path: root/helix-term/src/commands
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'helix-term/src/commands')
1 files changed, 834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/helix-term/src/commands/dap.rs b/helix-term/src/commands/dap.rs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c73f9611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helix-term/src/commands/dap.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+use super::{align_view, Align, Context, Editor};
+use crate::{
+ compositor::{self, Compositor},
+ job::{Callback, Jobs},
+ ui::{self, FilePicker, Picker, Popup, Prompt, PromptEvent, Text},
+use helix_core::{
+ syntax::{DebugArgumentValue, DebugConfigCompletion},
+ Selection,
+use helix_dap::{self as dap, Client, ThreadId};
+use helix_lsp::block_on;
+use helix_view::editor::Breakpoint;
+use serde_json::{to_value, Value};
+use tokio_stream::wrappers::UnboundedReceiverStream;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::future::Future;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+use anyhow::{anyhow, bail};
+macro_rules! debugger {
+ ($editor:expr) => {{
+ match &mut $editor.debugger {
+ Some(debugger) => debugger,
+ None => return,
+ }
+ }};
+// general utils:
+pub fn dap_pos_to_pos(doc: &helix_core::Rope, line: usize, column: usize) -> Option<usize> {
+ // 1-indexing to 0 indexing
+ let line = doc.try_line_to_char(line - 1).ok()?;
+ let pos = line + column.saturating_sub(1);
+ // TODO: this is probably utf-16 offsets
+ Some(pos)
+pub fn resume_application(debugger: &mut Client) {
+ if let Some(thread_id) = debugger.thread_id {
+ debugger
+ .thread_states
+ .insert(thread_id, "running".to_string());
+ debugger.stack_frames.remove(&thread_id);
+ }
+ debugger.active_frame = None;
+ debugger.thread_id = None;
+pub async fn select_thread_id(editor: &mut Editor, thread_id: ThreadId, force: bool) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(editor);
+ if !force && debugger.thread_id.is_some() {
+ return;
+ }
+ debugger.thread_id = Some(thread_id);
+ fetch_stack_trace(debugger, thread_id).await;
+ let frame = debugger.stack_frames[&thread_id].get(0).cloned();
+ if let Some(frame) = &frame {
+ jump_to_stack_frame(editor, frame);
+ }
+pub async fn fetch_stack_trace(debugger: &mut Client, thread_id: ThreadId) {
+ let (frames, _) = match debugger.stack_trace(thread_id).await {
+ Ok(frames) => frames,
+ Err(_) => return,
+ };
+ debugger.stack_frames.insert(thread_id, frames);
+ debugger.active_frame = Some(0);
+pub fn jump_to_stack_frame(editor: &mut Editor, frame: &helix_dap::StackFrame) {
+ let path = if let Some(helix_dap::Source {
+ path: Some(ref path),
+ ..
+ }) = frame.source
+ {
+ path.clone()
+ } else {
+ return;
+ };
+ if let Err(e) = editor.open(path, helix_view::editor::Action::Replace) {
+ editor.set_error(format!("Unable to jump to stack frame: {}", e));
+ return;
+ }
+ let (view, doc) = current!(editor);
+ let text_end = doc.text().len_chars().saturating_sub(1);
+ let start = dap_pos_to_pos(doc.text(), frame.line, frame.column).unwrap_or(0);
+ let end = frame
+ .end_line
+ .and_then(|end_line| dap_pos_to_pos(doc.text(), end_line, frame.end_column.unwrap_or(0)))
+ .unwrap_or(start);
+ let selection = Selection::single(start.min(text_end), end.min(text_end));
+ doc.set_selection(view.id, selection);
+ align_view(doc, view, Align::Center);
+fn thread_picker(
+ cx: &mut Context,
+ callback_fn: impl Fn(&mut Editor, &dap::Thread) + Send + 'static,
+) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ let future = debugger.threads();
+ dap_callback(
+ cx.jobs,
