## std.arrays: The array[T, S] primitive and associated functions. ## A stub module for documentation. Mostly compiler magic. ## Primitive fixed-size arrays. Their size is statically known at compile-time. pub type array[T, S: static[uint]] ## Array access. Returns None if i is out of range. pub func get[T, S: static[uint]](self: array[T, S], i: uint): T? ## Array mutation. # todo: how do we detect range errors? pub func set[T, S: static[uint]](self: mut array[T, S], i: uint, val: T): T? ## A helper function to get the length of an array. ## Known to the compiler, and computed at compile-time. pub func len[T, S: static[uint]](self: array[T, S], i: uint): T? type ArrayIter[T, S: static[uint]] = struct ... pub func iter[T, S: static[uint]](self: array[T, S]): ArrayIter[T, S] # todo: Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd