import future, options, os, re, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables, utils type ConstraintOperation* {.pure.} = enum ge = ">=", gt = ">", eq = "=", lt = "<", le = "<=" VersionConstraint* = tuple[ operation: ConstraintOperation, version: string ] PackageReference* = tuple[ name: string, description: Option[string], constraint: Option[VersionConstraint] ] ArchPackageReference* = tuple[ arch: Option[string], reference: PackageReference ] RpcPackageInfo* = object of RootObj repo*: string base*: string name*: string version*: string description*: Option[string] maintainer*: Option[string] firstSubmitted*: Option[int64] lastModified*: Option[int64] votes*: int popularity*: float PackageInfo* = object of RpcPackageInfo archs*: seq[string] url*: Option[string] licenses*: seq[string] groups*: seq[string] depends*: seq[ArchPackageReference] makeDepends*: seq[ArchPackageReference] checkDepends*: seq[ArchPackageReference] optional*: seq[ArchPackageReference] provides*: seq[ArchPackageReference] conflicts*: seq[ArchPackageReference] replaces*: seq[ArchPackageReference] gitUrl*: string gitBranch*: Option[string] gitCommit*: Option[string] gitPath*: Option[string] GitRepo* = tuple[ url: string, branch: string, path: string ] PackageRepo = tuple[ os: HashSet[string], repo: HashSet[string], git: GitRepo ] SrcInfoPair = tuple[key: string, value: string] const packageRepos: seq[PackageRepo] = @[ (["arch"].toSet, ["core", "extra", "testing"].toSet, ("", "packages/${BASE}", "repos/${REPO}-${ARCH}")), (["arch"].toSet, ["community", "community-testing", "multilib", "multilib-testing"].toSet, ("", "packages/${BASE}", "repos/${REPO}-${ARCH}")) ] static: # test only single match available let osSet = lc[x | (r <- packageRepos, x <- r.os), string].toSet let repoSet = lc[x | (r <- packageRepos, x <- r.repo), string].toSet for os in osSet: for repo in repoSet: let osValue = os let repoValue = repo if packageRepos.filter(pr => osValue in pr.os and repoValue in pr.repo).len >= 2: raise newException(SystemError, "only single matching repo available: " & os & ":" & repo) proc readOsId: string = var file: File if"/usr/bin/os-release"): try: while true: let rawLine = readLine(file) if rawLine[0 .. 2] == "ID=": return rawLine[3 .. ^1] except EOFError: discard except IOError: discard finally: file.close() return "arch" let osId = readOsId() proc lookupGitRepo*(repo: string, base: string, arch: string): Option[GitRepo] = template replaceAll(gitPart: string): string = gitPart .replace("${REPO}", repo) .replace("${BASE}", base) .replace("${ARCH}", arch) packageRepos .filter(pr => osId in pr.os and repo in pr.repo) .map(pr => (pr.git.url.replaceAll, pr.git.branch.replaceAll, pr.git.path.replaceAll)) .optFirst template repoPath*(tmpRoot: string, base: string): string = tmpRoot & "/" & base template buildPath*(repoPath: string, gitPath: Option[string]): string = => repoPath & "/" & p).get(repoPath) template allDepends*(pkgInfo: PackageInfo): seq[ArchPackageReference] = pkgInfo.depends & pkgInfo.makeDepends & pkgInfo.checkDepends proc parseSrcInfoKeys(srcInfo: string): tuple[baseSeq: ref seq[SrcInfoPair], table: Table[string, ref seq[SrcInfoPair]]] = var table = initTable[string, ref seq[SrcInfoPair]]() var matches: array[2, string] var baseSeq: ref seq[SrcInfoPair] var values: ref seq[SrcInfoPair] new(baseSeq) baseSeq[] = newSeq[SrcInfoPair]() for line in srcInfo.splitLines: if line.match(re"[\t\ ]*(\w+)\ =\ (.