use crate::text::StyledGrapheme;
use helix_core::line_ending::str_is_line_ending;
use helix_core::unicode::width::UnicodeWidthStr;
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
const NBSP: &str = "\u{00a0}";
/// A state machine to pack styled symbols into lines.
/// Cannot implement it as Iterator since it yields slices of the internal buffer (need streaming
/// iterators for that).
pub trait LineComposer<'a> {
fn next_line(&mut self) -> Option<(&[StyledGrapheme<'a>], u16)>;
/// A state machine that wraps lines on word boundaries.
pub struct WordWrapper<'a, 'b> {
symbols: &'b mut dyn Iterator<Item = StyledGrapheme<'a>>,
max_line_width: u16,
current_line: Vec<StyledGrapheme<'a>>,
next_line: Vec<StyledGrapheme<'a>>,
/// Removes the leading whitespace from lines
trim: bool,
impl<'a, 'b> WordWrapper<'a, 'b> {
pub fn new(
symbols: &'b mut dyn Iterator<Item = StyledGrapheme<'a>>,
max_line_width: u16,
trim: bool,
) -> WordWrapper<'a, 'b> {
WordWrapper {
current_line: vec![],
next_line: vec![],
impl<'a, 'b> LineComposer<'a> for WordWrapper<'a, 'b> {
fn next_line(&mut self) -> Option<(&[StyledGrapheme<'a>], u16)> {
if self.max_line_width == 0 {
return None;
std::mem::swap(&mut self.current_line, &mut self.next_line);
let mut current_line_width = self
.map(|StyledGrapheme { symbol, .. }| symbol.width() as u16)
let mut symbols_to_last_word_end: usize = 0;
let mut width_to_last_word_end: u16 = 0;
let mut prev_whitespace = false;
let mut symbols_exhausted = true;
for StyledGrapheme { symbol, style } in &mut self.symbols {
symbols_exhausted = false;
let symbol_whitespace = symbol.chars().all(&char::is_whitespace) && symbol != NBSP;
// Ignore characters wider that the total max width.
if symbol.width() as u16 > self.max_line_width
// Skip leading whitespace when trim is enabled.
|| self.trim && symbol_whitespace && !str_is_line_ending(symbol) && current_line_width == 0
// Break on newline and discard it.
if str_is_line_ending(symbol) {
if prev_whitespace {
current_line_width = width_to_last_word_end;
// Mark the previous symbol as word end.
if symbol_whitespace && !prev_whitespace {
symbols_to_last_word_end = self.current_line.len();
width_to_last_word_end = current_line_width;
self.current_line.push(StyledGrapheme { symbol, style });
current_line_width += symbol.width() as u16;
if current_line_width > self.max_line_width {
// If there was no word break in the text, wrap at the end of the line.
let (truncate_at, truncated_width) = if symbols_to_last_word_end != 0 {
(symbols_to_last_word_end, width_to_last_word_end)
} else {
(self.current_line.len() - 1, self.max_line_width)
// Push the remainder to the next line but strip leading whitespace:
let remainder = &self.current_line[truncate_at..];
if let Some(remainder_nonwhite) =
remainder.iter().position(|StyledGrapheme { symbol, .. }| {
current_line_width = truncated_width;
prev_whitespace = symbol_whitespace;
// Even if the iterator is exhausted, pass the previous remainder.
if symbols_exhausted && self.current_line.is_empty() {
} else {
Some((&self.current_line[..], current_line_width))
/// A state machine that truncates overhanging lines.
pub struct LineTruncator<'a, 'b> {
symbols: &'b mut dyn Iterator<Item = StyledGrapheme<'a>>,
max_line_width: u16,
current_line: Vec<StyledGrapheme<'a>>,
/// Record the offet to skip render
horizontal_offset: u16,
impl<'a, 'b> LineTruncator<'a, 'b> {
pub fn new(
symbols: &'b mut dyn Iterator<Item = StyledGrapheme<'a>>,
max_line_width: u16,
) -> LineTruncator<'a, 'b> {
LineTruncator {
horizontal_offset: 0,
current_line: vec![],
pub fn set_horizontal_offset(&mut self, horizontal_offset: u16) {
self.horizontal_offset = horizontal_offset;
impl<'a, 'b> LineComposer<'a> for LineTruncator<'a, 'b> {
fn next_line(&mut self) -> Option<(&[StyledGrapheme<'a>], u16)> {
if self.max_line_width == 0 {
return None;
let mut current_line_width = 0;
let mut skip_rest = false;
let mut symbols_exhausted = true;
let mut horizontal_offset = self.horizontal_offset as usize;
for StyledGrapheme { symbol, style } in &mut self.symbols {
symbols_exhausted = false;
// Ignore characters wider that the total max width.
