path: root/src/feature/syncinstall.nim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/feature/syncinstall.nim')
1 files changed, 827 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/feature/syncinstall.nim b/src/feature/syncinstall.nim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f6e082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/feature/syncinstall.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+ algorithm, future, options, os, posix, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables,
+ "../args", "../aur", "../config", "../common", "../format", "../package",
+ "../pacman", "../utils",
+ "../wrapper/alpm"
+ Installed = tuple[
+ name: string,
+ version: string,
+ groups: seq[string],
+ foreign: bool
+ ]
+ SatisfyResult = tuple[
+ installed: bool,
+ name: string,
+ buildPkgInfo: Option[PackageInfo]
+ ]
+ BuildResult = tuple[
+ version: string,
+ arch: string,
+ ext: string,
+ names: seq[string]
+ ]
+proc groupsSeq(pkg: ptr AlpmPackage): seq[string] =
+ toSeq(pkg.groups.items).map(s => $s)
+proc orderInstallation(ordered: seq[seq[seq[PackageInfo]]], grouped: seq[seq[PackageInfo]],
+ dependencies: Table[PackageReference, SatisfyResult]): seq[seq[seq[PackageInfo]]] =
+ let orderedNamesSet = lc[c.name | (a <- ordered, b <- a, c <- b), string].toSet
+ proc hasBuildDependency(pkgInfos: seq[PackageInfo]): bool =
+ for pkgInfo in pkgInfos:
+ for reference in pkgInfo.allDepends:
+ let satres = dependencies[reference.reference]
+ if satres.buildPkgInfo.isSome and
+ not (satres.buildPkgInfo.unsafeGet in pkgInfos) and
+ not (satres.buildPkgInfo.unsafeGet.name in orderedNamesSet):
+ return true
+ return false
+ let split: seq[tuple[pkgInfos: seq[PackageInfo], dependent: bool]] =
+ grouped.map(i => (i, i.hasBuildDependency))
+ let newOrdered = ordered & split.filter(s => not s.dependent).map(s => s.pkgInfos)
+ let unordered = split.filter(s => s.dependent).map(s => s.pkgInfos)
+ if unordered.len > 0:
+ if unordered.len == grouped.len:
+ newOrdered & unordered
+ else:
+ orderInstallation(newOrdered, unordered, dependencies)
+ else:
+ newOrdered
+proc orderInstallation(pkgInfos: seq[PackageInfo],
+ dependencies: Table[PackageReference, SatisfyResult]): seq[seq[seq[PackageInfo]]] =
+ let grouped = pkgInfos.groupBy(i => i.base).map(p => p.values)
+ orderInstallation(@[], grouped, dependencies)
+ .map(x => x.filter(s => s.len > 0))
+ .filter(x => x.len > 0)
+proc findDependencies(config: Config, handle: ptr AlpmHandle, dbs: seq[ptr AlpmDatabase],
+ satisfied: Table[PackageReference, SatisfyResult], unsatisfied: seq[PackageReference],
+ printMode: bool, noaur: bool): (Table[PackageReference, SatisfyResult], seq[PackageReference]) =
+ proc findInSatisfied(reference: PackageReference): Option[PackageInfo] =
+ for satref, res in satisfied.pairs:
+ if res.buildPkgInfo.isSome:
+ let pkgInfo = res.buildPkgInfo.unsafeGet
+ if satref == reference or reference.isProvidedBy((pkgInfo.name, none(string),
+ some((ConstraintOperation.eq, pkgInfo.version)))):
+ return some(pkgInfo)
+ for provides in pkgInfo.provides:
+ if provides.arch.isNone or provides.arch == some(config.arch):
+ if reference.isProvidedBy(provides.reference):
+ return some(pkgInfo)
+ return none(PackageInfo)
+ proc findInDatabaseWithGroups(db: ptr AlpmDatabase, reference: PackageReference,
+ directName: bool): Option[tuple[name: string, groups: seq[string]]] =
+ for pkg in db.packages:
+ if reference.isProvidedBy(($pkg.name, none(string),
+ some((ConstraintOperation.eq, $pkg.version)))):
+ return some(($pkg.name, pkg.groupsSeq))
+ for provides in pkg.provides:
