path: root/helix-term/tests/test/commands/
blob: 5be68837c64c21f5fe33e6c53cfdb0c74135ff34 (plain) (tree)


use super::*;

#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn test_move_parent_node_end() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let tests = vec![
        // single cursor stays single cursor, first goes to end of current
        // node, then parent
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {r##"
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
        // select mode extends
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {r##"
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {

    for test in tests {
        test_with_config(AppBuilder::new().with_file("", None), test).await?;


#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn test_move_parent_node_start() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let tests = vec![
        // single cursor stays single cursor, first goes to end of current
        // node, then parent
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {r##"
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else #[{|]#
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else #[{|]#
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } #[e|]#lse {
        // select mode extends
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {r##"
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else #[|{
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {r##"
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } #[|else {

    for test in tests {
        test_with_config(AppBuilder::new().with_file("", None), test).await?;


#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn test_smart_tab_move_parent_node_end() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let tests = vec![
        // single cursor stays single cursor, first goes to end of current
        // node, then parent
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {r##"
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
        // appending to the end of a line should still look at the current
        // line, not the next one
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
        // before cursor is all whitespace, so insert tab
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
        // if selection spans multiple lines, it should still only look at the
        // line on which the head is
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    #[l|]#et result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                        #[|l]#et result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    }#[| ]#else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
        // if any cursors are not preceded by all whitespace, then do the
        // smart_tab action
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    }#[| ]#else {
        // Ctrl-tab always inserts a tab
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
            helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\
                fn foo() {
                    let result = if true {
                    } else {
                        \"no    #(|\"\n)#

    for test in tests {
        test_with_config(AppBuilder::new().with_file("", None), test).await?;
