use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Error};
use helix_core::auto_pairs::AutoPairs;
use helix_core::Range;
use serde::de::{self, Deserialize, Deserializer};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::future::Future;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::sync::Arc;
use helix_core::{
history::{History, UndoKind},
indent::{auto_detect_indent_style, IndentStyle},
syntax::{self, LanguageConfiguration},
ChangeSet, Diagnostic, LineEnding, Rope, RopeBuilder, Selection, State, Syntax, Transaction,
use helix_lsp::util::LspFormatting;
use crate::{DocumentId, Editor, ViewId};
/// 8kB of buffer space for encoding and decoding `Rope`s.
const BUF_SIZE: usize = 8192;
const DEFAULT_INDENT: IndentStyle = IndentStyle::Spaces(4);
pub const SCRATCH_BUFFER_NAME: &str = "[scratch]";
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Mode {
Normal = 0,
Select = 1,
Insert = 2,
impl Display for Mode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Mode::Normal => f.write_str("normal"),
Mode::Select => f.write_str("select"),
Mode::Insert => f.write_str("insert"),
impl FromStr for Mode {
type Err = Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"normal" => Ok(Mode::Normal),
"select" => Ok(Mode::Select),
"insert" => Ok(Mode::Insert),
_ => bail!("Invalid mode '{}'", s),
// toml deserializer doesn't seem to recognize string as enum
impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for Mode {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
let s = String::deserialize(deserializer)?;
impl Serialize for Mode {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> Result<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: serde::Serializer,
pub struct Document {
pub(crate) id: DocumentId,
text: Rope,
selections: HashMap<ViewId, Selection>,
path: Option<PathBuf>,
encoding: &'static encoding::Encoding,
/// Current editing mode.
pub mode: Mode,
pub restore_cursor: bool,
/// Current indent style.
pub indent_style: IndentStyle,
/// The document's default line ending.
pub line_ending: LineEnding,
syntax: Option<Syntax>,
/// Corresponding language scope name. Usually `source.<lang>`.
pub(crate) language: Option<Arc<LanguageConfiguration>>,
/// Pending changes since last history commit.
changes: ChangeSet,
/// State at last commit. Used for calculating reverts.
old_state: Option<State>,
/// Undo tree.
// It can be used as a cell where we will take it out to get some parts of the history and put
// it back as it separated from the edits. We could split out the parts manually but that will
// be more troublesome.
pub history: Cell<History>,
pub savepoint: Option<Transaction>,
last_saved_revision: usize,
version: i32, // should be usize?
pub(crate) modified_since_accessed: bool,
diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>,
language_server: Option<Arc<helix_lsp::Client>>,
use std::{fmt, mem};
impl fmt::Debug for Document {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("id", &
.field("text", &self.text)
.field("selections", &self.selections)
.field("path", &self.path)
.field("encoding", &self.encoding)
.field("mode", &self.mode)
.field("restore_cursor", &self.restore_cursor)
.field("syntax", &self.syntax)
.field("language", &self.language)
.field("changes", &self.changes)
.field("old_state", &self.old_state)
// .field("history", &self.history)
.field("last_saved_revision", &self.last_saved_revision)
.field("version", &self.version)
.field("modified_since_accessed", &self.modified_since_accessed)
.field("diagnostics", &self.diagnostics)
// .field("language_server", &self.language_server)
// The documentation and implementation of this function should be up-to-date with
// its sibling function, `to_writer()`.
/// Decodes a stream of bytes into UTF-8, returning a `Rope` and the
/// encoding it was decoded as. The optional `encoding` parameter can
/// be used to override encoding auto-detection.
pub fn from_reader<R: std::io::Read + ?Sized>(
reader: &mut R,
encoding: Option<&'static encoding::Encoding>,
) -> Result<(Rope, &'static encoding::Encoding), Error> {
// These two buffers are 8192 bytes in size each and are used as
// intermediaries during the decoding process. Text read into `buf`
// from `reader` is decoded into `buf_out` as UTF-8. Once either
// `buf_out` is full or the end of the reader was reached, the
// contents are appended to `builder`.
let mut buf = [0u8; BUF_SIZE];
let mut buf_out = [0u8; BUF_SIZE];
let mut builder = RopeBuilder::new();
// By default, the encoding of the text is auto-detected via the
// `chardetng` crate which requires sample data from the reader.