if symbol.width() as u16 > self.max_line_width {
// Break on newline and discard it.
if str_is_line_ending(symbol) {
if current_line_width + symbol.width() as u16 > self.max_line_width {
// Exhaust the remainder of the line.
skip_rest = true;
let symbol = if horizontal_offset == 0 {
} else {
let w = symbol.width();
if w > horizontal_offset {
let t = trim_offset(symbol, horizontal_offset);
horizontal_offset = 0;
} else {
horizontal_offset -= w;
current_line_width += symbol.width() as u16;
self.current_line.push(StyledGrapheme { symbol, style });
if skip_rest {
for StyledGrapheme { symbol, .. } in &mut self.symbols {
if str_is_line_ending(symbol) {
if symbols_exhausted && self.current_line.is_empty() {
} else {
Some((&self.current_line[..], current_line_width))
/// This function will return a str slice which start at specified offset.
/// As src is a unicode str, start offset has to be calculated with each character.
fn trim_offset(src: &str, mut offset: usize) -> &str {
let mut start = 0;
for c in UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(src, true) {
let w = c.width();
if w <= offset {
offset -= w;
start += c.len();
} else {
mod test {
use super::*;
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
enum Composer {
WordWrapper { trim: bool },
fn run_composer(which: Composer, text: &str, text_area_width: u16) -> (Vec<String>, Vec<u16>) {
let style = Default::default();
let mut styled =
UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(text, true).map(|g| StyledGrapheme { symbol: g, style });
let mut composer: Box<dyn LineComposer> = match which {
Composer::WordWrapper { trim } => {
Box::new(WordWrapper::new(&mut styled, text_area_width, trim))
Composer::LineTruncator => Box::new(LineTruncator::new(&mut styled, text_area_width)),
let mut lines = vec![];
let mut widths = vec![];
while let Some((styled, width)) = composer.next_line() {
let line = styled
.map(|StyledGrapheme { symbol, .. }| *symbol)
assert!(width <= text_area_width);
(lines, widths)
fn line_composer_one_line() {
let width = 40;
for i in 1..width {
let text = "a".repeat(i);
let (word_wrapper, _) =
run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, &text, width as u16);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, &text, width as u16);
let expected = vec![text];
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, expected);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, expected);
fn line_composer_short_lines() {
let width = 20;
let text =
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width);
let wrapped: Vec<&str> = text.split('\n').collect();
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, wrapped);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, wrapped);
fn line_composer_long_word() {
let width = 20;
let text = "abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmno";
let (word_wrapper, _) =
run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width as u16);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width as u16);
let wrapped = vec![
&text[width..width * 2],
&text[width * 2..width * 3],
&text[width * 3..],
word_wrapper, wrapped,
"WordWrapper should detect the line cannot be broken on word boundary and \
break it at line width limit."
assert_eq!(line_truncator, vec![&text[..width]]);
fn line_composer_long_sentence() {
let width = 20;
let text =
"abcd efghij klmnopabcd efgh ijklmnopabcdefg hijkl mnopab c d e f g h i j k l m n o";
let text_multi_space =
"abcd efghij klmnopabcd efgh ijklmnopabcdefg hijkl mnopab c d e f g h i j k l \
m n o";
let (word_wrapper_single_space, _) =
run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width as u16);
let (word_wrapper_multi_space, _) = run_composer(
Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true },
width as u16,
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width as u16);
let word_wrapped = vec![
"abcd efghij",
"klmnopabcd efgh",
"hijkl mnopab c d e f",
"g h i j k l m n o",
assert_eq!(word_wrapper_single_space, word_wrapped);
assert_eq!(word_wrapper_multi_space, word_wrapped);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, vec![&text[..width]]);
fn line_composer_zero_width() {
let width = 0;
let text = "abcd efghij klmnopabcd efgh ijklmnopabcdefg hijkl mnopab ";
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width);
let expected: Vec<&str> = Vec::new();
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, expected);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, expected);
fn line_composer_max_line_width_of_1() {
let width = 1;
let text = "abcd efghij klmnopabcd efgh ijklmnopabcdefg hijkl mnopab ";
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width);
let expected: Vec<&str> = UnicodeSegmentation::graphemes(text, true)
.filter(|g| g.chars().any(|c| !c.is_whitespace()))
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, expected);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, vec!["a"]);
fn line_composer_max_line_width_of_1_double_width_characters() {
let width = 1;
let text = "コンピュータ上で文字を扱う場合、典型的には文字\naaaによる通信を行う場合にその\
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width);
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, vec!["", "a", "a", "a"]);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, vec!["", "a"]);
/// Tests WordWrapper with words some of which exceed line length and some not.
