# pakku Pakku is a pacman wrapper with additional features, such as AUR support. ## Description There are dozens of AUR helpers, but all of them have a fatal flaw: I didn't write them! So I made another useless AUR helper. Say hello to stillborn AUR helper written in stillborn programming language! Basically, pakku supports the following features: - Installing packages from AUR - Viewing files and changes between builds - Building packages from official repositories - Removing make dependencies after building - Searching and querying AUR packages - Reading comments for AUR packages - PKGBUILD retrieving - Pacman integration In other words, it does the same things any AUR helper capable of. The following principles were the basis of the program: - Pacman-like user interface - Pacman options support (`--asdeps`, `--needed`, etc) - Pacman configuration support (output settings, ignored packages, etc) - Download, ask all questions, and only after that start building - No PKGBUILD sourcing ## Examples - Build packages from sources: `pakku -S --build linux linux-headers` - Query all "dependency islands": `pakku -Qdttt`