*)", matches): let key = matches[0] let value = matches[1] if key == "pkgbase": values = baseSeq elif key == "pkgname": if table.hasKey(value): values = table[value] else: new(values) values[] = newSeq[SrcInfoPair]() table[value] = values if values != nil: values[] &= (key: key, value: value) (baseSeq: baseSeq, table: table) proc parseSrcInfoName(repo: string, name: string, rpcInfos: seq[RpcPackageInfo], baseSeq: ref seq[SrcInfoPair], nameSeq: ref seq[SrcInfoPair], gitUrl: string, gitBranch: Option[string], gitCommit: Option[string], gitPath: Option[string]): Option[PackageInfo] = let pairs = baseSeq[] & nameSeq[] proc collect(keyName: string): seq[string] = lc[x.value | (x <- pairs, x.key == keyName), string] proc splitConstraint(name: string): PackageReference = var matches: array[3, string] let descIndex = name.find(": ") let (description, workName) = if descIndex >= 0: (some(name[descIndex + 2 .. ^1]), name[0 .. descIndex - 1]) else: (none(string), name) if workName.match(re"([^><=]*)\ *(>|<|=|>=|<=)\ *([^ ]*)", matches): let constraints = toSeq(enumerate[ConstraintOperation]()) let index = => $s).find(matches[1]) if index >= 0: (matches[0], description, some((constraints[index], matches[2]))) else: (matches[0], description, none(VersionConstraint)) else: (workName, description, none(VersionConstraint)) proc collectArch(keyName: string, arch: Option[string]): seq[ArchPackageReference] = collect( => keyName & "_" & a).get(keyName)) .map(splitConstraint) .map(c => (arch, (, c.description, c.constraint))) proc collectArchs(keyName: string, archs: seq[string]): seq[ArchPackageReference] = let archsFull = none(string) & lc[x | (a <- archsFull, x <- collectArch(keyName, a)), ArchPackageReference] let base = lc[x.value | (x <- baseSeq[], x.key == "pkgbase"), string].optLast let version = collect("pkgver").optLast let release = collect("pkgrel").optLast let epoch = collect("epoch").optLast let versionFull = lc[(v & "-" & r) | (v <- version, r <- release), string].optLast .map(v => => e & ":" & v).get(v)) let description = collect("pkgdesc").optLast let archs = collect("arch").filter(a => a != "any") let url = collect("url").optLast let licenses = collect("license") let groups = collect("groups") let depends = collectArchs("depends", archs) let makeDepends = collectArchs("makedepends", archs) let checkDepends = collectArchs("checkdepends", archs) let optional = collectArchs("optdepends", archs) let provides = collectArchs("provides", archs) let conflicts = collectArchs("conflicts", archs) let replaces = collectArchs("replaces", archs) let info = rpcInfos.filter(i => == name).optLast lc[PackageInfo(repo: repo, base: b, name: name, version: v, description: description, archs: archs, url: url, licenses: licenses, groups: groups, depends: depends, makeDepends: makeDepends, checkdepends: checkDepends, optional: optional, provides: provides, conflicts: conflicts, replaces: replaces, maintainer: => i.maintainer).flatten, firstSubmitted: i => i.firstSubmitted).flatten, lastModified: i => i.lastModified).flatten, votes: => i.votes).get(0), popularity: => i.popularity).get(0), gitUrl: gitUrl, gitBranch: gitBranch, gitCommit: gitCommit, gitPath: gitPath) | (b <- base, v <- versionFull), PackageInfo].optLast proc parseSrcInfo*(repo: string, srcInfo: string, gitUrl: string, gitBranch: Option[string], gitCommit: Option[string], gitPath: Option[string], rpcInfos: seq[RpcPackageInfo] = @[]): seq[PackageInfo] = let parsed = parseSrcInfoKeys(srcInfo) let packageSeq = toSeq(parsed.table.namedPairs) lc[x | (pair <- packageSeq, x <- parseSrcInfoName(repo, pair.key, rpcInfos, parsed.baseSeq, pair.value, gitUrl, gitBranch, gitCommit, gitPath)), PackageInfo] proc `$`*(reference: PackageReference): string = reference.constraint .map(c => & $c.operation & c.version) .get(