import future, options, posix, re, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables, utils type ColorMode* {.pure.} = enum colorNever = "never", colorAuto = "auto", colorAlways = "always" PreserveBuilt* {.pure.} = enum internal = "Internal", user = "User", disabled = "Disabled" CommonConfig* = object of RootObj dbs*: seq[string] arch*: string debug*: bool progressBar*: bool verbosePkgList*: bool pgpKeyserver*: Option[string] ignorePkgs*: HashSet[string] ignoreGroups*: HashSet[string] PacmanConfig* = object of CommonConfig rootOption*: Option[string] dbOption*: Option[string] cacheOption*: Option[string] gpgOption*: Option[string] colorMode*: ColorMode Config* = object of CommonConfig root*: string db*: string cache*: string userCacheInitial*: string userCacheCurrent*: string tmpRootInitial*: string tmpRootCurrent*: string color*: bool aurComments*: bool checkIgnored*: bool printAurNotFound*: bool sudoExec*: bool viewNoDefault*: bool preserveBuilt*: PreserveBuilt preBuildCommand*: Option[string] proc readConfigFile*(configFile: string): (OrderedTable[string, ref Table[string, string]], bool) = var file: File var table = initOrderedTable[string, ref Table[string, string]]() var category: ref Table[string, string] var currentCategory = "" let wasError = if try: var matches: array[2, string] while true: let rawLine = readLine(file).strip(leading = false, trailing = true) let commentIndex = rawLine.find('#') let line = if commentIndex >= 0: rawLine[0 .. commentIndex - 1].strip(leading = false, trailing = true) else: rawLine if line.len > 0: if line.match(re"\[(.*)\]", matches): currentCategory = matches[0] if table.hasKey(currentCategory): category = table[currentCategory] else: category = newTable[string, string]() table[currentCategory] = category elif currentCategory.len > 0: if line.match(re"\ *(\w+)\ *=\ *(.*)", matches): category[].add(matches[0], matches[1]) else: category[].add(line.strip(leading = true, trailing = false), "") false except EOFError: false except IOError: true finally: file.close() else: true (table, wasError) proc ignored*(config: Config, name: string, groups: openArray[string]): bool = name in config.ignorePkgs or (config.ignoreGroups * groups.toSet).len > 0 proc isRootDefault*(config: Config): bool = config.root == "/" proc get*(colorMode: ColorMode): bool = case colorMode: of ColorMode.colorNever: false of ColorMode.colorAlways: true of ColorMode.colorAuto: isatty(1) == 1 proc root*(config: PacmanConfig): string = config.rootOption.get("/") proc db*(config: PacmanConfig): string = if config.dbOption.isSome: config.dbOption.unsafeGet else: let root = config.root let workRoot = if root == "/": "" else: root workRoot & localStateDir & "/lib/pacman/" proc cache*(config: PacmanConfig): string = config.cacheOption.get(localStateDir & "/cache/pacman/pkg") proc obtainConfig*(config: PacmanConfig): Config = let (configTable, _) = readConfigFile(sysConfDir & "/pakku.conf") let options = configTable.opt("options").map(t => t[]).get(initTable[string, string]()) let root = config.root let db = config.db let cache = config.cache let color = config.colorMode.get proc handleDirPattern(dirPattern: string, user: User): string = dirPattern .replace("${UID}", $user.uid) .replace("${USER}", .replace("${HOME}", user.home) .replace("$$", "$") proc obtainUserCacheDir(user: User): string = options.opt("UserCacheDir").get("${HOME}/.cache/pakku").handleDirPattern(user) proc obtainTmpDir(user: User): string = options.opt("TmpDir").get("/tmp/pakku-${USER}").handleDirPattern(user) let initialOrCurrentUser = initialUser.get(currentUser) let userCacheInitial = obtainUserCacheDir(initialOrCurrentUser) let userCacheCurrent = obtainUserCacheDir(currentUser) let tmpRootInitial = obtainTmpDir(initialOrCurrentUser) let tmpRootCurrent = obtainTmpDir(currentUser) let aurComments = options.hasKey("AurComments") let checkIgnored = options.hasKey("CheckIgnored") let printAurNotFound = options.hasKey("PrintAurNotFound") let sudoExec = options.hasKey("SudoExec") let viewNoDefault = options.hasKey("ViewNoDefault") let preserveBuilt = toSeq(enumerate[PreserveBuilt]()) .filter(o => some($o) == options.opt("PreserveBuilt")) .optLast.get(PreserveBuilt.disabled) let preBuildCommand = options.opt("PreBuildCommand") Config(root: root, db: db, cache: cache, userCacheInitial: userCacheInitial, userCacheCurrent: userCacheCurrent, tmpRootInitial: tmpRootInitial, tmpRootCurrent: tmpRootCurrent, color: color, dbs: config.dbs, arch: config.arch, debug: config.debug, progressBar: config.progressBar, verbosePkgList: config.verbosePkgList, pgpKeyserver: config.pgpKeyserver, ignorePkgs: config.ignorePkgs, ignoreGroups: config.ignoreGroups, aurComments: aurComments, checkIgnored: checkIgnored, printAurNotFound: printAurNotFound, sudoExec: sudoExec, viewNoDefault: viewNoDefault, preserveBuilt: preserveBuilt, preBuildCommand: preBuildCommand) template withAlpmConfig*(config: Config, passDbs: bool, handle: untyped, alpmDbs: untyped, errors: untyped, body: untyped): untyped = withAlpm(config.root, config.db, if passDbs: config.dbs else: @[], config.arch, handle, alpmDbs, errors, body)