+ if reference.isProvidedBy(provides.toPackageReference):
+ if directName:
+ return some(($pkg.name, pkg.groupsSeq))
+ else:
+ return some(($provides.name, pkg.groupsSeq))
+ return none((string, seq[string]))
+ proc findInDatabase(db: ptr AlpmDatabase, reference: PackageReference,
+ directName: bool, checkIgnored: bool): Option[string] =
+ let res = findInDatabaseWithGroups(db, reference, directName)
+ if res.isSome:
+ let r = res.unsafeGet
+ if checkIgnored and config.ignored(r.name, r.groups):
+ none(string)
+ else:
+ some(r.name)
+ else:
+ none(string)
+ proc findInDatabases(reference: PackageReference,
+ directName: bool, checkIgnored: bool): Option[string] =
+ for db in dbs:
+ let name = findInDatabase(db, reference, directName, checkIgnored)
+ if name.isSome:
+ return name
+ return none(string)
+ proc find(reference: PackageReference): Option[SatisfyResult] =
+ let localName = findInDatabase(handle.local, reference, true, false)
+ if localName.isSome:
+ some((true, localName.unsafeGet, none(PackageInfo)))
+ else:
+ let pkgInfo = findInSatisfied(reference)
+ if pkgInfo.isSome:
+ some((false, pkgInfo.unsafeGet.name, pkgInfo))
+ else:
+ let syncName = findInDatabases(reference, false, true)
+ if syncName.isSome:
+ some((false, syncName.unsafeGet, none(PackageInfo)))
+ else:
+ none(SatisfyResult)
+ type ReferenceResult = tuple[reference: PackageReference, result: Option[SatisfyResult]]
+ let findResult: seq[ReferenceResult] = unsatisfied.map(r => (r, r.find))
+ let success = findResult.filter(r => r.result.isSome)
+ let aurCheck = findResult.filter(r => r.result.isNone).map(r => r.reference)
+ let (aurSuccess, aurFail) = if not noaur and aurCheck.len > 0: (block:
+ let (update, terminate) = if aurCheck.len >= 4:
+ printProgressShare(config.progressBar, tr"checking build dependencies")
+ else:
+ (proc (a: int, b: int) {.closure.} = discard, proc {.closure.} = discard)
+ try:
+ withAur():
+ let (pkgInfos, aerrors) = getAurPackageInfo(aurCheck.map(r => r.name),
+ none(seq[RpcPackageInfo]), update)
+ for e in aerrors: printError(config.color, e)
+ let acceptedPkgInfos = pkgInfos.filter(i => not config.ignored(i.name, i.groups))
+ let aurTable = acceptedPkgInfos.map(i => (i.name, i)).toTable
+ let aurResult = aurCheck.map(proc (reference: PackageReference): ReferenceResult =
+ if aurTable.hasKey(reference.name):
+ (reference, some((false, reference.name, some(aurTable[reference.name]))))
+ else:
+ (reference, none(SatisfyResult)))
+ let aurSuccess = aurResult.filter(r => r.result.isSome)
+ let aurFail = aurResult.filter(r => r.result.isNone).map(r => r.reference)
+ (aurSuccess, aurFail)
+ finally:
+ terminate())
+ else:
+ (@[], aurCheck)
+ let newSatisfied = (toSeq(satisfied.pairs) &
+ success.map(r => (r.reference, r.result.unsafeGet)) &
+ aurSuccess.map(r => (r.reference, r.result.unsafeGet))).toTable
+ let newUnsatisfied = lc[x.reference | (y <- aurSuccess,
+ r <- y.result, i <- r.buildPkgInfo, x <- i.allDepends,
+ x.arch.isNone or x.arch == some(config.arch)), PackageReference].deduplicate
+ if aurFail.len > 0:
+ (newSatisfied, aurFail)
+ elif newUnsatisfied.len > 0:
+ findDependencies(config, handle, dbs, newSatisfied, newUnsatisfied, printMode, noaur)
+ else:
+ (newSatisfied, @[])
+proc findDependencies(config: Config, handle: ptr AlpmHandle,
+ dbs: seq[ptr AlpmDatabase], pkgInfos: seq[PackageInfo], printMode: bool, noaur: bool):
+ (Table[PackageReference, SatisfyResult], seq[PackageReference]) =
+ let satisfied = pkgInfos.map(p => ((p.name, none(string), none(VersionConstraint)),
+ (false, p.name, some(p)))).toTable
