pub mod config;
pub mod grammar;
use etcetera::base_strategy::{choose_base_strategy, BaseStrategy};
pub static RUNTIME_DIR: once_cell::sync::Lazy<std::path::PathBuf> =
pub fn runtime_dir() -> std::path::PathBuf {
if let Ok(dir) = std::env::var("HELIX_RUNTIME") {
return dir.into();
if let Ok(dir) = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR") {
// this is the directory of the crate being run by cargo, we need the workspace path so we take the parent
let path = std::path::PathBuf::from(dir).parent().unwrap().join(RT_DIR);
log::debug!("runtime dir: {}", path.to_string_lossy());
return path;
const RT_DIR: &str = "runtime";
let conf_dir = config_dir().join(RT_DIR);
if conf_dir.exists() {
return conf_dir;
// fallback to location of the executable being run
.and_then(|path| path.parent().map(|path| path.to_path_buf().join(RT_DIR)))
pub fn config_dir() -> std::path::PathBuf {
// TODO: allow env var override
let strategy = choose_base_strategy().expect("Unable to find the config directory!");
let mut path = strategy.config_dir();
pub fn local_config_dirs() -> Vec<std::path::PathBuf> {
let directories = find_root_impl(None, &[".helix".to_string()])
.map(|path| path.join(".helix"))
log::debug!("Located configuration folders: {:?}", directories);
pub fn cache_dir() -> std::path::PathBuf {
// TODO: allow env var override
let strategy = choose_base_strategy().expect("Unable to find the config directory!");
let mut path = strategy.cache_dir();
pub fn config_file() -> std::path::PathBuf {
pub fn lang_config_file() -> std::path::PathBuf {
pub fn log_file() -> std::path::PathBuf {
pub fn find_root_impl(root: Option<&str>, root_markers: &[String]) -> Vec<std::path::PathBuf> {
let current_dir = std::env::current_dir().expect("unable to determine current directory");
let mut directories = Vec::new();
let root = match root {
Some(root) => {
let root = std::path::Path::new(root);
if root.is_absolute() {
} else {
None => current_dir,
for ancestor in root.ancestors() {
// don't go higher than repo
if ancestor.join(".git").is_dir() {
// Use workspace if detected from marker
} else if root_markers
.any(|marker| ancestor.join(marker).exists())
/// Merge two TOML documents, merging values from `right` onto `left`
/// When an array exists in both `left` and `right`, `right`'s array is
/// used. When a table exists in both `left` and `right`, the merged table
/// consists of all keys in `left`'s table unioned with all keys in `right`
/// with the values of `right` being merged recursively onto values of
/// `left`.
/// `merge_toplevel_arrays` controls whether a top-level array in the TOML
/// document is merged instead of overridden. This is useful for TOML
/// documents that use a top-level array of values like the `languages.toml`,
/// where one usually wants to override or add to the array instead of
/// replacing it altogether.
pub fn merge_toml_values(
left: toml::Value,
right: toml::Value,
merge_toplevel_arrays: bool,
) -> toml::Value {
use toml::Value;
fn get_name(v: &Value) -> Option<&str> {
match (left, right) {
(Value::Array(mut left_items), Value::Array(right_items)) => {
// The top-level arrays should be merged but nested arrays should
// act as overrides. For the `languages.toml` config, this means
// that you can specify a sub-set of languages in an overriding
// `languages.toml` but that nested arrays like Language Server
// arguments are replaced instead of merged.
if merge_toplevel_arrays {
for rvalue in right_items {
let lvalue = get_name(&rvalue)
.and_then(|rname| {
left_items.iter().position(|v| get_name(v) == Some(rname))
.map(|lpos| left_items.remove(lpos));
let mvalue = match lvalue {
Some(lvalue) => merge_toml_values(lvalue, rvalue, false),
None => rvalue,
} else {
(Value::Table(mut left_map), Value::Table(right_map)) => {
for (rname, rvalue) in right_map {
match left_map.remove(&rname) {
Some(lvalue) => {
let merged_value = merge_toml_values(lvalue, rvalue, merge_toplevel_arrays);
left_map.insert(rname, merged_value);
None => {
left_map.insert(rname, rvalue);
// Catch everything else we didn't handle, and use the right value
(_, value) => value,
mod merge_toml_tests {
use super::merge_toml_values;
use toml::Value;
fn language_toml_map_merges() {
const USER: &str = r#"
name = "nix"
test = "bbb"
indent = { tab-width = 4, unit = " ", test = "aaa" }
let base: Value = toml::from_slice(include_bytes!("../../languages.toml"))
.expect("Couldn't parse built-in languages config");
let user: Value = toml::from_str(USER).unwrap();
let merged = merge_toml_values(base, user, true);
let languages = merged.get("language").unwrap().as_array().unwrap();
let nix = languages
.find(|v| v.get("name").unwrap().as_str().unwrap() == "nix")
let nix_indent = nix.get("indent").unwrap();
// We changed tab-width and unit in indent so check them if they are the new values
assert_eq!(nix_indent.get("unit").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), " ");
// We added a new keys, so check them
assert_eq!(nix.get("test").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), "bbb");
assert_eq!(nix_indent.get("test").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), "aaa");
// We didn't change comment-token so it should be same
assert_eq!(nix.get("comment-token").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(), "#");
fn language_toml_nested_array_merges() {
const USER: &str = r#"
name = "typescript"
language-server = { command = "deno", args = ["lsp"] }
let base: Value = toml::from_slice(include_bytes!("../../languages.toml"))
.expect("Couldn't parse built-in languages config");
let user: Value = toml::from_str(USER).unwrap();
let merged = merge_toml_values(base, user, true);
let languages = merged.get("language").unwrap().as_array().unwrap();
let ts = languages
.find(|v| v.get("name").unwrap().as_str().unwrap() == "typescript")