path: root/helix-term/src/commands
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Diffstat (limited to 'helix-term/src/commands')
2 files changed, 473 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/helix-term/src/commands/ b/helix-term/src/commands/
index 0ad6fb7e..948f3484 100644
--- a/helix-term/src/commands/
+++ b/helix-term/src/commands/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-use futures_util::FutureExt;
+use futures_util::{future::BoxFuture, stream::FuturesUnordered, FutureExt};
use helix_lsp::{
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ use helix_lsp::{
util::{diagnostic_to_lsp_diagnostic, lsp_range_to_range, range_to_lsp_range},
- OffsetEncoding,
+ Client, OffsetEncoding,
+use serde_json::Value;
+use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
use tui::{
text::{Span, Spans},
@@ -15,7 +17,9 @@ use tui::{
use super::{align_view, push_jump, Align, Context, Editor, Open};
-use helix_core::{path, text_annotations::InlineAnnotation, Selection};
+use helix_core::{
+ path, syntax::LanguageServerFeature, text_annotations::InlineAnnotation, Selection,
use helix_view::{
document::{DocumentInlayHints, DocumentInlayHintsId, Mode},
@@ -25,6 +29,7 @@ use helix_view::{
use crate::{
compositor::{self, Compositor},
+ job::Callback,
self, lsp::SignatureHelp, overlay::overlaid, DynamicPicker, FileLocation, FilePicker,
Popup, PromptEvent,
@@ -32,25 +37,34 @@ use crate::{
use std::{
- cmp::Ordering, collections::BTreeMap, fmt::Write, future::Future, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc,
+ cmp::Ordering,
+ collections::{BTreeMap, HashSet},
+ fmt::Write,
+ future::Future,
+ path::PathBuf,
+ sync::Arc,
-/// Gets the language server that is attached to a document, and
-/// if it's not active displays a status message. Using this macro
-/// in a context where the editor automatically queries the LSP
-/// (instead of when the user explicitly does so via a keybind like
-/// `gd`) will spam the "LSP inactive" status message confusingly.
+/// Gets the first language server that is attached to a document which supports a specific feature.
+/// If there is no configured language server that supports the feature, this displays a status message.
+/// Using this macro in a context where the editor automatically queries the LSP
+/// (instead of when the user explicitly does so via a keybind like `gd`)
+/// will spam the "No configured language server supports <feature>" status message confusingly.
-macro_rules! language_server {
- ($editor:expr, $doc:expr) => {
- match $doc.language_server() {
+macro_rules! language_server_with_feature {
+ ($editor:expr, $doc:expr, $feature:expr) => {{
+ let language_server = $doc.language_servers_with_feature($feature).next();
+ match language_server {
Some(language_server) => language_server,
None => {
- $editor.set_status("Language server not active for current buffer");
+ $editor.set_status(format!(
+ "No configured language server supports {}",
+ $feature
+ ));
- };
+ }};
impl ui::menu::Item for lsp::Location {
@@ -87,20 +101,30 @@ impl ui::menu::Item for lsp::Location {
-impl ui::menu::Item for lsp::SymbolInformation {
+struct SymbolInformationItem {
+ symbol: lsp::SymbolInformation,
+ offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding,
+impl ui::menu::Item for SymbolInformationItem {
/// Path to currently focussed document
type Data = Option<lsp::Url>;
fn format(&self, current_doc_path: &Self::Data) -> Row {
- if current_doc_path.as_ref() == Some(&self.location.uri) {
+ if current_doc_path.as_ref() == Some(&self.symbol.location.uri) {
} else {
- match self.location.uri.to_file_path() {
+ match self.symbol.location.uri.to_file_path() {
Ok(path) => {
let get_relative_path = path::get_relative_path(path.as_path());
- format!("{} ({})", &, get_relative_path.to_string_lossy()).into()
+ format!(
+ "{} ({})",
+ &,
+ get_relative_path.to_string_lossy()
+ )
+ .into()
- Err(_) => format!("{} ({})", &, &self.location.uri).into(),
+ Err(_) => format!("{} ({})", &, &self.symbol.location.uri).into(),
@@ -116,6 +140,7 @@ struct DiagnosticStyles {
struct PickerDiagnostic {
url: lsp::Url,
diag: lsp::Diagnostic,
+ offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding,
impl ui::menu::Item for PickerDiagnostic {
@@ -211,21 +236,19 @@ fn jump_to_location(
align_view(doc, view, Align::Center);
-fn sym_picker(
- symbols: Vec<lsp::SymbolInformation>,
- current_path: Option<lsp::Url>,
- offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding,
-) -> FilePicker<lsp::SymbolInformation> {
+type SymbolPicker = FilePicker<SymbolInformationItem>;
+fn sym_picker(symbols: Vec<SymbolInformationItem>, current_path: Option<lsp::Url>) -> SymbolPicker {
// TODO: drop current_path comparison and instead use workspace: bool flag?
