import future, hashes, options, os, osproc, posix, strutils, tables type HaltError* = object of Exception code*: int CommandError* = object of Exception color*: Option[bool] error*: bool const pkgLibDir* = getenv("PROG_PKGLIBDIR") localStateDir* = getenv("PROG_LOCALSTATEDIR") sysConfDir* = getenv("PROG_SYSCONFDIR") bashCmd* = "/bin/bash" suCmd* = "/usr/bin/su" sudoCmd* = "/usr/bin/sudo" gitCmd* = "/usr/bin/git" gpgCmd* = "/usr/bin/gpg" gpgConfCmd* = "/usr/bin/gpgconf" pacmanCmd* = "/usr/bin/pacman" makepkgCmd* = "/usr/bin/makepkg" template haltError*(code: int): untyped = var e: ref HaltError new(e) e.code = code e template commandError*(message: string, colorNeeded: Option[bool] = none(bool), showError: bool = true): untyped = var e: ref CommandError new(e) e.msg = message e.color = colorNeeded e.error = showError e iterator items*[T](self: Option[T]): T {.raises: [].} = if self.isSome: yield self.unsafeGet template len*[T](self: Option[T]): int = if self.isSome: 1 else: 0 template orElse*[T, R](opt1: Option[T], opt2: Option[R]): Option[R] = if opt1.isSome: opt1 else: opt2 template hash*[T](opt: Option[T]): int = proc opt*[K, V](table: Table[K, V], key: K): Option[V] = if table.hasKey(key): some(table[key]) else: none(V) proc opt*[K, V](table: OrderedTable[K, V], key: K): Option[V] = if table.hasKey(key): some(table[key]) else: none(V) proc optFirst*[T](s: openArray[T]): Option[T] = if s.len > 0: some(s[s.low]) else: none(T) proc optLast*[T](s: openArray[T]): Option[T] = if s.len > 0: some(s[s.high]) else: none(T) iterator enumerate*[T: enum]: T = let elow = T.low.ord let ehigh = T.high.ord for i in elow .. ehigh: yield T(i) template namedPairsTyped(T: typedesc) = iterator namedPairs*[K, V](table: T[K, V]): tuple[key: K, value: V] = for key, value in table.pairs: yield (key, value) namedPairsTyped(Table) namedPairsTyped(OrderedTable) iterator reversed*[T](s: openArray[T]): T = for i in countdown(s.len - 1, 0): yield s[i] proc groupBy*[T, X](s: seq[T], callback: T -> X): seq[tuple[key: X, values: seq[T]]] = var table = initOrderedTable[X, ref seq[T]]() for value in s: let key = callback(value) var work: ref seq[T] if table.hasKey(key): work = table[key] else: new(work) work[] = newSeq[T]() table[key] = work work[] &= value result = newSeq[tuple[key: X, values: seq[T]]]() for key, values in table.pairs: result &= (key, values[]) proc perror*(s: cstring): void {.importc, header: "".} template perror*: void = perror(getAppFilename()) proc execResult*(args: varargs[string]): int = let cexec = allocCStringArray(args) let code = execvp(cexec[0], cexec) perror() deallocCStringArray(cexec) code const interruptSignals* = [SIGINT, SIGTERM] template blockSignals*(signals: openArray[cint], unblock: untyped, body: untyped): untyped = block: var sigset: Sigset var sigoldset: Sigset discard sigemptyset(sigset) for s in signals: discard sigaddset(sigset, s) discard sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, sigset, sigoldset) var unblocked = false let unblock = () => (block: if not unblocked: discard sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, sigoldset, sigset) unblocked = true) try: body finally: unblock() proc forkWait*(call: () -> int): int = blockSignals(interruptSignals, unblock): let pid = fork() if pid == 0: unblock() quit(call()) else: var status: cint = 1 discard waitpid(pid, status, 0) if WIFEXITED(status): return WEXITSTATUS(status) else: discard kill(getpid(), status) return 1 proc runProgram*(args: varargs[string]): seq[string] = let output = execProcess(args[0], @args[1 .. ^1], options = {}) if output.len == 0: @[] elif output.len > 0 and $output[^1] == "\n": output[0 .. ^2].split("\n") else: output.split("\n") proc setenv*(name: cstring, value: cstring, override: cint): cint {.importc, header: "".} proc unsetenv*(name: cstring): cint {.importc, header: "".} proc getUser*: (int, string) = let uid = getuid() while true: var pw = getpwent() if pw == nil: raise newException(SystemError, "") if pw.pw_uid == uid: return (, $pw.pw_name) proc toString*[T](arr: array[T, char], length: Option[int]): string = var workLength = length.get(T.high + 1) var str = newStringOfCap(workLength) for i in 0 .. workLength - 1: let c = arr[i] if length.isNone and c == '\0': break str.add(arr[i]) str proc removeDirQuiet*(s: string) = try: removeDir(s) except: discard const bashSpecialCharacters = " \t\"'`()[]{}#&|;!\\*~<>?" proc bashEscape*(s: string): string = result = "" for c in s: if c in bashSpecialCharacters: result &= "\\" & c elif c == "\n"[0]: result &= "$'\\n'" elif c.cuint < 0x20.cuint or c.cuint > 0x80.cuint: result &= "$'\\0x" & c.toHex & "'" else: result &= c proc dgettext(domain: cstring, s: cstring): cstring {.cdecl, importc: "dgettext".} proc gettext(domain: string, s: string): string = let translated = dgettext(domain, s) if translated != nil: $translated else: s proc gettextHandle(domain: string, s: string): string = let res = gettext(domain, s).replace("%s", "$#").replace("%c", "$#") if res.len > 0 and res[^1 .. ^1] == "\n": res[0 .. ^2] else: res template tr*(s: string): string = gettext("pakku", s) template trp*(s: string): string = gettextHandle("pacman", s) template tra*(s: string): string = gettextHandle("libalpm", s) template trc*(s: string): string = gettextHandle("libc", s)