+ future,
+ move |editor: &mut Editor,
+ compositor: &mut Compositor,
+ response: dap::requests::ThreadsResponse| {
+ let threads = response.threads;
+ if threads.len() == 1 {
+ callback_fn(editor, &threads[0]);
+ return;
+ }
+ let debugger = debugger!(editor);
+ let thread_states = debugger.thread_states.clone();
+ let picker = FilePicker::new(
+ threads,
+ move |thread| {
+ format!(
+ "{} ({})",
+ thread.name,
+ thread_states
+ .get(&thread.id)
+ .map(|state| state.as_str())
+ .unwrap_or("unknown")
+ )
+ .into()
+ },
+ move |cx, thread, _action| callback_fn(cx.editor, thread),
+ move |editor, thread| {
+ let frames = editor.debugger.as_ref()?.stack_frames.get(&thread.id)?;
+ let frame = frames.get(0)?;
+ let path = frame.source.as_ref()?.path.clone()?;
+ let pos = Some((
+ frame.line.saturating_sub(1),
+ frame.end_line.unwrap_or(frame.line).saturating_sub(1),
+ ));
+ Some((path, pos))
+ },
+ );
+ compositor.push(Box::new(picker));
+ },
+ );
+fn get_breakpoint_at_current_line(editor: &mut Editor) -> Option<(usize, Breakpoint)> {
+ let (view, doc) = current!(editor);
+ let text = doc.text().slice(..);
+ let line = doc.selection(view.id).primary().cursor_line(text);
+ let path = doc.path()?;
+ editor.breakpoints.get(path).and_then(|breakpoints| {
+ let i = breakpoints.iter().position(|b| b.line == line);
+ i.map(|i| (i, breakpoints[i].clone()))
+ })
+// -- DAP
+fn dap_callback<T, F>(
+ jobs: &mut Jobs,
+ call: impl Future<Output = helix_dap::Result<serde_json::Value>> + 'static + Send,
+ callback: F,
+) where
+ T: for<'de> serde::Deserialize<'de> + Send + 'static,
+ F: FnOnce(&mut Editor, &mut Compositor, T) + Send + 'static,
+ let callback = Box::pin(async move {
+ let json = call.await?;
+ let response = serde_json::from_value(json)?;
+ let call: Callback = Box::new(move |editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
+ callback(editor, compositor, response)
+ });
+ Ok(call)
+ });
+ jobs.callback(callback);
+pub fn dap_start_impl(
+ cx: &mut compositor::Context,
+ name: Option<&str>,
+ socket: Option<std::net::SocketAddr>,
+ params: Option<Vec<std::borrow::Cow<str>>>,
+) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
+ let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
+ let config = doc
+ .language_config()
+ .and_then(|config| config.debugger.as_ref())
+ .ok_or(anyhow!("No debug adapter available for language"))?;
+ let result = match socket {
+ Some(socket) => block_on(Client::tcp(socket, 0)),
+ None => block_on(Client::process(
+ &config.transport,
+ &config.command,
+ config.args.iter().map(|arg| arg.as_str()).collect(),
+ config.port_arg.as_deref(),
+ 0,
+ )),
+ };
+ let (mut debugger, events) = match result {
+ Ok(r) => r,
+ Err(e) => bail!("Failed to start debug session: {}", e),
+ };
+ let request = debugger.initialize(config.name.clone());
+ if let Err(e) = block_on(request) {
+ bail!("Failed to initialize debug adapter: {}", e);
+ }
+ debugger.quirks = config.quirks.clone();
+ // TODO: avoid refetching all of this... pass a config in
+ let template = match name {
+ Some(name) => config.templates.iter().find(|t| t.name == name),
+ None => config.templates.get(0),
+ }
+ .ok_or(anyhow!("No debug config with given name"))?;
+ let mut args: HashMap<&str, Value> = HashMap::new();
+ if let Some(params) = params {
+ for (k, t) in &template.args {
+ let mut value = t.clone();
+ for (i, x) in params.iter().enumerate() {
+ let mut param = x.to_string();
+ if let Some(DebugConfigCompletion::Advanced(cfg)) = template.completion.get(i) {
+ if matches!(cfg.completion.as_deref(), Some("filename" | "directory")) {
