use multipeek::multipeek; use crate::*; use super::lex::*; use super::ast::*; use super::ast::Binding::*; use super::ast::Control::*; use Token::*; use Literal::*; use Punctuation::*; struct Input(multipeek::MultiPeek>); impl Input { /// Map to return Results for use with the propagation operator fn next(&mut self) -> Result {"end of input".into()) } /// Check if the next character is an expected token, and if so, advance the iterator and return true fn peek(&mut self, expected: Token) -> bool { if self.0.peek() == Some(&expected) {; true } else { false } } /// Expose input.peek() (we don't want EOF to trigger an error when peeking) fn peek_opt(&mut self) -> Option<&Token> { self.0.peek() } /// Expose input.peek_nth() fn peek_nth(&mut self, n: usize) -> Option<&Token> { self.0.peek_nth(n) } /// Asserts the next character to be a known token fn then(&mut self, expected: Token) -> Result<()> { match { token if expected == token => Ok(()), token => Err(format!("expected token {} but found {}", expected, token).into()) } } /// Allow usage of `len` fn len(&self) -> usize { self.0.len() } } /// Convert a basic TokenStream into an AbstractSyntaxTree pub fn astify(input: TokenStream, name: &str) -> Result { let mut input = Input(multipeek(input)); let body = parse_body(&mut input)?; if input.len() > 0 { return Err(format!("additional tokens remaining after the body!").into()); } Ok(Expr::Binding(Module{ id: name.to_string(), body })) } /// Parse a series of Exprs, for ex. the body of a function. /// Body ::= Expr | ('{' Expr (';' Expr)* '}') fn parse_body(input: &mut Input) -> Result> { let mut res = Vec::new(); if !input.peek(Sep(ScopeLeftBrace)) { res.push(parse_expr(input)?); return Ok(res); } while !input.peek(Sep(ScopeRightBrace)) { res.push(parse_expr(input)?); // consume semicolons. there doesn't *have* to be a semicolon though. // this should probably be checked to be a semicolon or a right brace. input.peek(Sep(Semicolon)); } Ok(res) } /// Expr ::= Let | Var | Const | Func | Type | Mod | Import | /// Block | Static | For | While | Loop | If | When | Try | Match fn parse_expr(input: &mut Input) -> Result { use Keyword::*; // Note that this match consumes, as peeking is redundant. // This is why subsequent functions do not check for their leading keyword, i.e. 'let' match { Key(word) => match word { Pub => { match { Key(word) => match word { Const => parse_const(input, true), Func => parse_func(input, true), Macro => parse_macro(input, true), Type => parse_typedecl(input, true), Mod => parse_mod(input, true), _ => return Err("unrecognized keyword following pub".into()), } _ => return Err("unrecognized thing following pub".into()), } }, Let => parse_let(input), Var => parse_var(input), Const => parse_const(input, false), Func => parse_func(input, false), Macro => parse_macro(input, false), Type => parse_typedecl(input, false), Mod => parse_mod(input, false), Use => parse_use(input), Block => parse_block(input), Static => parse_static(input), For => parse_for(input), While => parse_while(input), Loop => parse_loop(input), If => parse_if(input), When => parse_when(input), Try => parse_try(input), Match => parse_match(input), word => return Err(format!("attempting to parse {} out of context", word).into()), }, _ => todo!(), // what can i do with this?? match line here } } /// `Let ::= 'let' Pattern Annotation? '=' Expr` fn parse_let(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let id = parse_pattern(input)?; let kind = parse_annotation(input)?; input.then(Sep(Equals))?; let value = Box::new(parse_expr(input)?); Ok(Expr::Binding(Let { id, kind, value })) } /// `Var ::= 'var' Pattern Annotation? ('=' Expr)?` fn parse_var(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let id = parse_pattern(input)?; let kind = parse_annotation(input)?; let mut value = None; if input.peek(Sep(Equals)) { value = Some(Box::new(parse_expr(input)?)); } Ok(Expr::Binding(Var { id, kind, value })) } /// `Const ::= 'pub'? 'const' Pattern Annotation? '=' Expr` fn parse_const(input: &mut Input, public: bool) -> Result { let id = parse_pattern(input)?; let kind = parse_annotation(input)?; input.then(Sep(Equals))?; let value = Box::new(parse_expr(input)?); Ok(Expr::Binding(Const { public, id, kind, value })) } /// Annotation ::= (':' Type)? fn parse_annotation(input: &mut Input) -> Result> { if input.peek(Sep(Colon)) { Ok(Some(parse_type(input)?)) } else { Ok(None) } } /// `Func ::= 'pub'? 