- move |cx, symbol, action| {
+ move |cx, item, action| {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
push_jump(view, doc);
- if current_path.as_ref() != Some(&symbol.location.uri) {
- let uri = &symbol.location.uri;
+ if current_path.as_ref() != Some(&item.symbol.location.uri) {
+ let uri = &item.symbol.location.uri;
let path = match uri.to_file_path() {
Ok(path) => path,
Err(_) => {
@@ -245,7 +268,7 @@ fn sym_picker(
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
if let Some(range) =
- lsp_range_to_range(doc.text(), symbol.location.range, offset_encoding)
+ lsp_range_to_range(doc.text(), item.symbol.location.range, item.offset_encoding)
// we flip the range so that the cursor sits on the start of the symbol
// (for example start of the function).
@@ -253,7 +276,7 @@ fn sym_picker(
align_view(doc, view, Align::Center);
- move |_editor, symbol| Some(location_to_file_location(&symbol.location)),
+ move |_editor, item| Some(location_to_file_location(&item.symbol.location)),
@@ -266,10 +289,9 @@ enum DiagnosticsFormat {
fn diag_picker(
cx: &Context,
- diagnostics: BTreeMap<lsp::Url, Vec<lsp::Diagnostic>>,
+ diagnostics: BTreeMap<lsp::Url, Vec<(lsp::Diagnostic, usize)>>,
current_path: Option<lsp::Url>,
format: DiagnosticsFormat,
- offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding,
) -> FilePicker<PickerDiagnostic> {
// TODO: drop current_path comparison and instead use workspace: bool flag?
@@ -277,11 +299,15 @@ fn diag_picker(
let mut flat_diag = Vec::new();
for (url, diags) in diagnostics {
- for diag in diags {
- flat_diag.push(PickerDiagnostic {
- url: url.clone(),
- diag,
- });
+ for (diag, ls) in diags {
+ if let Some(ls) = cx.editor.language_server_by_id(ls) {
+ flat_diag.push(PickerDiagnostic {
+ url: url.clone(),
+ diag,
+ offset_encoding: ls.offset_encoding(),
+ });
+ }
@@ -295,7 +321,13 @@ fn diag_picker(
(styles, format),
- move |cx, PickerDiagnostic { url, diag }, action| {
+ move |cx,
+ PickerDiagnostic {
+ url,
+ diag,
+ offset_encoding,
+ },
+ action| {
if current_path.as_ref() == Some(url) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
push_jump(view, doc);
@@ -306,14 +338,14 @@ fn diag_picker(
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- if let Some(range) = lsp_range_to_range(doc.text(), diag.range, offset_encoding) {
+ if let Some(range) = lsp_range_to_range(doc.text(), diag.range, *offset_encoding) {
// we flip the range so that the cursor sits on the start of the symbol
// (for example start of the function).
doc.set_selection(, Selection::single(range.head, range.anchor));
align_view(doc, view, Align::Center);
- move |_editor, PickerDiagnostic { url, diag }| {
+ move |_editor, PickerDiagnostic { url, diag, .. }| {
let location = lsp::Location::new(url.clone(), diag.range);
@@ -323,126 +355,154 @@ fn diag_picker(
pub fn symbol_picker(cx: &mut Context) {
fn nested_to_flat(
- list: &mut Vec<lsp::SymbolInformation>,
+ list: &mut Vec<SymbolInformationItem>,
file: &lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier,
symbol: lsp::DocumentSymbol,
+ offset_encoding: OffsetEncoding,
) {
- list.push(lsp::SymbolInformation {
- name:,
- kind: symbol.kind,
- tags: symbol.tags,
- deprecated: symbol.deprecated,
- location: lsp::Location::new(file.uri.clone(), symbol.selection_range),
- container_name: None,
+ list.push(SymbolInformationItem {
+ symbol: lsp::SymbolInformation {
+ name:,
+ kind: symbol.kind,
+ tags: symbol.tags,
+ deprecated: symbol.deprecated,
+ location: lsp::Location::new(file.uri.clone(), symbol.selection_range),
+ container_name: None,
+ },
+ offset_encoding,
for child in symbol.children.into_iter().flatten() {
- nested_to_flat(list, file, child);
+ nested_to_flat(list, file, child, offset_encoding);
let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let current_url = doc.url();
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ let mut seen_language_servers = HashSet::new();
- let future = match language_server.document_symbols(doc.identifier()) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support document symbols");
- return;
- }
- };
- cx.callback(
- future,
- move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse>| {
- if let Some(symbols) = response {
+ let mut futures: FuturesUnordered<_> = doc
+ .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::DocumentSymbols)
+ .filter(|ls| seen_language_servers.insert(
+ .map(|language_server| {
+ let request = language_server.document_symbols(doc.identifier()).unwrap();
+ let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ let doc_id = doc.identifier();
+ async move {
+ let json = request.await?;
+ let response: Option<lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse> = serde_json::from_value(json)?;
+ let symbols = match response {
+ Some(symbols) => symbols,
+ None => return anyhow::Ok(vec![]),
+ };
// lsp has two ways to represent symbols (flat/nested)
// convert the nested variant to flat, so that we have a homogeneous list
let symbols = match symbols {
- lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse::Flat(symbols) => symbols,
+ lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse::Flat(symbols) => symbols
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|symbol| SymbolInformationItem {
+ symbol,
+ offset_encoding,
+ })
+ .collect(),
lsp::DocumentSymbolResponse::Nested(symbols) => {
- let doc = doc!(editor);