+ param = std::fs::canonicalize(x.as_ref())
+ .ok()
+ .and_then(|pb| pb.into_os_string().into_string().ok())
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| x.to_string());
+ }
+ }
+ // For param #0 replace {0} in args
+ let pattern = format!("{{{}}}", i);
+ value = match value {
+ // TODO: just use toml::Value -> json::Value
+ DebugArgumentValue::String(v) => {
+ DebugArgumentValue::String(v.replace(&pattern, &param))
+ }
+ DebugArgumentValue::Array(arr) => DebugArgumentValue::Array(
+ arr.iter().map(|v| v.replace(&pattern, &param)).collect(),
+ ),
+ DebugArgumentValue::Boolean(_) => value,
+ };
+ }
+ match value {
+ DebugArgumentValue::String(string) => {
+ if let Ok(integer) = string.parse::<usize>() {
+ args.insert(k, to_value(integer).unwrap());
+ } else {
+ args.insert(k, to_value(string).unwrap());
+ }
+ }
+ DebugArgumentValue::Array(arr) => {
+ args.insert(k, to_value(arr).unwrap());
+ }
+ DebugArgumentValue::Boolean(bool) => {
+ args.insert(k, to_value(bool).unwrap());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let args = to_value(args).unwrap();
+ let callback = |_editor: &mut Editor, _compositor: &mut Compositor, _response: Value| {
+ // if let Err(e) = result {
+ // editor.set_error(format!("Failed {} target: {}", template.request, e));
+ // }
+ };
+ match &template.request[..] {
+ "launch" => {
+ let call = debugger.launch(args);
+ dap_callback(cx.jobs, call, callback);
+ }
+ "attach" => {
+ let call = debugger.attach(args);
+ dap_callback(cx.jobs, call, callback);
+ }
+ request => bail!("Unsupported request '{}'", request),
+ };
+ // TODO: either await "initialized" or buffer commands until event is received
+ cx.editor.debugger = Some(debugger);
+ let stream = UnboundedReceiverStream::new(events);
+ cx.editor.debugger_events.push(stream);
+ Ok(())
+pub fn dap_launch(cx: &mut Context) {
+ if cx.editor.debugger.is_some() {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("Debugger is already running".to_string());
+ return;
+ }
+ let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
+ let config = match doc
+ .language_config()
+ .and_then(|config| config.debugger.as_ref())
+ {
+ Some(c) => c,
+ None => {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("No debug adapter available for language".to_string());
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ let templates = config.templates.clone();
+ cx.push_layer(Box::new(Picker::new(
+ true,
+ templates,
+ |template| template.name.as_str().into(),
+ |cx, template, _action| {
+ let completions = template.completion.clone();
+ let name = template.name.clone();
+ let callback = Box::pin(async move {
+ let call: Callback =
+ Box::new(move |_editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
+ let prompt = debug_parameter_prompt(completions, name, Vec::new());
+ compositor.push(Box::new(prompt));
+ });
+ Ok(call)
+ });
+ cx.jobs.callback(callback);
+ },
+ ))); // TODO: wrap in popup with fixed size
+fn debug_parameter_prompt(
+ completions: Vec<DebugConfigCompletion>,
+ config_name: String,
+ mut params: Vec<String>,
+) -> Prompt {
+ let completion = completions.get(params.len()).unwrap();
+ let field_type = if let DebugConfigCompletion::Advanced(cfg) = completion {
+ cfg.completion.as_deref().unwrap_or("")
+ } else {
+ ""
+ };
+ let name = match completion {
+ DebugConfigCompletion::Advanced(cfg) => cfg.name.as_deref().unwrap_or(field_type),
+ DebugConfigCompletion::Named(name) => name.as_str(),
+ };
+ let default_val = match completion {
+ DebugConfigCompletion::Advanced(cfg) => cfg.default.as_deref().unwrap_or(""),
