path: root/src/format.nim
diff options
authorkitsunyan2018-03-10 21:10:43 +0000
committerkitsunyan2018-03-10 21:10:43 +0000
commitfd397b356e9be1d3572ace965ead57120803a0ac (patch)
treed9e6fe9f903ab935fa6df2e6862a97515caf926c /src/format.nim
Initial commitv0.1
Diffstat (limited to 'src/format.nim')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/format.nim b/src/format.nim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49dc5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/format.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+ future, options, sequtils, strutils, times, unicode,
+ utils
+ PackageLineFormat* = tuple[
+ title: string,
+ values: seq[string],
+ forceBreak: bool
+ ]
+ PackageInstallFormat* = tuple[
+ name: string,
+ repo: string,
+ oldVersion: Option[string],
+ newVersion: string
+ ]
+ CommentFormat* = tuple[
+ author: string,
+ date: string,
+ text: string
+ ]
+ Color {.pure.} = enum
+ normal = "\x1b[0m"
+ red = "\x1b[1;31m"
+ green = "\x1b[1;32m"
+ yellow = "\x1b[1;33m"
+ blue = "\x1b[1;34m"
+ magenta = "\x1b[1;35m"
+ cyan = "\x1b[1;36m"
+ bold = "\x1b[1;39m"
+template `^`(c: Color): string =
+ if color: $c else: ""
+ WinSize = object
+ row: cushort
+ col: cushort
+ xpixel: cushort
+ ypixel: cushort
+proc ioctl[T](fd: cint, request: culong, argp: var T): cint
+ {.importc, header: "<sys/ioctl.h>".}
+proc getWindowSize(): tuple[width: int, height: int] =
+ var winSize: WinSize
+ if ioctl(1, 0x5413, winSize) != -1:
+ ((int) winSize.col, (int) winSize.row)
+ else:
+ (0, 0)
+proc formatPkgRating*(votes: int, popularity: float): string =
+ $votes & " / " & formatFloat(popularity, format = ffDecimal, precision = 6)
+proc computeMaxLength*(texts: openArray[string]): int =
+ texts.map(runeLen).max
+proc splitLines(text: string, lineSize: int, lines: seq[string] = @[]): seq[string] =
+ let addBreaks = lineSize >= 10
+ if not addBreaks:
+ lines & text
+ else:
+ let offset = text.runeOffset(lineSize)
+ if offset < 0:
+ lines & text
+ else:
+ let leftIndex = text.rfind(' ', offset - 1)
+ let rightIndex = text.find(' ', offset - 1)
+ let index = if leftIndex >= 0: leftIndex else: rightIndex
+ if index < 0:
+ lines & text
+ else:
+ text[index .. ^1].strip.splitLines(lineSize,
+ lines & text[0 .. index - 1].strip)
+proc printPackageInfo*(minPadding: int, color: bool, lines: varargs[PackageLineFormat]) =
+ let width = getWindowSize().width
+ let divider = " : "
+ let padding = max(lines.map(line => line.title.runeLen).max, minPadding)
+ let lineSize = width - (padding + divider.len)
+ proc formatTextLines(values: seq[string], forceBreak: bool): seq[string] =
+ if values.len == 0:
+ @[]
+ elif forceBreak:
+ lc[x | (y <- values.map(s => s.strip.splitLines(lineSize)), x <- y), string]
+ else:
+ values.map(v => v.strip).foldl(a & " " & b).splitLines(lineSize)
+ proc formatText(values: seq[string], forceBreak: bool): string =
+ let textSeq = formatTextLines(values, forceBreak)
+ if textSeq.len > 0:
+ textSeq.foldl(a & "\n" & ' '.repeat(padding + divider.len) & b)
+ else:
+ "None"
+ for line in lines:
+ let title = line.title & ' '.repeat(padding - line.title.runeLen) & divider
+ let text = formatText(line.values, line.forceBreak)
+ echo(^Color.bold, title, ^Color.normal, text)
