# Author : Wojciech Kępka <wojciech@wkepka.dev> "attribute" = "bogster-orange" "keyword" = { fg = "bogster-yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } "keyword.directive" = "bogster-yellow" "namespace" = "bogster-red" "punctuation" = "bogster-orange" "punctuation.delimiter" = "bogster-orange" "operator" = { fg = "bogster-orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } "special" = "bogster-lgreen" "variable.other.member" = "bogster-fg0" "variable" = "bogster-fg0" "variable.parameter" = "bogster-fg0" "type" = "bogster-lred" "type.builtin" = { fg = "bogster-red", modifiers = ["bold"] } "constructor" = "bogster-lred" "function" = "bogster-lblue" "function.macro" = { fg = "bogster-orange", modifiers = ["bold"] } "function.builtin" = { fg = "bogster-lblue", modifiers = ["bold"] } "comment" = "bogster-base5" "variable.builtin" = "bogster-fg0" "constant" = "bogster-teal" "constant.builtin" = "bogster-teal" "string" = "bogster-teal" "constant.numeric" = "bogster-blue" "constant.character.escape" = { fg = "bogster-lgreen", modifiers = ["bold"] } "label" = "bogster-blue" "module" = "bogster-red" "markup.heading" = "bogster-blue" "markup.list" = "bogster-red" "markup.bold" = { fg = "bogster-yellow", modifiers = ["bold"] } "markup.italic" = { fg = "magenta", modifiers = ["italic"] } "markup.link.url" = { fg = "bogster-yellow", modifiers = ["underlined"] } "markup.link.text" = "bogster-red" "markup.quote" = "bogster-lblue" "markup.raw" = "bogster-teal" "diff.plus" = "bogster-teal" "diff.delta" = "bogster-orange" "diff.minus" = "bogster-lred" "ui.background" = { bg = "bogster-base0" } "ui.linenr" = { fg = "bogster-base3" } "ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "bogster-fg1" } "ui.cursorline" = { bg = "bogster-base00" } "ui.statusline" = { fg = "bogster-fg1", bg = "bogster-base1" } "ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "bogster-fg0", bg = "bogster-base1" } "ui.popup" = { bg = "bogster-base1" } "ui.window" = { bg = "bogster-base1" } "ui.help" = { bg = "bogster-base1", fg = "bogster-fg1" } "ui.statusline.normal" = { fg = "bogster-base0", bg = "bogster-blue", modifiers = [ "bold" ]} "ui.statusline.insert" = { fg = "bogster-base0", bg = "bogster-lgreen", modifiers = [ "bold" ]} "ui.statusline.select" = { fg = "bogster-base0", bg = "bogster-red", modifiers = [ "bold" ] } "ui.text" = { fg = "bogster-fg1" } "ui.text.focus" = { fg = "bogster-fg1", modifiers= ["bold"] } "ui.virtual.whitespace" = "bogster-base5" "ui.virtual.ruler" = { bg = "bogster-base00" } "ui.selection" = { bg = "bogster-base1" } "ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "bogster-base2", bg = "bogster-orange" } "ui.cursor" = { fg = "bogster-gray", modifiers = ["reversed"] } "ui.menu" = { fg = "bogster-fg1", bg = "bogster-base1" } "ui.menu.selected" = { bg = "bogster-base2" } "warning" = "bogster-orange" "error" = "bogster-lred" "info" = "bogster-teal" "hint" = "bogster-blue" # make diagnostic underlined, to distinguish with selection text. "diagnostic.warning" = { underline = { color = "bogster-orange", style = "curl"} } "diagnostic.error" = { underline = { color = "bogster-lred", style = "curl"} } "diagnostic.info" = { underline = { color = "bogster-teal", style = "curl"} } "diagnostic.hint" = { underline = { color = "bogster-blue", style = "curl"} } [palette] bogster-orange = "#dc7759" bogster-yellow = "#a58023" bogster-red = "#d32c5d" bogster-blue = "#59c0dc" bogster-gray = "#abb2bf" bogster-lgreen = "#7fdc59" bogster-lred = "#dc597f" bogster-lblue = "#289cbc" bogster-teal = "#23a580" bogster-fg1 = "#161c23" bogster-fg0 = "#232d38" bogster-base00 = "#d7dbbb" bogster-base0 = "#f6fbd6" bogster-base1 = "#c7c7ba" bogster-base2 = "#aaaa97" bogster-base3 = "#415367" bogster-base5 = "#627d9d"