+ let unsatisfied = lc[x.reference | (i <- pkgInfos, x <- i.allDepends,
+ x.arch.isNone or x.arch == some(config.arch)), PackageReference].deduplicate
+ findDependencies(config, handle, dbs, satisfied, unsatisfied, printMode, noaur)
+proc filterNotFoundSyncTargets[T: RpcPackageInfo](syncTargets: seq[SyncPackageTarget],
+ pkgInfos: seq[T]): (Table[string, T], seq[SyncPackageTarget]) =
+ let rpcInfoTable = pkgInfos.map(d => (d.name, d)).toTable
+ proc notFoundOrFoundInAur(target: SyncPackageTarget): bool =
+ target.foundInfo.isNone and
+ not (target.isAurTargetSync and rpcInfoTable.hasKey(target.name))
+ # collect packages which were found neither in sync DB nor in AUR
+ let notFoundTargets = syncTargets.filter(notFoundOrFoundInAur)
+ (rpcInfoTable, notFoundTargets)
+proc printSyncNotFound(config: Config, notFoundTargets: seq[SyncPackageTarget]) =
+ let dbs = config.dbs.toSet
+ for target in notFoundTargets:
+ if target.repo.isNone or target.repo == some("aur") or target.repo.unsafeGet in dbs:
+ printError(config.color, trp("target not found: %s\n") % [target.name])
+ else:
+ printError(config.color, trp("database not found: %s\n") % [target.repo.unsafeGet])
+proc printUnsatisfied(config: Config,
+ satisfied: Table[PackageReference, SatisfyResult], unsatisfied: seq[PackageReference]) =
+ if unsatisfied.len > 0:
+ for _, satres in satisfied.pairs:
+ for pkgInfo in satres.buildPkgInfo:
+ for reference in pkgInfo.allDepends:
+ let pref = reference.reference
+ if pref in unsatisfied:
+ printError(config.color,
+ trp("unable to satisfy dependency '%s' required by %s\n") %
+ [$pref, pkgInfo.name])
+proc editLoop(config: Config, base: string, repoPath: string, gitPath: Option[string],
+ defaultYes: bool, noconfirm: bool): char =
+ proc editFileLoop(file: string): char =
+ let default = if defaultYes: 'y' else: 'n'
+ let res = printColonUserChoice(config.color,
+ tr"View and edit $#?" % [base & "/" & file], ['y', 'n', 's', 'a', '?'],
+ default, '?', noconfirm, 'n')
+ if res == '?':
+ printUserInputHelp(('s', tr"skip all files"),
+ ('a', tr"abort operation"))
+ editFileLoop(file)
+ elif res == 'y':
+ let visualEnv = getenv("VISUAL")
+ let editorEnv = getenv("EDITOR")
+ let editor = if visualEnv != nil and visualEnv.len > 0:
+ $visualEnv
+ elif editorEnv != nil and editorEnv.len > 0:
+ $editorEnv
+ else:
+ printColonUserInput(config.color, tr"Enter editor executable name" & ":",
+ noconfirm, "", "")
+ if editor.strip.len == 0:
+ 'n'
+ else:
+ discard forkWait(proc: int =
+ discard chdir(buildPath(repoPath, gitPath))
+ execResult(bashCmd, "-c", """$1 "$2"""", "bash", editor, file))
+ editFileLoop(file)
+ else:
+ res
+ let rawFiles = if gitPath.isSome:
+ runProgram(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "ls-tree", "-r", "--name-only", "@",
+ gitPath.unsafeGet & "/").map(s => s[gitPath.unsafeGet.len + 1 .. ^1])
+ else:
+ runProgram(gitCmd, "-C", repoPath, "ls-tree", "-r", "--name-only", "@")
+ let files = ("PKGBUILD" & rawFiles.filter(x => x != ".SRCINFO")).deduplicate
+ proc editFileLoopAll(index: int): char =
+ if index < files.len:
+ let res = editFileLoop(files[index])
+ if res == 'n': editFileLoopAll(index + 1) else: res
+ else:
+ 'n'
+ editFileLoopAll(0)
+proc buildLoop(config: Config, pkgInfos: seq[PackageInfo], noconfirm: bool,
+ noextract: bool): (Option[BuildResult], int) =
+ let base = pkgInfos[0].base
+ let repoPath = repoPath(config.tmpRoot, base)
+ let gitPath = pkgInfos[0].gitPath
+ let buildPath = buildPath(repoPath, gitPath)
+ let buildCode = forkWait(proc: int =
+ if chdir(buildPath) == 0:
+ discard setenv("PKGDEST", config.tmpRoot, 1)