let mut flat_symbols = Vec::new();
for symbol in symbols {
- nested_to_flat(&mut flat_symbols, &doc.identifier(), symbol)
+ nested_to_flat(&mut flat_symbols, &doc_id, symbol, offset_encoding)
- let picker = sym_picker(symbols, current_url, offset_encoding);
- compositor.push(Box::new(overlaid(picker)))
+ Ok(symbols)
- },
- )
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let current_url = doc.url();
+ if futures.is_empty() {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("No configured language server supports document symbols");
+ return;
+ }
+ move {
+ let mut symbols = Vec::new();
+ // TODO if one symbol request errors, all other requests are discarded (even if they're valid)
+ while let Some(mut lsp_items) = futures.try_next().await? {
+ symbols.append(&mut lsp_items);
+ }
+ let call = move |_editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
+ let picker = sym_picker(symbols, current_url);
+ compositor.push(Box::new(overlaid(picker)))
+ };
+ Ok(Callback::EditorCompositor(Box::new(call)))
+ });
pub fn workspace_symbol_picker(cx: &mut Context) {
let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
- let current_url = doc.url();
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
- let future = match language_server.workspace_symbols("".to_string()) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support workspace symbols");
- return;
+ let get_symbols = move |pattern: String, editor: &mut Editor| {
+ let doc = doc!(editor);
+ let mut seen_language_servers = HashSet::new();
+ let mut futures: FuturesUnordered<_> = doc
+ .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::WorkspaceSymbols)
+ .filter(|ls| seen_language_servers.insert(
+ .map(|language_server| {
+ let request = language_server.workspace_symbols(pattern.clone()).unwrap();
+ let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ async move {
+ let json = request.await?;
+ let response =
+ serde_json::from_value::<Option<Vec<lsp::SymbolInformation>>>(json)?
+ .unwrap_or_default()
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|symbol| SymbolInformationItem {
+ symbol,
+ offset_encoding,
+ })
+ .collect();
+ anyhow::Ok(response)
+ }
+ })
+ .collect();
+ if futures.is_empty() {
+ editor.set_error("No configured language server supports workspace symbols");
- };
- cx.callback(
- future,
- move |_editor, compositor, response: Option<Vec<lsp::SymbolInformation>>| {
- let symbols = response.unwrap_or_default();
- let picker = sym_picker(symbols, current_url, offset_encoding);
- let get_symbols = |query: String, editor: &mut Editor| {
- let doc = doc!(editor);
- let language_server = match doc.language_server() {
- Some(s) => s,
- None => {
- // This should not generally happen since the picker will not
- // even open in the first place if there is no server.
- return async move { Err(anyhow::anyhow!("LSP not active")) }.boxed();
- }
- };
- let symbol_request = match language_server.workspace_symbols(query) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- // This should also not happen since the language server must have
- // supported workspace symbols before to reach this block.
- return async move {
- Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
- "Language server does not support workspace symbols"
- ))
- }
- .boxed();
- }
- };
+ async move {
+ let mut symbols = Vec::new();
+ // TODO if one symbol request errors, all other requests are discarded (even if they're valid)
+ while let Some(mut lsp_items) = futures.try_next().await? {
+ symbols.append(&mut lsp_items);
+ }
+ anyhow::Ok(symbols)
+ }
+ .boxed()
+ };
- let future = async move {
- let json = symbol_request.await?;
- let response: Option<Vec<lsp::SymbolInformation>> =
- serde_json::from_value(json)?;
+ let current_url = doc.url();
+ let initial_symbols = get_symbols("".to_owned(), cx.editor);
- Ok(response.unwrap_or_default())
- };
- future.boxed()
- };
+ move {
+ let symbols = initial_symbols.await?;
+ let call = move |_editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
+ let picker = sym_picker(symbols, current_url);
let dyn_picker = DynamicPicker::new(picker, Box::new(get_symbols));
- },
- )
+ };
+ Ok(Callback::EditorCompositor(Box::new(call)))
+ });
pub fn diagnostics_picker(cx: &mut Context) {
let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
if let Some(current_url) = doc.url() {
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let diagnostics = cx
@@ -454,7 +514,6 @@ pub fn diagnostics_picker(cx: &mut Context) {
[(current_url.clone(), diagnostics)].into(),
- offset_encoding,
@@ -462,24 +521,27 @@ pub fn diagnostics_picker(cx: &mut Context) {
pub fn workspace_diagnostics_picker(cx: &mut Context) {
let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
let current_url = doc.url();
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ // TODO not yet filtered by LanguageServerFeature, need to do something similar as Document::shown_diagnostics here for all open documents
let diagnostics = cx.editor.diagnostics.clone();
let picker = diag_picker(
- offset_encoding,
-impl ui::menu::Item for lsp::CodeActionOrCommand {
+struct CodeActionOrCommandItem {
+ lsp_item: lsp::CodeActionOrCommand,
+ language_server_id: usize,
+impl ui::menu::Item for CodeActionOrCommandItem {
type Data = ();
fn format(&self, _data: &Self::Data) -> Row {
- match self {
+ match &self.lsp_item {
lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(action) => action.title.as_str().into(),
lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::Command(command) => command.title.as_str().into(),
@@ -546,45 +608,42 @@ fn action_fixes_diagnostics(action: &CodeActionOrCommand) -> bool {
pub fn code_action(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
let selection_range = doc.selection(;
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
- let range = range_to_lsp_range(doc.text(), selection_range, offset_encoding);
+ let mut seen_language_servers = HashSet::new();
- let future = match language_server.code_actions(
- doc.identifier(),
- range,
- // Filter and convert overlapping diagnostics
- lsp::CodeActionContext {
- diagnostics: doc
- .diagnostics()
- .iter()
- .filter(|&diag| {
- selection_range
- .overlaps(&helix_core::Range::new(diag.range.start, diag.range.end))
- })
- .map(|diag| diagnostic_to_lsp_diagnostic(doc.text(), diag, offset_encoding))
- .collect(),
- only: None,
- trigger_kind: Some(CodeActionTriggerKind::INVOKED),
- },
- ) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support code actions");
- return;
- }
- };
- cx.callback(
- future,
- move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::CodeActionResponse>| {
+ let mut futures: FuturesUnordered<_> = doc
+ .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::CodeAction)
+ .filter(|ls| seen_language_servers.insert(
+ // TODO this should probably already been filtered in something like "language_servers_with_feature"
+ .filter_map(|language_server| {
+ let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ let language_server_id =;
+ let range = range_to_lsp_range(doc.text(), selection_range, offset_encoding);
+ // Filter and convert overlapping diagnostics
+ let code_action_context = lsp::CodeActionContext {
+ diagnostics: doc
+ .diagnostics()
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|&diag| {
+ selection_range
+ .overlaps(&helix_core::Range::new(diag.range.start, diag.range.end))
+ })
+ .map(|diag| diagnostic_to_lsp_diagnostic(doc.text(), diag, offset_encoding))
+ .collect(),
+ only: None,
+ trigger_kind: Some(CodeActionTriggerKind::INVOKED),
+ };
+ let code_action_request =
+ language_server.code_actions(doc.identifier(), range, code_action_context)?;
+ Some((code_action_request, language_server_id))
+ })
+ .map(|(request, ls_id)| async move {
+ let json = request.await?;
+ let response: Option<lsp::CodeActionResponse> = serde_json::from_value(json)?;
let mut actions = match response {
Some(a) => a,
- None => return,
+ None => return anyhow::Ok(Vec::new()),
// remove disabled code actions
@@ -596,11 +655,6 @@ pub fn code_action(cx: &mut Context) {
- if actions.is_empty() {
- editor.set_status("No code actions available");
- return;
- }
// Sort codeactions into a useful order. This behaviour is only partially described in the LSP spec.
// Many details are modeled after vscode because language servers are usually tested against it.
// VScode sorts the codeaction two times:
@@ -636,18 +690,51 @@ pub fn code_action(cx: &mut Context) {
- let mut picker = ui::Menu::new(actions, (), move |editor, code_action, event| {
+ Ok(actions
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|lsp_item| CodeActionOrCommandItem {
+ lsp_item,
+ language_server_id: ls_id,
+ })
+ .collect())
+ })
+ .collect();
+ if futures.is_empty() {
+ cx.editor
+ .set_error("No configured language server supports code actions");
+ return;
+ }
+ move {
+ let mut actions = Vec::new();
+ // TODO if one code action request errors, all other requests are ignored (even if they're valid)
+ while let Some(mut lsp_items) = futures.try_next().await? {
+ actions.append(&mut lsp_items);
+ }
+ let call = move |editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
+ if actions.is_empty() {
+ editor.set_error("No code actions available");
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut picker = ui::Menu::new(actions, (), move |editor, action, event| {
if event != PromptEvent::Validate {
// always present here
- let code_action = code_action.unwrap();
+ let action = action.unwrap();
+ let Some(language_server) = editor.language_server_by_id(action.language_server_id) else {
+ editor.set_error("Language Server disappeared");
+ return;
+ };
+ let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
- match code_action {
+ match &action.lsp_item {
lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::Command(command) => {
log::debug!("code action command: {:?}", command);
- execute_lsp_command(editor, command.clone());
+ execute_lsp_command(editor, action.language_server_id, command.clone());
lsp::CodeActionOrCommand::CodeAction(code_action) => {
log::debug!("code action: {:?}", code_action);
@@ -659,7 +746,7 @@ pub fn code_action(cx: &mut Context) {
// if code action provides both edit and command first the edit
// should be applied and then the command
if let Some(command) = &code_action.command {
- execute_lsp_command(editor, command.clone());
+ execute_lsp_command(editor, action.language_server_id, command.clone());
@@ -668,8 +755,10 @@ pub fn code_action(cx: &mut Context) {
let popup = Popup::new("code-action", picker).with_scrollbar(false);
compositor.replace_or_push("code-action", popup);
- },
- )
+ };
+ Ok(Callback::EditorCompositor(Box::new(call)))
+ });
impl ui::menu::Item for lsp::Command {
@@ -679,13 +768,13 @@ impl ui::menu::Item for lsp::Command {