// As a manual override to this auto-detection is possible, the
// same data is read into `buf` to ensure symmetry in the upcoming
// loop.
let (encoding, mut decoder, mut slice, mut is_empty) = {
let read = buf)?;
let is_empty = read == 0;
let encoding = encoding.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let mut encoding_detector = chardetng::EncodingDetector::new();
encoding_detector.feed(&buf, is_empty);
encoding_detector.guess(None, true)
let decoder = encoding.new_decoder();
// If the amount of bytes read from the reader is less than
// `buf.len()`, it is undesirable to read the bytes afterwards.
let slice = &buf[];
(encoding, decoder, slice, is_empty)
// `RopeBuilder::append()` expects a `&str`, so this is the "real"
// output buffer. When decoding, the number of bytes in the output
// buffer will often exceed the number of bytes in the input buffer.
// The `result` returned by `decode_to_str()` will state whether or
// not that happened. The contents of `buf_str` is appended to
// `builder` and it is reused for the next iteration of the decoding
// loop.
// As it is possible to read less than the buffer's maximum from `read()`
// even when the end of the reader has yet to be reached, the end of
// the reader is determined only when a `read()` call returns `0`.
// SAFETY: `buf_out` is a zero-initialized array, thus it will always
// contain valid UTF-8.
let buf_str = unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked_mut(&mut buf_out[..]) };
let mut total_written = 0usize;
loop {
let mut total_read = 0usize;
// An inner loop is necessary as it is possible that the input buffer
// may not be completely decoded on the first `decode_to_str()` call
// which would happen in cases where the output buffer is filled to
// capacity.
loop {
let (result, read, written, ..) = decoder.decode_to_str(
&mut buf_str[total_written..],
// These variables act as the read and write cursors of `buf` and `buf_str` respectively.
// They are necessary in case the output buffer fills before decoding of the entire input
// loop is complete. Otherwise, the loop would endlessly iterate over the same `buf` and
// the data inside the output buffer would be overwritten.
total_read += read;
total_written += written;
match result {
encoding::CoderResult::InputEmpty => {
debug_assert_eq!(slice.len(), total_read);
encoding::CoderResult::OutputFull => {
debug_assert!(slice.len() > total_read);
total_written = 0;
// Once the end of the stream is reached, the output buffer is
// flushed and the loop terminates.
if is_empty {
debug_assert_eq!( buf)?, 0);
// Once the previous input has been processed and decoded, the next set of
// data is fetched from the reader. The end of the reader is determined to
// be when exactly `0` bytes were read from the reader, as per the invariants
// of the `Read` trait.
let read = buf)?;
slice = &buf[];
is_empty = read == 0;
let rope = builder.finish();
Ok((rope, encoding))
// The documentation and implementation of this function should be up-to-date with
// its sibling function, `from_reader()`.
/// Encodes the text inside `rope` into the given `encoding` and writes the
/// encoded output into `writer.` As a `Rope` can only contain valid UTF-8,
/// replacement characters may appear in the encoded text.
pub async fn to_writer<'a, W: tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt + Unpin + ?Sized>(
writer: &'a mut W,
encoding: &'static encoding::Encoding,
rope: &'a Rope,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Text inside a `Rope` is stored as non-contiguous blocks of data called
// chunks. The absolute size of each chunk is unknown, thus it is impossible
// to predict the end of the chunk iterator ahead of time. Instead, it is
// determined by filtering the iterator to remove all empty chunks and then
// appending an empty chunk to it. This is valuable for detecting when all
// chunks in the `Rope` have been iterated over in the subsequent loop.