+ _ => "",
+ }
+ .to_owned();
+ let completer = match field_type {
+ "filename" => ui::completers::filename,
+ "directory" => ui::completers::directory,
+ _ => |_input: &str| Vec::new(),
+ };
+ Prompt::new(
+ format!("{}: ", name).into(),
+ None,
+ completer,
+ move |cx, input: &str, event: PromptEvent| {
+ if event != PromptEvent::Validate {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut value = input.to_owned();
+ if value.is_empty() {
+ value = default_val.clone();
+ }
+ params.push(value);
+ if params.len() < completions.len() {
+ let completions = completions.clone();
+ let config_name = config_name.clone();
+ let params = params.clone();
+ let callback = Box::pin(async move {
+ let call: Callback =
+ Box::new(move |_editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
+ let prompt = debug_parameter_prompt(completions, config_name, params);
+ compositor.push(Box::new(prompt));
+ });
+ Ok(call)
+ });
+ cx.jobs.callback(callback);
+ } else if let Err(e) = dap_start_impl(
+ cx,
+ Some(&config_name),
+ None,
+ Some(params.iter().map(|x| x.into()).collect()),
+ ) {
+ cx.editor.set_error(e.to_string());
+ }
+ },
+ )
+pub fn dap_toggle_breakpoint(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
+ let path = match doc.path() {
+ Some(path) => path.clone(),
+ None => {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("Can't set breakpoint: document has no path".to_string());
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ let text = doc.text().slice(..);
+ let line = doc.selection(view.id).primary().cursor_line(text);
+ dap_toggle_breakpoint_impl(cx, path, line);
+pub fn breakpoints_changed(
+ debugger: &mut dap::Client,
+ path: PathBuf,
+ breakpoints: &mut [Breakpoint],
+) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
+ // TODO: handle capabilities correctly again, by filterin breakpoints when emitting
+ // if breakpoint.condition.is_some()
+ // && !debugger
+ // .caps
+ // .as_ref()
+ // .unwrap()
+ // .supports_conditional_breakpoints
+ // .unwrap_or_default()
+ // {
+ // bail!(
+ // "Can't edit breakpoint: debugger does not support conditional breakpoints"
+ // )
+ // }
+ // if breakpoint.log_message.is_some()
+ // && !debugger
+ // .caps
+ // .as_ref()
+ // .unwrap()
+ // .supports_log_points
+ // .unwrap_or_default()
+ // {
+ // bail!("Can't edit breakpoint: debugger does not support logpoints")
+ // }
+ let source_breakpoints = breakpoints
+ .iter()
+ .map(|breakpoint| helix_dap::SourceBreakpoint {
+ line: breakpoint.line + 1, // convert from 0-indexing to 1-indexing (TODO: could set debugger to 0-indexing on init)
+ ..Default::default()
+ })
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+ let request = debugger.set_breakpoints(path, source_breakpoints);
+ match block_on(request) {
+ Ok(Some(dap_breakpoints)) => {
+ for (breakpoint, dap_breakpoint) in breakpoints.iter_mut().zip(dap_breakpoints) {
+ breakpoint.id = dap_breakpoint.id;
+ breakpoint.verified = dap_breakpoint.verified;
+ breakpoint.message = dap_breakpoint.message;
+ // TODO: handle breakpoint.message
+ // TODO: verify source matches
+ breakpoint.line = dap_breakpoint.line.unwrap_or(0).saturating_sub(1); // convert to 0-indexing
+ // TODO: no unwrap
+ breakpoint.column = dap_breakpoint.column;
+ // TODO: verify end_linef/col instruction reference, offset
+ }
+ }
+ Err(e) => anyhow::bail!("Failed to set breakpoints: {}", e),
+ _ => {}
+ };
+ Ok(())
+pub fn dap_toggle_breakpoint_impl(cx: &mut Context, path: PathBuf, line: usize) {
+ // TODO: need to map breakpoints over edits and update them?
