path: root/book/src/install.md
blob: b3d42aaf480834f3881485fa42366defc221cd9d (plain) (tree)









# Installation

We provide pre-built binaries on the [GitHub Releases page](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/releases).

[![Packaging status](https://repology.org/badge/vertical-allrepos/helix.svg)](https://repology.org/project/helix/versions)

## OSX

A Homebrew tap is available:

brew tap helix-editor/helix
brew install helix

## Linux

### NixOS

A [flake](https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes) containing the package is available in
the project root. The flake can also be used to spin up a reproducible development
shell for working on Helix with `nix develop`.

Flake outputs are cached for each push to master using
[Cachix](https://www.cachix.org/). With Cachix
[installed](https://docs.cachix.org/installation), `cachix use helix` will
configure Nix to use cached outputs when possible.

### Arch Linux

Releases are available in the `community` repository.

A [helix-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/helix-git/) package is also available on the AUR, which builds the master branch.

### Fedora Linux

You can install the COPR package for Helix via

sudo dnf copr enable varlad/helix
sudo dnf install helix

## Build from source

git clone https://github.com/helix-editor/helix
cd helix
cargo install --path helix-term

This will install the `hx` binary to `$HOME/.cargo/bin`.

Helix also needs it's runtime files so make sure to copy/symlink the `runtime/` directory into the
config directory (for example `~/.config/helix/runtime` on Linux/macOS). This location can be overriden
via the `HELIX_RUNTIME` environment variable.

## Building tree-sitter grammars

Tree-sitter grammars must be fetched and compiled if not pre-packaged.
Fetch grammars with `hx --grammar fetch` (requires `git`) and compile them
with `hx --grammar build` (requires a C compiler).