let iter = rope
.filter(|c| !c.is_empty())
let mut buf = [0u8; BUF_SIZE];
let mut encoder = encoding.new_encoder();
let mut total_written = 0usize;
for chunk in iter {
let is_empty = chunk.is_empty();
let mut total_read = 0usize;
// An inner loop is necessary as it is possible that the input buffer
// may not be completely encoded on the first `encode_from_utf8()` call
// which would happen in cases where the output buffer is filled to
// capacity.
loop {
let (result, read, written, ..) =
encoder.encode_from_utf8(&chunk[total_read..], &mut buf[total_written..], is_empty);
// These variables act as the read and write cursors of `chunk` and `buf` respectively.
// They are necessary in case the output buffer fills before encoding of the entire input
// loop is complete. Otherwise, the loop would endlessly iterate over the same `chunk` and
// the data inside the output buffer would be overwritten.
total_read += read;
total_written += written;
match result {
encoding::CoderResult::InputEmpty => {
debug_assert_eq!(chunk.len(), total_read);
debug_assert!(buf.len() >= total_written);
encoding::CoderResult::OutputFull => {
debug_assert!(chunk.len() > total_read);
total_written = 0;
// Once the end of the iterator is reached, the output buffer is
// flushed and the outer loop terminates.
if is_empty {
fn take_with<T, F>(mut_ref: &mut T, f: F)
T: Default,
F: FnOnce(T) -> T,
*mut_ref = f(mem::take(mut_ref));
use helix_lsp::lsp;
use url::Url;
impl Document {
pub fn from(text: Rope, encoding: Option<&'static encoding::Encoding>) -> Self {
let encoding = encoding.unwrap_or(encoding::UTF_8);
let changes = ChangeSet::new(&text);
let old_state = None;
Self {
id: DocumentId::default(),
path: None,
selections: HashMap::default(),
indent_style: DEFAULT_INDENT,
mode: Mode::Normal,
restore_cursor: false,
syntax: None,
language: None,
diagnostics: Vec::new(),
version: 0,
history: Cell::new(History::default()),
savepoint: None,
last_saved_revision: 0,
modified_since_accessed: false,
language_server: None,
// TODO: async fn?
/// Create a new document from `path`. Encoding is auto-detected, but it can be manually
/// overwritten with the `encoding` parameter.
pub fn open(
path: &Path,
encoding: Option<&'static encoding::Encoding>,
config_loader: Option<Arc<syntax::Loader>>,
) -> Result<Self, Error> {
// Open the file if it exists, otherwise assume it is a new file (and thus empty).
let (rope, encoding) = if path.exists() {
let mut file =
std::fs::File::open(path).context(format!("unable to open {:?}", path))?;
from_reader(&mut file, encoding)?
} else {
let encoding = encoding.unwrap_or(encoding::UTF_8);
(Rope::from(DEFAULT_LINE_ENDING.as_str()), encoding)
let mut doc = Self::from(rope, Some(encoding));
// set the path and try detecting the language
if let Some(loader) = config_loader {
/// The same as [`format`], but only returns formatting changes if auto-formatting
/// is configured.
pub fn auto_format(&self) -> Option<impl Future<Output = LspFormatting> + 'static> {
if self.language_config()?.auto_format {
} else {
/// If supported, returns the changes that should be applied to this document in order
/// to format it nicely.
pub fn format(&self) -> Option<impl Future<Output = LspFormatting> + 'static> {
let language_server = self.language_server()?;
let text = self.text.clone();
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let request = language_server.text_document_formatting(
lsp::FormattingOptions {
tab_size: self.tab_width() as u32,
insert_spaces: matches!(self.indent_style, IndentStyle::Spaces(_)),
let fut = async move {
let edits = request.await.unwrap_or_else(|e| {
log::warn!("LSP formatting failed: {}", e);
LspFormatting {
doc: text,
pub fn save(&mut self, force: bool) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), anyhow::Error>> {
self.save_impl::<futures_util::future::Ready<_>>(None, force)
pub fn format_and_save(
&mut self,
formatting: Option<impl Future<Output = LspFormatting>>,
force: bool,
) -> impl Future<Output = anyhow::Result<()>> {
self.save_impl(formatting, force)
// TODO: do we need some way of ensuring two save operations on the same doc can't run at once?