+ // we shouldn't really allow editing while debug is running though
+ let breakpoints = cx.editor.breakpoints.entry(path.clone()).or_default();
+ // TODO: always keep breakpoints sorted and use binary search to determine insertion point
+ if let Some(pos) = breakpoints
+ .iter()
+ .position(|breakpoint| breakpoint.line == line)
+ {
+ breakpoints.remove(pos);
+ } else {
+ breakpoints.push(Breakpoint {
+ line,
+ ..Default::default()
+ });
+ }
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ if let Err(e) = breakpoints_changed(debugger, path, breakpoints) {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error(format!("Failed to set breakpoints: {}", e));
+ }
+pub fn dap_continue(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ if let Some(thread_id) = debugger.thread_id {
+ let request = debugger.continue_thread(thread_id);
+ if let Err(e) = block_on(request) {
+ cx.editor.set_error(format!("Failed to continue: {}", e));
+ return;
+ }
+ resume_application(debugger);
+ } else {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("Currently active thread is not stopped. Switch the thread.".into());
+ }
+pub fn dap_pause(cx: &mut Context) {
+ thread_picker(cx, |editor, thread| {
+ let debugger = debugger!(editor);
+ let request = debugger.pause(thread.id);
+ // NOTE: we don't need to set active thread id here because DAP will emit a "stopped" event
+ if let Err(e) = block_on(request) {
+ editor.set_error(format!("Failed to pause: {}", e));
+ }
+ })
+pub fn dap_step_in(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ if let Some(thread_id) = debugger.thread_id {
+ let request = debugger.step_in(thread_id);
+ if let Err(e) = block_on(request) {
+ cx.editor.set_error(format!("Failed to continue: {}", e));
+ return;
+ }
+ resume_application(debugger);
+ } else {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("Currently active thread is not stopped. Switch the thread.".into());
+ }
+pub fn dap_step_out(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ if let Some(thread_id) = debugger.thread_id {
+ let request = debugger.step_out(thread_id);
+ if let Err(e) = block_on(request) {
+ cx.editor.set_error(format!("Failed to continue: {}", e));
+ return;
+ }
+ resume_application(debugger);
+ } else {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("Currently active thread is not stopped. Switch the thread.".into());
+ }
+pub fn dap_next(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ if let Some(thread_id) = debugger.thread_id {
+ let request = debugger.next(thread_id);
+ if let Err(e) = block_on(request) {
+ cx.editor.set_error(format!("Failed to continue: {}", e));
+ return;
+ }
+ resume_application(debugger);
+ } else {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("Currently active thread is not stopped. Switch the thread.".into());
+ }
+pub fn dap_variables(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ if debugger.thread_id.is_none() {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_status("Cannot access variables while target is running".to_owned());
+ return;
+ }
+ let (frame, thread_id) = match (debugger.active_frame, debugger.thread_id) {
+ (Some(frame), Some(thread_id)) => (frame, thread_id),
+ _ => {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_status("Cannot find current stack frame to access variables".to_owned());
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ let frame_id = debugger.stack_frames[&thread_id][frame].id;
+ let scopes = match block_on(debugger.scopes(frame_id)) {
+ Ok(s) => s,
+ Err(e) => {
+ cx.editor.set_error(format!("Failed to get scopes: {}", e));
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ // TODO: allow expanding variables into sub-fields
+ let mut variables = Vec::new();
+ let theme = &cx.editor.theme;
+ let scope_style = theme.get("ui.linenr.selected");
+ let type_style = theme.get("ui.text");
+ let text_style = theme.get("ui.text.focus");
+ for scope in scopes.iter() {
+ // use helix_view::graphics::Style;
+ use tui::text::{Span, Spans};
+ let response = block_on(debugger.variables(scope.variables_reference));
+ variables.push(Spans::from(Span::styled(
+ format!("▸ {}", scope.name),
+ scope_style,
+ )));
+ if let Ok(vars) = response {
+ variables.reserve(vars.len());
+ for var in vars {
+ let mut spans = Vec::with_capacity(5);
+ spans.push(Span::styled(var.name.to_owned(), text_style));
+ if let Some(ty) = var.ty {
+ spans.push(Span::raw(": "));
+ spans.push(Span::styled(ty.to_owned(), type_style));
+ }
+ spans.push(Span::raw(" = "));
+ spans.push(Span::styled(var.value.to_owned(), text_style));
+ variables.push(Spans::from(spans));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let contents = Text::from(tui::text::Text::from(variables));
+ let popup = Popup::new("dap-variables", contents);