+ discard setenv("CARCH", config.arch, 1)
+ if not noextract:
+ removeDirQuiet(buildPath & "src")
+ let optional: seq[tuple[arg: string, cond: bool]] = @[
+ ("-e", noextract),
+ ("-m", not config.color)
+ ]
+ execResult(@[makepkgCmd, "-f"] &
+ optional.filter(o => o.cond).map(o => o.arg))
+ else:
+ quit(1))
+ if buildCode != 0:
+ printError(config.color, tr"failed to build '$#'" % [base])
+ (none(BuildResult), buildCode)
+ else:
+ let confFileEnv = getenv("MAKEPKG_CONF")
+ let confFile = if confFileEnv == nil or confFileEnv.len == 0:
+ sysConfDir & "/makepkg.conf"
+ else:
+ $confFileEnv
+ let envExt = getenv("PKGEXT")
+ let confExt = if envExt == nil or envExt.len == 0:
+ runProgram(bashCmd, "-c",
+ "source \"$@\" && echo \"$PKGEXT\"",
+ "bash", confFile).optFirst.get("")
+ else:
+ $envExt
+ let extracted = runProgram(bashCmd, "-c",
+ """source "$@" && echo "$epoch" && echo "$pkgver" && """ &
+ """echo "$pkgrel" && echo "${arch[@]}" && echo "${pkgname[@]}"""",
+ "bash", buildPath & "/PKGBUILD")
+ if extracted.len != 5:
+ printError(config.color, tr"failed to extract package info '$#'" % [base])
+ (none(BuildResult), 1)
+ else:
+ let epoch = extracted[0]
+ let versionShort = extracted[1] & "-" & extracted[2]
+ let version = if epoch.len > 0: epoch & ":" & versionShort else: versionShort
+ let archs = extracted[3].split(" ").toSet
+ let arch = if config.arch in archs: config.arch else: "any"
+ let names = extracted[4].split(" ")
+ (some((version, arch, $confExt, names)), 0)
+proc buildFromSources(config: Config, commonArgs: seq[Argument],
+ pkgInfos: seq[PackageInfo], noconfirm: bool): (Option[BuildResult], int) =
+ let base = pkgInfos[0].base
+ let (cloneCode, cloneErrorMessage) = cloneRepo(config, pkgInfos)
+ if cloneCode != 0:
+ for e in cloneErrorMessage: printError(config.color, e)
+ printError(config.color, tr"$#: failed to clone git repository" % [base])
+ (none(BuildResult), cloneCode)
+ else:
+ proc loop(noextract: bool, showEditLoop: bool): (Option[BuildResult], int) =
+ let res = if showEditLoop:
+ editLoop(config, base, repoPath(config.tmpRoot, base), pkgInfos[0].gitPath,
+ false, noconfirm)
+ else:
+ 'n'
+ if res == 'a':
+ (none(BuildResult), 1)
+ else:
+ let (buildResult, code) = buildLoop(config, pkgInfos,
+ noconfirm, noextract)
+ if code != 0:
+ proc ask(): char =
+ let res = printColonUserChoice(config.color,
+ tr"Build failed, retry?", ['y', 'e', 'n', '?'], 'n', '?',
+ noconfirm, 'n')
+ if res == '?':
+ printUserInputHelp(('e', tr"retry with --noextract option"))
+ ask()
+ else:
+ res
+ let res = ask()
+ if res == 'e':
+ loop(true, true)
+ elif res == 'y':
+ loop(false, true)
+ else:
+ (buildResult, code)
+ else:
+ (buildResult, code)
+ loop(false, false)
+proc installGroupFromSources(config: Config, commonArgs: seq[Argument],
+ basePackages: seq[seq[PackageInfo]], explicits: HashSet[string], noconfirm: bool): int =
+ proc buildNext(index: int, buildResults: seq[BuildResult]): (seq[BuildResult], int) =
+ if index < basePackages.len:
+ let (buildResult, code) = buildFromSources(config, commonArgs,
+ basePackages[index], noconfirm)
+ if code != 0:
+ (buildResults, code)
+ else:
+ buildNext(index + 1, buildResults & buildResult.unsafeGet)
+ else:
+ (buildResults, 0)
+ let (buildResults, buildCode) = buildNext(0, @[])
+ proc formatArchiveFile(br: BuildResult, name: string): string =
+ config.tmpRoot & "/" & name & "-" & br.version & "-" & br.arch & br.ext
+ let files = lc[(name, formatArchiveFile(br, name)) |
+ (br <- buildResults, name <- br.names), (string, string)].toTable
