path: root/research/dll.rkt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'research/dll.rkt')
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/research/dll.rkt b/research/dll.rkt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..184cb1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/research/dll.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+#lang racket
+(require "../lib.rkt")
+(require (only-in "../simple/rec.rkt" replace))
+(require (only-in "../simple/ext.rkt" type->whnf))
+(provide (all-defined-out))
+;; The Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus with higher-order *impredicative* references,
+;; plus sums products booleans ascryption etc, to implement doubly-linked lists
+;; Checks an expression for syntactic well-formedness.
+(define (stlc-dll/expr? expr)
+ (match expr
+ [x #:when (symbol? x) #t]
+ [n #:when (natural? n) #t]
+ [b #:when (boolean? b) #t]
+ [`(,e : ,t)
+ (and (stlc-dll/expr? e) (stlc-dll/type? t))]
+ [`(type ,t1 ,t2 ,e)
+ (and (stlc-dll/type? t1) (stlc-dll/type? t2) (stlc-dll/expr? e))]
+ [(or
+ `(inc ,e)
+ `(car ,e) `(cdr ,e)
+ `(inl ,e) `(inr ,e)
+ `(new ,e) `(! ,e)
+ `(fold ,e) `(unfold ,e))
+ (stlc-dll/expr? e)]
+ [(or
+ `(pair ,e1 ,e2)
+ `(set ,e1 ,e2)
+ `(,e1 ,e2))
+ (and (stlc-dll/expr? e1) (stlc-dll/expr? e2))]
+ [`(if ,c ,e1 ,e2)
+ (and (stlc-dll/expr? c) (stlc-dll/expr? e1) (stlc-dll/expr? e2))]
+ [`(case ,c (,x1 ⇒ ,e1) (,x2 ⇒ ,e2))
+ (and (symbol? x1) (symbol? x2)
+ (stlc-dll/expr? c) (stlc-dll/expr? e1) (stlc-dll/expr? e2))]
+ [`(λ (,x : ,t) ,e)
+ (and (symbol? x) (stlc-dll/type? t) (stlc-dll/expr? e))]
+ [_ #f]))
+;; Checks a type for syntactic well-formedness.
+(define (stlc-dll/type? type)
+ (match type
+ ; Symbols are only valid if previously bound (by `type` or `μ`).
+ ; We can't check that here, however.
+ [x #:when (symbol? x) #t]
+ [`(Ref ,t) (stlc-dll/type? t)]
+ [(or `(,t1 × ,t2) `(,t1 ⊕ ,t2))
+ (and (stlc-dll/type? t1) (stlc-dll/type? t2))]
+ [`(,t1 → ,k ,t2)
+ (and (stlc-dll/type? t1) (natural? k) (stlc-dll/type? t2))]
+ [`(μ ,x ,t)
+ (and (symbol? x) (stlc-dll/type? t))]
+ [_ #f]))
+;; Checks a value for syntactic well-formedness.
+(define (stlc-dll/value? expr)
+ (match expr
+ [x #:when (symbol? x) #t]
+ [n #:when (natural? n) #t]
+ [b #:when (boolean? b) #t]
+ [(or `(inl ,v) `(inr ,v))
+ (stlc-dll/value? v)]
+ [(or `(pair ,v1 ,v2) `(,v1 ,v2))
+ (and (stlc-dll/value? v1) (stlc-dll/value? v2))]
+ [`(λ (,x : ,t) ,e ,env)
+ (and (symbol? x) (stlc-dll/type? t) (stlc-dll/expr? e) (dict? env))]
+ [_ #f]))
+(define (interpret expr)
+ (interpret/core (desugar expr) #hash() (make-hash)))
+;; Γ: a Table[Symbol, Expr] representing the context:
+;; the current bindings in scope introduced by λx.[]
+;; Σ: a Table[Symbol, Expr] representing the heap:
+;; the current references on the heap generated by (gensym). mutable
+;; Interprets a *desugared* expression *stripped* of type annotations.
