rulers(editor, doc, view, inner, surface, theme); // if we're not at the edge of the screen, draw a right border if viewport.right() != view.area.right() { let x = area.right(); let border_style = theme.get("ui.window"); for y in { surface[(x, y)] .set_symbol(tui::symbols::line::VERTICAL) //.set_symbol(" ") .set_style(border_style); } } Self::render_diagnostics(doc, view, inner, surface, theme); let statusline_area = view .area .clip_top(view.area.height.saturating_sub(1)) .clip_bottom(1); // -1 from bottom to remove commandline let mut context = statusline::RenderContext::new(editor, doc, view, is_focused, &self.spinners); statusline::render(&mut context, statusline_area, surface); } pub fn render_rulers( editor: &Editor, doc: &Document, view: &View, viewport: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, theme: &Theme, ) { let editor_rulers = &editor.config().rulers; let ruler_theme = theme .try_get("ui.virtual.ruler") .unwrap_or_else(|| Style::default().bg(Color::Red)); let rulers = doc .language_config() .and_then(|config| config.rulers.as_ref()) .unwrap_or(editor_rulers); rulers .iter() // View might be horizontally scrolled, convert from absolute distance // from the 1st column to relative distance from left of viewport .filter_map(|ruler| ruler.checked_sub(1 + view.offset.horizontal_offset as u16)) .filter(|ruler| ruler < &viewport.width) .map(|ruler| viewport.clip_left(ruler).with_width(1)) .for_each(|area| surface.set_style(area, ruler_theme)) } pub fn overlay_syntax_highlights( doc: &Document, anchor: usize, height: u16, text_annotations: &TextAnnotations, ) -> Vec<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)> { let text = doc.text().slice(..); let row = text.char_to_line(anchor.min(text.len_chars())); let range = { // Calculate viewport byte ranges: // Saturating subs to make it inclusive zero indexing. let last_line = text.len_lines().saturating_sub(1); let last_visible_line = (row + height as usize).saturating_sub(1).min(last_line); let start = text.line_to_byte(row.min(last_line)); let end = text.line_to_byte(last_visible_line + 1); start..end }; text_annotations.collect_overlay_highlights(range) } /// Get syntax highlights for a document in a view represented by the first line /// and column (`offset`) and the last line. This is done instead of using a view /// directly to enable rendering syntax highlighted docs anywhere (eg. picker preview) pub fn doc_syntax_highlights<'doc>( doc: &'doc Document, anchor: usize, height: u16, _theme: &Theme, ) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = HighlightEvent> + 'doc> { let text = doc.text().slice(..); let row = text.char_to_line(anchor.min(text.len_chars())); let range = { // Calculate viewport byte ranges: // Saturating subs to make it inclusive zero indexing. let last_line = text.len_lines().saturating_sub(1); let last_visible_line = (row + height as usize).saturating_sub(1).min(last_line); let start = text.line_to_byte(row.min(last_line)); let end = text.line_to_byte(last_visible_line + 1); start..end }; match doc.syntax() { Some(syntax) => { let iter = syntax // TODO: range doesn't actually restrict source, just highlight range .highlight_iter(text.slice(..), Some(range), None) .map(|event| event.unwrap()) .map(move |event| match event { // TODO: use byte slices directly // convert byte offsets to char offset HighlightEvent::Source { start, end } => { let start = text.byte_to_char(ensure_grapheme_boundary_next_byte(text, start)); let end = text.byte_to_char(ensure_grapheme_boundary_next_byte(text, end)); HighlightEvent::Source { start, end } } event => event, }); Box::new(iter) } None => Box::new( [HighlightEvent::Source { start: text.byte_to_char(range.start), end: text.byte_to_char(range.end), }] .into_iter(), ), } } /// Get highlight spans for document diagnostics pub fn doc_diagnostics_highlights( doc: &Document, theme: &Theme, ) -> [Vec<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)>; 5] { use helix_core::diagnostic::Severity; let get_scope_of = |scope| { theme .find_scope_index_exact(scope) // get one of the themes below as fallback values .or_else(|| theme.find_scope_index_exact("diagnostic")) .or_else(|| theme.find_scope_index_exact("ui.cursor")) .or_else(|| theme.find_scope_index_exact("ui.selection")) .expect( "at least one of the following scopes must be defined in the theme: `diagnostic`, `ui.cursor`, or `ui.selection`", ) }; // basically just queries the theme color defined in the config let hint = get_scope_of("diagnostic.hint"); let info = get_scope_of(""); let warning = get_scope_of("diagnostic.warning"); let error = get_scope_of("diagnostic.error"); let r#default = get_scope_of("diagnostic"); // this is a bit redundant but should be fine let mut default_vec: Vec<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)> = Vec::new(); let mut info_vec = Vec::new(); let mut hint_vec = Vec::new(); let mut warning_vec = Vec::new(); let mut error_vec = Vec::new(); for diagnostic in doc.diagnostics() { // Separate diagnostics into different Vecs by severity. let (vec, scope) = match diagnostic.severity { Some(Severity::Info) => (&mut info_vec, info), Some(Severity::Hint) => (&mut hint_vec, hint), Some(Severity::Warning) => (&mut warning_vec, warning), Some(Severity::Error) => (&mut error_vec, error), _ => (&mut default_vec, r#default), }; // If any diagnostic overlaps ranges with the prior diagnostic, // merge the two together. Otherwise push a new span. match vec.last_mut() { Some((_, range)) if diagnostic.range.start <= range.end => { // This branch merges overlapping diagnostics, assuming that the current // diagnostic starts on range.start or later. If this assertion fails, // we will discard some part of `diagnostic`. This implies that // `doc.diagnostics()` is not sorted by `diagnostic.range`. debug_assert!(range.start <= diagnostic.range.start); range.end = diagnostic.range.end.max(range.end) } _ => vec.push((scope, diagnostic.range.start..diagnostic.range.end)), } } [default_vec, info_vec, hint_vec, warning_vec, error_vec] } /// Get highlight spans for selections in a document view. pub fn doc_selection_highlights( mode: Mode, doc: &Document, view: &View, theme: &Theme, cursor_shape_config: &CursorShapeConfig, ) -> Vec<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)> { let text = doc.text().slice(..); let selection = doc.selection(; let primary_idx = selection.primary_index(); let cursorkind = cursor_shape_config.from_mode(mode); let cursor_is_block = cursorkind == CursorKind::Block; let selection_scope = theme .find_scope_index_exact("ui.selection") .expect("could not find `ui.selection` scope in the theme!"); let primary_selection_scope = theme .find_scope_index_exact("ui.selection.primary") .unwrap_or(selection_scope); let base_cursor_scope = theme .find_scope_index_exact("ui.cursor") .unwrap_or(selection_scope); let base_primary_cursor_scope = theme .find_scope_index("ui.cursor.primary") .unwrap_or(base_cursor_scope); let cursor_scope = match mode { Mode::Insert => theme.find_scope_index_exact("ui.cursor.insert"), Mode::Select => theme.find_scope_index_exact(""), Mode::Normal => theme.find_scope_index_exact("ui.cursor.normal"), } .unwrap_or(base_cursor_scope); let primary_cursor_scope = match mode { Mode::Insert => theme.find_scope_index_exact("ui.cursor.primary.insert"), Mode::Select => theme.find_scope_index_exact(""), Mode::Normal => theme.find_scope_index_exact("ui.cursor.primary.normal"), } .unwrap_or(base_primary_cursor_scope); let mut spans: Vec<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)> = Vec::new(); for (i, range) in selection.iter().enumerate() { let selection_is_primary = i == primary_idx; let (cursor_scope, selection_scope) = if selection_is_primary { (primary_cursor_scope, primary_selection_scope) } else { (cursor_scope, selection_scope) }; // Special-case: cursor at end of the rope. if range.head == range.anchor && range.head == text.len_chars() { if !selection_is_primary || cursor_is_block { // Bar and underline cursors are drawn by the terminal // BUG: If the editor area loses focus while having a bar or // underline cursor (eg. when a regex prompt has focus) then // the primary cursor will be invisible. This doesn't happen // with block cursors since we manually draw *all* cursors. spans.push((cursor_scope, range.head..range.head + 1)); } continue; } let range = range.min_width_1(text); if range.head > range.anchor { // Standard case. let cursor_start = prev_grapheme_boundary(text, range.head); // non block cursors look like they exclude the cursor let selection_end = if selection_is_primary && !cursor_is_block && mode != Mode::Insert { range.head } else { cursor_start }; spans.push((selection_scope, range.anchor..selection_end)); if !selection_is_primary || cursor_is_block { spans.push((cursor_scope, cursor_start..range.head)); } } else { // Reverse case. let cursor_end = next_grapheme_boundary(text, range.head); if !selection_is_primary || cursor_is_block { spans.push((cursor_scope, range.head..cursor_end)); } // non block cursors look like they exclude the cursor let selection_start = if selection_is_primary && !cursor_is_block && !(mode == Mode::Insert && cursor_end == range.anchor) { range.head } else { cursor_end }; spans.push((selection_scope, selection_start..range.anchor)); } } spans } /// Render brace match, etc (meant for the focused view only) pub fn highlight_focused_view_elements( view: &View, doc: &Document, theme: &Theme, ) -> Vec<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)> { // Highlight matching braces if let Some(syntax) = doc.syntax() { let text = doc.text().slice(..); use helix_core::match_brackets; let pos = doc.selection(; if let Some(pos) = match_brackets::find_matching_bracket(syntax, doc.text(), pos) { // ensure col is on screen if let Some(highlight) = theme.find_scope_index_exact("ui.cursor.match") { return vec![(highlight, pos..pos + 1)]; } } } Vec::new() } /// Render bufferline at the top pub fn render_bufferline(editor: &Editor, viewport: Rect, surface: &mut Surface) { let scratch = PathBuf::from(SCRATCH_BUFFER_NAME); // default filename to use for scratch buffer surface.clear_with( viewport, editor .theme .try_get("ui.bufferline.background") .unwrap_or_else(|| editor.theme.get("ui.statusline")), ); let bufferline_active = editor .theme .try_get("") .unwrap_or_else(|| editor.theme.get("")); let bufferline_inactive = editor .theme .try_get("ui.bufferline") .unwrap_or_else(|| editor.theme.get("ui.statusline.inactive")); let mut x = viewport.x; let current_doc = view!(editor).doc; for doc in editor.documents() { let fname = doc .path() .unwrap_or(&scratch) .file_name() .unwrap_or_default() .to_str() .unwrap_or_default(); let style = if current_doc == { bufferline_active } else { bufferline_inactive }; let text = format!(" {}{} ", fname, if doc.is_modified() { "[+]" } else { "" }); let used_width = viewport.x.saturating_sub(x); let rem_width = surface.area.width.saturating_sub(used_width); x = surface .set_stringn(x, viewport.y, text, rem_width as usize, style) .0; if x >= surface.area.right() { break; } } } pub fn render_gutter<'d>( editor: &'d Editor, doc: &'d Document, view: &View, viewport: Rect, theme: &Theme, is_focused: bool, line_decorations: &mut Vec<Box<(dyn LineDecoration + 'd)>>, ) { let text = doc.text().slice(..); let cursors: Rc<[_]> = doc .selection( .iter() .map(|range| range.cursor_line(text)) .collect(); let mut offset = 0; let gutter_style = theme.get("ui.gutter"); let gutter_selected_style = theme.get("ui.gutter.selected"); let gutter_style_virtual = theme.get("ui.gutter.virtual"); let gutter_selected_style_virtual = theme.get("ui.gutter.selected.virtual"); for gutter_type in view.gutters() { let mut gutter =, doc, view, theme, is_focused); let width = gutter_type.width(view, doc); // avoid lots of small allocations by reusing a text buffer for each line let mut text = String::with_capacity(width); let cursors = cursors.clone(); let gutter_decoration = move |renderer: &mut TextRenderer, pos: LinePos| { // TODO handle softwrap in gutters let selected = cursors.contains(&pos.doc_line); let x = viewport.x + offset; let y = viewport.y + pos.visual_line; let gutter_style = match (selected, pos.first_visual_line) { (false, true) => gutter_style, (true, true) => gutter_selected_style, (false, false) => gutter_style_virtual, (true, false) => gutter_selected_style_virtual, }; if let Some(style) = gutter(pos.doc_line, selected, pos.first_visual_line, &mut text) { renderer .surface .set_stringn(x, y, &text, width, gutter_style.patch(style)); } else { renderer.surface.set_style( Rect { x, y, width: width as u16, height: 1, }, gutter_style, ); } text.clear(); }; line_decorations.push(Box::new(gutter_decoration)); offset += width as u16; } } pub fn render_diagnostics( doc: &Document, view: &View, viewport: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, theme: &Theme, ) { use helix_core::diagnostic::Severity; use tui::{ layout::Alignment, text::Text, widgets::{Paragraph, Widget, Wrap}, }; let cursor = doc .selection( .primary() .cursor(doc.text().slice(..)); let diagnostics = doc.diagnostics().iter().filter(|diagnostic| { diagnostic.range.start <= cursor && diagnostic.range.end >= cursor }); let warning = theme.get("warning"); let error = theme.get("error"); let info = theme.get("info"); let hint = theme.get("hint"); let mut lines = Vec::new(); let background_style = theme.get("ui.background"); for diagnostic in diagnostics { let style = Style::reset() .patch(background_style) .patch(match diagnostic.severity { Some(Severity::Error) => error, Some(Severity::Warning) | None => warning, Some(Severity::Info) => info, Some(Severity::Hint) => hint, }); let text = Text::styled(&diagnostic.message, style); lines.extend(text.lines); } let paragraph = Paragraph::new(lines) .alignment(Alignment::Right) .wrap(Wrap { trim: true }); let width = 100.min(viewport.width); let height = 15.min(viewport.height); paragraph.render( Rect::new(viewport.right() - width, viewport.y + 1, width, height), surface, ); } /// Apply the highlighting on the lines where a cursor is active pub fn cursorline_decorator( doc: &Document, view: &View, theme: &Theme, ) -> Box<dyn LineDecoration> { let text = doc.text().slice(..); // TODO only highlight the visual line that contains the cursor instead of the full visual line let primary_line = doc.selection(; // The secondary_lines do contain the primary_line, it doesn't matter // as the else-if clause in the loop later won't test for the // secondary_lines if primary_line == line. // It's used inside a loop so the collect isn't needless: // #[allow(clippy::needless_collect)] let secondary_lines: Vec<_> = doc .selection( .iter() .map(|range| range.cursor_line(text)) .collect(); let primary_style = theme.get("ui.cursorline.primary"); let secondary_style = theme.get("ui.cursorline.secondary"); let viewport = view.area; let line_decoration = move |renderer: &mut TextRenderer, pos: LinePos| { let area = Rect::new(viewport.x, viewport.y + pos.visual_line, viewport.width, 1); if primary_line == pos.doc_line { renderer.surface.set_style(area, primary_style); } else if secondary_lines.binary_search(&pos.doc_line).is_ok() { renderer.surface.set_style(area, secondary_style); } }; Box::new(line_decoration) } /// Apply the highlighting on the columns where a cursor is active pub fn highlight_cursorcolumn( doc: &Document, view: &View, surface: &mut Surface, theme: &Theme, viewport: Rect, text_annotations: &TextAnnotations, ) { let text = doc.text().slice(..); // Manual fallback behaviour: // ui.cursorcolumn.{p/s} -> ui.cursorcolumn -> ui.cursorline.{p/s} let primary_style = theme .try_get_exact("ui.cursorcolumn.primary") .or_else(|| theme.try_get_exact("ui.cursorcolumn")) .unwrap_or_else(|| theme.get("ui.cursorline.primary")); let secondary_style = theme .try_get_exact("ui.cursorcolumn.secondary") .or_else(|| theme.try_get_exact("ui.cursorcolumn")) .unwrap_or_else(|| theme.get("ui.cursorline.secondary")); let inner_area = view.inner_area(doc); let selection = doc.selection(; let primary = selection.primary(); let text_format = doc.text_format(viewport.width, None); for range in selection.iter() { let is_primary = primary == *range; let cursor = range.cursor(text); let Position { col, .. } = visual_offset_from_block(text, cursor, cursor, &text_format, text_annotations).0; // if the cursor is horizontally in the view if col >= view.offset.horizontal_offset && inner_area.width > (col - view.offset.horizontal_offset) as u16 { let area = Rect::new( inner_area.x + (col - view.offset.horizontal_offset) as u16, view.area.y, 1, view.area.height, ); if is_primary { surface.set_style(area, primary_style) } else { surface.set_style(area, secondary_style) } } } } /// Handle