diff options
authorTom Burdick2023-03-25 17:10:54 +0000
committerGitHub2023-03-25 17:10:54 +0000
commit685ae2365a89346ef276dceb52c3cae40260d1fd (patch)
parent851ac6cdd3c5a865d43968ea81d98b5b7c859728 (diff)
Add vhdl language support (#5826)
Simple highlight query file with keywords and builtin types matching. Many VHDL types however are defined in std libraries which do not currently get matched on. This is because the grammar doesn't consider them builtin types.
3 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/book/src/generated/lang-support.md b/book/src/generated/lang-support.md
index 3c18956a..524c2adf 100644
--- a/book/src/generated/lang-support.md
+++ b/book/src/generated/lang-support.md
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
| v | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | `v` |
| vala | ✓ | | | `vala-language-server` |
| verilog | ✓ | ✓ | | `svlangserver` |
+| vhdl | ✓ | | | `vhdl_ls` |
| vhs | ✓ | | | |
| vue | ✓ | | | `vls` |
| wast | ✓ | | | |
diff --git a/languages.toml b/languages.toml
index a56de1f4..f6a54e87 100644
--- a/languages.toml
+++ b/languages.toml
@@ -2369,3 +2369,17 @@ language-server = { command = "cs", args = ["launch", "com.disneystreaming.smith
name = "smithy"
source = { git = "https://github.com/indoorvivants/tree-sitter-smithy", rev = "cf8c7eb9faf7c7049839585eac19c94af231e6a0" }
+name = "vhdl"
+scope = "source.vhdl"
+file-types = ["vhd", "vhdl"]
+roots = []
+comment-token = "--"
+language-server = { command = "vhdl_ls", args = [] }
+indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
+injection-regex = "vhdl"
+name = "vhdl"
+source = { git = "https://github.com/teburd/tree-sitter-vhdl", rev = "c57313adee2231100db0a7880033f6865deeadb2" }
diff --git a/runtime/queries/vhdl/highlights.scm b/runtime/queries/vhdl/highlights.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59cef41c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/queries/vhdl/highlights.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+(comment) @comment
+; Keywords
+ ; vhdl 08
+ "abs"
+ "access"
+ "after"
+ "alias"
+ "all"
+ "and"
+ "architecture"
+ "array"
+ "assert"
+ "attribute"
+ "begin"
+ "block"
+ "body"
+ "buffer"
+ "bus"
+ "case"
+ "component"
+ "configuration"
+ "constant"
+ "disconnect"
+ "downto"
+ "else"
+ "elsif"
+ "end"
+ "entity"
+ "exit"
+ "file"
+ "for"
+ "function"
+ "generic"
+ "group"
+ "guarded"
+ "if"
+ "impure"
+ "in"
+ "inertial"
+ "inout"
+ "is"
+ "label"
+ "library"
+ "linkage"
+ "literal"
+ "loop"
+ "map"
+ "mod"
+ "nand"
+ "new"
+ "next"
+ "nor"
+ "not"
+ "null"
+ "of"
+ "on"
+ "open"
+ "or"
+ "others"
+ "out"
+ "package"
+ "port"
+ "postponed"
+ "procedure"
+ "process"
+ "protected"
+ "pure"
+ "range"
+ "record"
+ "register"
+ "reject"
+ "rem"
+ "report"
+ "return"
+ "rol"
+ "ror"
+ "select"
+ "severity"
+ "shared"
+ "signal"
+ "sla"
+ "sll"
+ "sra"
+ "srl"
+ "subtype"
+ "then"
+ "to"
+ "transport"
+ "type"
+ "unaffected"
+ "units"
+ "until"
+ "use"
+ "variable"
+ "wait"
+ "when"