+(define/contract (interpret/core expr Γ Σ)
+ (-> stlc-dll/expr? dict? dict? stlc-dll/value?)
+ (match expr
+ ['sole 'sole]
+ [n #:when (natural? n) n]
+ [b #:when (boolean? b) b]
+ [r #:when (dict-has-key? Σ r) r]
+ [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x) (dict-ref Γ x)]
+ [f #:when (symbol? f) f]
+ [`(inc ,e)
+ (match (interpret/core e Γ Σ)
+ [n #:when (natural? n) (+ n 1)]
+ [e (format "incrementing an unknown value ~a" e)])]
+ [`(if ,c ,e1 ,e2)
+ (match (interpret/core c Γ Σ)
+ ['#t (interpret/core e1 Γ Σ)]
+ ['#f (interpret/core e2 Γ Σ)]
+ [e (err (format "calling if on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(pair ,e1 ,e2)
+ `(pair ,(interpret/core e1 Γ Σ) ,(interpret/core e2 Γ Σ))]
+ [`(car ,e)
+ (match (interpret/core e Γ Σ)
+ [`(pair ,e1 ,e2) e1]
+ [e (err (format "calling car on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(cdr ,e)
+ (match (interpret/core e Γ Σ)
+ [`(pair ,e1 ,e2) e2]
+ [e (err (format "calling cdr on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(inl ,e) `(inl ,(interpret/core e Γ Σ))]
+ [`(inr ,e) `(inr ,(interpret/core e Γ Σ))]
+ [`(case ,e (,x1 ⇒ ,e1) (,x2 ⇒ ,e2))
+ (match (interpret/core e Γ Σ)
+ [`(inl ,e) (interpret/core e1 (dict-set Γ x1 e) Σ)]
+ [`(inr ,e) (interpret/core e2 (dict-set Γ x2 e) Σ)]
+ [e (err (format "calling case on unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(new ,e)
+ (let ([r (gensym)])
+ (dict-set! Σ r e) r)]
+ [`(! ,e)
+ (let ([r (interpret/core e Γ Σ)])
+ (if (dict-has-key? Σ r)
+ (interpret/core (dict-ref Σ r) Γ Σ)
+ (err (format "attempting to deref unknown reference ~a" r))))]
+ [`(set ,e1 ,e2)
+ (let ([r (interpret/core e1 Γ Σ)])
+ (if (dict-has-key? Σ r) (dict-set! Σ r (interpret/core e2 Γ Σ))
+ (err (format "attempting to update unknown reference ~a" r))))
+ 'sole]
+ [`(fold ,e) `(fold ,(interpret/core e Γ Σ))]
+ [`(unfold ,e)
+ (match (interpret/core e Γ Σ)
+ [`(fold ,e) e]
+ [e (err (format "attempting to unfold unknown expression ~a" e))])]
+ [`(λ (,x : ,t) ,e) `(λ ,x ,e ,Γ)]
+ [`(,e1 ,e2)
+ (match (interpret/core e1 Γ Σ)
+ [`(λ ,x ,e1 ,env)
+ (interpret/core e1 (dict-set env x (interpret/core e2 Γ Σ)) Σ)]
+ [e1 (err (format "attempting to interpret arg ~a applied to unknown expression ~a" e2 e1))])]))
+;; Checks that an expression is of a type, and returns #t or #f (or a bubbled-up error)
+;; with: a type in weak-head normal form (!!)
+;; Γ: a Table[Symbol, Expr ⊕ Type] representing the context:
+;; the current bindings in scope introduced by λx.[] and μx.[] and τx.[]
+(define (check expr with)
+ (check/core (desugar expr) with #hash()))
+(define/contract (check/core expr with Γ)
+ (-> stlc-dll/expr? stlc-dll/type? dict? boolean?)
