diff options
6 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/book/src/generated/lang-support.md b/book/src/generated/lang-support.md
index a21d9da9..a506e6a5 100644
--- a/book/src/generated/lang-support.md
+++ b/book/src/generated/lang-support.md
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
| pascal | ✓ | ✓ | | `pasls` |
| perl | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
| php | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | `intelephense` |
+| ponylang | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |
| prisma | ✓ | | | `prisma-language-server` |
| prolog | | | | `swipl` |
| protobuf | ✓ | | ✓ | |
diff --git a/languages.toml b/languages.toml
index 3ade3ea9..076e6363 100644
--- a/languages.toml
+++ b/languages.toml
@@ -2079,3 +2079,16 @@ indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
name = "matlab"
source = { git = "https://github.com/mstanciu552/tree-sitter-matlab", rev = "2d5d3d5193718a86477d4335aba5b34e79147326" }
+name = "ponylang"
+scope = "source.pony"
+file-types = ["pony"]
+injection-regex = "pony"
+roots = ["corral.json", "lock.json"]
+indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
+comment-token = "//"
+name = "ponylang"
+source = { git = "https://github.com/mfelsche/tree-sitter-ponylang", rev = "ef66b151bc2604f431b5668fcec4747db4290e11" }
diff --git a/runtime/queries/ponylang/highlights.scm b/runtime/queries/ponylang/highlights.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d0594a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/queries/ponylang/highlights.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ (line_comment)
+ (block_comment)
+] @comment
+(bool) @constant.builtin.boolean
+(integer) @constant.numeric.integer
+(float) @constant.numeric.float
+(character) @constant.character
+;; strings and docstring
+(source_file docstring: (string) @string.special)
+(entity docstring: (string) @string.special)
+(method docstring: (string) @string.special) ; docstring for methods without body
+(behavior docstring: (string) @string.special) ; docstring for methods without body
+(constructor docstring: (string) @string.special) ; docstring for methods without body
+(method body: (block . (string) @string.special)) ; docstring for methods with body
+(behavior body: (block . (string) @string.special))
+(constructor body: (block . (string) @string.special))
+(field docstring: (string) @string.special)
+(string) @string
+;; Punctuation
+ "("
+ ")"
+ "{"
+ "}"
+ "["
+ "]"
+] @punctuation.bracket
+ ";"
+ "."
+ ","
+] @punctuation.delimiter
+(this) @variable.builtin
+(field name: (identifier) @variable.other.member)
+"use" @keyword.control.import
+ "for"
+ "in"
+ "while"
+ "do"
+ "repeat"
+ "until"
+] @keyword.control.repeat
+ "if"
+ "ifdef"
+ "iftype"
+ "then"
+ "elseif"
+ "else"
+ "match"
+] @keyword.control.conditional
+ "break"
+ "continue"
+ "return"
+ "error"
+ "compile_error"
+ "compile_intrinsic"
+] @keyword.control.return
+ "recover"
+ "consume"
+ "end"
+ "try"
+ "with"
+] @keyword.control
+ "as"
+ "is"
+ "isnt"
+ "not"
+ "and"
+ "or"
+ "xor"
+ "digestof"
+ "addressof"
+ (location)
+] @keyword.operator
+(entity_type) @keyword.storage.type
+ "var"
+ "let"
+ "embed"
+] @keyword.storage
+ "fun"
+ "be"
+ "new"
+] @keyword.function
+ (cap)
+ (gencap)
+ "where"
+] @keyword
+ (partial)
+ "=>"
+ "~"
+ ".>"
+ "+"
+ "-"
+ "*"
+ "/"
+ "%"
+ "%%"
+ "+~"
+ "-~"
+ "/~"
+ "*~"
+ "%~"
+ "%%~"
+ ">>"
+ "<<"
+ ">>~"
+ "<<~"
+ "=="
+ "!="
+ ">"
+ "<"
+ ">="
+ "<="
+] @operator
+;; Types
+(entity name: (identifier) @type)
+(nominal_type name: (identifier) @type)
+(typeparams (typeparam name: (identifier) @type))
+;; constructors / methods / behaviors
+(constructor name: (identifier) @constructor)
+(method name: (identifier) @function.method)
+(behavior name: (identifier) @function.method)
+;; method calls
+; TODO: be more specific about what is the actual function reference
+(call callee: (field_access field: (identifier) @function.method))
+(call callee: (_) @function.method)
+(ffi_call name: (_) @function)
+(partial_application function: (identifier) @function.method)
+(chain function: (identifier) @function.method)
