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authoromentic2024-05-01 23:55:51 +0000
committeromentic2024-05-01 23:55:51 +0000
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- <h1 id="adding-indent-queries"><a class="header" href="#adding-indent-queries">Adding indent queries</a></h1>
-<p>Helix uses tree-sitter to correctly indent new lines. This requires a tree-
-sitter grammar and an <code>indent.scm</code> query file placed in <code>runtime/queries/ {language}/indents.scm</code>. The indentation for a line is calculated by traversing
-the syntax tree from the lowest node at the beginning of the new line (see
-<a href="#indent-queries">Indent queries</a>). Each of these nodes contributes to the total
-indent when it is captured by the query (in what way depends on the name of
-the capture.</p>
-<p>Note that it matters where these added indents begin. For example,
-multiple indent level increases that start on the same line only increase
-the total indent level by 1. See <a href="#capture-types">Capture types</a>.</p>
-<p>By default, Helix uses the <code>hybrid</code> indentation heuristic. This means that
-indent queries are not used to compute the expected absolute indentation of a
-line but rather the expected difference in indentation between the new and an
-already existing line. This difference is then added to the actual indentation
-of the already existing line. Since this makes errors in the indent queries
-harder to find, it is recommended to disable it when testing via
-<code>:set indent-heuristic tree-sitter</code>. The rest of this guide assumes that
-the <code>tree-sitter</code> heuristic is used.</p>
-<h2 id="indent-queries"><a class="header" href="#indent-queries">Indent queries</a></h2>
-<p>When Helix is inserting a new line through <code>o</code>, <code>O</code>, or <code>&lt;ret&gt;</code>, to determine
-the indent level for the new line, the query in <code>indents.scm</code> is run on the
-document. The starting position of the query is the end of the line above where
-a new line will be inserted.</p>
-<p>For <code>o</code>, the inserted line is the line below the cursor, so that starting
-position of the query is the end of the current line.</p>
-<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust"><span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
-</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
-</span>fn need_hero(some_hero: Hero, life: Life) -&gt; {
- matches!(some_hero, Hero { // ←─────────────────╮
- strong: true,//←╮ ↑ ↑ │
- fast: true, // │ │ ╰── query start │
- sure: true, // │ ╰───── cursor ├─ traversal
- soon: true, // ╰──────── new line inserted │ start node
- }) &amp;&amp; // │
-// ↑ │
-// ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────╯
- some_hero &gt; life
-<span class="boring">}</span></code></pre></pre>
-<p>For <code>O</code>, the newly inserted line is the <em>current</em> line, so the starting position
-of the query is the end of the line above the cursor.</p>
-<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust"><span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
-</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
-</span>fn need_hero(some_hero: Hero, life: Life) -&gt; { // ←─╮
- matches!(some_hero, Hero { // ←╮ ↑ │
- strong: true,// ↑ ╭───╯ │ │
- fast: true, // │ │ query start ─╯ │
- sure: true, // ╰───┼ cursor ├─ traversal
- soon: true, // ╰ new line inserted │ start node
- }) &amp;&amp; // │
- some_hero &gt; life // │
-} // ←──────────────────────────────────────────────╯
-<span class="boring">}</span></code></pre></pre>
-<p>From this starting node, the syntax tree is traversed up until the root node.
-Each indent capture is collected along the way, and then combined according to
-their <a href="#capture-types">capture types</a> and <a href="#scopes">scopes</a> to a final indent
-level for the line.</p>
-<h3 id="capture-types"><a class="header" href="#capture-types">Capture types</a></h3>
-<li><code>@indent</code> (default scope <code>tail</code>):
-Increase the indent level by 1. Multiple occurrences in the same line <em>do not</em>
-stack. If there is at least one <code>@indent</code> and one <code>@outdent</code> capture on the
-same line, the indent level isn't changed at all.</li>
-<li><code>@outdent</code> (default scope <code>all</code>):
-Decrease the indent level by 1. The same rules as for <code>@indent</code> apply.</li>
-<li><code>@indent.always</code> (default scope <code>tail</code>):
-Increase the indent level by 1. Multiple occurrences on the same line <em>do</em>
-stack. The final indent level is <code>@indent.always</code> – <code>@outdent.always</code>. If
-an <code>@indent</code> and an <code>@indent.always</code> are on the same line, the <code>@indent</code> is
-<li><code>@outdent.always</code> (default scope <code>all</code>):
-Decrease the indent level by 1. The same rules as for <code>@indent.always</code> apply.</li>
-<li><code>@align</code> (default scope <code>all</code>):
-Align everything inside this node to some anchor. The anchor is given
-by the start of the node captured by <code>@anchor</code> in the same pattern.
-Every pattern with an <code>@align</code> should contain exactly one <code>@anchor</code>.