+ (match expr
+ [`(type ,t1 ,t2 ,in)
+ (check/core in with (dict-set Γ `(type ,t1) t2))]
+ [`(if ,c ,e1 ,e2)
+ (and (check/core c 'Bool Γ)
+ (check/core e1 with Γ) (check/core e2 with Γ))]
+ [`(pair ,e1 ,e2)
+ (match with
+ [`(,t1 × ,t2) (and (check/core e1 t1 Γ) (check/core e2 t2 Γ))]
+ [_ #f])]
+ [`(inl ,e)
+ (match with
+ [`(,t1 ⊕ ,t2) (check/core e t1 Γ)]
+ [_ #f])]
+ [`(inr ,e)
+ (match with
+ [`(,t1 ⊕ ,t2) (check/core e t2 Γ)]
+ [_ #f])]
+ [`(case ,e (,x1 ⇒ ,e1) (,x2 ⇒ ,e2))
+ (match (infer/core e Γ) ; avoid needing type annotation on e
+ [`(,a1 ⊕ ,a2)
+ (and (check/core e1 with (dict-set Γ x1 a1))
+ (check/core e2 with (dict-set Γ x2 a2)))]
+ [_ #f])]
+ [`(new ,e)
+ (match with
+ [`(Ref ,t) (check/core e t Γ)]
+ [_ #f])]
+ [`(! ,e)
+ (check/core e `(Ref ,with) Γ)]
+ [`(fold ,e)
+ (match with
+ [`(μ ,x ,t) (check/core e t (dict-set Γ `(type ,x) `(μ ,x ,t)))]
+ [_ #f])]
+ [`(λ (,x : ,t) ,e)
+ (match with
+ [`(,t1 → ,k ,t2)
+ (and (equiv-type t t1 Γ) (check/core e t2 (dict-set Γ x t))
+ (> k (level-body e (dict-set Γ x t1))))] ; KNOB
+ [`(,t1 → ,t2) (err (format "missing level annotation on function type"))]
+ [_ #f])]
+ [_ (equiv-type (infer/core expr Γ) with Γ)]))
+;; Checks if two types are equivalent up to α-conversion in context
+(define (equiv-type e1 e2 Γ)
+ (equiv-type/core e1 e2 Γ Γ))
+(define/contract (equiv-type/core e1 e2 Γ1 Γ2)
+ (-> stlc-dll/type? stlc-dll/type? dict? dict? boolean?)
+ (match* (e1 e2)
+ ; bound identifiers: if a key exists in the context, look it up
+ [(x1 x2) #:when (dict-has-key? Γ1 x1)
+ (equiv-type/core (dict-ref Γ1 x1) x2 Γ1 Γ2)]
+ [(x1 x2) #:when (dict-has-key? Γ2 x2)
+ (equiv-type/core x1 (dict-ref Γ2 x2) Γ1 Γ2)]
+ ; recursive types: self-referential names can be arbitrary
+ [(`(μ ,x1 ,t1) `(μ ,x2 ,t2))
+ (let ([name gensym])
+ (equiv-type/core t1 t2 (dict-set Γ1 x1 name) (dict-set Γ2 x2 name)))]
+ ; check for syntactic equivalence on remaining forms
+ [(`(,l1 ...) `(,l2 ...))
+ (foldl (λ (x1 x2 acc) (if (equiv-type/core x1 x2 Γ1 Γ2) acc #f)) #t l1 l2)]
+ [(v1 v2) (equal? v1 v2)]))
+;; Infers a type from a given expression, if possible, or errors out.
+;; Returns a type in weak-head normal form for structural matching.
+(define (infer expr)
+ (infer/core (desugar expr) #hash()))
+(define/contract (infer/core expr Γ)
+ (-> stlc-dll/expr? dict? stlc-dll/type?)