fn line_composer_word_wrapper_mixed_length() {
let width = 20;
let text = "abcd efghij klmnopabcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijkl mnopab cdefghi j klmno";
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
"abcd efghij",
"mnopab cdefghi j",
fn line_composer_double_width_chars() {
let width = 20;
let text = "コンピュータ上で文字を扱う場合、典型的には文字による通信を行う場合にその両端点\
let (word_wrapper, word_wrapper_width) =
run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, vec!["コンピュータ上で文字"]);
let wrapped = vec![
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, wrapped);
assert_eq!(word_wrapper_width, vec![width, width, width, width, 4]);
fn line_composer_leading_whitespace_removal() {
let width = 20;
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width);
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, vec!["AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "AAA",]);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, vec!["AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"]);
/// Tests truncation of leading whitespace.
fn line_composer_lots_of_spaces() {
let width = 20;
let text = " ";
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width);
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, vec![""]);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, vec![" "]);
/// Tests an input starting with a letter, folowed by spaces - some of the behaviour is
/// incidental.
fn line_composer_char_plus_lots_of_spaces() {
let width = 20;
let text = "a ";
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
let (line_truncator, _) = run_composer(Composer::LineTruncator, text, width);
// What's happening below is: the first line gets consumed, trailing spaces discarded,
// after 20 of which a word break occurs (probably shouldn't). The second line break
// discards all whitespace. The result should probably be vec!["a"] but it doesn't matter
// that much.
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, vec!["a", ""]);
assert_eq!(line_truncator, vec!["a "]);
fn line_composer_word_wrapper_double_width_chars_mixed_with_spaces() {
let width = 20;
// Japanese seems not to use spaces but we should break on spaces anyway... We're using it
// to test double-width chars.
// You are more than welcome to add word boundary detection based of alterations of
// hiragana and katakana...
// This happens to also be a test case for mixed width because regular spaces are single width.
let text = "コンピュ ータ上で文字を扱う場合、 典型的には文 字による 通信を行 う場合にその両端点では、";
let (word_wrapper, word_wrapper_width) =
run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
"合、 典型的には文",
"字による 通信を行",
// Odd-sized lines have a space in them.
assert_eq!(word_wrapper_width, vec![8, 20, 17, 17, 20, 4]);
/// Ensure words separated by nbsp are wrapped as if they were a single one.
fn line_composer_word_wrapper_nbsp() {
let width = 20;
let text = "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA\u{00a0}AAA";
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, text, width);
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, vec!["AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "AAAA\u{00a0}AAA",]);
// Ensure that if the character was a regular space, it would be wrapped differently.
let text_space = text.replace("\u{00a0}", " ");
let (word_wrapper_space, _) =
run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: true }, &text_space, width);
assert_eq!(word_wrapper_space, vec!["AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAA", "AAA",]);
fn line_composer_word_wrapper_preserve_indentation() {
let width = 20;
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: false }, text, width);
assert_eq!(word_wrapper, vec!["AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", " AAA",]);
fn line_composer_word_wrapper_preserve_indentation_with_wrap() {
let width = 10;
let text = "AAA AAA AAAAA AA AAAAAA\n B\n C\n D";
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: false }, text, width);
vec!["AAA AAA", "AAAAA AA", "AAAAAA", " B", " C", " D"]
fn line_composer_word_wrapper_preserve_indentation_lots_of_whitespace() {
let width = 10;
let text = " 4 Indent\n must wrap!";
let (word_wrapper, _) = run_composer(Composer::WordWrapper { trim: false }, text, width);
" ",
" 4",
" ",
" must",