#lang racket (require syntax/location) (require (for-syntax syntax/location)) (define-syntax-rule (dbg body) (let ([res body]) (eprintf "[~a:~a] ~v = ~a~%" (syntax-source-file-name #'body) (syntax-line #'body) 'body res) res)) (define-syntax-rule (err msg) (error 'error (format "[~a:~a] ~a" (syntax-source-file-name #'msg) (syntax-line #'msg) msg))) (define-syntax-rule (note msg) (eprintf "note: ~a~%" msg)) (define-syntax-rule (print msg) (eprintf "~a~%" msg)) (define-syntax (todo stx) (with-syntax ([src (syntax-source-file-name stx)] [line (syntax-line stx)]) #'(error 'todo (format "[~a:~a] unimplemented" src line)))) ; todo: write a trace macro ; todo: write a fmt alias to format ; todo: write a namer ;; removes typing annotations (define (strip expr) (match expr [`(λ ,id (: ,type) ,body (: ,type)) `(λ ,(strip id) ,(strip body))] [`(λ ,id ,body (: ,type)) `(λ ,(strip id) ,(strip body))] [`(λ ,id (: ,type) ,body) `(λ ,(strip id) ,(strip body))] [`(,a ,b) `(,(strip a) ,(strip b))] [expr expr])) ;; (fmt Expr) → String (define (fmt expr) (match expr ['sole "⟨⟩"] [`(λ ,id ,body) (format "λ~a.[~a]" id (fmt body))] [`((λ ,id ,body) ,arg) (format "~a = ~a; ~a" id (fmt arg) (fmt body))] [`(λ ,id (: ,type) ,body) (format "~a: ~a; ~a" id (fmt type) (fmt body))] [`((λ ,id (: ,type) ,body) ,arg) (format "~a: ~a; ~a = ~a; ~a" id (fmt type) id (fmt arg) (fmt body))] [`(λ ,id ,body ,env) (format "λ~a.[~a]" id (fmt body))] [`(let ,id ,expr ,body) (format "~a = ~a; ~a" id (fmt expr) (fmt body))] [`(let ,id (: ,type) ,expr ,body) (format "~a: ~a; ~a = ~a; ~a" id (fmt type) id (fmt expr) (fmt body))] [`(set ,id ,expr ,body) (format "~a := ~a; ~a" id (fmt expr) (fmt body))] [`(→ ,a ,b) (format "(~a → ~a)" (fmt a) (fmt b))] [`(→ ,k ,a ,b) (format "(~a →~a ~a)" (fmt a) k (fmt b))] [`(Ref ,a) (format "Ref ~a" (fmt a))] [`(new ,a) (format "new ~a" (fmt a))] [`(! ,a) (format "!~a" (fmt a))] [`(,a ,b) (format "(~a ~a)" (fmt a) (fmt b))] [(hash-table) "{}"] ; fixme lmao [(hash-table (k v)) (format "{~a: ~a}" (fmt k) (fmt v))] [(hash-table (k1 v1) (k2 v2)) (format "{~a: ~a; ~a: ~a}" (fmt k1) (fmt v1) (fmt k2) (fmt v2))] [(hash-table (k1 v1) (k2 v2) (k3 v3)) (format "{~a: ~a; ~a: ~a; ~a: ~a}" (fmt k1) (fmt v1) (fmt k2) (fmt v2) (fmt k3) (fmt v3))] [expr (format "~a" expr)])) ;; transforms higher-level constructs into the core calculus (define (desugar expr) (match expr ['⟨⟩ 'sole] [`(ref ,e) (desugar `(new ,e))] [`(deref ,e) (desugar `(! ,e))] [`(set ,e1 ,e2 ,in) (desugar `(let _ (: Unit) (set ,e1 ,e2) ,in))] [`(let ,x (: (→ ,k ,a ,b)) (λ ,x ,e) ,in) (desugar `((λ ,x (: (→ ,k ,a ,b)) ,in) (λ ,x (: ,a) ,e)))] [`(let ,x (: (→ ,a ,b)) (λ ,x ,e) ,in) (desugar `((λ ,x (: (→ ,a ,b)) ,in) (λ ,x (: ,a) ,e)))] [`(let ,x (: ,t) ,e ,in) (desugar `((λ ,x (: ,t) ,in) ,e))] [`(let ,x (: ,t) ,e) (desugar `(let ,x (: ,t) ,e 'sole))] [`(λ ,x (: ,t) ,e) `(λ ,x (: ,t) ,(desugar e))] [`(,e1 ,e2 ,e3) `(,(desugar e1) ,(desugar e2) ,(desugar e3))] [`(,e1 ,e2) `(,(desugar e1) ,(desugar e2))] [e e])) (provide dbg err note print todo strip fmt desugar) ; todo: how to provide everything??