path: root/2022/nim/day11/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '2022/nim/day11/src')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2022/nim/day11/src/main.nim b/2022/nim/day11/src/main.nim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9478184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/nim/day11/src/main.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Day 11: Monkey in the Middle
+import std/[os, strutils, sequtils, sugar, algorithm]
+import npeg # https://github.com/zevv/npeg
+let input = paramStr(1).readFile().strip().split("\n\n")
+type Monkey = object
+ stuff: seq[int]
+ inspect: (int) -> int
+ throw: (int) -> int
+ count: int
+var monkey: Monkey
+var monkees: seq[Monkey]
+let parser = peg(input):
+ input <- +(group * "\n\n")
+ group <- monkey * "\n" * starting * "\n" * operation * "\n" * test :
+ monkees.add(monkey)
+ monkey <- "Monkey " * >Digit * ":":
+ monkey = Monkey()
+ starting <- " Starting items: " * >+Digit * *(", " * >+Digit):
+ monkey.stuff = capture[1 ..< capture.len].mapIt(parseInt(it.s))
+ operation <- " Operation: new = old " * >("+" | "*") * " " * >("old" | +Digit):
+ let op =
+ if $1 == "+":
+ (x, y: int) => x + y
+ else:
+ (x, y: int) => x * y
+ if $2 == "old":
+ monkey.inspect = (x: int) => x.op(x)
+ else:
+ monkey.inspect = (x: int) => x.op(parseInt($2))
+ test <- " Test: divisible by " * >+Digit * "\n" * success * "\n" * failure:
+ monkey.throw = (x: int) => (if x mod parseInt($1) == 0: parseInt($2) else: parseInt($3))
+ success <- " If true: throw to monkey " * >Digit
+ failure <- " If false: throw to monkey " * >Digit
+assert parser.match(paramStr(1).readFile().strip()).ok == true
+let lcm = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29][0 ..< monkees.len].foldl(a*b, 1)
+var monkeys = monkees
+for _ in 0 ..< 20:
+ for i, monkey in monkeys:
+ while monkeys[i].stuff.len > 0:
+ var worry = monkeys[i].stuff.pop()
+ monkeys[i].count += 1
+ worry = monkeys[i].inspect(worry)
+ worry = worry div 3
+ monkeys[monkeys[i].throw(worry)].stuff.add(worry)
+echo monkeys.mapIt(it.count).sorted(Descending)[0..1].foldl(a*b, 1)
+monkeys = monkees
+for _ in 0 ..< 10000:
+ for i in 0 ..< monkeys.len:
+ while monkeys[i].stuff.len > 0:
+ var worry = monkeys[i].stuff.pop()
+ monkeys[i].count += 1
+ worry = monkeys[i].inspect(worry)
+ worry = worry mod lcm
+ monkeys[monkeys[i].throw(worry)].stuff.add(worry)
+echo monkeys.mapIt(it.count).sorted(Descending)[0..1].foldl(a*b, 1)