use crate::compositor::{Component, Context}; use tui::{ buffer::Buffer as Surface, text::{Span, Spans, Text}, }; use std::sync::Arc; use pulldown_cmark::{CodeBlockKind, Event, HeadingLevel, Options, Parser, Tag}; use helix_core::{ syntax::{self, HighlightEvent, Syntax}, Rope, }; use helix_view::{ graphics::{Margin, Rect, Style}, Theme, }; fn styled_multiline_text<'a>(text: String, style: Style) -> Text<'a> { let spans: Vec<_> = text .lines() .map(|line| Span::styled(line.to_string(), style)) .map(Spans::from) .collect(); Text::from(spans) } pub fn highlighted_code_block<'a>( text: String, language: &str, theme: Option<&Theme>, config_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>, additional_highlight_spans: Option<Vec<(usize, std::ops::Range<usize>)>>, ) -> Text<'a> { let mut spans = Vec::new(); let mut lines = Vec::new(); let get_theme = |key: &str| -> Style {|t| t.get(key)).unwrap_or_default() }; let text_style = get_theme(Markdown::TEXT_STYLE); let code_style = get_theme(Markdown::BLOCK_STYLE); let theme = match theme { Some(t) => t, None => return styled_multiline_text(text, code_style), }; let rope = Rope::from(text.as_ref()); let syntax = config_loader .language_configuration_for_injection_string(language) .and_then(|config| config.highlight_config(theme.scopes())) .map(|config| Syntax::new(&rope, config, Arc::clone(&config_loader))); let syntax = match syntax { Some(s) => s, None => return styled_multiline_text(text, code_style), }; let highlight_iter = syntax .highlight_iter(rope.slice(..), None, None) .map(|e| e.unwrap()); let highlight_iter: Box<dyn Iterator<Item = HighlightEvent>> = if let Some(spans) = additional_highlight_spans { Box::new(helix_core::syntax::merge(highlight_iter, spans)) } else { Box::new(highlight_iter) }; let mut highlights = Vec::new(); for event in highlight_iter { match event { HighlightEvent::HighlightStart(span) => { highlights.push(span); } HighlightEvent::HighlightEnd => { highlights.pop(); } HighlightEvent::Source { start, end } => { let style = highlights .iter() .fold(text_style, |acc, span| acc.patch(theme.highlight(span.0))); let mut slice = &text[start..end]; // TODO: do we need to handle all unicode line endings // here, or is just '\n' okay? while let Some(end) = slice.find('\n') { // emit span up to newline let text = &slice[..end]; let text = text.replace('\t', " "); // replace tabs let span = Span::styled(text, style); spans.push(span); // truncate slice to after newline slice = &slice[end + 1..]; // make a new line let spans = std::mem::take(&mut spans); lines.push(Spans::from(spans)); } // if there's anything left, emit it too if !slice.is_empty() { let span = Span::styled(slice.replace('\t', " "), style); spans.push(span); } } } } if !spans.is_empty() { let spans = std::mem::take(&mut spans); lines.push(Spans::from(spans)); } Text::from(lines) } pub struct Markdown { contents: String, config_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>, } // TODO: pre-render and self reference via Pin // better yet, just use Tendril + subtendril for references impl Markdown { const TEXT_STYLE: &'static str = "ui.text"; const BLOCK_STYLE: &'static str = "markup.raw.inline"; const HEADING_STYLES: [&'static str; 6] = [ "markup.heading.1", "markup.heading.2", "markup.heading.3", "markup.heading.4", "markup.heading.5", "markup.heading.6", ]; const INDENT: &'static str = " "; pub fn new(contents: String, config_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>) -> Self { Self { contents, config_loader, } } pub fn parse(&self, theme: Option<&Theme>) -> tui::text::Text<'_> { fn push_line<'a>(spans: &mut Vec<Span<'a>>, lines: &mut Vec<Spans<'a>>) { let spans = std::mem::take(spans); if !spans.is_empty() { lines.push(Spans::from(spans)); } } let mut options = Options::empty(); options.insert(Options::ENABLE_STRIKETHROUGH); let parser = Parser::new_ext(&self.contents, options); // TODO: if possible, render links as terminal hyperlinks: let mut tags = Vec::new(); let mut spans = Vec::new(); let mut lines = Vec::new(); let mut list_stack = Vec::new(); let get_indent = |level: usize| { if level < 1 { String::new() } else { Self::INDENT.repeat(level - 