events by looking them up in `self.keymaps`. Returns None /// if event was handled (a command was executed or a subkeymap was /// activated). Only KeymapResult::{NotFound, Cancelled} is returned /// otherwise. fn handle_keymap_event( &mut self, mode: Mode, cxt: &mut commands::Context, event: KeyEvent, ) -> Option<KeymapResult> { let mut last_mode = mode; self.pseudo_pending.extend(self.keymaps.pending()); let key_result = self.keymaps.get(mode, event); cxt.editor.autoinfo = self.keymaps.sticky().map(|node| node.infobox()); let mut execute_command = |command: &commands::MappableCommand| { command.execute(cxt); let current_mode = cxt.editor.mode(); match (last_mode, current_mode) { (Mode::Normal, Mode::Insert) => { // HAXX: if we just entered insert mode from normal, clear key buf // and record the command that got us into this mode. // how we entered insert mode is important, and we should track that so // we can repeat the side effect. self.last_insert.0 = command.clone(); self.last_insert.1.clear(); commands::signature_help_impl(cxt, commands::SignatureHelpInvoked::Automatic); } (Mode::Insert, Mode::Normal) => { // if exiting insert mode, remove completion self.completion = None; cxt.editor.completion_request_handle = None; // TODO: Use an on_mode_change hook to remove signature help { let call: job::Callback = Callback::EditorCompositor(Box::new(|_editor, compositor| { compositor.remove(SignatureHelp::ID); })); Ok(call) }); } _ => (), } last_mode = current_mode; }; match &key_result { KeymapResult::Matched(command) => { execute_command(command); } KeymapResult::Pending(node) => cxt.editor.autoinfo = Some(node.infobox()), KeymapResult::MatchedSequence(commands) => { for command in commands { execute_command(command); } } KeymapResult::NotFound | KeymapResult::Cancelled(_) => return Some(key_result), } None } fn insert_mode(&mut self, cx: &mut commands::Context, event: KeyEvent) { if let Some(keyresult) = self.handle_keymap_event(Mode::Insert, cx, event) { match keyresult { KeymapResult::NotFound => { if let Some(ch) = event.char() { commands::insert::insert_char(cx, ch) } } KeymapResult::Cancelled(pending) => { for ev in pending { match ev.char() { Some(ch) => commands::insert::insert_char(cx, ch), None => { if let KeymapResult::Matched(command) = self.keymaps.get(Mode::Insert, ev) { command.execute(cx); } } } } } _ => unreachable!(), } } } fn command_mode(&mut self, mode: Mode, cxt: &mut commands::Context, event: KeyEvent) { match (event, cxt.editor.count) { // count handling (key!(i @ '0'), Some(_)) | (key!(i @ '1'..='9'), _) => { let i = i.to_digit(10).unwrap() as usize; cxt.editor.count = std::num::NonZeroUsize::new(cxt.editor.count.map_or(i, |c| c.get() * 10 + i)); } // special handling for repeat operator (key!('.'), _) if self.keymaps.pending().is_empty() => { for _ in 0..cxt.editor.count.map_or(1, NonZeroUsize::into) { // first execute whatever put us into insert mode self.last_insert.0.execute(cxt); let mut last_savepoint = None; let mut last_request_savepoint = None; // then replay the inputs for key in self.last_insert.1.clone() { match key { InsertEvent::Key(key) => self.insert_mode(cxt, key), InsertEvent::CompletionApply(compl) => { let (view, doc) = current!(cxt.editor); if let Some(last_savepoint) = last_savepoint.as_deref() { doc.restore(view, last_savepoint); } let text = doc.text().slice(..); let cursor = doc.selection(; let shift_position = |pos: usize| -> usize { pos + cursor - compl.trigger_offset }; let tx = Transaction::change( doc.text(), compl.changes.iter().cloned().map(|(start, end, t)| { (shift_position(start), shift_position(end), t) }), ); doc.apply(&tx,; } InsertEvent::TriggerCompletion => { last_savepoint = take(&mut last_request_savepoint); } InsertEvent::RequestCompletion => { let (view, doc) = current!(cxt.editor); last_request_savepoint = Some(doc.savepoint(view)); } } } } cxt.editor.count = None; } _ => { // set the count cxt.count = cxt.editor.count; // TODO: edge case: 0j -> reset to 1 // if this fails, count was Some(0) // debug_assert!