+ cx.push_layer(Box::new(popup));
+pub fn dap_terminate(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ let request = debugger.disconnect();
+ if let Err(e) = block_on(request) {
+ cx.editor.set_error(format!("Failed to disconnect: {}", e));
+ return;
+ }
+ cx.editor.debugger = None;
+pub fn dap_enable_exceptions(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ let filters = match &debugger.capabilities().exception_breakpoint_filters {
+ Some(filters) => filters.iter().map(|f| f.filter.clone()).collect(),
+ None => return,
+ };
+ if let Err(e) = block_on(debugger.set_exception_breakpoints(filters)) {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error(format!("Failed to set up exception breakpoints: {}", e));
+ }
+pub fn dap_disable_exceptions(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ if let Err(e) = block_on(debugger.set_exception_breakpoints(Vec::new())) {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error(format!("Failed to set up exception breakpoints: {}", e));
+ }
+// TODO: both edit condition and edit log need to be stable: we might get new breakpoints from the debugger which can change offsets
+pub fn dap_edit_condition(cx: &mut Context) {
+ if let Some((pos, breakpoint)) = get_breakpoint_at_current_line(cx.editor) {
+ let path = match doc!(cx.editor).path() {
+ Some(path) => path.clone(),
+ None => return,
+ };
+ let callback = Box::pin(async move {
+ let call: Callback =
+ Box::new(move |_editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
+ let mut prompt = Prompt::new(
+ "condition:".into(),
+ None,
+ |_input: &str| Vec::new(),
+ move |cx, input: &str, event: PromptEvent| {
+ if event != PromptEvent::Validate {
+ return;
+ }
+ let breakpoints = &mut cx.editor.breakpoints.get_mut(&path).unwrap();
+ breakpoints[pos].condition = match input {
+ "" => None,
+ input => Some(input.to_owned()),
+ };
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ if let Err(e) = breakpoints_changed(debugger, path.clone(), breakpoints)
+ {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error(format!("Failed to set breakpoints: {}", e));
+ }
+ },
+ );
+ if let Some(condition) = breakpoint.condition {
+ prompt.insert_str(&condition)
+ }
+ compositor.push(Box::new(prompt));
+ });
+ Ok(call)
+ });
+ cx.jobs.callback(callback);
+ }
+pub fn dap_edit_log(cx: &mut Context) {
+ if let Some((pos, breakpoint)) = get_breakpoint_at_current_line(cx.editor) {
+ let path = match doc!(cx.editor).path() {
+ Some(path) => path.clone(),
+ None => return,
+ };
+ let callback = Box::pin(async move {
+ let call: Callback =
+ Box::new(move |_editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
+ let mut prompt = Prompt::new(
+ "log-message:".into(),
+ None,
+ |_input: &str| Vec::new(),
+ move |cx, input: &str, event: PromptEvent| {
+ if event != PromptEvent::Validate {
+ return;
+ }
+ let breakpoints = &mut cx.editor.breakpoints.get_mut(&path).unwrap();
+ breakpoints[pos].log_message = match input {
+ "" => None,
+ input => Some(input.to_owned()),
+ };
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ if let Err(e) = breakpoints_changed(debugger, path.clone(), breakpoints)
+ {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error(format!("Failed to set breakpoints: {}", e));
+ }
+ },
+ );
+ if let Some(log_message) = breakpoint.log_message {
+ prompt.insert_str(&log_message);
+ }
+ compositor.push(Box::new(prompt));
+ });
+ Ok(call)
+ });
+ cx.jobs.callback(callback);
+ }
+pub fn dap_switch_thread(cx: &mut Context) {
+ thread_picker(cx, |editor, thread| {
+ block_on(select_thread_id(editor, thread.id, true));
+ })
+pub fn dap_switch_stack_frame(cx: &mut Context) {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ let thread_id = match debugger.thread_id {
+ Some(thread_id) => thread_id,
+ None => {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("No thread is currently active".to_owned());
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ let frames = debugger.stack_frames[&thread_id].clone();
+ let picker = FilePicker::new(
+ frames,
+ |frame| frame.name.clone().into(), // TODO: include thread_states in the label
+ move |cx, frame, _action| {
+ let debugger = debugger!(cx.editor);
+ // TODO: this should be simpler to find
+ let pos = debugger.stack_frames[&thread_id]
+ .iter()
+ .position(|f| f.id == frame.id);
+ debugger.active_frame = pos;
+ let frame = debugger.stack_frames[&thread_id]
+ .get(pos.unwrap_or(0))
+ .cloned();
+ if let Some(frame) = &frame {
+ jump_to_stack_frame(cx.editor, frame);
+ }
+ },
+ move |_editor, frame| {
+ frame
+ .source
+ .as_ref()
+ .and_then(|source| source.path.clone())
+ .map(|path| {
+ (
+ path,
+ Some((
+ frame.line.saturating_sub(1),
+ frame.end_line.unwrap_or(frame.line).saturating_sub(1),
+ )),
+ )
+ })
+ },
+ );
+ cx.push_layer(Box::new(picker))