1) } }; let get_theme = |key: &str| -> Style {|t| t.get(key)).unwrap_or_default() }; let text_style = get_theme(Self::TEXT_STYLE); let code_style = get_theme(Self::BLOCK_STYLE); let heading_styles: Vec<Style> = Self::HEADING_STYLES .iter() .map(|key| get_theme(key)) .collect(); for event in parser { match event { Event::Start(Tag::List(list)) => { // if the list stack is not empty this is a sub list, in that // case we need to push the current line before proceeding if !list_stack.is_empty() { push_line(&mut spans, &mut lines); } list_stack.push(list); } Event::End(Tag::List(_)) => { list_stack.pop(); // whenever top-level list closes, empty line if list_stack.is_empty() { lines.push(Spans::default()); } } Event::Start(Tag::Item) => { if list_stack.is_empty() { log::warn!("markdown parsing error, list item without list"); } tags.push(Tag::Item); // get the appropriate bullet for the current list let bullet = list_stack .last() .unwrap_or(&None) // use the '- ' bullet in case the list stack would be empty .map_or(String::from("- "), |number| format!("{}. ", number)); // increment the current list number if there is one if let Some(v) = list_stack.last_mut().unwrap_or(&mut None).as_mut() { *v += 1; } let prefix = get_indent(list_stack.len()) + bullet.as_str(); spans.push(Span::from(prefix)); } Event::Start(tag) => { tags.push(tag); if spans.is_empty() && !list_stack.is_empty() { // TODO: could push indent + 2 or 3 spaces to align with // the rest of the list. spans.push(Span::from(get_indent(list_stack.len()))); } } Event::End(tag) => { tags.pop(); match tag { Tag::Heading(_, _, _) | Tag::Paragraph | Tag::CodeBlock(_) | Tag::Item => { push_line(&mut spans, &mut lines); } _ => (), } // whenever heading, code block or paragraph closes, empty line match tag { Tag::Heading(_, _, _) | Tag::Paragraph | Tag::CodeBlock(_) => { lines.push(Spans::default()); } _ => (), } } Event::Text(text) => { if let Some(Tag::CodeBlock(kind)) = tags.last() { let language = match kind { CodeBlockKind::Fenced(language) => language, CodeBlockKind::Indented => "", }; let tui_text = highlighted_code_block( text.to_string(), language, theme, Arc::clone(&self.config_loader), None, ); lines.extend(tui_text.lines.into_iter()); } else { let style = if let Some(Tag::Heading(level, ..)) = tags.last() { match level { HeadingLevel::H1 => heading_styles[0], HeadingLevel::H2 => heading_styles[1], HeadingLevel::H3 => heading_styles[2], HeadingLevel::H4 => heading_styles[3], HeadingLevel::H5 => heading_styles[4], HeadingLevel::H6 => heading_styles[5], } } else { text_style }; spans.push(Span::styled(text, style)); } } Event::Code(text) | Event::Html(text) => { spans.push(Span::styled(text, code_style)); } Event::SoftBreak | Event::HardBreak => { push_line(&mut spans, &mut lines); if !list_stack.is_empty() { // TODO: could push indent + 2 or 3 spaces to align with // the rest of the list. spans.push(Span::from(get_indent(list_stack.len()))); } } Event::Rule => { lines.push(Spans::from(Span::styled("---", code_style))); lines.push(Spans::default()); } // TaskListMarker(bool) true if checked _ => { log::warn!("unhandled markdown event {:?}", event); } } // build up a vec of Paragraph tui widgets } if !spans.is_empty() { lines.push(Spans::from(spans)); } // if last line is empty, remove it if let Some(line) = lines.last() { if line.0.is_empty() { lines.pop(); } } Text::from(lines) } } impl Component for Markdown { fn render(&mut self, area: Rect, surface: &mut Surface, cx: &mut Context) { use tui::widgets::{Paragraph, Widget, Wrap}; let text = self.parse(Some(&cx.editor.theme)); let par = Paragraph::new(text) .wrap(Wrap { trim: false }) .scroll((cx.scroll.unwrap_or_default() as u16, 0)); let margin = Margin::all(1); par.render(area.inner(&margin), surface); } fn required_size(&mut self, viewport: (u16, u16)) -> Option<(u16, u16)> { let padding = 2; if padding >= viewport.1 || padding >= viewport.0 { return None; } let contents = self.parse(None); // TODO: account for tab width let max_text_width = (viewport.0 - padding).min(120); let (width, height) = crate::ui::text::required_size(&contents, max_text_width); Some((width + padding, height + padding)) } }