#lang racket (require "lib.rkt") ;; The Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus with higher-order *impredicative* references ; Γ, x: τ₁ ⊢ e: τ₂ k > max-level(Γ, τ₁, τ₂) ; --------------------------------------------- ; Γ ⊢ λx:τ₁.e : τ₁ →ᵏ τ₂ ; Γ ⊢ e₁: τ₁ →ᵏ τ₂ Γ ⊢ e₂: τ₁ ; -------------------------------- ; Γ ⊢ (e₁ e₂): τ₂ ; -------------------------- ; Nat::Type₀, Unit::Type₀ ; τ::Type₀ ; --------------- ; Ref τ :: Type₀ ; τ::Typeᵢ, i ≥ 0 ; --------------- ; Ref τ :: Typeᵢ₊₁ ; τ₁::Typeᵢ, τ₂::Typeⱼ, k > max-level(τ₁, τ₂) ; ----------------------------------------- ; τ₁ →ᵏ τ₂ :: Typeₖ (require (only-in "stlc-ref.rkt" interpret)) ;; (check Expr Type Table[Sym, Type]): Bool (define (check expr with) (check-core (desugar expr) with #hash())) (define (check-core expr with Γ) (match with ['sole (equal? 'Unit with)] [n #:when (natural? n) (equal? 'Nat with)] [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x) (equal? (dict-ref Γ x) with)] [`(new ,e) (match with [`(Ref ,t) (check-core e t Γ)] [_ #f])] [`(! ,e) (check-core e `(Ref ,with) Γ)] [`(set ,e1 ,e2) (match (infer-core e1 Γ) [`(Ref ,t) (and (equal? 'Unit with) (check-core e2 t Γ))] [_ #f])] [`(λ (,x : ,t) ,e) (match with [`(,t1 → ,k ,t2) (and (equal? t t1) (check-core e t2 (dict-set Γ x t)) (> k (max-level e t1 t2 (dict-set Γ x t1))))] ; KNOB [_ #f])] [`(,e1 ,e2) (match (infer-core e1 Γ) [`(,t1 → ,k ,t2) (and (equal? t2 with) (equal? t1 (infer-core e2 Γ)))] [_ #f])] [_ #f])) ;; (infer Expr Table[Sym, Type]): Type (define (infer expr) (infer-core (desugar expr) #hash())) (define (infer-core expr Γ) (match expr ['sole 'Unit] [n #:when (natural? n) 'Nat] [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x) (dict-ref Γ x)] [`(new ,e) `(Ref ,(infer-core e Γ))] [`(! ,e) (match (infer-core e Γ) [`(Ref ,t) t] [t (err "attempting to deref term not of Ref type!")])] [`(set ,e1 ,e2) (match (infer-core e1 Γ) [`(Ref ,t) (if (check-core e2 t Γ) 'Unit (err (format "attempting to update ~a: ~a with term ~a: ~a of differing type" e1 t e2 (infer-core e2 Γ))))] [t (err (format "attempting to update non-reference ~a: ~a" e1 t))])] [`(λ (,x : ,t1) ,e) (let ([t2 (infer-core e (dict-set Γ x t1))]) (let ([k (+ 1 (max-level e (dict-set Γ x t1) t1 t2))]) ; KNOB `(,t1 → ,k ,t2)))] [`(,e1 ,e2) (match (infer-core e1 Γ) [`(,t1 → ,k ,t2) (if (check-core e2 t1 Γ) t2 (err (format "inferred argument type ~a does not match arg ~a of type ~a" t1 e2 (infer-core e2 Γ))))] [t (err (format "expected → type on application body, got ~a" t))])] [e (err (format "attempting to infer an unknown expression ~a" e))])) ;; (max-level Table[Sym, Type] Expr Type Type): Natural (define (max-level e Γ t1 t2) (max (level-type t1) (level-type t2) (level-body e Γ))) ;; (level-type Type): Natural (define (level-type t) (match t ['Unit 0] ['Nat 0] [`(,t1 → ,k ,t2) (if (or (< k (level-type t1)) (< k (level-type t2))) (err (format "annotated level ~a is less than inferred levels of ~a and ~a!" k t1 t2)) k)] [`(Ref ,t) (let ([k (level-type t)]) (if (zero? k) 0 (+ 1 k)))] ; KNOB [t (err (format "attempting to infer the level of unknown type ~a" t))])) ;; (level-body Expr Table[Sym, Type]): Natural (define (level-body e Γ) (match e ['sole 0] [n #:when (natural? n) 0] [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x) (level-type (dict-ref Γ x))] [`(new ,e) (level-body e Γ)] [`(! ,e) (level-body e Γ)] [`(set ,e1 ,e2) (max (level-body e1 Γ) (level-body e2 Γ))] [`(λ (,x : ,t) ,e) (level-body e (dict-set Γ x t))] ; todo: should be 0? [`(,e1 ,e2) (max (level-body e1 Γ) (level-body e2 Γ))]))