'func' Ident ('[' Parameters ']')? ('(' Parameters ')')? Annotation '=' Body` fn parse_func(input: &mut Input, public: bool) -> Result { let effect = None; let id = parse_ident(input)?; let mut generics = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { generics = parse_parameters(input)?; input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } let mut parameters = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(FuncLeftParen)) { // todo: rewrite to map over an input // let temp_parameters = parse_parameters(input)?; // if temp_parameters.last().is_none() { // return Err("expected a type annotation on the last function parameter".into()); // } // parameters = parse_parameters(input)?.iter().map(|x| x).collect(); let mut stack = Vec::new(); let (id, kind) = parse_parameter(input)?; if kind.is_some() { parameters.push((id, kind.unwrap())); } else { stack.push(id); } while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { let (id, kind) = parse_parameter(input)?; stack.push(id); if kind.is_some() { for id in &stack { parameters.push((id.clone(), kind.clone().unwrap())); } stack.clear(); } } if stack.len() != 0 { return Err("expected a type annotation on the last function parameter".into()); } input.then(Sep(FuncRightParen))?; } let mut kind = Type::Void; if input.peek(Sep(Colon)) { kind = parse_type(input)?; } input.then(Sep(Equals))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(Expr::Binding(Func { public, effect, id, generics, parameters, kind, body })) } /// `Macro ::= 'pub'? 'macro' Ident ('[' Parameters ']')? ('(' Parameters ')')? (':' Type) '=' Body` fn parse_macro(input: &mut Input, public: bool) -> Result { let id = parse_ident(input)?; let mut generics = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { generics = parse_parameters(input)?; input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } let mut parameters = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(FuncLeftParen)) { parameters = parse_parameters(input)?; input.then(Sep(FuncRightParen))?; } let mut kind = None; if input.peek(Sep(Colon)) { kind = Some(parse_type(input)?); } input.then(Sep(Equals))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(Expr::Binding(Macro { public, id, generics, parameters, kind, body })) } /// `TypeDecl ::= 'pub'? 'type' Ident ('[' Parameters ']')? '=' Type fn parse_typedecl(input: &mut Input, public: bool) -> Result { let id = parse_ident(input)?; let mut generics = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { generics = parse_parameters(input)?; input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } input.then(Sep(Equals))?; let alias = parse_type(input)?; Ok(Expr::Binding(TypeDecl { id, generics, alias })) } /// `Parameter ::= Ident (':' Type)?` fn parse_parameter(input: &mut Input) -> Result<(Id, Option)> { let id = parse_ident(input)?; let mut kind = None; if input.peek(Sep(Colon)) { kind = Some(parse_type(input)?); } Ok((id, kind)) } /// `Parameters ::= Parameter (',' Parameter)* fn parse_parameters(input: &mut Input) -> Result)>> { let mut res = Vec::new(); res.push(parse_parameter(input)?); while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { res.push(parse_parameter(input)?); } Ok(res) } /// `Mod ::= 'pub'? 'mod' Ident ':' Body` fn parse_mod(input: &mut Input, public: bool) -> Result { let id = parse_ident(input)?; input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(Expr::Binding(Module { id, body })) } /// `Use ::= 'use' Ident ('/' Ident)* ('/' (('[' Ident (',' Ident)* ']') | '*'))?` fn parse_use(input: &mut Input) -> Result { todo!() } /// `Block ::= 'block' Ident? ':' Body` fn parse_block(input: &mut Input) -> Result { match { Sep(Colon) => { let id = None; let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(Expr::Control(Block { id, body })) }, Word(label) => { input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let id = Some(label); let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(Expr::Control(Block { id, body })) }, _ => return Err("unexpected thing following block keyword".into()), } } /// `Static ::= 'static' ':' Body` fn parse_static(input: &mut Input) -> Result { input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(Expr::Control(Static { body })) } /// `For ::= 'for' Pattern 'in' Expr ':' Body` fn parse_for(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let binding = parse_pattern(input)?; input.then(Key(Keyword::In))?; let range = Box::new(parse_expr(input)?); input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(Expr::Control(For { binding, range, body })) } /// `While ::= 'while' Expr ':' Body` fn parse_while(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let cond = Box::new(parse_expr(input)?); input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(Expr::Control(While { cond, body })) } /// `Loop ::= 'loop' ':' Body` fn parse_loop(input: &mut Input) -> Result { input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(Expr::Control(Loop { body })) } /// `If ::= 'if' CondBranch ('elif' CondBranch)* ('else' ':' Body)?