+ let install = lc[x | (g <- basePackages, i <- g, x <- files.opt(i.name)), string]
+ proc handleTmpRoot(clear: bool) =
+ for _, file in files:
+ if clear or not (file in install):
+ try:
+ removeFile(file)
+ except:
+ discard
+ if not clear:
+ printWarning(config.color, tr"packages are saved to '$#'" % [config.tmpRoot])
+ if buildCode != 0:
+ handleTmpRoot(true)
+ buildCode
+ else:
+ let res = printColonUserChoice(config.color,
+ tr"Continue installing?", ['y', 'n'], 'y', 'n',
+ noconfirm, 'y')
+ if res != 'y':
+ handleTmpRoot(false)
+ 1
+ else:
+ let explicit = basePackages.filter(p => p.filter(i => i.name in explicits).len > 0).len > 0
+ let asdepsSeq = if not explicit: @[("asdeps", none(string), ArgumentType.long)] else: @[]
+ let installCode = pacmanRun(true, config.color, commonArgs &
+ ("U", none(string), ArgumentType.short) & asdepsSeq &
+ install.map(i => (i, none(string), ArgumentType.target)))
+ if installCode != 0:
+ handleTmpRoot(false)
+ installCode
+ else:
+ handleTmpRoot(true)
+ 0
+proc handleInstall(args: seq[Argument], config: Config, upgradeCount: int,
+ noconfirm: bool, explicits: HashSet[string], installed: seq[Installed],
+ dependencies: Table[PackageReference, SatisfyResult],
+ directPacmanTargets: seq[string], additionalPacmanTargets: seq[string],
+ basePackages: seq[seq[seq[PackageInfo]]]): int =
+ let (directCode, directSome) = if directPacmanTargets.len > 0 or upgradeCount > 0:
+ (pacmanRun(true, config.color, args.filter(arg => not arg.isTarget) &
+ directPacmanTargets.map(t => (t, none(string), ArgumentType.target))), true)
+ else:
+ (0, false)
+ if directCode != 0:
+ directCode
+ else:
+ let commonArgs = args.keepOnlyOptions(commonOptions, upgradeCommonOptions)
+ let (paths, confirmAndCloneCode) = if basePackages.len > 0: (block:
+ let installedVersions = installed.map(i => (i.name, i.version)).toTable
+ printPackages(config.color, config.verbosePkgList,
+ lc[(i.name, i.repo, installedVersions.opt(i.name), i.version) |
+ (g <- basePackages, b <- g, i <- b), PackageInstallFormat]
+ .sorted((a, b) => cmp(a.name, b.name)))
+ let input = printColonUserChoice(config.color,
+ tr"Proceed with building?", ['y', 'n'], 'y', 'n', noconfirm, 'y')
+ if input == 'y':
+ let (update, terminate) = if config.debug:
+ (proc (a: int, b: int) {.closure.} = discard, proc {.closure.} = discard)
+ else:
+ printProgressShare(config.progressBar, tr"cloning repositories")
+ let flatBasePackages = lc[x | (a <- basePackages, x <- a), seq[PackageInfo]]
+ update(0, flatBasePackages.len)
+ proc cloneNext(index: int, paths: seq[string]): (seq[string], int) =
+ if index < flatBasePackages.len:
+ let pkgInfos = flatBasePackages[index]
+ let base = pkgInfos[0].base
+ let repoPath = repoPath(config.tmpRoot, base)
+ let (cloneCode, cloneErrorMessage) = cloneRepo(config, flatBasePackages[index])
+ if cloneCode == 0:
+ update(index + 1, flatBasePackages.len)
+ cloneNext(index + 1, paths & repoPath)
+ else:
+ terminate()
+ for e in cloneErrorMessage: printError(config.color, e)
+ printError(config.color, tr"$#: failed to clone git repository" %
+ [pkgInfos[0].base])
+ (paths & repoPath, cloneCode)
+ else:
+ terminate()
+ (paths, 0)
+ let (paths, cloneCode) = cloneNext(0, @[])
+ if cloneCode != 0:
+ (paths, cloneCode)
+ else:
+ proc checkNext(index: int, skipEdit: bool): int =
+ if index < flatBasePackages.len:
+ let pkgInfos = flatBasePackages[index]
+ let base = pkgInfos[0].base
+ let repoPath = repoPath(config.tmpRoot, base)
+ let aur = pkgInfos[0].repo == "aur"
+ if not skipEdit and aur and config.aurComments:
+ echo(tr"downloading comments from AUR...")
