path: root/helix-vcs/src/git/test.rs
blob: 6b1aba7f56ecadf62f40ecda8f208f1422bfdb1a (plain) (tree)


use std::{fs::File, io::Write, path::Path, process::Command};

use tempfile::TempDir;

use crate::{DiffProvider, Git};

fn exec_git_cmd(args: &str, git_dir: &Path) {
    let res = Command::new("git")
        .arg(git_dir) // execute the git command in this directory
        .env("GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT", "false")
        .env("GIT_AUTHOR_DATE", "2000-01-01 00:00:00 +0000")
        .env("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", "author@example.com")
        .env("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", "author")
        .env("GIT_COMMITTER_DATE", "2000-01-02 00:00:00 +0000")
        .env("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", "committer@example.com")
        .env("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", "committer")
        .env("GIT_CONFIG_COUNT", "2")
        .env("GIT_CONFIG_KEY_0", "commit.gpgsign")
        .env("GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_0", "false")
        .env("GIT_CONFIG_KEY_1", "init.defaultBranch")
        .env("GIT_CONFIG_VALUE_1", "main")
        .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("`git {args}` failed"));
    if !res.status.success() {
        println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&res.stdout));
        eprintln!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&res.stderr));
        panic!("`git {args}` failed (see output above)")

fn create_commit(repo: &Path, add_modified: bool) {
    if add_modified {
        exec_git_cmd("add -A", repo);
    exec_git_cmd("commit -m message", repo);

fn empty_git_repo() -> TempDir {
    let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().expect("create temp dir for git testing");
    exec_git_cmd("init", tmp.path());
    exec_git_cmd("config user.email test@helix.org", tmp.path());
    exec_git_cmd("config user.name helix-test", tmp.path());

fn missing_file() {
    let temp_git = empty_git_repo();
    let file = temp_git.path().join("file.txt");

    assert_eq!(Git.get_diff_base(&file), None);

fn unmodified_file() {
    let temp_git = empty_git_repo();
    let file = temp_git.path().join("file.txt");
    let contents = b"foo".as_slice();
    create_commit(temp_git.path(), true);
    assert_eq!(Git.get_diff_base(&file), Some(Vec::from(contents)));

fn modified_file() {
    let temp_git = empty_git_repo();
    let file = temp_git.path().join("file.txt");
    let contents = b"foo".as_slice();
    create_commit(temp_git.path(), true);

    assert_eq!(Git.get_diff_base(&file), Some(Vec::from(contents)));

/// Test that `get_file_head` does not return content for a directory.
/// This is important to correctly cover cases where a directory is removed and replaced by a file.
/// If the contents of the directory object were returned a diff between a path and the directory children would be produced.
fn directory() {
    let temp_git = empty_git_repo();
    let dir = temp_git.path().join("file.txt");
    let file = dir.join("file.txt");
    let contents = b"foo".as_slice();

    create_commit(temp_git.path(), true);

    assert_eq!(Git.get_diff_base(&dir), None);

/// Test that `get_file_head` does not return content for a symlink.
/// This is important to correctly cover cases where a symlink is removed and replaced by a file.
/// If the contents of the symlink object were returned a diff between a path and the actual file would be produced (bad ui).
#[cfg(any(unix, windows))]
fn symlink() {
    use std::os::unix::fs::symlink;
    use std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file as symlink;
    let temp_git = empty_git_repo();
    let file = temp_git.path().join("file.txt");
    let contents = b"foo".as_slice();
    let file_link = temp_git.path().join("file_link.txt");
    symlink("file.txt", &file_link).unwrap();

    create_commit(temp_git.path(), true);
    assert_eq!(Git.get_diff_base(&file_link), None);
    assert_eq!(Git.get_diff_base(&file), Some(Vec::from(contents)));