-Indent (and outdent) for nodes below (in terms of their starting line)
-the <code>@align</code> node is added to the indentation required for alignment.</li>
-Extend the range of this node to the end of the line and to lines that are
-indented more than the line that this node starts on. This is useful for
-languages like Python, where for the purpose of indentation some nodes (like
-functions or classes) should also contain indented lines that follow them.</li>
-Prevents the first extension of an ancestor of this node. For example, in Python
-a return expression always ends the block that it is in. Note that this only
-stops the extension of the next <code>@extend</code> capture. If multiple ancestors are
-captured, only the extension of the innermost one is prevented. All other
-ancestors are unaffected (regardless of whether the innermost ancestor would
-actually have been extended).</li>
-<h4 id="indent--outdent"><a class="header" href="#indent--outdent"><code>@indent</code> / <code>@outdent</code></a></h4>
-<p>Consider this example:</p>
-<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust"><span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
-</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
-</span>fn shout(things: Vec&lt;Thing&gt;) {
- // ↑
- // ├───────────────────────╮ indent level
- // @indent ├┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄
- // │
- let it_all = |out| { things.filter(|thing| { // │ 1
- // ↑ ↑ │
- // ├───────────────────────┼─────┼┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄
- // @indent @indent │
- // │ 2
- thing.can_do_with(out) // │
- })}; // ├┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄
- //↑↑↑ │ 1
-} //╰┼┴──────────────────────────────────────────────┴┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄
-// 3x @outdent
-<span class="boring">}</span></code></pre></pre>
-<pre><code class="language-scm">((block) @indent)
-["}" ")"] @outdent
-<p>Note how on the second line, we have two blocks begin on the same line. In this
-case, since both captures occur on the same line, they are combined and only
-result in a net increase of 1. Also note that the closing <code>}</code>s are part of the
-<code>@indent</code> captures, but the 3 <code>@outdent</code>s also combine into 1 and result in that
-line losing one indent level.</p>
-<h4 id="extend--extendprevent-once"><a class="header" href="#extend--extendprevent-once"><code>@extend</code> / <code>@extend.prevent-once</code></a></h4>
-<p>For an example of where <code>@extend</code> can be useful, consider Python, which is
-<pre><code class="language-scm">]
- (parenthesized_expression)
- (function_definition)
- (class_definition)
-] @indent
-<pre><code class="language-python">class Hero:
- def __init__(self, strong, fast, sure, soon):# ←─╮
- self.is_strong = strong # │
- self.is_fast = fast # ╭─── query start │
- self.is_sure = sure # │ ╭─ cursor │
- self.is_soon = soon # │ │ │
- # ↑ ↑ │ │ │
- # │ ╰──────╯ │ │
- # ╰─────────────────────╯ │
- # ├─ traversal
- def need_hero(self, life): # │ start node
- return ( # │
- self.is_strong # │
- and self.is_fast # │
- and self.is_sure # │
- and self.is_soon # │
- and self &gt; life # │
- ) # ←─────────────────────────────────────────╯
-<p>Without braces to catch the scope of the function, the smallest descendant of
-the cursor on a line feed ends up being the entire inside of the class. Because
-of this, it will miss the entire function node and its indent capture, leading
-to an indent level one too small.</p>
-<p>To address this case, <code>@extend</code> tells helix to "extend" the captured node's span
-to the line feed and every consecutive line that has a greater indent level than
-the line of the node.</p>
-<pre><code class="language-scm">(parenthesized_expression) @indent
- (function_definition)
- (class_definition)
-] @indent @extend
-<pre><code class="language-python">class Hero:
- def __init__(self, strong, fast, sure, soon):# ←─╮
- self.is_strong = strong # │
- self.is_fast = fast # ╭─── query start ├─ traversal
- self.is_sure = sure # │ ╭─ cursor │ start node
- self.is_soon = soon # │ │ ←───────────────╯
- # ↑ ↑ │ │
- # │ ╰──────╯ │
- # ╰─────────────────────╯
- def need_hero(self, life):
- return (
- self.is_strong
- and self.is_fast
- and self.is_sure
- and self.is_soon
- and self &gt; life
- )
-<p>Furthermore, there are some cases where extending to everything with a greater
-indent level may not be desirable. Consider the <code>need_hero</code> function above. If
-our cursor is on the last line of the returned expression.</p>
-<pre><code class="language-python">class Hero:
- def __init__(self, strong, fast, sure, soon):
- self.is_strong = strong
- self.is_fast = fast
- self.is_sure = sure
- self.is_soon = soon
- def need_hero(self, life):
- return (
- self.is_strong
- and self.is_fast
- and self.is_sure
- and self.is_soon
- and self &gt; life
- ) # ←─── cursor
- #←────────── where cursor should go on new line
-<p>In Python, the are a few tokens that will always end a scope, such as a return