+ (match expr
+ ['sole 'Unit]
+ [n #:when (natural? n) 'Nat]
+ [b #:when (boolean? b) 'Bool]
+ [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x)
+ (type->whnf (dict-ref Γ x) Γ)]
+ [f #:when (symbol? f)
+ (err (format "attempting to infer type of free variable ~a" f))]
+ [`(type ,t1 ,t2 ,in)
+ (infer/core in (dict-set Γ `(type ,t1) t2))]
+ [`(,e : ,t) ; we have a manual type annotation, so we must expand to weak-head normal form
+ (if (check/core e (type->whnf t Γ) Γ) (type->whnf t Γ)
+ (err (format "annotated expression ~a is not of annotated type ~a" e t)))]
+ [`(inc ,e)
+ (if (check/core e 'Nat Γ) 'Nat
+ (err (format "calling inc on incorrect type ~a" (infer/core e Γ))))]
+ [`(if ,c ,e1 ,e2)
+ (if (check/core c 'Bool Γ)
+ (let ([t (infer/core e1 Γ)])
+ (if (check/core e2 t Γ) t
+ (err (format "condition has branches of differing types ~a and ~a"
+ t (infer/core e2 Γ)))))
+ (err (format "condition ~a has incorrect type ~a" c (infer/core c Γ))))]
+ [`(pair ,e1 ,e2)
+ `(,(infer/core e1 Γ) × ,(infer/core e2 Γ))]
+ [`(car ,e)
+ (match (infer/core e Γ)
+ [`(,t1 × ,t2) t1]
+ [t (err (format "calling car on incorrect type ~a" t))])]
+ [`(cdr ,e)
+ (match (infer/core e Γ)
+ [`(,t1 × ,t2) t2]
+ [t (err (format "calling cdr on incorrect type ~a" t))])]
+ [`(inl ,e)
+ (err (format "unable to infer the type of a raw inl"))]
+ [`(inr ,e)
+ (err (format "unable to infer the type of a raw inr"))]
+ [`(case ,e (,x1 ⇒ ,e1) (,x2 ⇒ ,e2))
+ (match (infer/core e Γ)
+ [`(,a1 ⊕ ,a2)
+ (let ([b1 (infer/core e1 (dict-set Γ x1 a1))]
+ [b2 (infer/core e2 (dict-set Γ x2 a2))])
+ (if (equiv-type b1 b2 Γ) b1
+ (err (format "case ~a is not of consistent type!"
+ `(case (,a1 ⊕ ,a2) (,x1 ⇒ ,b1) (,x2 ⇒ ,b2))))))]
+ [t (err (format "calling case on incorrect type ~a" t))])]
+ [`(new ,e)
+ `(Ref ,(infer/core e Γ))]
+ [`(! ,e)
+ (match (infer/core e Γ)
+ [`(Ref ,t) t]
+ [t (err (format "attempting to deref term ~a of type ~a" e t))])]
+ [`(set ,e1 ,e2)
+ (match (infer/core e1 Γ)
+ [`(Ref ,t)
+ (if (check/core e2 t Γ) 'Unit
+ (err (format "attempting to update ~a: ~a with term ~a: ~a of differing type"
+ e1 t e2 (infer/core e2 Γ))))]
+ [t (err (format "attempting to update non-reference ~a: ~a" e1 t))])]
+ [`(unfold ,e)
+ (match (infer/core e Γ)
+ [`(μ ,x ,t) (replace t x `(μ ,x ,t))]
+ [t (err (format "expected ~a to be recursive, got ~a" e t))])]
+ [`(λ (,x : ,t1) ,e)
+ (let* ([t2 (infer/core e (dict-set Γ x t1))]
+ [t1 (type->whnf t1 Γ)] ; type annotation, must expand
+ [k (+ 1 (level-body e (dict-set Γ x t1)))]) ; KNOB
+ `(,t1 → ,k ,t2))]
+ [`(,e1 ,e2)
+ (match (infer/core e1 Γ)
+ [`(,t1 → ,k ,t2)
+ (if (check/core e2 t1 Γ) t2
+ (err (format "inferred argument type ~a does not match arg ~a of type ~a" t1 e2 (infer/core e2 Γ))))]
+ [`(,t1 → ,t2) (err (format "missing level annotation on function type"))]
+ [t (err (format "expected → type on application body, got ~a" t))])]))
+;; Checks if a type is well-formed in the current context.
+;; BIG ASSUMPTION: types in the current context are well-formed
+(define/contract (well-formed t Γ)
+ (-> stlc-dll/type? dict? boolean?)
