import strutils, "../utils" type CurlHandle* = object CurlInstance* = object handle: ptr CurlHandle data: seq[char] CurlOption {.pure, size: sizeof(cint).} = enum followLocation = 52, noSignal = 99, timeoutMs = 155, connectTimeoutMs = 156, writeData = 10001, url = 10002, writeFunction = 20011 CurlError* = object of Exception {.passL: "-lcurl".} proc initCurlGlobal*(flags: clong): cint {.cdecl, importc: "curl_global_init".} proc cleanupCurlGlobal*: void {.cdecl, importc: "curl_global_cleanup".} proc newCurlHandle*: ptr CurlHandle {.cdecl, importc: "curl_easy_init".} proc cleanup*(handle: ptr CurlHandle) {.cdecl, importc: "curl_easy_cleanup".} proc errorCurl*(error: cint): cstring {.cdecl, importc: "curl_easy_strerror".} proc setOption*(handle: ptr CurlHandle, option: CurlOption): cint {.cdecl, importc: "curl_easy_setopt", varargs.} proc perform*(handle: ptr CurlHandle): cint {.cdecl, importc: "curl_easy_perform".} proc escape*(handle: ptr CurlHandle, input: cstring, length: cint): cstring {.cdecl, importc: "curl_easy_escape".} proc freeCurl*(data: pointer) {.cdecl, importc: "curl_free".} proc escape*(instance: ref CurlInstance, s: string): string = let esc = instance.handle.escape(s, 0) if esc != nil: let nesc = $esc freeCurl(esc) nesc else: "" proc curlWriteMemory(mem: array[csize.high, char], size: csize, nmemb: csize, userdata: ref CurlInstance): csize {.cdecl.} = let total = size * nmemb if total > 0: &= mem[0 .. total - 1] total var refCount = 0 template withCurlGlobal*(body: untyped): untyped = block: if refCount == 0: if initCurlGlobal(0) != 0: raise commandError(tr"failed to initialize curl library") refCount += 1 try: body finally: refCount -= 1 if refCount == 0: cleanupCurlGlobal() template withCurl*(instance: untyped, body: untyped): untyped = block: let handle = newCurlHandle() if handle == nil: raise commandError(tr"failed to initialize curl handle") var instance: ref CurlInstance new(instance) instance.handle = handle = newSeq[char]() proc raiseError(code: cint) = if code != 0: let msg = code.errorCurl if msg != nil: raise newException(CurlError, tr"failed to perform request" & (": $#" % [$msg])) else: raise newException(CurlError, tr"failed to perform request") proc performInternal(url: string, useTimeout: bool): seq[char] = let timeoutMs = if useTimeout: 15000 else: 0 raiseError(handle.setOption(CurlOption.followLocation, (clong) 1)) raiseError(handle.setOption(CurlOption.noSignal, (clong) 1)) raiseError(handle.setOption(CurlOption.timeoutMs, (clong) timeoutMs)) raiseError(handle.setOption(CurlOption.connectTimeoutMs, (clong) timeoutMs)) raiseError(handle.setOption(CurlOption.url, url)) raiseError(handle.setOption(CurlOption.writeFunction, cast[pointer](curlWriteMemory))) raiseError(handle.setOption(CurlOption.writeData, instance)) raiseError(handle.perform()) proc performString(url: string, useTimeout: bool): string = let data = performInternal(url, useTimeout) var str = newStringOfCap(data.len) for c in data: str.add(c) str try: body finally: handle.cleanup()