import options, os, osproc, posix, sequtils, sets, strutils, sugar, tables, args, config, format, lists, package, pacman, utils, "wrapper/alpm" type CacheKind* {.pure.} = enum repositories, packages BareKind* {.pure.} = enum pkg, repo SyncFoundPackageInfo* = tuple[ base: string, version: string, arch: Option[string] ] SyncFoundInfo* = tuple[ repo: string, pkg: Option[SyncFoundPackageInfo] ] PackageTarget* = tuple[ reference: PackageReference, repo: Option[string], destination: Option[string] ] SyncPackageTarget* = tuple[ target: PackageTarget, foundInfos: seq[SyncFoundInfo] ] FullPackageTarget* = tuple[ sync: SyncPackageTarget, rpcInfo: Option[RpcPackageInfo] ] LookupBaseGroup = tuple[ base: string, version: string, arch: string, repo: string ] proc checkAndRefreshUpgradeInternal(color: bool, upgrade: bool, args: seq[Argument]): tuple[code: int, args: seq[Argument]] = let refreshCount = args.count(%%%"refresh") let upgradeCount = if upgrade: args.count(%%%"sysupgrade") else: 0 if refreshCount > 0 or upgradeCount > 0: let code = pacmanRun(true, color, args .keepOnlyOptions(commonOptions, transactionOptions, upgradeOptions) & ("S", none(string), ArgumentType.short) & ("y", none(string), ArgumentType.short).repeat(refreshCount) & ("u", none(string), ArgumentType.short).repeat(upgradeCount)) let callArgs = args .filter(arg => not arg.matchOption(%%%"refresh") and (upgradeCount == 0 or not arg.matchOption(%%%"sysupgrade"))) (code, callArgs) else: (0, args) template checkAndRefreshUpgrade*(color: bool, args: seq[Argument]): tuple[code: int, args: seq[Argument]] = checkAndRefreshUpgradeInternal(color, true, args) template checkAndRefresh*(color: bool, args: seq[Argument]): tuple[code: int, args: seq[Argument]] = checkAndRefreshUpgradeInternal(color, false, args) proc noconfirm*(args: seq[Argument]): bool = args .filter(arg => arg.matchOption(%%%"confirm") or arg.matchOption(%%%"noconfirm")).optLast .map(arg => arg.key == "noconfirm").get(false) or args.check(%%%"ask") proc packageTargets*(args: seq[Argument], parseDestination: bool): seq[PackageTarget] = => (block: let (noDestinationTarget, destination) = if parseDestination: (block: let split = target.split("::", 2) if split.len == 2: (split[0], some(split[1])) else: (target, none(string))) else: (target, none(string)) let splitRepoTarget = noDestinationTarget.split('/', 2) let (repo, nameConstraint) = if splitRepoTarget.len == 2: (some(splitRepoTarget[0]), splitRepoTarget[1]) else: (none(string), noDestinationTarget) let reference = parsePackageReference(nameConstraint, false) (reference, repo, destination))) proc isAurTargetSync*(sync: SyncPackageTarget, aurRepo: string): bool = sync.foundInfos.len == 0 and ( or == some(aurRepo)) proc isAurTargetFull*(full: FullPackageTarget, aurRepo: string): bool = full.sync.foundInfos.len > 0 and full.sync.foundInfos[0].repo == aurRepo proc filterNotFoundSyncTargets*(syncTargets: seq[SyncPackageTarget], rpcInfos: seq[RpcPackageInfo], upToDateNeededTable: Table[string, PackageReference], aurRepo: string): seq[SyncPackageTarget] = let pkgInfoReferencesTable = => (, i.toPackageReference)).toTable syncTargets.filter(s => not (upToDateNeededTable.opt( .map(r =>, true)).get(false)) and s.foundInfos.len == 0 and not (s.isAurTargetSync(aurRepo) and pkgInfoReferencesTable.opt( .map(r =>, true)).get(false))) proc printSyncNotFound*(config: Config, notFoundTargets: seq[SyncPackageTarget]) = let dbs = config.common.dbs.toHashSet for sync in notFoundTargets: if or == some(config.aurRepo) or in dbs: printError(config.color, trp("target not found: %s\n") % [$]) else: printError(config.color, trp("database not found: %s\n") % []) proc findSyncTargets*(handle: ptr AlpmHandle, dbs: seq[ptr AlpmDatabase], targets: seq[PackageTarget], aurRepo: string, allowGroups: bool, checkProvides: bool): (seq[SyncPackageTarget], seq[string]) = let dbTable = => ($, d)).toTable proc checkProvided(reference: PackageReference, db: ptr AlpmDatabase): bool = for pkg in db.packages: for provides in pkg.provides: if reference.isProvidedBy(provides.toPackageReference, true): return true return false proc findSync(target: PackageTarget): seq[SyncFoundInfo] = if target.repo.isSome: let repo = target.repo.unsafeGet if dbTable.hasKey(repo): let db = dbTable[repo] let pkg = db[] if pkg != nil and target.reference.isProvidedBy(pkg.toPackageReference, true): let base = if pkg.base == nil: else: $pkg.base return @[(repo, some((base, $pkg.version, some($pkg.arch))))] elif checkProvides and target.reference.checkProvided(db): return @[(repo, none(SyncFoundPackageInfo))] else: return @[] else: return @[] else: if allowGroups and target.reference.constraint.isNone: let groupRepo = optFirst: collect(newSeq): for d in dbs: for g in d.groups: if $ == d if groupRepo.isSome: return @[($, none(SyncFoundPackageInfo))] let directResults = dbs .map(db => (block: let pkg = db[] if pkg != nil and target.reference.isProvidedBy(pkg.toPackageReference, true): let base = if pkg.base == nil: else: $pkg.base some(($, some((base, $pkg.version, some($pkg.arch))))) else: none(SyncFoundInfo))) .filter(i => i.isSome) .map(i => i.unsafeGet) if directResults.len > 0: return directResults elif checkProvides: for db in dbs: if target.reference.checkProvided(db): return @[($, none(SyncFoundPackageInfo))] return @[] else: return @[] let syncTargets: seq[SyncPackageTarget] = => (t, findSync(t))) let checkAurNames = syncTargets .filter(s => s.isAurTargetSync(aurRepo)) .map(s => (syncTargets, checkAurNames) proc mapAurTargets*(targets: seq[SyncPackageTarget], rpcInfos: seq[RpcPackageInfo], aurRepo: string): seq[FullPackageTarget] = let aurTable = => (, i)).toTable (sync: SyncPackageTarget): FullPackageTarget = let res = if sync.foundInfos.len == 0 and aurTable.hasKey( (block: let rpcInfo = aurTable[] if, true): some(((aurRepo, some((rpcInfo.base, rpcInfo.version, none(string)))), rpcInfo)) else: none((SyncFoundInfo, RpcPackageInfo))) else: none((SyncFoundInfo, RpcPackageInfo)) if res.isSome: let (syncInfo, rpcInfo) = res.get ((, @[syncInfo]), some(rpcInfo)) else: (sync, none(RpcPackageInfo))) proc queryUnrequired*(handle: ptr AlpmHandle, withOptional: bool, withoutOptional: bool, assumeExplicit: HashSet[string]): (seq[PackageReference], HashSet[string], HashSet[string], Table[string, HashSet[PackageReference]]) = let (installed, explicit, dependsTable, alternatives) = block: var installed = newSeq[PackageReference]() var explicit = newSeq[string]() var dependsTable = initTable[string, HashSet[tuple[reference: PackageReference, optional: bool]]]() var alternatives = initTable[string, HashSet[PackageReference]]() for pkg in handle.local.packages: proc fixProvides(reference: PackageReference): PackageReference = if reference.constraint.isNone: (, reference.description, some((ConstraintOperation.eq, $pkg.version, true))) else: reference let depends = toSeq(pkg.depends.items) .map(d => d.toPackageReference).toHashSet let optional = toSeq(pkg.optional.items) .map(d => d.toPackageReference).toHashSet let provides = toSeq(pkg.provides.items) .map(d => d.toPackageReference).map(fixProvides).toHashSet installed.add(pkg.toPackageReference) if pkg.reason == AlpmReason.explicit: explicit &= $ dependsTable[$]= => (x, false)) + => (x, true)) if provides.len > 0: alternatives[$]= provides (installed, explicit.toHashSet + assumeExplicit, dependsTable, alternatives) let providedBy = collect(newSeq): for x in alternatives.namedPairs: for y in x.value: (reference:y,name:x.key) proc findRequired(withOptional: bool, results: HashSet[string], check: HashSet[string]): HashSet[string] = let full = results + check when NimVersion >= "1.3.5": let direct = collect(newSeq): for y in dependsTable.namedPairs: if y.key in check: for x in y.value: if withOptional or not x.optional: x.reference let indirect = collect(initHashSet): for y in direct: for x in providedBy: if y.isProvidedBy(x.reference, true): {} else: let direct = block: var tmp = newSeq[PackageReference]() for y in dependsTable.namedPairs: if y.key in check: for x in y.value: if withOptional or not x.optional: tmp.add(x.reference) tmp let indirect = block: var tmp = initHashSet[string]() for y in direct: for