+;; fields and params
+(field name: (identifier) @variable.other.member)
+(param (identifier) @variable.parameter)
+(lambdaparam (identifier) @variable.parameter)
+;; this.field is considered a member access
+(field_access base: (this) field: (identifier) @variable.other.member)
+;; annotations
+(annotations (identifier) @attribute)
+;; variables
+;; references to upper case things are considered constructors
+ (identifier) @constructor
+ (#match @constructor "^[A-Z]")
+(identifier) @variable
diff --git a/runtime/queries/ponylang/indents.scm b/runtime/queries/ponylang/indents.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef9c8203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/queries/ponylang/indents.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+; queries for helix to do automatic indentation upon hitting enter
+; TODO: needs more work, cover more cases
+ (entity)
+ (method)
+ (behavior)
+ (constructor)
+ (block)
+ (tuple)
+ (grouped)
+] @indent
+(match_case body: (block) @indent)
+; ffi_call and call
+(_ arguments: (_) @indent)
+(assignment right: (_) @indent
+ (#set! "scope" "all")
+ (params)
+ (object)
+ ("if")
+] @extend
+(lambda params: (_) @extend)
+ "end"
+ "}"
+ "]"
+ ")"
+ "|"
+] @outdent
diff --git a/runtime/queries/ponylang/locals.scm b/runtime/queries/ponylang/locals.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9efd69e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/queries/ponylang/locals.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ (entity)
+ (method)
+ (behavior)
+ (constructor)
+ ("if")
+ (elseif)
+ (ifdef)
+ (elseifdef)
+ (iftype)
+ (elseiftype)
+ (match)
+ (match_case)
+ ("while")
+ ("repeat")
+ ("for")
+ (lambda)
+ (try_block)
+ (with)
+] @local.scope
+(match else_block: (block) @local.scope)
+(try_block else_block: (block) @local.scope)
+(try_block then_block: (block) @local.scope)
+(with else_block: (block) @local.scope)
+(field name: (identifier) @local.definition)
+(local name: (identifier) @local.definition)
+(param name: (identifier) @local.definition)
+(lambdaparam name: (identifier) @local.definition)
+("for" element: (idseq (identifier) @local.definition))
+(withelem name: (idseq (identifier) @local.definition))
+; only lower case identifiers are references
+ (identifier) @local.reference
+ (#match? @local.reference "^[a-z_][a-zA-Z_]*")
diff --git a/runtime/queries/ponylang/textobjects.scm b/runtime/queries/ponylang/textobjects.scm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f24583d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/queries/ponylang/textobjects.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+;; Queries for helix to select textobjects: https://docs.helix-editor.com/usage.html#textobjects
+;; function.inside
+;; function.around
+;; class.inside
+;; class.around
+;; test.inside
+;; test.around
+;; parameter.inside
+;; comment.inside
+;; comment.around
+;; Queries for navigating using textobjects
+ (line_comment)
+ (block_comment)
+] @comment.inside
+(line_comment)+ @comment.around
+(block_comment) @comment.around
+(entity members: (members)? @class.inside) @class.around
+(object members: (members)? @class.inside) @class.around
+ body: (block)? @function.inside
+) @function.around
+ body: (block)? @function.inside
+) @function.around
+ body: (block)? @function.inside
+) @function.around
+ body: (block)? @function.inside
+) @function.outside
+ ((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around) @parameter.around
+ params: ((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around) @parameter.around
+ ((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around) @parameter.around
+ ((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around) @parameter.around
+ positional: (positional_args
+ ((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around)? @parameter.around)
+ ; TODO: get named args right
+ named: (named_args ((_) @parameter.inside . ","? @parameter.around)? @parameter.around)
+ (entity
+ provides: (type (nominal_type name: (identifier) @_provides))
+ members: (members) @test.inside
+ ) @test.outside
+ (#eq? @_provides "UnitTest")