// or is that handled by the OS/async layer
/// The `Document`'s text is encoded according to its encoding and written to the file located
/// at its `path()`.
/// If `formatting` is present, it supplies some changes that we apply to the text before saving.
fn save_impl<F: Future<Output = LspFormatting>>(
&mut self,
formatting: Option<F>,
force: bool,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<(), anyhow::Error>> {
// we clone and move text + path into the future so that we asynchronously save the current
// state without blocking any further edits.
let mut text = self.text().clone();
let path = self.path.clone().expect("Can't save with no path set!");
let identifier = self.identifier();
let language_server = self.language_server.clone();
// mark changes up to now as saved
let encoding = self.encoding;
// We encode the file according to the `Document`'s encoding.
async move {
use tokio::fs::File;
if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
// TODO: display a prompt asking the user if the directories should be created
if !parent.exists() {
if force {
} else {
bail!("can't save file, parent directory does not exist");
if let Some(fmt) = formatting {
let success = Transaction::from(fmt.await).changes().apply(&mut text);
if !success {
// This shouldn't happen, because the transaction changes were generated
// from the same text we're saving.
log::error!("failed to apply format changes before saving");
let mut file = File::create(path).await?;
to_writer(&mut file, encoding, &text).await?;
if let Some(language_server) = language_server {
if !language_server.is_initialized() {
return Ok(());
if let Some(notification) =
language_server.text_document_did_save(identifier, &text)
/// Detect the programming language based on the file type.
pub fn detect_language(&mut self, config_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>) {
if let Some(path) = &self.path {
let language_config = config_loader
.or_else(|| config_loader.language_config_for_shebang(self.text()));
self.set_language(language_config, Some(config_loader));
/// Detect the indentation used in the file, or otherwise defaults to the language indentation
/// configured in `languages.toml`, with a fallback to 4 space indentation if it isn't
/// specified. Line ending is likewise auto-detected, and will fallback to the default OS
/// line ending.
pub fn detect_indent_and_line_ending(&mut self) {
self.indent_style = auto_detect_indent_style(&self.text).unwrap_or_else(|| {
.and_then(|config| config.indent.as_ref())
.map_or(DEFAULT_INDENT, |config| IndentStyle::from_str(&config.unit))
self.line_ending = auto_detect_line_ending(&self.text).unwrap_or(DEFAULT_LINE_ENDING);
/// Reload the document from its path.
pub fn reload(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) -> Result<(), Error> {
let encoding = &self.encoding;
let path = self.path().filter(|path| path.exists());
// If there is no path or the path no longer exists.
if path.is_none() {
bail!("can't find file to reload from");
let mut file = std::fs::File::open(path.unwrap())?;
let (rope, ..) = from_reader(&mut file, Some(encoding))?;
// Calculate the difference between the buffer and source text, and apply it.
