path: root/src/feature/syncsource.nim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/feature/syncsource.nim')
1 files changed, 173 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/feature/syncsource.nim b/src/feature/syncsource.nim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fba7062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/feature/syncsource.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ future, options, os, posix, sequtils, strutils, tables,
+ "../args", "../aur", "../common", "../config", "../format", "../lists",
+ "../package", "../pacman", "../utils",
+ "../wrapper/alpm"
+ BaseTarget = tuple[
+ base: string,
+ version: string,
+ destination: string,
+ aurGitUrl: Option[string],
+ gitRepo: Option[GitRepo]
+ ]
+ CloneResult = tuple[
+ base: string,
+ path: string,
+ files: seq[string],
+ destination: string
+ ]
+proc getFilesOrClear(base: string, repoPath: string, gitSubdir: Option[string]):
+ (seq[string], Option[string]) =
+ let rawFiles = getGitFiles(repoPath, gitSubdir, false)
+ .filter(f => f != ".gitignore" and f != ".SRCINFO" and f.find('/') < 0)
+ .map(f => gitSubdir.map(s => s & "/" & f).get(f))
+ if rawFiles.len > 0:
+ (rawFiles, none(string))
+ else:
+ removeDirQuiet(repoPath)
+ (newSeq[string](), some(tr"$#: failed to clone git repository" % [base]))
+proc cloneRepositories(config: Config, targets: seq[BaseTarget],
+ update: (int, int) -> void): (List[CloneResult], List[string]) =
+ proc cloneNext(index: int, results: List[CloneResult], messages: List[string]):
+ (List[CloneResult], List[string]) =
+ update(index, targets.len)
+ if index >= targets.len:
+ (results.reversed, messages.reversed)
+ else:
+ let target = targets[index]
+ let repoPath = repoPath(config.tmpRootCurrent, target.base)
+ removeDirQuiet(repoPath)
+ if target.aurGitUrl.isSome:
+ let (cloneCode, cerror) = cloneAurRepo(config,
+ target.base, target.aurGitUrl.unsafeGet, false)
+ if cloneCode != 0:
+ cloneNext(index + 1, results, toSeq(cerror.items) ^& messages)
+ else:
+ let (files, ferror) = getFilesOrClear(target.base, repoPath, none(string))
+ if ferror.isSome:
+ cloneNext(index + 1, results, ferror.unsafeGet ^& messages)
+ else:
+ cloneNext(index + 1, (target.base, repoPath, files,
+ target.destination) ^& results, messages)
+ elif target.gitRepo.isSome:
+ let gitRepo = target.gitRepo.unsafeGet
+ let cerror = clonePackageRepo(config, target.base,
+ target.version, gitRepo, false)
+ if cerror.isSome:
+ cloneNext(index + 1, results, cerror.unsafeGet ^& messages)
+ else:
+ let (files, ferror) = getFilesOrClear(target.base, repoPath, some(gitRepo.path))
+ if ferror.isSome:
+ cloneNext(index + 1, results, ferror.unsafeGet ^& messages)
+ else:
+ cloneNext(index + 1, (target.base, repoPath, files,
+ target.destination) ^& results, messages)
+ else:
+ let message = tr"$#: repository not found" % [target.base]
+ cloneNext(index + 1, results, message ^& messages)
+ cloneNext(0, nil, nil)
+proc copyFiles(config: Config, quiet: bool, results: seq[CloneResult]): List[string] =
+ proc copyNext(index: int, messages: List[string]): List[string] =
+ if index >= results.len:
+ messages.reversed
+ else:
+ let res = results[index]
+ discard mkdir(res.destination, 0o755)
+ let error = try:
+ for f in res.files:
+ let index = f.rfind('/')
+ let name = if index >= 0: f[index + 1 .. ^1] else: f
+ let dest = if res.destination == ".": name else: res.destination & "/" & name
+ moveFile(res.path & "/" & f, dest)
+ printFile(config.color, quiet, res.base, dest)
+ none(string)
+ except OSError:
+ some(tr"$#: failed to move files" % [res.base])
+ copyNext(index + 1, toSeq(error.items) ^& messages)
+ copyNext(0, nil)
+proc cloneAndCopy(config: Config, quiet: bool,
+ fullTargets: seq[FullPackageTarget[RpcPackageInfo]]): int =
+ let baseTargets = fullTargets.foldl(block:
+ let bases = a.map(x => x.base)
+ if b.isAurTargetFull:
+ let rpcInfo = b.pkgInfo.get
+ if rpcInfo.base in bases:
+ a
+ else:
+ a & (rpcInfo.base, rpcInfo.version, b.destination.get(rpcInfo.base),
+ some(rpcInfo.gitUrl), none(GitRepo))
+ else:
+ let foundInfo = b.foundInfos[0]
+ let pkg = foundInfo.pkg.get
+ if pkg.base in bases:
+ a
+ else:
+ let git = lookupGitRepo(foundInfo.repo, pkg.base, pkg.arch.get)
+ a & (pkg.base, pkg.version, b.destination.get(pkg.base),
+ none(string), git),
+ newSeq[BaseTarget]())
+ let (update, terminate) = if quiet:
+ (proc (a: int, b: int) {.closure.} = discard, proc () {.closure.} = discard)
+ else:
+ printProgressShare(config.progressBar, tr"cloning repositories")
+ let (results, rerrors) = cloneRepositories(config, baseTargets, update)
+ terminate()
+ for e in rerrors: printError(config.color, e)
+ let cerrors = copyFiles(config, quiet, toSeq(results.items))
+ for e in cerrors: printError(config.color, e)
+ for result in results:
+ removeDirQuiet(result.path)
+ discard rmdir(config.tmpRootCurrent)
+ if rerrors != nil and cerrors != nil:
+ 1
+ else:
+ 0
+proc handleSyncSource*(args: seq[Argument], config: Config): int =
+ discard checkAndRefresh(config.color, args)
+ let quiet = args.check(%%%"quiet")
+ let targets = args.packageTargets(true)
+ if targets.len == 0:
+ printError(config.color, trp("no targets specified (use -h for help)\n"))
+ 1
+ else:
+ let (syncTargets, checkAurNames) = withAlpm(config.root, config.db,
+ config.dbs, config.arch, handle, dbs, errors):
+ for e in errors: printError(config.color, e)
+ findSyncTargets(handle, dbs, targets, false, false)
+ let (rpcInfos, aerrors) = getRpcPackageInfos(checkAurNames)
+ for e in aerrors: printError(config.color, e)
+ let notFoundTargets = filterNotFoundSyncTargets(syncTargets,
+ rpcInfos, initTable[string, PackageReference]())
+ if notFoundTargets.len > 0:
+ printSyncNotFound(config, notFoundTargets)
+ 1
+ else:
+ let fullTargets = mapAurTargets[RpcPackageInfo](syncTargets, rpcInfos)
+ cloneAndCopy(config, quiet, fullTargets)