x in providedBy: if y.isProvidedBy(x.reference, true): tmp.incl( tmp let checkNext = ( => + indirect) - full if checkNext.len > 0: findRequired(withOptional, full, checkNext) else: full let installedNames = => proc findOrphans(withOptional: bool): HashSet[string] = let required = findRequired(withOptional, initHashSet[string](), explicit) installedNames - required let withOptionalSet = if withOptional: findOrphans(true) else: initHashSet[string]() let withoutOptionalSet = if withoutOptional: findOrphans(false) else: initHashSet[string]() (installed, withOptionalSet, withoutOptionalSet, alternatives) proc `$`*(target: PackageTarget): string = (r: string): string = r & "/" & $target.reference).get($target.reference) template tmpRoot(config: Config, dropPrivileges: bool): string = if dropPrivileges: config.tmpRootInitial else: config.tmpRootCurrent template userCache(config: Config, dropPrivileges: bool): string = if dropPrivileges: config.userCacheInitial else: config.userCacheCurrent template cache*(userCache: string, cacheKind: CacheKind): string = userCache & "/" & $cacheKind proc createDirRecursive(dir: string, chownUser: Option[User]): bool = let segments = dir.split("/").filter(x => not (x.len == 0 or x == ".")) proc createDirIndex(index: int): bool = if index < segments.len: let path = (if dir.len > 0 and dir[0] == '/': "/" else: "") & segments[0 .. index].join("/") try: let exists = path.existsOrCreateDir() if chownUser.isSome and (not exists or index == segments.len - 1): discard chown(path, (Uid) chownUser.unsafeGet.uid, (Gid) chownUser.unsafeGet.gid) createDirIndex(index + 1) except: false else: true createDirIndex(0) proc ensureDirOrError(dir: string, dropPrivileges: bool): Option[string] = let user = if dropPrivileges: some(initialUser.get(currentUser)) else: none(User) if not createDirRecursive(dir, user): some(tr"failed to create directory '$#'" % [dir]) else: none(string) proc ensureTmpOrError*(config: Config, dropPrivileges: bool): Option[string] = ensureDirOrError(config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges), dropPrivileges) proc ensureUserCacheOrError*(config: Config, cacheKind: CacheKind, dropPrivileges: bool): Option[string] = ensureDirOrError(config.userCache(dropPrivileges).cache(cacheKind), dropPrivileges) proc getGitFiles*(repoPath: string, gitSubdir: Option[string], dropPrivileges: bool): seq[string] = if gitSubdir.isSome: forkWaitRedirect(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): execResult(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "ls-tree", "-r", "--name-only", "@", gitSubdir.unsafeGet & "/") else: quit(1))) .output .map(s => s[gitSubdir.unsafeGet.len + 1 .. ^1]) else: forkWaitRedirect(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): execResult(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "ls-tree", "-r", "--name-only", "@") else: quit(1))) .output proc bisectVersion(repoPath: string, debug: bool, firstCommit: Option[string], compareMethod: string, gitSubdir: string, version: string, dropPrivileges: bool): Option[string] = template forkExecWithoutOutput(args: varargs[string]): int = forkWait(() => (block: discard close(0) if not debug: discard close(1) discard close(2) if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): execResult(args) else: quit(1))) let (workFirstCommit, checkFirst) = if firstCommit.isSome: (firstCommit, false) else: (forkWaitRedirect(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): execResult(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "rev-list", "--max-parents=0", "@") else: quit(1))) .output.optLast, true) let (realLastThreeCommits, _) = forkWaitRedirect(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): execResult(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "rev-list", "--max-count=3", "@") else: quit(1))) let index = => realLastThreeCommits.find(c)).get(-1) let lastThreeCommits = if index >= 0: realLastThreeCommits[0 .. index] else: realLastThreeCommits proc checkCommit(commit: string): Option[string] = let checkout1Code = forkExecWithoutOutput(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "checkout", commit) if