path: root/helix-core/src/increment/integer.rs
blob: 30803e175b8c65dec9e09ea1682e679d0d0265c0 (plain) (tree)

const SEPARATOR: char = '_';

/// Increment an integer.
/// Supported bases:
///     2 with prefix 0b
///     8 with prefix 0o
///     10 with no prefix
///     16 with prefix 0x
/// An integer can contain `_` as a separator but may not start or end with a separator.
/// Base 10 integers can go negative, but bases 2, 8, and 16 cannot.
/// All addition and subtraction is saturating.
pub fn increment(selected_text: &str, amount: i64) -> Option<String> {
    if selected_text.is_empty()
        || selected_text.ends_with(SEPARATOR)
        || selected_text.starts_with(SEPARATOR)
        return None;

    let radix = if selected_text.starts_with("0x") {
    } else if selected_text.starts_with("0o") {
    } else if selected_text.starts_with("0b") {
    } else {

    // Get separator indexes from right to left.
    let separator_rtl_indexes: Vec<usize> = selected_text
        .filter_map(|(i, c)| if c == SEPARATOR { Some(i) } else { None })

    let word: String = selected_text.chars().filter(|&c| c != SEPARATOR).collect();

    let mut new_text = if radix == 10 {
        let number = &word;
        let value = i128::from_str_radix(number, radix).ok()?;
        let new_value = value.saturating_add(amount as i128);

        let format_length = match (value.is_negative(), new_value.is_negative()) {
            (true, false) => number.len() - 1,
            (false, true) => number.len() + 1,
            _ => number.len(),
        } - separator_rtl_indexes.len();

        if number.starts_with('0') || number.starts_with("-0") {
            format!("{:01$}", new_value, format_length)
        } else {
            format!("{}", new_value)
    } else {
        let number = &word[2..];
        let value = u128::from_str_radix(number, radix).ok()?;
        let new_value = (value as i128).saturating_add(amount as i128);
        let new_value = if new_value < 0 { 0 } else { new_value };
        let format_length = selected_text.len() - 2 - separator_rtl_indexes.len();

        match radix {
            2 => format!("0b{:01$b}", new_value, format_length),
            8 => format!("0o{:01$o}", new_value, format_length),
            16 => {
                let (lower_count, upper_count): (usize, usize) =
                    number.chars().fold((0, 0), |(lower, upper), c| {
                            lower + c.is_ascii_lowercase().then(|| 1).unwrap_or(0),
                            upper + c.is_ascii_uppercase().then(|| 1).unwrap_or(0),
                if upper_count > lower_count {
                    format!("0x{:01$X}", new_value, format_length)
                } else {
                    format!("0x{:01$x}", new_value, format_length)
            _ => unimplemented!("radix not supported: {}", radix),

    // Add separators from original number.
    for &rtl_index in &separator_rtl_indexes {
        if rtl_index < new_text.len() {
            let new_index = new_text.len().saturating_sub(rtl_index);
            if new_index > 0 {
                new_text.insert(new_index, SEPARATOR);

    // Add in additional separators if necessary.
    if new_text.len() > selected_text.len() && !separator_rtl_indexes.is_empty() {
        let spacing = match separator_rtl_indexes.as_slice() {
            [.., b, a] => a - b - 1,
            _ => separator_rtl_indexes[0],

        let prefix_length = if radix == 10 { 0 } else { 2 };
        if let Some(mut index) = new_text.find(SEPARATOR) {
            while index - prefix_length > spacing {
                index -= spacing;
                new_text.insert(index, SEPARATOR);


mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn test_increment_basic_decimal_numbers() {
        let tests = [
            ("100", 1, "101"),
            ("100", -1, "99"),
            ("99", 1, "100"),
            ("100", 1000, "1100"),
            ("100", -1000, "-900"),
            ("-1", 1, "0"),
            ("-1", 2, "1"),
            ("1", -1, "0"),
            ("1", -2, "-1"),

        for (original, amount, expected) in tests {
            assert_eq!(increment(original, amount).unwrap(), expected);

    fn test_increment_basic_hexadecimal_numbers() {
        let tests = [
            ("0x0100", 1, "0x0101"),
            ("0x0100", -1, "0x00ff"),
            ("0x0001", -1, "0x0000"),
            ("0x0000", -1, "0x0000"),
            ("0xffffffffffffffff", 1, "0x10000000000000000"),
            ("0xffffffffffffffff", 2, "0x10000000000000001"),
            ("0xffffffffffffffff", -1, "0xfffffffffffffffe"),
            ("0xABCDEF1234567890", 1, "0xABCDEF1234567891"),
            ("0xabcdef1234567890", 1, "0xabcdef1234567891"),

        for (original, amount, expected) in tests {
            assert_eq!(increment(original, amount).unwrap(), expected);

    fn test_increment_basic_octal_numbers() {
        let tests = [
            ("0o0107", 1, "0o0110"),
            ("0o0110", -1, "0o0107"),
            ("0o0001", -1, "0o0000"),
            ("0o7777", 1, "0o10000"),
            ("0o1000", -1, "0o0777"),
            ("0o0107", 10, "0o0121"),
            ("0o0000", -1, "0o0000"),
            ("0o1777777777777777777777", 1, "0o2000000000000000000000"),
            ("0o1777777777777777777777", 2, "0o2000000000000000000001"),
            ("0o1777777777777777777777", -1, "0o1777777777777777777776"),

        for (original, amount, expected) in tests {
            assert_eq!(increment(original, amount).unwrap(), expected);

    fn test_increment_basic_binary_numbers() {
        let tests = [
            ("0b00000100", 1, "0b00000101"),
            ("0b00000100", -1, "0b00000011"),
            ("0b00000100", 2, "0b00000110"),
            ("0b00000100", -2, "0b00000010"),
            ("0b00000001", -1, "0b00000000"),
            ("0b00111111", 10, "0b01001001"),
            ("0b11111111", 1, "0b100000000"),
            ("0b10000000", -1, "0b01111111"),
            ("0b0000", -1, "0b0000"),

        for (original, amount, expected) in tests {
            assert_eq!(increment(original, amount).unwrap(), expected);

    fn test_increment_with_separators() {
        let tests = [
            ("999_999", 1, "1_000_000"),
            ("1_000_000", -1, "999_999"),
            ("-999_999", -1, "-1_000_000"),
            ("0x0000_0000_0001", 0x1_ffff_0000, "0x0001_ffff_0001"),
            ("0x0000_0000", -1, "0x0000_0000"),
            ("0x0000_0000_0000", -1, "0x0000_0000_0000"),
            ("0b01111111_11111111", 1, "0b10000000_00000000"),
            ("0b11111111_11111111", 1, "0b1_00000000_00000000"),

        for (original, amount, expected) in tests {
            assert_eq!(increment(original, amount).unwrap(), expected);

    fn test_leading_and_trailing_separators_arent_a_match() {
        assert_eq!(increment("9_", 1), None);
        assert_eq!(increment("_9", 1), None);
        assert_eq!(increment("_9_", 1), None);