(cxt.count != 0); // set the register cxt.register = cxt.editor.selected_register.take(); self.handle_keymap_event(mode, cxt, event); if self.keymaps.pending().is_empty() { cxt.editor.count = None } } } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn set_completion( &mut self, editor: &mut Editor, savepoint: Arc<SavePoint>, items: Vec<helix_lsp::lsp::CompletionItem>, offset_encoding: helix_lsp::OffsetEncoding, start_offset: usize, trigger_offset: usize, size: Rect, ) { let mut completion = Completion::new( editor, savepoint, items, offset_encoding, start_offset, trigger_offset, ); if completion.is_empty() { // skip if we got no completion results return; } editor.last_completion = None; self.last_insert.1.push(InsertEvent::TriggerCompletion); // TODO : propagate required size on resize to completion too completion.required_size((size.width, size.height)); self.completion = Some(completion); } pub fn clear_completion(&mut self, editor: &mut Editor) { self.completion = None; // Clear any savepoints editor.clear_idle_timer(); // don't retrigger } pub fn handle_idle_timeout(&mut self, cx: &mut commands::Context) -> EventResult { commands::compute_inlay_hints_for_all_views(cx.editor,; if let Some(completion) = &mut self.completion { return if completion.ensure_item_resolved(cx) { EventResult::Consumed(None) } else { EventResult::Ignored(None) }; } if cx.editor.mode != Mode::Insert || !cx.editor.config().auto_completion { return EventResult::Ignored(None); } crate::commands::insert::idle_completion(cx); EventResult::Consumed(None) } } impl EditorView { fn handle_mouse_event( &mut self, event: &MouseEvent, cxt: &mut commands::Context, ) -> EventResult { if event.kind != MouseEventKind::Moved { cxt.editor.reset_idle_timer(); } let config = cxt.editor.config(); let MouseEvent { kind, row, column, modifiers, .. } = *event; let pos_and_view = |editor: &Editor, row, column| { editor.tree.views().find_map(|(view, _focus)| { view.pos_at_screen_coords(&editor.documents[&view.doc], row, column, true) .map(|pos| (pos, }) }; let gutter_coords_and_view = |editor: &Editor, row, column| { editor.tree.views().find_map(|(view, _focus)| { view.gutter_coords_at_screen_coords(row, column) .map(|coords| (coords, }) }; match kind { MouseEventKind::Down(MouseButton::Left) => { let editor = &mut cxt.editor; if let Some((pos, view_id)) = pos_and_view(editor, row, column) { let doc = doc_mut!(editor, &view!(editor, view_id).doc); if modifiers == KeyModifiers::ALT { let selection = doc.selection(view_id).clone(); doc.set_selection(view_id, selection.push(Range::point(pos))); } else { doc.set_selection(view_id, Selection::point(pos)); } editor.focus(view_id); editor.ensure_cursor_in_view(view_id); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } if let Some((coords, view_id)) = gutter_coords_and_view(editor, row, column) { editor.focus(view_id); let (view, doc) = current!(cxt.editor); let path = match doc.path() { Some(path) => path.clone(), None => return EventResult::Ignored(None), }; if let Some(char_idx) = view.pos_at_visual_coords(doc, coords.row as u16, coords.col as u16, true) { let line = doc.text().char_to_line(char_idx); commands::dap_toggle_breakpoint_impl(cxt, path, line); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } } EventResult::Ignored(None) } MouseEventKind::Drag(MouseButton::Left) => { let (view, doc) = current!(cxt.editor); let pos = match view.pos_at_screen_coords(doc, row, column, true) { Some(pos) => pos, None => return EventResult::Ignored(None), }; let mut selection = doc.selection(; let primary = selection.primary_mut(); *primary = primary.put_cursor(doc.text().slice(..), pos, true); doc.set_selection(, selection); let view_id =; cxt.editor.ensure_cursor_in_view(view_id); EventResult::Consumed(None) } MouseEventKind::ScrollUp | MouseEventKind::ScrollDown => { let current_view = cxt.editor.tree.focus; let direction = match event.kind { MouseEventKind::ScrollUp => Direction::Backward, MouseEventKind::ScrollDown => Direction::Forward, _ => unreachable!(), }; match pos_and_view(cxt.editor, row, column) { Some((_, view_id)) => cxt.editor.tree.focus = view_id, None => return EventResult::Ignored(None), } let offset = config.scroll_lines.unsigned_abs(); commands::scroll(cxt, offset, direction); cxt.editor.tree.focus = current_view; cxt.editor.ensure_cursor_in_view(current_view); EventResult::Consumed(None) } MouseEventKind::Up(MouseButton::Left) => { if !config.middle_click_paste { return EventResult::Ignored(None); } let (view, doc) = current!