checkout1Code != 0: none(string) else: let foundVersion = forkWaitRedirect(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): execResult(pkgLibDir & "/bisect", compareMethod, repoPath & "/" & gitSubdir, version) else: quit(1))) .output.optFirst let checkout2Code = forkExecWithoutOutput(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "checkout", lastThreeCommits[0]) if checkout2Code != 0: none(string) elif foundVersion == some(version): some(commit) else: none(string) if lastThreeCommits.len == 0: none(string) elif lastThreeCommits.len == 1: if checkFirst: checkCommit(lastThreeCommits[0]) else: none(string) elif lastThreeCommits.len == 2: let checkedCommit = checkCommit(lastThreeCommits[0]) if checkedCommit.isSome: checkedCommit elif checkFirst: checkCommit(lastThreeCommits[1]) else: none(string) else: # find the commit with specific package version using git bisect let bisectStartCode = forkExecWithoutOutput(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "bisect", "start", "@", workFirstCommit.get("")) if bisectStartCode != 0: none(string) else: discard forkExecWithoutOutput(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "bisect", "run", pkgLibDir & "/bisect", compareMethod, gitSubdir, version) let commit = forkWaitRedirect(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): execResult(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "rev-list", "--max-count=1", "refs/bisect/bad") else: quit(1))) .output.optFirst discard forkExecWithoutOutput(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "bisect", "reset") if commit.isSome: let checkedCommit = if checkedCommit.isSome: checkedCommit else: # non-incremental git history (e.g. downgrade without epoch change), bisect again bisectVersion(repoPath, debug, commit, compareMethod, gitSubdir, version, dropPrivileges) elif checkFirst and workFirstCommit.isSome: checkCommit(workFirstCommit.unsafeGet) else: none(string) proc obtainSrcInfo*(path: string): string = let (output, code) = forkWaitRedirect(() => (block: if dropPrivileges() and chdir(path) == 0: execResult(makePkgCmd, "--printsrcinfo") else: quit(1))) if code == 0: output.foldl(a & b & "\n", "") else: "" proc reloadPkgInfos*(config: Config, path: string, pkgInfos: seq[PackageInfo]): seq[PackageInfo] = let srcInfo = obtainSrcInfo(path) let res = parseSrcInfo(pkgInfos[0].rpc.repo, srcInfo, config.common.arch, pkgInfos[0].rpc.gitUrl, pkgInfos[0].rpc.gitSubdir) if res.len > 0: res else: pkgInfos template bareFullName*(bareKind: BareKind, bareName: string): string = $bareKind & "-" & bareName & ".git" proc bareFullNameDeconstruct*(bareKind: BareKind, bareFullName: string): Option[string] = if bareFullName.find($bareKind & '-') == 0 and bareFullName.rfind(".git") == bareFullName.len - 4: some(bareFullName[($bareKind).len + 1 .. ^5]) else: none(string) proc cloneBareRepo(config: Config, bareKind: BareKind, bareName: string, url: string, branchOption: Option[string], dropPrivileges: bool): Option[string] = let fullName = bareFullName(bareKind, bareName) let cachePath = config.userCache(dropPrivileges).cache(CacheKind.repositories) let repoPath = repoPath(cachePath, fullName) if forkWait(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): if dirExists(repoPath): let branch = branchOption.get("master") execResult(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "fetch", "-q", "--no-tags", "origin", branch & ":" & branch) else: execResult(gitCmd, "-C", cachePath, "clone", "-q", "--bare", "--no-tags", url, fullName) else: quit(1))) == 0: some(repoPath) else: none(string) proc cloneBareRepos*(config: Config, bareKind: BareKind, gitRepos: seq[GitRepo], progressCallback: (int, int) -> void, dropPrivileges: bool): (int, seq[string]) = let message = ensureUserCacheOrError(config, CacheKind.repositories, dropPrivileges) if message.isSome: (0, @[message.unsafeGet]) else: let bare = gitRepos .filter(t => t.bareName.isSome) .map(r => (r.bareName.unsafeGet, r.url, r.branch)) .deduplicate proc cloneNext(index: int, messages: List[string]): seq[string] = progressCallback(index, bare.len) if