require 'vimrunner' require 'vimrunner/rspec' Vimrunner::RSpec.configure do |config| # Set to false to use an instance per test (slower, but can be easier # to manage). config.reuse_server = false # Decide how to start a Vim instance. In this block, an instance should be # spawned and set up with anything project-specific. config.start_vim do vim = Vimrunner.start # Load the plugin plugin_path = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) vim.add_plugin(plugin_path, 'plugin/novim_mode.vim') # The returned value is the Client available in the tests. vim end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.before :each do # Default to setting the filetype to shell to enable # code-like behaviour. @ext = 'sh' end end def write_file_content(string, ext = 'sh') @file = "file.#{ext}" string = normalize_string_indent(string), 'w') { |f| f.write(string) } vim.edit @file end def load_file_content vim.write end def load_file_content_unstripped vim.write end def type(string) string.scan(/<.*?>|./).each do |key| if key =~ /<.*>/ vim.feedkeys "\\#{key}" else vim.feedkeys key end end end def initial(string) @vim_options.each { |x| vim.command(x) } if @vim_options write_file_content(string, @ext) end def final(string) expected = normalize_string_indent(string) expect(load_file_content).to eq expected end def final_with_indents(string) expected = string expect(load_file_content_unstripped).to eq expected end def use_extension(ext) @ext = ext end