+ let (comments, error) = downloadAurComments(base)
+ for e in error: printError(config.color, e)
+ if comments.len > 0:
+ let commentsReversed = toSeq(comments.reversed)
+ printComments(config.color, pkgInfos[0].maintainer, commentsReversed)
+ let res = if skipEdit:
+ 'n'
+ else: (block:
+ let defaultYes = aur and not config.viewNoDefault
+ editLoop(config, base, repoPath, pkgInfos[0].gitPath, defaultYes, noconfirm))
+ if res == 'a':
+ 1
+ else:
+ checkNext(index + 1, skipEdit or res == 's')
+ else:
+ 0
+ (paths, checkNext(0, false))
+ else:
+ (@[], 1))
+ else:
+ (@[], 0)
+ proc removeTmp() =
+ for path in paths:
+ removeDirQuiet(path)
+ discard rmdir(config.tmpRoot)
+ if confirmAndCloneCode != 0:
+ removeTmp()
+ confirmAndCloneCode
+ else:
+ let (additionalCode, additionalSome) = if additionalPacmanTargets.len > 0: (block:
+ printColon(config.color, tr"Installing build dependencies...")
+ (pacmanRun(true, config.color, commonArgs &
+ ("S", none(string), ArgumentType.short) &
+ ("needed", none(string), ArgumentType.long) &
+ ("asdeps", none(string), ArgumentType.long) &
+ additionalPacmanTargets.map(t => (t, none(string), ArgumentType.target))), true))
+ else:
+ (0, false)
+ if additionalCode != 0:
+ removeTmp()
+ additionalCode
+ else:
+ if basePackages.len > 0:
+ # check all pacman dependencies were installed
+ let unsatisfied = withAlpm(config.root, config.db,
+ config.dbs, config.arch, handle, dbs, errors):
+ for e in errors: printError(config.color, e)
+ proc checkSatisfied(reference: PackageReference): bool =
+ for pkg in handle.local.packages:
+ if reference.isProvidedBy(($pkg.name, none(string),
+ some((ConstraintOperation.eq, $pkg.version)))):
+ return true
+ for provides in pkg.provides:
+ if reference.isProvidedBy(provides.toPackageReference):
+ return true
+ return false
+ lc[x.key | (x <- dependencies.namedPairs, not x.value.installed and
+ x.value.buildPkgInfo.isNone and not x.key.checkSatisfied), PackageReference]
+ if unsatisfied.len > 0:
+ removeTmp()
+ printUnsatisfied(config, dependencies, unsatisfied)
+ 1
+ else:
+ proc installNext(index: int, lastCode: int): (int, int) =
+ if index < basePackages.len and lastCode == 0:
+ let code = installGroupFromSources(config, commonArgs,
+ basePackages[index], explicits, noconfirm)
+ installNext(index + 1, code)
+ else:
+ (lastCode, index - 1)
+ let (code, index) = installNext(0, 0)
+ if code != 0 and index < basePackages.len - 1:
+ printWarning(config.color, tr"installation aborted")
+ removeTmp()
+ code
+ elif not directSome and not additionalSome:
+ echo(trp(" there is nothing to do\n"))
+ 0
+ else:
+ 0
+proc handlePrint(args: seq[Argument], config: Config, printFormat: string,
+ upgradeCount: int, directPacmanTargets: seq[string], additionalPacmanTargets: seq[string],
+ basePackages: seq[seq[seq[PackageInfo]]]): int =
+ let code = if directPacmanTargets.len > 0 or
+ additionalPacmanTargets.len > 0 or upgradeCount > 0:
+ pacmanRun(false, config.color, args.filter(arg => not arg.isTarget) &
+ (directPacmanTargets & additionalPacmanTargets)
+ .map(t => (t, none(string), ArgumentType.target)))
+ else:
+ 0
+ if code == 0:
+ proc printWithFormat(pkgInfo: PackageInfo) =
+ echo(printFormat
+ .replace("%n", pkgInfo.name)
+ .replace("%v", pkgInfo.version)
+ .replace("%r", "aur")
+ .replace("%s", "0")
+ .replace("%l", pkgInfo.gitUrl))
+ for installGroup in basePackages:
+ for pkgInfos in installGroup:
+ for pkgInfo in pkgInfos:
+ printWithFormat(pkgInfo)
+ 0
+ else:
+ code