-pub fn execute_lsp_command(editor: &mut Editor, cmd: lsp::Command) {
- let doc = doc!(editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(editor, doc);
+pub fn execute_lsp_command(editor: &mut Editor, language_server_id: usize, cmd: lsp::Command) {
// the command is executed on the server and communicated back
// to the client asynchronously using workspace edits
- let future = match language_server.command(cmd) {
+ let future = match editor
+ .language_server_by_id(language_server_id)
+ .and_then(|language_server| language_server.command(cmd))
+ {
Some(future) => future,
None => {
editor.set_error("Language server does not support executing commands");
@@ -977,21 +1066,17 @@ fn to_locations(definitions: Option<lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse>) -> Vec<lsp::Lo
-pub fn goto_declaration(cx: &mut Context) {
+fn goto_single_impl<P, F>(cx: &mut Context, feature: LanguageServerFeature, request_provider: P)
+ P: Fn(&Client, lsp::Position, lsp::TextDocumentIdentifier) -> Option<F>,
+ F: Future<Output = helix_lsp::Result<serde_json::Value>> + 'static + Send,
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ let language_server = language_server_with_feature!(cx.editor, doc, feature);
+ let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
- let future = match language_server.goto_declaration(doc.identifier(), pos, None) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support goto-declaration");
- return;
- }
- };
+ let future = request_provider(language_server, pos, doc.identifier()).unwrap();
@@ -1002,102 +1087,56 @@ pub fn goto_declaration(cx: &mut Context) {
-pub fn goto_definition(cx: &mut Context) {
- let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
- let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
- let future = match language_server.goto_definition(doc.identifier(), pos, None) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support goto-definition");
- return;
- }
- };
+pub fn goto_declaration(cx: &mut Context) {
+ goto_single_impl(
+ cx,
+ LanguageServerFeature::GotoDeclaration,
+ |ls, pos, doc_id| ls.goto_declaration(doc_id, pos, None),
+ );
- cx.callback(
- future,
- move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse>| {
- let items = to_locations(response);
- goto_impl(editor, compositor, items, offset_encoding);
- },
+pub fn goto_definition(cx: &mut Context) {
+ goto_single_impl(
+ cx,
+ LanguageServerFeature::GotoDefinition,
+ |ls, pos, doc_id| ls.goto_definition(doc_id, pos, None),
pub fn goto_type_definition(cx: &mut Context) {
- let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
- let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
- let future = match language_server.goto_type_definition(doc.identifier(), pos, None) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support goto-type-definition");
- return;
- }
- };
- cx.callback(
- future,
- move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse>| {
- let items = to_locations(response);
- goto_impl(editor, compositor, items, offset_encoding);
- },
+ goto_single_impl(
+ cx,
+ LanguageServerFeature::GotoTypeDefinition,
+ |ls, pos, doc_id| ls.goto_type_definition(doc_id, pos, None),
pub fn goto_implementation(cx: &mut Context) {
- let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
- let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
- let future = match language_server.goto_implementation(doc.identifier(), pos, None) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support goto-implementation");
- return;
- }
- };
- cx.callback(
- future,
- move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::GotoDefinitionResponse>| {
- let items = to_locations(response);
- goto_impl(editor, compositor, items, offset_encoding);
- },
+ goto_single_impl(
+ cx,
+ LanguageServerFeature::GotoImplementation,
+ |ls, pos, doc_id| ls.goto_implementation(doc_id, pos, None),
pub fn goto_reference(cx: &mut Context) {
let config = cx.editor.config();
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ // TODO could probably support multiple language servers,
+ // not sure if there's a real practical use case for this though
+ let language_server =
+ language_server_with_feature!(cx.editor, doc, LanguageServerFeature::GotoReference);
+ let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
- let future = match language_server.goto_reference(
- doc.identifier(),
- pos,
- config.lsp.goto_reference_include_declaration,
- None,
- ) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support goto-reference");
- return;
- }
- };
+ let future = language_server
+ .goto_reference(
+ doc.identifier(),
+ pos,
+ config.lsp.goto_reference_include_declaration,
+ None,
+ )
+ .unwrap();
@@ -1108,7 +1147,7 @@ pub fn goto_reference(cx: &mut Context) {
-#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
+#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum SignatureHelpInvoked {
@@ -1120,35 +1159,31 @@ pub fn signature_help(cx: &mut Context) {
pub fn signature_help_impl(cx: &mut Context, invoked: SignatureHelpInvoked) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let was_manually_invoked = invoked == SignatureHelpInvoked::Manual;
- let language_server = match doc.language_server() {
- Some(language_server) => language_server,
- None => {
- // Do not show the message if signature help was invoked
- // automatically on backspace, trigger characters, etc.