(cxt.editor); if doc .selection( .primary() .slice(doc.text().slice(..)) .len_chars() <= 1 { return EventResult::Ignored(None); } commands::MappableCommand::yank_main_selection_to_primary_clipboard.execute(cxt); EventResult::Consumed(None) } MouseEventKind::Up(MouseButton::Right) => { if let Some((coords, view_id)) = gutter_coords_and_view(cxt.editor, row, column) { cxt.editor.focus(view_id); let (view, doc) = current!(cxt.editor); if let Some(pos) = view.pos_at_visual_coords(doc, coords.row as u16, coords.col as u16, true) { doc.set_selection(view_id, Selection::point(pos)); if modifiers == KeyModifiers::ALT { commands::MappableCommand::dap_edit_log.execute(cxt); } else { commands::MappableCommand::dap_edit_condition.execute(cxt); } return EventResult::Consumed(None); } } EventResult::Ignored(None) } MouseEventKind::Up(MouseButton::Middle) => { let editor = &mut cxt.editor; if !config.middle_click_paste { return EventResult::Ignored(None); } if modifiers == KeyModifiers::ALT { commands::MappableCommand::replace_selections_with_primary_clipboard .execute(cxt); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } if let Some((pos, view_id)) = pos_and_view(editor, row, column) { let doc = doc_mut!(editor, &view!(editor, view_id).doc); doc.set_selection(view_id, Selection::point(pos)); cxt.editor.focus(view_id); commands::MappableCommand::paste_primary_clipboard_before.execute(cxt); return EventResult::Consumed(None); } EventResult::Ignored(None) } _ => EventResult::Ignored(None), } } } impl Component for EditorView { fn handle_event( &mut self, event: &Event, context: &mut crate::compositor::Context, ) -> EventResult { let mut cx = commands::Context { editor: context.editor, count: None, register: None, callback: None, on_next_key_callback: None, jobs:, }; match event { Event::Paste(contents) => { cx.count = cx.editor.count; commands::paste_bracketed_value(&mut cx, contents.clone()); cx.editor.count = None; let config = cx.editor.config(); let mode = cx.editor.mode(); let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor); view.ensure_cursor_in_view(doc, config.scrolloff); // Store a history state if not in insert mode. Otherwise wait till we exit insert // to include any edits to the paste in the history state. if mode != Mode::Insert { doc.append_changes_to_history(view); } EventResult::Consumed(None) } Event::Resize(_width, _height) => { // Ignore this event, we handle resizing just before rendering to screen. // Handling it here but not re-rendering will cause flashing EventResult::Consumed(None) } Event::Key(mut key) => { cx.editor.reset_idle_timer(); canonicalize_key(&mut key); // clear status cx.editor.status_msg = None; let mode = cx.editor.mode(); let (view, _) = current!(cx.editor); let focus =; if let Some(on_next_key) = self.on_next_key.take() { // if there's a command waiting input, do that first on_next_key(&mut cx, key); } else { match mode { Mode::Insert => { // let completion swallow the event if necessary let mut consumed = false; if let Some(completion) = &mut self.completion { // use a fake context here let mut cx = Context { editor: cx.editor, jobs:, scroll: None, }; let res = completion.handle_event(event, &mut cx); if let EventResult::Consumed(callback) = res { consumed = true; if callback.is_some() { // assume close_fn self.clear_completion(cx.editor); } } } // if completion didn't take the event, we pass it onto commands if !consumed { if let Some(compl) = cx.editor.last_completion.take() { self.last_insert.1.push(InsertEvent::CompletionApply(compl)); } self.insert_mode(&mut cx, key); // record last_insert key self.last_insert.1.push(InsertEvent::Key(key)); // lastly we recalculate completion if let Some(completion) = &mut self.completion { completion.update(&mut cx); if completion.is_empty() { self.clear_completion(cx.editor); } } } } mode => self.command_mode(mode, &mut cx, key), } } self.on_next_key = cx.on_next_key_callback.take(); match self.on_next_key { Some(_) => self.pseudo_pending.push(key), None => self.pseudo_pending.clear(), } // appease borrowck let callback = cx.callback.take(); // if the command consumed the last view, skip the render. // on the next loop cycle the Application will then terminate. if cx.editor.should_close() { return EventResult::Ignored(None); } // if the focused view still exists and wasn't closed if cx.editor.tree.contains(focus) { let config = cx.editor.config(); let mode = cx.editor.mode(); let view = view_mut!