+ (match t
+ [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x) #t]
+ [(or 'Unit 'Nat 'Bool) #t]
+ [`(Ref ,t) (well-formed t Γ)]
+ [`(μ ,x ,t) (well-formed t (dict-set Γ x `(μ ,x ,t)))]
+ [`(type ,x ,t) (well-formed t (dict-set Γ x `(μ ,x ,t)))]
+ [(or `(,t1 → ,_ ,t2) `(,t1 × ,t2) `(,t1 ⊕ ,t2))
+ (and (well-formed t1 Γ) (well-formed t2 Γ))]
+ [_ #f]))
+;; Checks if a type is well-kinded with respect to a level in the current context
+;; BIG ASSUMPTION: types in the current context are well-formed
+(define/contract (well-kinded t l Γ)
+ (-> stlc-dll/type? natural? dict? boolean?)
+ (match t
+ [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x) #t]
+ [(or 'Unit 'Nat 'Bool) (>= l 0)]
+ [`(Ref ,t)
+ (if (zero? l)
+ (well-kinded t l Γ)
+ (well-kinded t (- l 1) Γ))]
+ [`(μ ,x ,t)
+ (well-kinded t l (dict-set Γ x `(μ ,x ,t)))]
+ [(or `(,t1 × ,t2) `(,t1 ⊕ ,t2))
+ (and (well-kinded t1 l Γ) (well-kinded t2 l Γ))]
+ [`(,t1 → ,k ,t2)
+ (and (>= l k) (well-kinded t1 k Γ) (well-kinded t2 k Γ))]
+ [_ #f]))
+;; Infers the level of a (well-formed) type.
+(define/contract (level-type t Γ)
+ (-> stlc-dll/type? dict? natural?)
+ (match t
+ [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x)
+ (level-type (dict-ref Γ x) Γ)]
+ [(or 'Unit 'Nat) 0]
+ [(or `(,t1 × ,t2) `(,t1 ⊕ ,t2))
+ (max (level-type t1 Γ) (level-type t2 Γ))]
+ [`(μ ,x ,t) ; note: correct but VERY WEIRD
+ (level-type t Γ)]
+ [`(,t1 → ,k ,t2)
+ (if (and (>= k (level-type t1 Γ)) (>= k (level-type t2 Γ))) k ; KNOB
+ (err (format "annotated level ~a is less than inferred levels of ~a and ~a!" k t1 t2)))]
+ [`(Ref ,t)
+ (let ([k (level-type t Γ)])
+ (if (zero? k) 0 (+ 1 k)))] ; KNOB
+ [t #:when (symbol? t) 0])) ; μ-type variables, not in Γ
+;; Infers the level of a (well-formed) expression.
+(define/contract (level-body e Γ)
+ (-> stlc-dll/expr? dict? natural?)
+ (match e
+ ['sole 0]
+ [n #:when (natural? n) 0]
+ [x #:when (dict-has-key? Γ x) ; free variables, get their level
+ (level-type (type->whnf (dict-ref Γ x) Γ) Γ)]
+ [(or `(,e : ,_) `(λ (,_ : ,_) ,e)
+ `(inc ,e) `(new ,e) `(! ,e) `(car ,e) `(cdr ,e) `(inl ,e) `(inr ,e)
+ `(fold ,e) `(unfold ,e) `(fold (μ ,_ ,_) ,e) `(unfold (μ ,_ ,_) ,e))
+ (level-body e Γ)]
+ [(or `(set ,e1 ,e2) `(pair ,e1 ,e2) `(,e1 ,e2))
+ (max (level-body e1 Γ) (level-body e2 Γ))]
+ [(or `(if ,c ,e1 ,e2) `(case ,c (,_ ⇒ ,e1) (,_ ⇒ ,e2)))
+ (max (level-body c Γ) (level-body e1 Γ) (level-body e2 Γ))]
+ [x #:when (symbol? x) 0])) ; local variables, not in Γ