+ "while"
+ "with"
+ "xnor"
+ "xor"
+ ; vhdl 08
+ "context"
+ "force"
+ "property"
+ "release"
+ "sequence"
+] @keyword
+ ; vhdl 02
+ "boolean"
+ "bit"
+ "bit_vector"
+ ;"character"
+ ;"severity_level"
+ ;"integer"
+ ;"real"
+ ;"time"
+ ;"natural"
+ ;"positive"
+ "string"
+ ;"line"
+ ;"text"
+ ;"side"
+ ;"unsigned"
+ ;"signed"
+ ;"delay_length"
+ ;"file_open_kind"
+ ;"file_open_status"
+ ;"std_logic"
+ ;"std_logic_vector"
+ ;"std_ulogic"
+ ;"std_ulogic_vector"
+ ; vhdl 08
+ ;"boolean_vector"
+ ;"integer_vector"
+ ;"real_vector"
+ ;"time_vector"
+ ; math types
+ ;"complex"
+ ;"complex_polar"
+ ;"positive_real"
+ ;"principal_value"
+] @type.builtin
+ ; vhdl 02
+ "base"
+ "left"
+ "right"
+ "high"
+ "low"
+ "pos"
+ "val"
+ "succ"
+ "pred"
+ "leftof"
+ "rightof"
+ "range"
+ "reverse_range"
+ "length"
+ "delayed"
+ "stable"
+ "quiet"
+ "transaction"
+ "event"
+ "active"
+ "last_event"
+ "last_active"
+ "last_value"
+ "driving"
+ "driving_value"
+ "ascending"
+ "value"
+ "image"
+ "simple_name"
+ "instance_name"
+ "path_name"
+ ;"foreign"
+ ; vhdl 08
+ "instance_name"
+ "path_name"
+] @attribute
+ ; vhdl 02
+ ;"now"
+ ;"resolved"
+ ;"rising_edge"
+ ;"falling_edge"
+ ;"read"
+ ;"readline"
+ ;"hread"
+ ;"oread"
+ ;"write"
+ ;"writeline"
+ ;"hwrite"
+ ;"owrite"
+ ;"endfile"
+ ;"resize"
+ ;"is_X"
+ ;"std_match"
+ ;"shift_left"
+ ;"shift_right"
+ ;"rotate_left"
+ ;"rotate_right"
+ ;"to_unsigned"
+ ;"to_signed"
+ ;"to_integer"
+ ;"to_stdLogicVector"
+ ;"to_stdULogic"
+ ;"to_stdULogicVector"
+ ;"to_bit"
+ ;"to_bitVector"
+ ;"to_X01"
+ ;"to_X01Z"
+ ;"to_UX01"
+ ;"to_01"
+ ;"conv_unsigned"
+ ;"conv_signed"
+ ;"conv_integer"
+ ;"conv_std_logic_vector"
+ ;"shl"
+ ;"shr"
+ ;"ext"
+ ;"sxt"
+ ;"deallocate"
+ ; vhdl 08
+ ;"finish"
+ ;"flush"
+ ;"justify"
+ ;"maximum"
+ ;"minimum"
+ ;"resolution_limit"
+ ;"stop"
+ ;"swrite"
+ ;"tee"
+ ;"to_binarystring"
+ ;"to_bstring"
+ ;"to_hexstring"
+ ;"to_hstring"
+ ;"to_octalstring"
+ ;"to_ostring"
+ ;"to_string"
+ ; vhdl math
+ ;"arccos"
+ ;"arccosh"
+ ;"arcsin"
+ ;"arcsinh"
+ ;"arctan"
+ ;"arctanh"
+ ;"arg"
+ ;"cbrt"
+ ;"ceil"
+ ;"cmplx"
+ ;"complex_to_polar"
+ ;"conj"
+ ;"cos"
+ ;"cosh"
+ ;"exp"
+ ;"floor"
+ ;"get_principal_value"
+ ;"log"
+ ;"log10"
+ ;"log2"
+ ;"polar_to_complex"
+ ;"realmax"
+ ;"realmin"
+ ;"round"
+ ;"sign"
+ ;"sin"
+ ;"sinh"
+ ;"sqrt"
+ ;"tan"
+ ;"tanh"
+ ;"trunc"
+ ;"uniform"
+;] @function.builtin
+; Operators
+ "+"
+ "-"
+ "*"
+ "/"
+ "**"
+ "abs"
+ "not"
+ "mod"
+ "rem"
+ "&"
+ "sll"
+ "srl"
+ "sla"
+ "sra"
+ "rol"
+ "ror"
+ "="
+ "/="
+ "?="
+ "?/="
+ "?<"
+ "?<="
+ "?>"
+ "?>="
+ "<"
+ "<="
+ ">"
+ ">="
+ "and"
+ "or"
+ "nand"
+ "nor"
+ "xor"
+ "xnor"
+ ":="
+ "<="
+ "??"
+] @operator
+ ";"
+ ","
+] @punctuation.delimiter
+ "("
+ ")"
+ "'"
+] @punctuation.bracket
+(full_type_declaration "type" name: (identifier) @type)
+(signal_declaration "signal" (identifier_list) @variable)
+(variable_declaration "variable" (identifier_list) @variable)
+(constant_declaration "constant" (identifier_list) @variable)