+ # pacman leaves empty line in the end of info
+ echo()
+proc printPackageSearch*(color: bool, repo: string, name: string,
+ version: string, installedVersion: Option[string],
+ description: Option[string], extra: Option[string]) =
+ let commonText = ^Color.magenta & repo & "/" &
+ ^Color.bold & name & " " & ^Color.green & version & ^Color.normal
+ let installedText = if installedVersion == some(version):
+ " " & ^Color.cyan &
+ "[" & trp"installed" & "]" & ^Color.normal
+ elif installedVersion.isSome:
+ " " & ^Color.cyan &
+ "[" & trp"installed" & " " & installedVersion.unsafeGet &
+ "]" & ^Color.normal
+ else:
+ ""
+ let extraText = extra.map(e => " " & ^Color.yellow &
+ "[" & e & "]" & ^Color.normal).get("")
+ echo(commonText & installedText & extraText)
+ let padding = 4
+ let lines = description.get("").splitLines(getWindowSize().width - padding)
+ for line in lines:
+ echo(' '.repeat(padding), line)
+proc printPackages*(color: bool, verbose: bool, packages: seq[PackageInstallFormat]) =
+ if verbose:
+ let packageTitle = trp"Package" & " (" & $packages.len & ")"
+ let oldVersionTitle = trp"Old Version"
+ let newVersionTitle = trp"New Version"
+ let packageLen = max(packageTitle.runeLen,
+ packages.map(p => p.name.len + 1 + p.repo.len).max)
+ let oldVersionLenEmpty = packages.map(p => p.oldVersion.map(v => v.len).get(0)).max
+ let oldVersionLen = if oldVersionLenEmpty > 0:
+ max(oldVersionTitle.runeLen, oldVersionLenEmpty)
+ else:
+ 0
+ echo()
+ echo(^Color.bold & packageTitle &
+ ' '.repeat(packageLen - packageTitle.runeLen) &
+ (if oldVersionLen > 0: " " & oldVersionTitle &
+ ' '.repeat(oldVersionLen - oldVersionTitle.runeLen) else: "") &
+ " " & newVersionTitle & ^Color.normal)
+ echo()
+ for package in packages:
+ let name = package.repo & "/" & package.name
+ let oldVersion = package.oldVersion.get("")
+ echo(name & ' '.repeat(packageLen - name.runeLen) &
+ (if oldVersionLen > 0: " " & oldVersion &
+ ' '.repeat(oldVersionLen - oldVersion.len) else: "") &
+ " " & package.newVersion)
+ echo()
+ else:
+ let title = trp"Packages" & " (" & $packages.len & ") "
+ let padding = title.runeLen
+ let lines = packages.map(p => p.name & "-" & p.newVersion).foldl(a & " " & b)
+ .splitLines(getWindowSize().width - padding)
+ echo()
+ echo(^Color.bold, title, ^Color.normal, lines[0])
+ for line in lines[1 .. ^1]:
+ echo(' '.repeat(padding), line)
+ echo()
+proc printComments*(color: bool, maintainer: Option[string],
+ comments: seq[CommentFormat]) =
+ echo()
+ for comment in comments:
+ let badge = if maintainer == some(comment.author):
+ ^Color.cyan & "[maintainer]" & ^Color.normal & " "
+ else:
+ ""
+ echo(^Color.blue & comment.author & ^Color.normal & " " & badge &
+ ^Color.bold & comment.date & ^Color.normal)
+ echo(comment.text.replace("\n\n", "\n"))
+ echo()
+proc printError*(color: bool, s: string) =
+ stderr.writeLine(^Color.red, trp"error: ", ^Color.normal, s)
+proc printWarning*(color: bool, s: string) =
+ stderr.writeLine(^Color.yellow, trp"warning: ", ^Color.normal, s)
+proc printColon*(color: bool, s: string) =
+ echo(^Color.blue, ":: ", ^Color.bold, s, ^Color.normal)
+proc printColonUserInput*(color: bool, s: string,
