# Author : Luna <rinnray@gliroid.com> # # This was made based on # https://github.com/doomemacs/themes/blob/master/themes/doom-acario-dark-theme.el # I've done my best to make it look like the Emacs theme, there are still things that looks different from the original. # But I've decided to keep it like that as I found it to be easier to read when there's a lot going on i.e lots of variables, strings and functions close to each other. 'attribute' = { fg = 'blue' } 'comment' = { fg = 'gray', modifiers = ['italic'] } 'comment.block' = { fg = 'green', modifiers = ['italic'] } 'comment.block.documentation' = { fg = 'green', modifiers = ['italic'] } 'constant' = { fg = 'magenta' } 'constant.numeric' = { fg = 'orange' } 'constructor' = { fg = 'red' } 'function' = { fg = 'yellow' } 'function.builtin' = { fg = 'blue' } 'function.method' = { fg = 'white' } 'keyword' = { fg = 'red' } 'label' = { fg = 'green' } 'namespace' = { fg = 'white' } 'operator' = { fg = 'blue' } 'punctuation.bracket' = { fg = 'blue' } 'punctuation.delimiter' = { fg = 'white', modifiers = ['bold'] } 'string' = { fg = 'green' } 'tag' = { fg = 'cyan' } 'type' = { fg = 'blue' } 'variable' = { fg = 'cyan' } 'variable.parameter' = { fg = 'white' } 'markup.bold' = { fg = 'orange', modifiers = ['bold'] } 'markup.italic' = { fg = 'magenta', modifiers = ['italic'] } 'markup.heading' = { fg = 'red' } 'markup.link' = { fg = 'orange' } 'markup.link.url' = { fg = 'magenta' } 'markup.link.text' = { fg = 'orange' } 'markup.link.label' = { fg = 'green' } 'markup.list' = { fg = 'red' } 'markup.quote' = { fg = 'green', modifiers = ['italic'] } 'markup.raw.block' = { fg = 'green', bg = 'base4' } 'markup.raw.inline' = { fg = 'green', bg = 'base4' } 'diff.plus' = { fg = 'green' } 'diff.minus' = { fg = 'red' } 'diff.delta' = { fg = 'blue' } 'ui.background'= { bg = 'bg' } 'ui.cursor' = { bg = 'orange', fg = 'bg-alt' } 'ui.cursor.match' = { fg = 'red', modifiers = ['bold'] } 'ui.cursorline' = { bg = 'bg-alt' } 'ui.linenr' = { fg = 'base4' } 'ui.linenr.selected' = { fg = 'orange', bg = 'bg-alt', modifiers = ['bold'] } 'ui.statusline' = { fg = 'fg', bg = 'base3' } 'ui.statusline.normal' = { bg = 'base3' } 'ui.statusline.insert' = { bg = 'base3' } 'ui.statusline.select' = { bg = 'base3' } 'ui.bufferline' = { fg = 'gray', bg = 'base2' } 'ui.bufferline.active' = { fg = 'white', bg = 'base4' } 'ui.bufferline.background' = { bg = 'bg' } 'ui.popup' = { bg = 'bg-alt' } 'ui.window' = { fg = 'gray' } 'ui.help' = { fg = 'fg', bg = 'base2' } 'ui.text' = { fg = 'fg' } 'ui.text.focus' = { bg = 'bg-alt', fg = 'fg' } 'ui.text.info' = { fg = 'fg' } 'ui.virtual.whitespace' = { fg = 'base2' } 'ui.virtual.ruler' = { bg = 'black' } 'ui.menu' = { fg = 'fg', bg = 'bg-alt' } 'ui.menu.selected' = { bg = 'base3', fg = 'fg' } 'ui.selection' = { bg = 'base2' } 'warning' = { fg = 'orange' } 'error' = { fg = 'red', modifiers = ['bold'] } 'info' = { fg = 'blue', modifiers = ['bold'] } 'hint' = { fg = 'blue', modifiers = ['bold'] } 'diagnostic.hint'= { underline = { color = 'red', style = "curl"} } 'diagnostic.error'= { underline = { color = 'red', style = "curl"} } 'diagnostic.info'= { underline = { color = 'blue', style = "curl"} } 'diagnostic.warning'= { underline = { color = 'yellow', style = "curl"} } 'special' = { fg = 'orange' } [palette] white = '#ffffff' black = '#000000' red = '#D83441' green = '#79D836' blue = '#3679D8' yellow = '#D8B941' magenta = '#8041D8' cyan = '#36D8BD' gray = '#767676' orange = '#D85F00' # Custom to doom bg = '#0D0E16' bg-alt = '#040408' fg = '#C3DBE5' base2 = '#1E1E33' base3 = '#464A56' base4 = '#585C6C'