index >= bare.len: toSeq(messages.reversed.items) else: let (bareName, url, branch) = bare[index] let repoPath = cloneBareRepo(config, bareKind, bareName, url, branch, dropPrivileges) if repoPath.isSome: cloneNext(index + 1, messages) else: let message = tr"$#: failed to clone git repository" % [bareName] cloneNext(index + 1, message ^& messages) (bare.len, cloneNext(0, nil)) proc clonePackageRepoInternal(config: Config, base: string, version: string, git: GitRepo, dropPrivileges: bool): Option[string] = let repoPath = repoPath(config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges), base) removeDirQuiet(repoPath) let url = if git.bareName.isSome: repoPath(config.userCache(dropPrivileges).cache(CacheKind.repositories), bareFullName(BareKind.repo, git.bareName.unsafeGet)) else: git.url if forkWait(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): if git.branch.isSome: execResult(gitCmd, "-C", config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges), "clone", "-q", url, "-b", git.branch.unsafeGet, "--single-branch", base) else: execResult(gitCmd, "-C", config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges), "clone", "-q", url, "--single-branch", base) else: quit(1))) == 0: let commit = bisectVersion(repoPath, config.common.debug, none(string), "source", git.path, version, dropPrivileges) if commit.isNone: removeDirQuiet(repoPath) none(string) else: discard forkWait(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): execResult(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "checkout", "-q", commit.unsafeGet) else: quit(1))) some(repoPath) else: removeDirQuiet(repoPath) none(string) proc clonePackageRepo*(config: Config, base: string, version: string, git: GitRepo, dropPrivileges: bool): Option[string] = let message = ensureTmpOrError(config, dropPrivileges) if message.isSome: message else: let repoPath = clonePackageRepoInternal(config, base, version, git, dropPrivileges) if repoPath.isNone: some(tr"$#: failed to clone git repository" % [base]) else: none(string) proc obtainBuildPkgInfosInternal(config: Config, bases: seq[LookupBaseGroup], pacmanTargetNames: seq[string], progressCallback: (int, int) -> void, dropPrivileges: bool): (seq[PackageInfo], seq[string], seq[string]) = let lookupResults: seq[tuple[group: LookupBaseGroup, git: Option[GitRepo]]] = bases .map(b => (b, lookupGitRepo(b.repo, b.base, b.arch))) let notFoundRepos = lookupResults.filter(r => r.git.isNone) if notFoundRepos.len > 0: let messages = => tr"$#: repository not found" % []) (newSeq[PackageInfo](), newSeq[string](), messages) else: let message = ensureTmpOrError(config, dropPrivileges) if message.isSome: (@[], @[], @[message.unsafeGet]) else: let (bcount, berrors) = cloneBareRepos(config, BareKind.repo, => r.git.unsafeGet), proc (progress: int, count: int) = progressCallback(progress, count + lookupResults.len), dropPrivileges) if berrors.len > 0: discard rmdir(config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges)) (newSeq[PackageInfo](), newSeq[string](), berrors) else: proc findCommitAndGetSrcInfo(base: string, version: string, repo: string, git: GitRepo): tuple[pkgInfos: seq[PackageInfo], path: Option[string]] = let repoPath = clonePackageRepoInternal(config, base, version, git, dropPrivileges) if repoPath.isSome: let srcInfo = obtainSrcInfo(repoPath.unsafeGet & "/" & git.path) let pkgInfos = parseSrcInfo(repo, srcInfo, config.common.arch, git.url, some(git.path)) .filter(i => i.rpc.version == version) (pkgInfos, repoPath) else: (newSeq[PackageInfo](), none(string)) let (pkgInfosWithPathsReversed, _) = lookupResults.foldl(block: let (list, index) = a let res = findCommitAndGetSrcInfo(,,, b.git.unsafeGet) ^& list progressCallback(bcount + index + 1, bcount + lookupResults.len) (res, index + 1), (list[tuple[pkgInfos: seq[PackageInfo], path: Option[string]]](), 0)) let pkgInfosWithPaths = pkgInfosWithPathsReversed.reversed let pkgInfos = collect(newSeq): for y in pkgInfosWithPaths: for x in y.pkgInfos: x let paths = collect(newSeq): for y in pkgInfosWithPaths: for x in