+proc handleSyncInstall*(args: seq[Argument], config: Config): int =
+ let (_, callArgs) = checkAndRefresh(config.color, args)
+ let upgradeCount = args.count((some("u"), "sysupgrade"))
+ let needed = args.check((none(string), "needed"))
+ let noaur = args.check((none(string), "noaur"))
+ let build = args.check((none(string), "build"))
+ let printModeArg = args.check((some("p"), "print"))
+ let printModeFormat = args.filter(arg => arg
+ .matchOption((none(string), "print-format"))).optLast
+ let printFormat = if printModeArg or printModeFormat.isSome:
+ some(printModeFormat.map(arg => arg.value.get).get("%l"))
+ else:
+ none(string)
+ let noconfirm = args
+ .filter(arg => arg.matchOption((none(string), "confirm")) or
+ arg.matchOption((none(string), "noconfirm"))).optLast
+ .map(arg => arg.key == "noconfirm").get(false)
+ let targets = args.packageTargets
+ let (syncTargets, checkAur, installed) = withAlpm(config.root, config.db,
+ config.dbs, config.arch, handle, dbs, errors):
+ for e in errors: printError(config.color, e)
+ let (syncTargets, checkAur) = findSyncTargets(handle, dbs, targets,
+ not build, not build)
+ let installed = lc[($p.name, $p.version, p.groupsSeq,
+ dbs.filter(d => d[p.name] != nil).len == 0) |
+ (p <- handle.local.packages), Installed]
+ (syncTargets, checkAur, installed)
+ let realCheckAur = if noaur:
+ @[]
+ elif upgradeCount > 0:
+ installed
+ .filter(i => i.foreign and
+ (config.checkIgnored or not config.ignored(i.name, i.groups)))
+ .map(i => i.name) & checkAur
+ else:
+ checkAur
+ withAur():
+ if realCheckAur.len > 0 and printFormat.isNone:
+ printColon(config.color, tr"Checking AUR database...")
+ let (rpcInfos, aerrors) = getRpcPackageInfo(realCheckAur)
+ for e in aerrors: printError(config.color, e)
+ let (rpcInfoTable, notFoundTargets) = filterNotFoundSyncTargets(syncTargets, rpcInfos)
+ if notFoundTargets.len > 0:
+ printSyncNotFound(config, notFoundTargets)
+ 1
+ else:
+ let fullTargets = mapAurTargets(syncTargets, rpcInfos)
+ let pacmanTargets = fullTargets.filter(t => not isAurTargetFull(t))
+ let aurTargets = fullTargets.filter(isAurTargetFull)
+ if upgradeCount > 0 and not noaur and printFormat.isNone and config.printAurNotFound:
+ for inst in installed:
+ if inst.foreign and not config.ignored(inst.name, inst.groups) and
+ not rpcInfoTable.hasKey(inst.name):
+ printWarning(config.color, tr"$# was not found in AUR" % [inst.name])
+ let installedTable = installed.map(i => (i.name, i)).toTable
+ proc checkNeeded(name: string, version: string): bool =
+ if installedTable.hasKey(name):
+ let i = installedTable[name]
+ vercmp(version, i.version) > 0
+ else:
+ true
+ let targetRpcInfos: seq[tuple[rpcInfo: RpcPackageInfo, upgradeable: bool]] =
+ aurTargets.map(t => t.pkgInfo.get).map(i => (i, checkNeeded(i.name, i.version)))
+ if printFormat.isNone and needed:
+ for rpcInfo in targetRpcInfos:
+ if not rpcInfo.upgradeable:
+ # not upgradeable assumes that package is installed
+ let inst = installedTable[rpcInfo.rpcInfo.name]
+ printWarning(config.color, tra("%s-%s is up to date -- skipping\n") %
+ [rpcInfo.rpcInfo.name, inst.version])
+ let aurTargetsSet = aurTargets.map(t => t.name).toSet
+ let fullRpcInfos = (targetRpcInfos
+ .filter(i => not needed or i.upgradeable).map(i => i.rpcInfo) &
+ rpcInfos.filter(i => upgradeCount > 0 and not (i.name in aurTargetsSet) and
+ checkNeeded(i.name, i.version))).deduplicate
+ if fullRpcInfos.len > 0 and printFormat.isNone:
+ echo(tr"downloading full package descriptions...")