(cx.editor, focus); let doc = doc_mut!(cx.editor, &view.doc); view.ensure_cursor_in_view(doc, config.scrolloff); // Store a history state if not in insert mode. This also takes care of // committing changes when leaving insert mode. if mode != Mode::Insert { doc.append_changes_to_history(view); } } EventResult::Consumed(callback) } Event::Mouse(event) => self.handle_mouse_event(event, &mut cx), Event::IdleTimeout => self.handle_idle_timeout(&mut cx), Event::FocusGained => EventResult::Ignored(None), Event::FocusLost => { if context.editor.config().auto_save { if let Err(e) = commands::typed::write_all_impl(context, false, false) { context.editor.set_error(format!("{}", e)); } } EventResult::Consumed(None) } } } fn render(&mut self, area: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, cx: &mut Context) { // clear with background color surface.set_style(area, cx.editor.theme.get("ui.background")); let config = cx.editor.config(); // check if bufferline should be rendered use helix_view::editor::BufferLine; let use_bufferline = match config.bufferline { BufferLine::Always => true, BufferLine::Multiple if cx.editor.documents.len() > 1 => true, _ => false, }; // -1 for commandline and -1 for bufferline let mut editor_area = area.clip_bottom(1); if use_bufferline { editor_area = editor_area.clip_top(1); } // if the terminal size suddenly changed, we need to trigger a resize cx.editor.resize(editor_area); if use_bufferline { Self::render_bufferline(cx.editor, area.with_height(1), surface); } for (view, is_focused) in cx.editor.tree.views() { let doc = cx.editor.document(view.doc).unwrap(); self.render_view(cx.editor, doc, view, area, surface, is_focused); } if config.auto_info { if let Some(mut info) = cx.editor.autoinfo.take() { info.render(area, surface, cx); cx.editor.autoinfo = Some(info) } } let key_width = 15u16; // for showing pending keys let mut status_msg_width = 0; // render status msg if let Some((status_msg, severity)) = &cx.editor.status_msg { status_msg_width = status_msg.width(); use helix_view::editor::Severity; let style = if *severity == Severity::Error { cx.editor.theme.get("error") } else { cx.editor.theme.get("ui.text") }; surface.set_string( area.x, area.y + area.height.saturating_sub(1), status_msg, style, ); } if area.width.saturating_sub(status_msg_width as u16) > key_width { let mut disp = String::new(); if let Some(count) = cx.editor.count { disp.push_str(&count.to_string()) } for key in self.keymaps.pending() { disp.push_str(&key.key_sequence_format()); } for key in &self.pseudo_pending { disp.push_str(&key.key_sequence_format()); } let style = cx.editor.theme.get("ui.text"); let macro_width = if cx.editor.macro_recording.is_some() { 3 } else { 0 }; surface.set_string( area.x + area.width.saturating_sub(key_width + macro_width), area.y + area.height.saturating_sub(1), disp.get(disp.len().saturating_sub(key_width as usize)..) .unwrap_or(&disp), style, ); if let Some((reg, _)) = cx.editor.macro_recording { let disp = format!("[{}]", reg); let style = style .fg(helix_view::graphics::Color::Yellow) .add_modifier(Modifier::BOLD); surface.set_string( area.x + area.width.saturating_sub(3), area.y + area.height.saturating_sub(1), &disp, style, ); } } if let Some(completion) = self.completion.as_mut() { completion.render(area, surface, cx); } } fn cursor(&self, _area: Rect, editor: &Editor) -> (Option<Position>, CursorKind) { match editor.cursor() { // All block cursors are drawn manually (pos, CursorKind::Block) => (pos, CursorKind::Hidden), cursor => cursor, } } } fn canonicalize_key(key: &mut KeyEvent) { if let KeyEvent { code: KeyCode::Char(_), modifiers: _, } = key { key.modifiers.remove(KeyModifiers::SHIFT) } }