- if was_manually_invoked {
- cx.editor
- .set_status("Language server not active for current buffer");
- }
- return;
- }
- };
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
- let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
+ // TODO merge multiple language server signature help into one instead of just taking the first language server that supports it
+ let future = doc
+ .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::SignatureHelp)
+ .find_map(|language_server| {
+ let pos = doc.position(, language_server.offset_encoding());
+ language_server.text_document_signature_help(doc.identifier(), pos, None)
+ });
- let future = match language_server.text_document_signature_help(doc.identifier(), pos, None) {
- Some(f) => f,
- None => {
- if was_manually_invoked {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support signature-help");
- }
- return;
+ let Some(future) = future else {
+ // Do not show the message if signature help was invoked
+ // automatically on backspace, trigger characters, etc.
+ if invoked == SignatureHelpInvoked::Manual {
+ cx.editor.set_error("No configured language server supports signature-help");
+ return;
+ signature_help_impl_with_future(cx, future.boxed(), invoked);
+pub fn signature_help_impl_with_future(
+ cx: &mut Context,
+ future: BoxFuture<'static, helix_lsp::Result<Value>>,
+ invoked: SignatureHelpInvoked,
+) {
move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::SignatureHelp>| {
@@ -1156,7 +1191,7 @@ pub fn signature_help_impl(cx: &mut Context, invoked: SignatureHelpInvoked) {
if !(config.lsp.auto_signature_help
|| SignatureHelp::visible_popup(compositor).is_some()
- || was_manually_invoked)
+ || invoked == SignatureHelpInvoked::Manual)
@@ -1165,7 +1200,7 @@ pub fn signature_help_impl(cx: &mut Context, invoked: SignatureHelpInvoked) {
// it very probably means the server was a little slow to respond and the user has
// already moved on to something else, making a signature help popup will just be an
// annoyance, see
- if !was_manually_invoked && editor.mode != Mode::Insert {
+ if invoked == SignatureHelpInvoked::Automatic && editor.mode != Mode::Insert {
@@ -1255,21 +1290,15 @@ pub fn signature_help_impl(cx: &mut Context, invoked: SignatureHelpInvoked) {
pub fn hover(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ // TODO support multiple language servers (merge UI somehow)
+ let language_server =
+ language_server_with_feature!(cx.editor, doc, LanguageServerFeature::Hover);
// TODO: factor out a doc.position_identifier() that returns lsp::TextDocumentPositionIdentifier
- let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
- let future = match language_server.text_document_hover(doc.identifier(), pos, None) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support hover");
- return;
- }
- };
+ let pos = doc.position(, language_server.offset_encoding());
+ let future = language_server
+ .text_document_hover(doc.identifier(), pos, None)
+ .unwrap();
@@ -1349,7 +1378,11 @@ pub fn rename_symbol(cx: &mut Context) {
- fn create_rename_prompt(editor: &Editor, prefill: String) -> Box<ui::Prompt> {
+ fn create_rename_prompt(
+ editor: &Editor,
+ prefill: String,
+ language_server_id: Option<usize>,
+ ) -> Box<ui::Prompt> {
let prompt = ui::Prompt::new(
@@ -1358,22 +1391,22 @@ pub fn rename_symbol(cx: &mut Context) {
if event != PromptEvent::Validate {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ let Some(language_server) = doc
+ .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::RenameSymbol)
+ .find(|ls| language_server_id.map_or(true, |id| id ==
+ else {
+ cx.editor.set_error("No configured language server supports symbol renaming");
+ return;
+ };
+ let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
+ let future = language_server
+ .rename_symbol(doc.identifier(), pos, input.to_string())
+ .unwrap();
- let future =
- match language_server.rename_symbol(doc.identifier(), pos, input.to_string()) {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support symbol renaming");
- return;
- }
- };
match block_on(future) {
Ok(edits) => {
let _ = apply_workspace_edit(cx.editor, offset_encoding, &edits);
@@ -1387,21 +1420,28 @@ pub fn rename_symbol(cx: &mut Context) {
- let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
- if !language_server.supports_rename() {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support symbol renaming");
- return;
- }
- let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
+ let (view, doc) = current_ref!(cx.editor);
+ let language_server_with_prepare_rename_support = doc
+ .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::RenameSymbol)
+ .find(|ls| {
+ matches!(
+ ls.capabilities().rename_provider,
+ Some(lsp::OneOf::Right(lsp::RenameOptions {
+ prepare_provider: Some(true),
+ ..
+ }))
+ )
+ });
- match language_server.prepare_rename(doc.identifier(), pos) {
- // Language server supports textDocument/prepareRename, use it.
- Some(future) => cx.callback(
+ if let Some(language_server) = language_server_with_prepare_rename_support {
+ let ls_id =;
+ let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
+ let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
+ let future = language_server
+ .prepare_rename(doc.identifier(), pos)
+ .unwrap();
+ cx.callback(
move |editor, compositor, response: Option<lsp::PrepareRenameResponse>| {
let prefill = match get_prefill_from_lsp_response(editor, offset_encoding, response)
@@ -1413,39 +1453,27 @@ pub fn rename_symbol(cx: &mut Context) {
- let prompt = create_rename_prompt(editor, prefill);
+ let prompt = create_rename_prompt(editor, prefill, Some(ls_id));
- ),
- // Language server does not support textDocument/prepareRename, fall back
- // to word boundary selection.