// This is not considered a modification of the contents of the file regardless
// of the encoding.
let transaction = helix_core::diff::compare_ropes(self.text(), &rope);
self.apply(&transaction, view_id);
/// Sets the [`Document`]'s encoding with the encoding correspondent to `label`.
pub fn set_encoding(&mut self, label: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
self.encoding = encoding::Encoding::for_label(label.as_bytes())
.ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("unknown encoding"))?;
/// Returns the [`Document`]'s current encoding.
pub fn encoding(&self) -> &'static encoding::Encoding {
pub fn set_path(&mut self, path: Option<&Path>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let path = path
// if parent doesn't exist we still want to open the document
// and error out when document is saved
self.path = path;
/// Set the programming language for the file and load associated data (e.g. highlighting)
/// if it exists.
pub fn set_language(
&mut self,
language_config: Option<Arc<helix_core::syntax::LanguageConfiguration>>,
loader: Option<Arc<helix_core::syntax::Loader>>,
) {
if let (Some(language_config), Some(loader)) = (language_config, loader) {
if let Some(highlight_config) = language_config.highlight_config(&loader.scopes()) {
let syntax = Syntax::new(&self.text, highlight_config, loader);
self.syntax = Some(syntax);
self.language = Some(language_config);
} else {
self.syntax = None;
self.language = None;
/// Set the programming language for the file if you know the name (scope) but don't have the
/// [`syntax::LanguageConfiguration`] for it.
pub fn set_language2(&mut self, scope: &str, config_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>) {
let language_config = config_loader.language_config_for_scope(scope);
self.set_language(language_config, Some(config_loader));
/// Set the programming language for the file if you know the language but don't have the
/// [`syntax::LanguageConfiguration`] for it.
pub fn set_language_by_language_id(
&mut self,
language_id: &str,
config_loader: Arc<syntax::Loader>,
) {
let language_config = config_loader.language_config_for_language_id(language_id);
self.set_language(language_config, Some(config_loader));
/// Set the LSP.
pub fn set_language_server(&mut self, language_server: Option<Arc<helix_lsp::Client>>) {
self.language_server = language_server;
/// Select text within the [`Document`].
pub fn set_selection(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, selection: Selection) {
// TODO: use a transaction?
.insert(view_id, selection.ensure_invariants(self.text().slice(..)));
/// Find the origin selection of the text in a document, i.e. where
/// a single cursor would go if it were on the first grapheme. If
/// the text is empty, returns (0, 0).
pub fn origin(&self) -> Range {
if self.text().len_chars() == 0 {
return Range::new(0, 0);
Range::new(0, 1).grapheme_aligned(self.text().slice(..))
/// Reset the view's selection on this document to the
/// [origin](Document::origin) cursor.
pub fn reset_selection(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
let origin = self.origin();
self.set_selection(view_id, Selection::single(origin.anchor, origin.head));
/// Initializes a new selection for the given view if it does not
/// already have one.
pub fn ensure_view_init(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
if self.selections.get(&view_id).is_none() {
/// Remove a view's selection from this document.
pub fn remove_view(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
/// Apply a [`Transaction`] to the [`Document`] to change its text.
fn apply_impl(&mut self, transaction: &Transaction, view_id: ViewId) -> bool {
let old_doc = self.text().clone();
let success = transaction.changes().apply(&mut self.text);
if success {
for selection in self.selections.values_mut() {
*selection = selection
// Map through changes
// Ensure all selections across all views still adhere to invariants.
// if specified, the current selection should instead be replaced by transaction.selection
if let Some(selection) = transaction.selection() {
self.modified_since_accessed = true;
if !transaction.changes().is_empty() {
self.version += 1;
// generate revert to savepoint
if self.savepoint.is_some() {
take_with(&mut self.savepoint, |prev_revert| {
let revert = transaction.invert(&old_doc);
// update tree-sitter syntax tree
if let Some(syntax) = &mut self.syntax {
// TODO: no unwrap
.update(&old_doc, &self.text, transaction.changes())
// map state.diagnostics over changes::map_pos too
for diagnostic in &mut self.diagnostics {
use helix_core::Assoc;
let changes = transaction.changes();
diagnostic.range.start = changes.map_pos(diagnostic.range.start, Assoc::After);
diagnostic.range.end = changes.map_pos(diagnostic.range.end, Assoc::After);
diagnostic.line = self.text.char_to_line(diagnostic.range.start);
// emit lsp notification
if let Some(language_server) = self.language_server() {
let notify = language_server.text_document_did_change(
if let Some(notify) = notify {
/// Apply a [`Transaction`] to the [`Document`] to change its text.
