path: root/runtime/queries/pascal/highlights.scm
blob: 5368a22b87cdd642d5d522923dd15ac5e9a8a583 (plain) (tree)

; -- Identifier type inferrence

; VERY QUESTIONABLE: Highlighting of identifiers based on spelling
(exprBinary ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))
(exprUnary ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))
(assignment rhs: ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))
(exprBrackets ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))
(exprParens ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))
(exprDot rhs: ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))
(exprTpl args: ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))
(exprArgs ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))
(declEnumValue ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))
(defaultValue ((identifier) @constant
 (#match? @constant "^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$|^[a-z]{2,3}[A-Z].+$")))

; -- Break, Continue & Exit
; (Not ideal: ideally, there would be a way to check if these special
; identifiers are shadowed by a local variable)
(statement ((identifier) @keyword.control.return
 (#match? @keyword.control.return "^[eE][xX][iI][tT]$")))
(statement (exprCall entity: ((identifier) @keyword.control.return
 (#match? @keyword.control.return "^[eE][xX][iI][tT]$"))))
(statement ((identifier) @keyword.control.repeat
 (#match? @keyword.control.repeat "^[bB][rR][eE][aA][kK]$")))
(statement ((identifier) @keyword.control.repeat
 (#match? @keyword.control.repeat "^[cC][oO][nN][tT][iI][nN][uU][eE]$")))

; -- Heuristic for procedure/function calls without parentheses
; (If a statement consists only of an identifier, assume it's a procedure)
; (This will still not match all procedure calls, and also may produce false
; positives in rare cases, but only for nonsensical code)

(statement (exprDot rhs: (exprTpl entity: (identifier) @function)))
(statement (exprTpl entity: (identifier) @function))
(statement (exprDot rhs: (identifier) @function))
(statement (identifier) @function)

; -- Procedure name in calls with parentheses
; (Pascal doesn't require parentheses for procedure calls, so this will not
; detect all calls)

(inherited) @function

(exprCall entity: (exprDot rhs: (exprTpl entity: (identifier) @function)))
(exprCall entity: (exprDot rhs: (identifier) @function))
; foobar<t>
(exprCall entity: (exprTpl entity: (identifier) @function))
; foobar
(exprCall entity: (identifier) @function)

; -- Fields

(declSection (declVars (declVar   name:(identifier) @variable.other.member)))
(declSection (declField name:(identifier) @variable.other.member))
(declClass   (declField name:(identifier) @variable.other.member))
(exprDot rhs: (exprDot)    @variable.other.member)
(exprDot rhs: (identifier) @variable.other.member)

(recInitializerField name:(identifier) @variable.other.member)

; -- Variable & constant declarations
; (This is only questionable because we cannot detect types of identifiers
; declared in other units, so the results will be inconsistent)

(declVar name: (identifier) @variable)
(declConst name: (identifier) @constant)
(declEnumValue name: (identifier) @constant)

; -- Constant usage

] @constant

(procAttribute (identifier) @constant)
(procExternal (identifier) @constant)

; -- Type usage

(typeref) @type

; -- Exception parameters

(exceptionHandler variable: (identifier) @variable.parameter)

; -- Template parameters

(genericArg	type: (typeref) @type)
(genericArg	name: (identifier) @variable.parameter)

(declProc name: (genericDot lhs: (identifier) @type))
(declType (genericDot (identifier) @type))

(genericDot (genericTpl (identifier) @type))
(genericDot (genericDot (identifier) @type))

(genericTpl entity: (genericDot (identifier) @type))
(genericTpl entity: (identifier) @type)

; -- Function parameters

(declArg name: (identifier) @variable.parameter)

; Treat property declarations like functions

(declProp name: (identifier) @function)
(declProp getter: (identifier) @variable.other.member)
(declProp setter: (identifier) @variable.other.member)

; -- Procedure & function declarations

(declProc name: (genericDot rhs: (genericTpl entity: (identifier) @function)))
(declProc name: (genericDot rhs: (identifier) @function))
; foobar<t>
(declProc name: (genericTpl entity: (identifier) @function))
; foobar
(declProc name: (identifier) @function)

; -- Type declaration

(declType name: (genericTpl entity: (identifier) @type))
(declType name: (identifier) @type)

; -- Comments

(comment)         @comment
(pp)              @function.macro

; -- Variables

(exprBinary (identifier) @variable)
(exprUnary (identifier) @variable)
(assignment (identifier) @variable)
(exprBrackets (identifier) @variable)
(exprParens (identifier) @variable)
(exprDot (identifier) @variable)
(exprTpl (identifier) @variable)
(exprArgs (identifier) @variable)
(defaultValue (identifier) @variable)

; -- Literals

(literalNumber)   @constant.builtin.numeric
(literalString)   @string

; -- Builtin constants

] @constant.builtin.boolean

] @constant.builtin

; -- Punctuation & operators

] @keyword.operator

] @operator

] @punctuation.special

] @punctuation.delimiter

] @punctuation.bracket

; -- Attributes

(procAttribute (kPublic) @attribute)






] @attribute

; -- Keywords











] @keyword

] @keyword.control.repeat

] @keyword.control.conditional