- None => {
- let prefill = get_prefill_from_word_boundary(cx.editor);
- let prompt = create_rename_prompt(cx.editor, prefill);
- cx.push_layer(prompt);
- }
- };
+ );
+ } else {
+ let prefill = get_prefill_from_word_boundary(cx.editor);
+ let prompt = create_rename_prompt(cx.editor, prefill, None);
+ cx.push_layer(prompt);
+ }
pub fn select_references_to_symbol_under_cursor(cx: &mut Context) {
let (view, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(cx.editor, doc);
+ let language_server =
+ language_server_with_feature!(cx.editor, doc, LanguageServerFeature::DocumentHighlight);
let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let pos = doc.position(, offset_encoding);
- let future = match language_server.text_document_document_highlight(doc.identifier(), pos, None)
- {
- Some(future) => future,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_error("Language server does not support document highlight");
- return;
- }
- };
+ let future = language_server
+ .text_document_document_highlight(doc.identifier(), pos, None)
+ .unwrap();
@@ -1455,8 +1483,6 @@ pub fn select_references_to_symbol_under_cursor(cx: &mut Context) {
_ => return,
let (view, doc) = current!(editor);
- let language_server = language_server!(editor, doc);
- let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let text = doc.text();
let pos = doc.selection(;
@@ -1502,63 +1528,51 @@ fn compute_inlay_hints_for_view(
let view_id =;
let doc_id = view.doc;
- let language_server = doc.language_server()?;
- let capabilities = language_server.capabilities();
- let (future, new_doc_inlay_hints_id) = match capabilities.inlay_hint_provider {
- Some(
- lsp::OneOf::Left(true)
- | lsp::OneOf::Right(lsp::InlayHintServerCapabilities::Options(_)),
- ) => {
- let doc_text = doc.text();
- let len_lines = doc_text.len_lines();
- // Compute ~3 times the current view height of inlay hints, that way some scrolling
- // will not show half the view with hints and half without while still being faster
- // than computing all the hints for the full file (which could be dozens of time
- // longer than the view is).
- let view_height = view.inner_height();
- let first_visible_line =
- doc_text.char_to_line(view.offset.anchor.min(doc_text.len_chars()));
- let first_line = first_visible_line.saturating_sub(view_height);
- let last_line = first_visible_line
- .saturating_add(view_height.saturating_mul(2))
- .min(len_lines);
- let new_doc_inlay_hint_id = DocumentInlayHintsId {
- first_line,
- last_line,
- };
- // Don't recompute the annotations in case nothing has changed about the view
- if !doc.inlay_hints_oudated
- && doc
- .inlay_hints(view_id)
- .map_or(false, |dih| == new_doc_inlay_hint_id)
- {
- return None;
- }
+ let language_server = doc
+ .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::InlayHints)
+ .next()?;
+ let doc_text = doc.text();
+ let len_lines = doc_text.len_lines();
+ // Compute ~3 times the current view height of inlay hints, that way some scrolling
+ // will not show half the view with hints and half without while still being faster
+ // than computing all the hints for the full file (which could be dozens of time
+ // longer than the view is).
+ let view_height = view.inner_height();
+ let first_visible_line = doc_text.char_to_line(view.offset.anchor.min(doc_text.len_chars()));
+ let first_line = first_visible_line.saturating_sub(view_height);
+ let last_line = first_visible_line
+ .saturating_add(view_height.saturating_mul(2))
+ .min(len_lines);
+ let new_doc_inlay_hints_id = DocumentInlayHintsId {
+ first_line,
+ last_line,
+ };
+ // Don't recompute the annotations in case nothing has changed about the view
+ if !doc.inlay_hints_oudated
+ && doc
+ .inlay_hints(view_id)
+ .map_or(false, |dih| == new_doc_inlay_hints_id)
+ {
+ return None;
+ }
- let doc_slice = doc_text.slice(..);
- let first_char_in_range = doc_slice.line_to_char(first_line);
- let last_char_in_range = doc_slice.line_to_char(last_line);
+ let doc_slice = doc_text.slice(..);
+ let first_char_in_range = doc_slice.line_to_char(first_line);
+ let last_char_in_range = doc_slice.line_to_char(last_line);
- let range = helix_lsp::util::range_to_lsp_range(
- doc_text,
- helix_core::Range::new(first_char_in_range, last_char_in_range),
- language_server.offset_encoding(),
- );
+ let range = helix_lsp::util::range_to_lsp_range(
+ doc_text,
+ helix_core::Range::new(first_char_in_range, last_char_in_range),
+ language_server.offset_encoding(),
+ );
- (
- language_server.text_document_range_inlay_hints(doc.identifier(), range, None),
- new_doc_inlay_hint_id,
- )
- }
- _ => return None,
- };
+ let offset_encoding = language_server.offset_encoding();
let callback = super::make_job_callback(