pub fn apply(&mut self, transaction: &Transaction, view_id: ViewId) -> bool {
// store the state just before any changes are made. This allows us to undo to the
// state just before a transaction was applied.
if self.changes.is_empty() && !transaction.changes().is_empty() {
self.old_state = Some(State {
doc: self.text.clone(),
selection: self.selection(view_id).clone(),
let success = self.apply_impl(transaction, view_id);
if !transaction.changes().is_empty() {
// Compose this transaction with the previous one
take_with(&mut self.changes, |changes| {
fn undo_redo_impl(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, undo: bool) -> bool {
let mut history = self.history.take();
let txn = if undo { history.undo() } else { history.redo() };
let success = if let Some(txn) = txn {
self.apply_impl(txn, view_id)
} else {
if success {
// reset changeset to fix len
self.changes = ChangeSet::new(self.text());
/// Undo the last modification to the [`Document`]. Returns whether the undo was successful.
pub fn undo(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) -> bool {
self.undo_redo_impl(view_id, true)
/// Redo the last modification to the [`Document`]. Returns whether the redo was successful.
pub fn redo(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) -> bool {
self.undo_redo_impl(view_id, false)
pub fn savepoint(&mut self) {
self.savepoint = Some(Transaction::new(self.text()));
pub fn restore(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
if let Some(revert) = self.savepoint.take() {
self.apply(&revert, view_id);
fn earlier_later_impl(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, uk: UndoKind, earlier: bool) -> bool {
let txns = if earlier {
} else {
let mut success = false;
for txn in txns {
if self.apply_impl(&txn, view_id) {
success = true;
if success {
// reset changeset to fix len
self.changes = ChangeSet::new(self.text());
/// Undo modifications to the [`Document`] according to `uk`.
pub fn earlier(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, uk: UndoKind) -> bool {
self.earlier_later_impl(view_id, uk, true)
/// Redo modifications to the [`Document`] according to `uk`.
pub fn later(&mut self, view_id: ViewId, uk: UndoKind) -> bool {
self.earlier_later_impl(view_id, uk, false)
/// Commit pending changes to history
pub fn append_changes_to_history(&mut self, view_id: ViewId) {
if self.changes.is_empty() {
let new_changeset = ChangeSet::new(self.text());
let changes = std::mem::replace(&mut self.changes, new_changeset);
// Instead of doing this messy merge we could always commit, and based on transaction
// annotations either add a new layer or compose into the previous one.
let transaction =
// HAXX: we need to reconstruct the state as it was before the changes..
let old_state = self.old_state.take().expect("no old_state available");
let mut history = self.history.take();
history.commit_revision(&transaction, &old_state);
pub fn id(&self) -> DocumentId {
/// If there are unsaved modifications.
pub fn is_modified(&self) -> bool {
let history = self.history.take();
let current_revision = history.current_revision();
current_revision != self.last_saved_revision || !self.changes.is_empty()
/// Save modifications to history, and so [`Self::is_modified`] will return false.
pub fn reset_modified(&mut self) {
let history = self.history.take();
let current_revision = history.current_revision();
self.last_saved_revision = current_revision;
/// Current editing mode for the [`Document`].
pub fn mode(&self) -> Mode {
/// Corresponding language scope name. Usually `source.<lang>`.
pub fn language(&self) -> Option<&str> {
.map(|language| language.scope.as_str())
/// Language ID for the document. Either the `language-id` from the
/// `language-server` configuration, or the document language if no
/// `language-id` has been specified.
pub fn language_id(&self) -> Option<&str> {
.or_else(|| Some(self.language()?.rsplit_once('.')?.1))
/// Corresponding [`LanguageConfiguration`].