y.path: x let pkgInfosTable = => (, i)).toTable let foundPkgInfos = collect(newSeq): for y in pacmanTargetNames: for x in pkgInfosTable.opt(y): x let errorMessages = pacmanTargetNames .filter(n => not pkgInfosTable.hasKey(n)) .map(n => tr"$#: failed to get package info" % [n]) if errorMessages.len > 0: for path in paths: removeDirQuiet(path) discard rmdir(config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges)) (foundPkgInfos, paths, errorMessages) proc obtainBuildPkgInfos*(config: Config, pacmanTargets: seq[FullPackageTarget], progressCallback: (int, int) -> void, dropPrivileges: bool): (seq[PackageInfo], seq[string], seq[string]) = let bases = pacmanTargets .map(proc (full: FullPackageTarget): LookupBaseGroup = let info = full.sync.foundInfos[0] let pkg = info.pkg.get (pkg.base, pkg.version, pkg.arch.get, info.repo)) .deduplicate let pacmanTargetNames = => obtainBuildPkgInfosInternal(config, bases, pacmanTargetNames, progressCallback, dropPrivileges) proc cloneAurRepo*(config: Config, base: string, gitUrl: string, dropPrivileges: bool): (int, Option[string]) = let repoPath = repoPath(config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges), base) let message = block: let message = ensureUserCacheOrError(config, CacheKind.repositories, dropPrivileges) if message.isNone: ensureTmpOrError(config, dropPrivileges) else: message if message.isSome: (1, message) elif repoPath.dirExists(): (0, none(string)) else: let fullName = bareFullName(BareKind.pkg, base) let cachePath = config.userCache(dropPrivileges).cache(CacheKind.repositories) let bareRepoPath = repoPath(cachePath, fullName) let cloneBareCode = forkWait(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): if dirExists(bareRepoPath): execResult(gitCmd, "-C", bareRepoPath, "fetch", "-q", "--no-tags", "origin", "master:master") else: execResult(gitCmd, "-C", cachePath, "clone", "-q", "--bare", "--no-tags", gitUrl, "--single-branch", fullName) else: quit(1))) let cloneCode = if cloneBareCode == 0: forkWait(() => (block: if not dropPrivileges or dropPrivileges(): execResult(gitCmd, "-C", config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges), "clone", "-q", bareRepoPath, "--single-branch", base) else: quit(1))) else: cloneBareCode if cloneCode != 0: (cloneCode, some(tr"$#: failed to clone git repository" % [base])) else: (0, none(string)) proc cloneAurReposWithPackageInfos*(config: Config, rpcInfos: seq[RpcPackageInfo], keepRepos: bool, progressCallback: (int, int) -> void, dropPrivileges: bool): (seq[PackageInfo], seq[PackageInfo], seq[string], seq[string]) = let bases: seq[tuple[base: string, gitUrl: string]] = rpcInfos .map(i => (i.base, i.gitUrl)).deduplicate progressCallback(0, bases.len) proc cloneNext(index: int, pkgInfos: List[PackageInfo], paths: List[string], errors: List[string]): (seq[PackageInfo], seq[string], seq[string]) = if index >= bases.len: (toSeq(pkgInfos.items), toSeq(paths.items), toSeq(errors.items)) else: let repoPath = repoPath(config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges), bases[index].base) removeDirQuiet(repoPath) let (cloneCode, cloneErrorMessage) = cloneAurRepo(config, bases[index].base, bases[index].gitUrl, dropPrivileges) progressCallback(index + 1, bases.len) if cloneCode != 0: removeDirQuiet(repoPath) cloneNext(index + 1, pkgInfos, paths, => m ^& errors).get(errors)) else: let srcInfos = try: readFile(repoPath & "/.SRCINFO") except: "" let addPkgInfos = parseSrcInfo(config.aurRepo, srcInfos, config.common.arch, bases[index].gitUrl, none(string), rpcInfos) if keepRepos: cloneNext(index + 1, addPkgInfos ^& pkgInfos, repoPath ^& paths, errors) else: removeDirQuiet(repoPath) cloneNext(index + 1, addPkgInfos ^& pkgInfos, paths, errors) let (fullPkgInfos, paths, errors) = cloneNext(0, nil, nil, nil) let pkgInfosTable = => (, i)).toTable let resultPkgInfos = collect(newSeq): for y in rpcInfos: for x in pkgInfosTable.opt( x let names = => let additionalPkgInfos = fullPkgInfos.filter(i => not ( in names)) discard rmdir(config.tmpRoot(dropPrivileges)) (resultPkgInfos, additionalPkgInfos, paths, errors)