+ let (aurPkgInfos, faerrors) = getAurPackageInfo(fullRpcInfos
+ .map(i => i.name), some(fullRpcInfos), proc (a: int, b: int) = discard)
+ if faerrors.len > 0:
+ for e in faerrors: printError(config.color, e)
+ 1
+ else:
+ let neededPacmanTargets = if printFormat.isNone and build and needed:
+ pacmanTargets.filter(target => (block:
+ let version = target.foundInfo.get.pkg.get.version
+ if checkNeeded(target.name, version):
+ true
+ else:
+ printWarning(config.color, tra("%s-%s is up to date -- skipping\n") %
+ [target.name, version])
+ false))
+ else:
+ pacmanTargets
+ let checkPacmanPkgInfos = printFormat.isNone and build and
+ neededPacmanTargets.len > 0
+ let (buildPkgInfos, obtainErrorMessages) = if checkPacmanPkgInfos: (block:
+ printColon(config.color, tr"Checking repositories...")
+ obtainBuildPkgInfos(config, pacmanTargets))
+ else:
+ (@[], @[])
+ if checkPacmanPkgInfos and buildPkgInfos.len < pacmanTargets.len:
+ for e in obtainErrorMessages: printError(config.color, e)
+ 1
+ else:
+ let pkgInfos = buildPkgInfos & aurPkgInfos
+ let targetsSet = fullTargets.map(t => t.name).toSet
+ let acceptedPkgInfos = pkgInfos.filter(pkgInfo => (block:
+ let instGroups = lc[x | (i <- installedTable.opt(pkgInfo.name),
+ x <- i.groups), string]
+ if config.ignored(pkgInfo.name, (instGroups & pkgInfo.groups).deduplicate):
+ if pkgInfo.name in targetsSet:
+ if printFormat.isNone:
+ let input = printColonUserChoice(config.color,
+ trp"%s is in IgnorePkg/IgnoreGroup. Install anyway?" % [pkgInfo.name],
+ ['y', 'n'], 'y', 'n', noconfirm, 'y')
+ input != 'n'
+ else:
+ true
+ else:
+ false
+ else:
+ true))
+ if acceptedPkgInfos.len > 0 and printFormat.isNone:
+ echo(trp("resolving dependencies...\n"))
+ let (satisfied, unsatisfied) = withAlpm(config.root, config.db,
+ config.dbs, config.arch, handle, dbs, errors):
+ findDependencies(config, handle, dbs, acceptedPkgInfos,
+ printFormat.isSome, noaur)
+ if unsatisfied.len > 0:
+ printUnsatisfied(config, satisfied, unsatisfied)
+ 1
+ else:
+ if printFormat.isNone:
+ let acceptedSet = acceptedPkgInfos.map(i => i.name).toSet
+ for pkgInfo in pkgInfos:
+ if not (pkgInfo.name in acceptedSet):
+ if not (pkgInfo.name in targetsSet) and upgradeCount > 0 and
+ installedTable.hasKey(pkgInfo.name):
+ printWarning(config.color, tra("%s: ignoring package upgrade (%s => %s)\n") %
+ [pkgInfo.name, installedTable[pkgInfo.name].version, pkgInfo.version])
+ else:
+ printWarning(config.color, trp("skipping target: %s\n") % [pkgInfo.name])
+ elif pkgInfo.repo == "aur" and pkgInfo.maintainer.isNone:
+ printWarning(config.color, tr"$# is orphaned" % [pkgInfo.name])
+ let aurPrintSet = acceptedPkgInfos.map(i => i.name).toSet
+ let fullPkgInfos = acceptedPkgInfos & lc[i | (s <- satisfied.values,
+ i <- s.buildPkgInfo, not (i.name in aurPrintSet)), PackageInfo].deduplicate
+ let directPacmanTargets = pacmanTargets.map(t => t.formatArgument)
+ let additionalPacmanTargets = lc[x.name | (x <- satisfied.values,
+ not x.installed and x.buildPkgInfo.isNone), string]
+ let orderedPkgInfos = orderInstallation(fullPkgInfos, satisfied)
+ let pacmanArgs = callArgs.filterExtensions(true, true)
+ if printFormat.isSome:
+ handlePrint(pacmanArgs, config, printFormat.unsafeGet, upgradeCount,
+ directPacmanTargets, additionalPacmanTargets, orderedPkgInfos)
+ else:
+ let explicits = if not args.check((none(string), "asdeps")):
+ targets.map(t => t.name)
+ else:
+ @[]
+ let passDirectPacmanTargets = if build: @[] else: directPacmanTargets
+ handleInstall(pacmanArgs, config, upgradeCount, noconfirm,
+ explicits.toSet, installed, satisfied, passDirectPacmanTargets,
+ additionalPacmanTargets, orderedPkgInfos)