pub fn language_config(&self) -> Option<&LanguageConfiguration> {
/// Current document version, incremented at each change.
pub fn version(&self) -> i32 {
/// Language server if it has been initialized.
pub fn language_server(&self) -> Option<&helix_lsp::Client> {
let server = self.language_server.as_deref()?;
server.is_initialized().then(|| server)
/// Tree-sitter AST tree
pub fn syntax(&self) -> Option<&Syntax> {
/// Tab size in columns.
pub fn tab_width(&self) -> usize {
.and_then(|config| config.indent.as_ref())
.map_or(4, |config| config.tab_width) // fallback to 4 columns
/// Returns a string containing a single level of indentation.
/// TODO: we might not need this function anymore, since the information
/// is conveniently available in `Document::indent_style` now.
pub fn indent_unit(&self) -> &'static str {
pub fn changes(&self) -> &ChangeSet {
/// File path on disk.
pub fn path(&self) -> Option<&PathBuf> {
/// File path as a URL.
pub fn url(&self) -> Option<Url> {
pub fn text(&self) -> &Rope {
pub fn selection(&self, view_id: ViewId) -> &Selection {
pub fn selections(&self) -> &HashMap<ViewId, Selection> {
pub fn relative_path(&self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
// transact(Fn) ?
// -- LSP methods
pub fn identifier(&self) -> lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier {
pub fn versioned_identifier(&self) -> lsp::VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier {
lsp::VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier::new(self.url().unwrap(), self.version)
pub fn position(
view_id: ViewId,
offset_encoding: helix_lsp::OffsetEncoding,
) -> lsp::Position {
let text = self.text();
pub fn diagnostics(&self) -> &[Diagnostic] {
pub fn set_diagnostics(&mut self, diagnostics: Vec<Diagnostic>) {
self.diagnostics = diagnostics;
.sort_unstable_by_key(|diagnostic| diagnostic.range);
/// Get the document's auto pairs. If the document has a recognized
/// language config with auto pairs configured, returns that;
/// otherwise, falls back to the global auto pairs config. If the global
/// config is false, then ignore language settings.
pub fn auto_pairs<'a>(&'a self, editor: &'a Editor) -> Option<&'a AutoPairs> {
let global_config = (editor.auto_pairs).as_ref();
// NOTE: If the user specifies the global auto pairs config as false, then
// we want to disable it globally regardless of language settings
if global_config.is_none() {
return None;
match &self.language {
Some(lang) => lang.as_ref().auto_pairs.as_ref().or(global_config),
None => global_config,
impl Default for Document {
fn default() -> Self {
let text = Rope::from(DEFAULT_LINE_ENDING.as_str());
Self::from(text, None)
mod test {
use super::*;
fn changeset_to_changes_ignore_line_endings() {
use helix_lsp::{lsp, Client, OffsetEncoding};
let text = Rope::from("hello\r\nworld");
let mut doc = Document::from(text, None);
let view = ViewId::default();
doc.set_selection(view, Selection::single(0, 0));
let transaction =
Transaction::change(doc.text(), vec![(5, 7, Some("\n".into()))].into_iter());
let old_doc = doc.text().clone();
doc.apply(&transaction, view);
let changes = Client::changeset_to_changes(
assert_eq!(doc.text(), "hello\nworld");
&[lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 5),
lsp::Position::new(1, 0)
text: "\n".into(),
range_length: None,
fn changeset_to_changes() {
use helix_lsp::{lsp, Client, OffsetEncoding};
let text = Rope::from("hello");
let mut doc = Document::from(text, None);
let view = ViewId::default();
doc.set_selection(view, Selection::single(5, 5));
// insert
let transaction = Transaction::insert(doc.text(), doc.selection(view), " world".into());
let old_doc = doc.text().clone();
doc.apply(&transaction, view);
let changes = Client::changeset_to_changes(
&[lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 5),
lsp::Position::new(0, 5)
text: " world".into(),
range_length: None,
// delete
let transaction = transaction.invert(&old_doc);
let old_doc = doc.text().clone();
doc.apply(&transaction, view);
let changes = Client::changeset_to_changes(
// line: 0-based.