- future?,
+ language_server.text_document_range_inlay_hints(doc.identifier(), range, None)?,
move |editor, _compositor, response: Option<Vec<lsp::InlayHint>>| {
// The config was modified or the window was closed while the request was in flight
if !editor.config().lsp.display_inlay_hints || editor.tree.try_get(view_id).is_none() {
@@ -1572,8 +1586,8 @@ fn compute_inlay_hints_for_view(
// If we have neither hints nor an LSP, empty the inlay hints since they're now oudated
- let (mut hints, offset_encoding) = match (response, doc.language_server()) {
- (Some(h), Some(ls)) if !h.is_empty() => (h, ls.offset_encoding()),
+ let mut hints = match response {
+ Some(hints) if !hints.is_empty() => hints,
_ => {
diff --git a/helix-term/src/commands/ b/helix-term/src/commands/
index 81a24059..706442e4 100644
--- a/helix-term/src/commands/
+++ b/helix-term/src/commands/
@@ -1329,26 +1329,22 @@ fn lsp_workspace_command(
if event != PromptEvent::Validate {
return Ok(());
- let (_, doc) = current!(cx.editor);
- let language_server = match doc.language_server() {
- Some(language_server) => language_server,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_status("Language server not active for current buffer");
- return Ok(());
- }
+ let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
+ let Some((language_server_id, options)) = doc
+ .language_servers_with_feature(LanguageServerFeature::WorkspaceCommand)
+ .find_map(|ls| {
+ ls.capabilities()
+ .execute_command_provider
+ .as_ref()
+ .map(|options| (, options))
+ })
+ else {
+ cx.editor.set_status(
+ "No active language servers for this document support workspace commands",
+ );
+ return Ok(());
- let options = match &language_server.capabilities().execute_command_provider {
- Some(options) => options,
- None => {
- cx.editor
- .set_status("Workspace commands are not supported for this language server");
- return Ok(());
- }
- };
if args.is_empty() {
let commands = options
@@ -1362,8 +1358,8 @@ fn lsp_workspace_command(
let callback = async move {
let call: job::Callback = Callback::EditorCompositor(Box::new(
move |_editor: &mut Editor, compositor: &mut Compositor| {
- let picker = ui::Picker::new(commands, (), |cx, command, _action| {
- execute_lsp_command(cx.editor, command.clone());
+ let picker = ui::Picker::new(commands, (), move |cx, command, _action| {
+ execute_lsp_command(cx.editor, language_server_id, command.clone());
@@ -1376,6 +1372,7 @@ fn lsp_workspace_command(
if options.commands.iter().any(|c| c == &command) {
+ language_server_id,
helix_lsp::lsp::Command {
title: command.clone(),
arguments: None,
@@ -1407,7 +1404,6 @@ fn lsp_restart(
.context("LSP not defined for the current document")?;
- let scope = config.scope.clone();
@@ -1420,13 +1416,22 @@ fn lsp_restart(
.filter_map(|doc| match doc.language_config() {
- Some(config) if config.scope.eq(&scope) => Some(,
+ Some(config)
+ if config.language_servers.iter().any(|ls| {
+ config
+ .language_servers
+ .iter()
+ .any(|restarted_ls| ==
+ }) =>
+ {
+ Some(
+ }
_ => None,
for document_id in document_ids_to_refresh {
- cx.editor.refresh_language_server(document_id);
+ cx.editor.refresh_language_servers(document_id);
@@ -1441,22 +1446,18 @@ fn lsp_stop(
return Ok(());
- let doc = doc!(cx.editor);
+ let ls_shutdown_names = doc!(cx.editor)
+ .language_servers()
+ .map(|ls|
+ .collect::<Vec<_>>();
- let ls_id = doc
- .language_server()
- .map(|ls|
- .context("LSP not running for the current document")?;
+ for ls_name in &ls_shutdown_names {
+ cx.editor.language_servers.stop(ls_name);
- let config = doc
- .language_config()
- .context("LSP not defined for the current document")?;
- cx.editor.language_servers.stop(config);
- for doc in cx.editor.documents_mut() {
- if doc.language_server().map_or(false, |ls| == ls_id) {
- doc.set_language_server(None);
- doc.set_diagnostics(Default::default());
+ for doc in cx.editor.documents_mut() {
+ if let Some(client) = doc.remove_language_server_by_name(ls_name) {
+ doc.clear_diagnostics(;
+ }
@@ -1850,7 +1851,7 @@ fn language(
let id =;
- cx.editor.refresh_language_server(id);
+ cx.editor.refresh_language_servers(id);
@@ -2588,14 +2589,14 @@ pub const TYPABLE_COMMAND_LIST: &[TypableCommand] = &[
TypableCommand {
name: "lsp-restart",
aliases: &[],
- doc: "Restarts the Language Server that is in use by the current doc",
+ doc: "Restarts the language servers used by the current doc",
fun: lsp_restart,
signature: CommandSignature::none(),
TypableCommand {
name: "lsp-stop",
aliases: &[],
- doc: "Stops the Language Server that is in use by the current doc",
+ doc: "Stops the language servers that are used by the current doc",
fun: lsp_stop,
signature: CommandSignature::none(),