` fn parse_if(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let mut branches = Vec::new(); branches.push(parse_cond_branch(input)?); while input.peek(Key(Keyword::Elif)) { branches.push(parse_cond_branch(input)?); } let mut else_body = None; if input.peek(Key(Keyword::Else)) { else_body = Some(parse_body(input)?); } Ok(Expr::Control(If { branches, else_body })) } /// `When ::= 'when' CondBranch ('elif' CondBranch)* ('else' ':' Body)?` fn parse_when(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let mut branches = Vec::new(); branches.push(parse_cond_branch(input)?); while input.peek(Key(Keyword::Elif)) { branches.push(parse_cond_branch(input)?); } let mut else_body = None; if input.peek(Key(Keyword::Else)) { input.then(Sep(Colon))?; else_body = Some(parse_body(input)?); } let mut body = Vec::new(); body.push(Expr::Control(If { branches, else_body })); Ok(Expr::Control(Static { body })) } /// `CondBranch ::= Expr ':' Body` fn parse_cond_branch(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let cond = parse_expr(input)?; input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; Ok(CondBranch { cond, body }) } /// `Try ::= 'try' ':' Body ('except' Exception (',' Exception)* ':' Body)* ('finally' ':' Body)?` fn parse_try(input: &mut Input) -> Result { input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; let mut catches = Vec::new(); while input.peek(Key(Keyword::Catch)) { let mut exceptions = Vec::new(); exceptions.push(parse_catch_exception(input)?); while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { exceptions.push(parse_catch_exception(input)?); } input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; catches.push(CatchBranch { exceptions, body }); } let mut finally = None; if input.peek(Key(Keyword::Finally)) { input.then(Sep(Colon))?; finally = Some(parse_body(input)?); } Ok(Expr::Control(Try { body, catches, finally })) } /// `Exception ::= Ident ('as' Ident)?` fn parse_catch_exception(input: &mut Input) -> Result<(Id, Option)> { let id = parse_ident(input)?; let mut alias = None; if input.peek(Key(Keyword::As)) { alias = Some(parse_ident(input)?); } Ok((id, alias)) } /// `Match ::= 'match' Expr ('of' Pattern (',' Pattern)* ('where' Expr)? ':' Body)+` fn parse_match(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let item = parse_pattern(input)?; // fixme let mut branches = Vec::new(); while input.peek(Key(Keyword::Of)) { let mut patterns = Vec::new(); patterns.push(parse_pattern(input)?); while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { patterns.push(parse_pattern(input)?); } let mut guard = None; if input.peek(Key(Keyword::Where)) { guard = Some(parse_expr(input)?) } input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let body = parse_body(input)?; branches.push(MatchBranch { patterns, guard, body }) } Ok(Expr::Control(Match { item, branches })) } /// `Type ::= (('distinct' | 'ref' | 'ptr' | 'mut' | 'static') BracketType?) | /// StructType | TupleType | EnumType | UnionType | InterfaceType` /// /// The input stream must be normalized (i.e. all type declarations must be on one line) /// before attempting to parse types, because otherwise it's just a little bit hellish. fn parse_type(input: &mut Input) -> Result { use Type::*; match { Key(word) => match word { Keyword::Distinct => Ok(Distinct(Box::new(parse_wrapped_type(input)?))), Keyword::Ref => Ok(Reference(Box::new(parse_wrapped_type(input)?))), Keyword::Ptr => Ok(Pointer(Box::new(parse_wrapped_type(input)?))), Keyword::Mut => Ok(Mutable(Box::new(parse_wrapped_type(input)?))), Keyword::Static => Ok(Static(Box::new(parse_wrapped_type(input)?))), Keyword::Struct => parse_struct_type(input), Keyword::Tuple => parse_tuple_type(input), Keyword::Enum => parse_enum_type(input), Keyword::Union => parse_union_type(input), Keyword::Interface => parse_interface(input), _ => return Err("invalid keyword present in type!".into()) }, Word(id) => { let mut generics = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { generics.push(parse_type(input)?); while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { generics.push(parse_type(input)?); } input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } Ok(Alias { id, generics }) }, _ => return Err("error".into()) } } /// `StructType ::= 'struct' ('[' Ident ':' Type (',' Ident ':' Type)* ']')?