// col: 0-based, gaps between chars.
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
// |h|e|l|l|o| |w|o|r|l|d|
// -------------
// (0, 5)-(0, 11)
&[lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 5),
lsp::Position::new(0, 11)
text: "".into(),
range_length: None,
// replace
// also tests that changes are layered, positions depend on previous changes.
doc.set_selection(view, Selection::single(0, 5));
let transaction = Transaction::change(
vec![(0, 2, Some("aei".into())), (3, 5, Some("ou".into()))].into_iter(),
// aeilou
let old_doc = doc.text().clone();
doc.apply(&transaction, view);
let changes = Client::changeset_to_changes(
// 0 1 2 3 4 5
// |h|e|l|l|o|
// ----
// aeillo
lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 0),
lsp::Position::new(0, 2)
text: "aei".into(),
range_length: None,
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// |a|e|i|l|l|o|
// -----
// aeilou
lsp::TextDocumentContentChangeEvent {
range: Some(lsp::Range::new(
lsp::Position::new(0, 4),
lsp::Position::new(0, 6)
text: "ou".into(),
range_length: None,
fn test_line_ending() {
macro_rules! test_decode {
($label:expr, $label_override:expr) => {
let encoding = encoding::Encoding::for_label($label_override.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let base_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("tests/encoding");
let path = base_path.join(format!("{}_in.txt", $label));
let ref_path = base_path.join(format!("{}_in_ref.txt", $label));
let mut file = std::fs::File::open(path).unwrap();
let text = from_reader(&mut file, Some(encoding))
let expectation = std::fs::read_to_string(ref_path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(text[..], expectation[..]);
macro_rules! test_encode {
($label:expr, $label_override:expr) => {
let encoding = encoding::Encoding::for_label($label_override.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let base_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("tests/encoding");
let path = base_path.join(format!("{}_out.txt", $label));
let ref_path = base_path.join(format!("{}_out_ref.txt", $label));
let text = Rope::from_str(&std::fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap());
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
helix_lsp::block_on(to_writer(&mut buf, encoding, &text)).unwrap();
let expectation = std::fs::read(ref_path).unwrap();
assert_eq!(buf, expectation);
macro_rules! test_decode_fn {
($name:ident, $label:expr, $label_override:expr) => {
fn $name() {
test_decode!($label, $label_override);
($name:ident, $label:expr) => {
fn $name() {
test_decode!($label, $label);
macro_rules! test_encode_fn {
($name:ident, $label:expr, $label_override:expr) => {
fn $name() {
test_encode!($label, $label_override);
($name:ident, $label:expr) => {
fn $name() {
test_encode!($label, $label);
test_decode_fn!(test_big5_decode, "big5");
test_encode_fn!(test_big5_encode, "big5");
test_decode_fn!(test_euc_kr_decode, "euc_kr", "EUC-KR");
test_encode_fn!(test_euc_kr_encode, "euc_kr", "EUC-KR");
test_decode_fn!(test_gb18030_decode, "gb18030");
test_encode_fn!(test_gb18030_encode, "gb18030");
test_decode_fn!(test_iso_2022_jp_decode, "iso_2022_jp", "ISO-2022-JP");
test_encode_fn!(test_iso_2022_jp_encode, "iso_2022_jp", "ISO-2022-JP");
test_decode_fn!(test_jis0208_decode, "jis0208", "EUC-JP");
test_encode_fn!(test_jis0208_encode, "jis0208", "EUC-JP");
test_decode_fn!(test_jis0212_decode, "jis0212", "EUC-JP");
test_decode_fn!(test_shift_jis_decode, "shift_jis");
test_encode_fn!(test_shift_jis_encode, "shift_jis");