-statement. Since the scope ends, so should the indent level. But because the
-function span is extended to every line with a greater indent level, a new line
-would just continue on the same level. And an <code>@outdent</code> would not help us here
-either, since it would cause everything in the parentheses to become outdented
-as well.</p>
-<p>To help, we need to signal an end to the extension. We can do this with
-<pre><code class="language-scm">(parenthesized_expression) @indent
- (function_definition)
- (class_definition)
-] @indent @extend
-(return_statement) @extend.prevent-once
-<h4 id="indentalways--outdentalways"><a class="header" href="#indentalways--outdentalways"><code>@indent.always</code> / <code>@outdent.always</code></a></h4>
-<p>As mentioned before, normally if there is more than one <code>@indent</code> or <code>@outdent</code>
-capture on the same line, they are combined.</p>
-<p>Sometimes, there are cases when you may want to ensure that every indent capture
-is additive, regardless of how many occur on the same line. Consider this
-example in YAML.</p>
-<pre><code class="language-yaml"> - foo: bar
-# ↑ ↑
-# │ ╰─────────────── start of map
-# ╰───────────────── start of list element
- baz: quux # ←─── cursor
- # ←───────────── where the cursor should go on a new line
- garply: waldo
- - quux:
- bar: baz
- xyzzy: thud
- fred: plugh
-<p>In YAML, you often have lists of maps. In these cases, the syntax is such that
-the list element and the map both start on the same line. But we really do want
-to start an indentation for each of these so that subsequent keys in the map
-hang over the list and align properly. This is where <code>@indent.always</code> helps.</p>
-<pre><code class="language-scm">((block_sequence_item) @item @indent.always @extend
- (#not-one-line? @item))
- key: (_) @key
- value: (_) @val
- (#not-same-line? @key @val)
- ) @indent.always @extend
-<h2 id="predicates"><a class="header" href="#predicates">Predicates</a></h2>
-<p>In some cases, an S-expression cannot express exactly what pattern should be matched.
-For that, tree-sitter allows for predicates to appear anywhere within a pattern,
-similar to how <code>#set!</code> declarations work:</p>
-<pre><code class="language-scm">(some_kind
- (child_kind) @indent
- (#predicate? arg1 arg2 ...)
-<p>The number of arguments depends on the predicate that's used.
-Each argument is either a capture (<code>@name</code>) or a string (<code>"some string"</code>).
-The following predicates are supported by tree-sitter:</p>
-The first argument (a capture) must/must not be equal to the second argument
-(a capture or a string).</p>
-The first argument (a capture) must/must not match the regex given in the
-second argument (a string).</p>
-The first argument (a capture) must/must not be one of the other arguments
-<p>Additionally, we support some custom predicates for indent queries:</p>
-The kind of the first argument (a capture) must not be equal to the second
-argument (a string).</p>
-The captures given by the 2 arguments must/must not start on the same line.</p>
-The captures given by the fist argument must/must span a total of one line.</p>
-<h3 id="scopes"><a class="header" href="#scopes">Scopes</a></h3>
-<p>Added indents don't always apply to the whole node. For example, in most
-cases when a node should be indented, we actually only want everything
-except for its first line to be indented. For this, there are several
-scopes (more scopes may be added in the future if required):</p>
-This scope applies to everything except for the first line of the
-captured node.</li>
-This scope applies to the whole captured node. This is only different from
-<code>tail</code> when the captured node is the first node on its line.</li>
-<p>For example, imagine we have the following function</p>
-<pre><pre class="playground"><code class="language-rust"><span class="boring">#![allow(unused)]
-</span><span class="boring">fn main() {
-</span>fn aha() { // ←─────────────────────────────────────╮
- let take = "on me"; // ←──────────────╮ scope: │
- let take = "me on"; // ├─ "tail" ├─ (block) @indent
- let ill = be_gone_days(1 || 2); // │ │
-} // ←───────────────────────────────────┴──────────┴─ "}" @outdent
- // scope: "all"
-<span class="boring">}</span></code></pre></pre>
-<p>We can write the following query with the <code>#set!</code> declaration:</p>
-<pre><code class="language-scm">((block) @indent
- (#set! "scope" "tail"))
-("}" @outdent
- (#set! "scope" "all"))
-<p>As we can see, the "tail" scope covers the node, except for the first line.
-Everything up to and including the closing brace gets an indent level of 1.
-Then, on the closing brace, we encounter an outdent with a scope of "all", which
-means the first line is included, and the indent level is cancelled out on this
-line. (Note these scopes are the defaults for <code>@indent</code> and <code>@outdent</code>—they are
-written explicitly for demonstration.)</p>
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