` fn parse_struct_type(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let mut res = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { res.push(parse_struct_field(input)?); while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { res.push(parse_struct_field(input)?); } input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } Ok(Type::Struct(res)) } fn parse_struct_field(input: &mut Input) -> Result<(Id, Box)> { let id = parse_ident(input)?; input.then(Sep(Colon))?; let kind = Box::new(parse_type(input)?); Ok((id, kind)) } /// `TupleType ::= 'tuple' ('[' (Ident ':')? Type (',' (Ident ':')? Type)* ']')?` fn parse_tuple_type(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let mut res = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { res.push(parse_tuple_field(input)?); while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { res.push(parse_tuple_field(input)?); } input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } Ok(Type::Tuple(res)) } // annoyingly complex to parse. `TupleField ::= (Ident ':')? Type` fn parse_tuple_field(input: &mut Input) -> Result<(Option, Box)> { match input.peek_opt().clone() { Some(Word(id)) if input.peek_nth(1) == Some(&Sep(Colon)) => {; input.then(Sep(Colon))?; Ok((Some(id.to_string()), Box::new(parse_type(input)?))) }, _ => Ok((None, Box::new(parse_type(input)?))) } } /// `EnumType ::= 'enum' ('[' Ident ('=' Pattern)? (Ident ('=' Pattern)?)* ']')?` fn parse_enum_type(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let mut res = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { res.push(parse_enum_variant(input)?); while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { res.push(parse_enum_variant(input)?); } input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } todo!() } fn parse_enum_variant(input: &mut Input) -> Result<(Id, Option)> { let id = parse_ident(input)?; let mut kind = None; if input.peek(Sep(Equals)) { kind = Some(parse_pattern(input)?); } Ok((id, kind)) } /// `UnionType ::= 'union' ('[' Ident (':' Type)? (',' Ident (':' Type)?)* ']')?` fn parse_union_type(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let mut res = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { res.push(parse_union_variant(input)?); while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { res.push(parse_union_variant(input)?); } input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } Ok(Type::Union(res)) } fn parse_union_variant(input: &mut Input) -> Result<(Id, Box)> { let id = parse_ident(input)?; let mut kind = Box::new(Type::Alias { id: "unit".to_string(), generics: Vec::new() }); if input.peek(Sep(Colon)) { kind = Box::new(parse_type(input)?); } Ok((id, kind)) } /// `Interface ::= 'interface' ('[' Signature (',' Signature)* ']')?` fn parse_interface(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let mut res = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { res.push(parse_signature(input)?); while input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { res.push(parse_signature(input)?); } input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } Ok(Type::Interface(res)) } /// `Signature ::= Ident ('[' Parameters ']')? ('(' Type (',' Type)* ')')? (':' Type)?` fn parse_signature(input: &mut Input) -> Result { let effect = None; let id = parse_ident(input)?; let mut generics = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { generics = parse_parameters(input)?; input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; } let mut parameters = Vec::new(); if input.peek(Sep(FuncLeftParen)) { parameters.push(parse_type(input)?); if input.peek(Sep(Comma)) { parameters.push(parse_type(input)?); } input.then(Sep(FuncRightParen))?; } let mut kind = None; if input.peek(Sep(Colon)) { kind = Some(parse_type(input)?); } Ok(Sig { effect, id, generics, parameters, kind }) } /// `WrappedType ::= Type | ('[' Type ']')` fn parse_wrapped_type(input: &mut Input) -> Result { if input.peek(Sep(GenericLeftBracket)) { let result = parse_type(input)?; input.then(Sep(GenericRightBracket))?; Ok(result) } else { parse_type(input) } } /// Pattern ::= Literal | Ident | '(' Pattern (',' Pattern)* ')' | Ident '(' Pattern (',' Pattern)* ')' fn parse_pattern(input: &mut Input) -> Result { todo!() } fn parse_ident(input: &mut Input) -> Result { match { Word(id) => Ok(id), token => Err(format!("expected identifier but found token {}", token).into()) } }