+ noconfirm: bool, default: string, cancel: string): string =
+ stdout.write(^Color.blue, ":: ", ^Color.bold, s, ^Color.normal, " ")
+ stdout.flushFile()
+ if noconfirm:
+ echo()
+ default
+ else:
+ try:
+ stdin.readLine()
+ except EOFError:
+ cancel
+proc printColonUserChoice*(color: bool, s: string, answers: openArray[char],
+ positive: char, negative: char, noconfirm: bool, default: char): char =
+ let answersStr = answers
+ .map(c => (if c == positive: c.toUpperAscii else: c))
+ .foldl(a & "/" & $b, "")
+ let input = printColonUserInput(color, s & " [" & answersStr[1 .. ^1] & "]",
+ noconfirm, $default, $negative)
+ if input.len == 0:
+ positive
+ elif input.len == 1:
+ let c = input[0].toLowerAscii
+ if c in answers: c else: negative
+ else:
+ negative
+proc printUserInputHelp*(operations: varargs[tuple[answer: char, description: string]]) =
+ for operation in (@operations & ('?', tr"view this help")):
+ echo(" ", operation.answer, " - ", operation.description)
+proc printProgressFull*(bar: bool, title: string): ((string, float) -> void, () -> void) =
+ let width = getWindowSize().width
+ if not bar or width <= 0:
+ echo(title, "...")
+ (proc (a: string, c: float) {.closure.} = discard, proc {.closure.} = discard)
+ else:
+ let infoLen = max(width * 6 / 10, 50).int
+ let progressLen = width - infoLen
+ let startTime = getTime().toUnix
+ var lastTime = startTime
+ var lastProgress = 0f
+ var averageSpeed = -1f
+ proc update(prefix: string, progress: float) {.closure.} =
+ let progressTrim = max(min(1, progress + 0.005), 0)
+ let progressStr = $(progressTrim * 100).int & "%"
+ let paddedProgressStr = ' '.repeat(5 - progressStr.len) & progressStr
+ let indicator = if progressLen > 8: (block:
+ let fullLen = progressLen - 8
+ let barLen = (fullLen.float * progressTrim).int
+ " [" & '#'.repeat(barLen) & '-'.repeat(fullLen - barLen) & "]")
+ else:
+ ""
+ let time = getTime().toUnix
+ if progress > lastProgress and time > lastTime:
+ let speed = (progress - lastProgress) / (time - lastTime).float
+ lastTime = time
+ lastProgress = progress
+ if averageSpeed < 0:
+ averageSpeed = speed
+ else:
+ const factor = 0.25
+ averageSpeed = factor * speed + (1 - factor) * averageSpeed
+ let timeLeft = if averageSpeed > 0: (block:
+ let secondsLeft = ((1 - progress) / averageSpeed).int
+ let seconds = secondsLeft %% 60
+ let minutes = secondsLeft /% 60
+ let secondsStr = if seconds < 10: "0" & $seconds else: $seconds
+ let minutesStr = if minutes < 10: "0" & $minutes else: $minutes
+ minutesStr & ":" & secondsStr)
+ else:
+ "--:--"
+ stdout.write(prefix, title,
+ ' '.repeat(infoLen - prefix.runeLen - title.runeLen - 1 - timeLeft.len),
+ ' ', timeLeft, indicator, paddedProgressStr, "\x1b[0K\r")
+ stdout.flushFile()
+ discard
+ proc terminate() {.closure.} =
+ echo()
+ discard
+ update(" ", 0)
+ (update, terminate)
+proc printProgressShare*(bar: bool, title: string): ((int, int) -> void, () -> void) =
+ let (updateFull, terminate) = printProgressFull(bar, title)
+ proc update(current: int, total: int) {.closure.} =
+ let prefix = if total > 0:
+ "(" & ' '.repeat(($total).len - ($current).len) & $current & "/" &
+ $total & ") "
+ else:
+ " "
+ updateFull(prefix, current / total)
+ (update, terminate)